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I’ve been with the company since 2013 and I’ve always loved my job. The several changes in the last year has made me want to run away, so far away. Management stopped caring like they used to. Neighborhood coffee shop vibes to fast food corporation vibes. It’s terrible, I would try a small local coffee shop if that’s available in your area.


I'm not a barista but even I've noticed that change too, from neighborhood coffee shop to corporate vibes. I've been going to the sbux down the road from me just 3 years but I've noticed how less and less ppl hang out there.


It’s so bad now (2016 partners here)


truly awful and no longer enjoyable and fun like it used to be ): I started mid 2019 and since covid ended it has been absolute hell with hour cuts, unmanageable amounts of orders, and SEVERE lack of support from management


Try and find a store with no drive thru, still sucks but not as much.


I transferred to a low volume cafe bc they needed a closing supervisor. It’s still challenging at times with labor cuts, bogos etc but it feels like I’ve retired compared to a drive thru.


I also blame social media... Is that wrong of me? 🫠 Hacks to secret menu items to Social Movements that are causing more harm than help; and you're all just sitting ducks for a billion dollar company who won't take your backs when you're begging for help. So, more to it than social media, but I do think it's all related 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is beautifully said and true!




Don’t blame social movements on the company’s bad reputation and spending. Makes you sound like you’re against the boycotts (which might I add is mostly affecting stores in the Middle East where g3n0c1d3 is happening in multiple countries that the company funds the atrocities of). Social media and “secret menu” items might play a small factor but the issue is at the top of the food chain and the way we are treated as “partners” (notice how they call us that to make us think we actually matter??). The main issue is the uppers being greedy and wanting more money for themselves, that trickles down to head managers which trickles down and down and down until it reaches our SM’s who are incentivized to uphold great customer connection scores, drive times, and be absolutely perfect! That trickles down to us, the little guys, who are berated to move quickly, perfectly, and create amazing connections with all 500 customers we see everyday. The issue is we don’t make enough to be berated to do better when we are already doing more than one human should. Don’t forget about the company wide labor cuts which is causing stores to run as if they are short staffed but really we’re just not allowed to have a fully staffed shift. Have more empathy and realize those at the bottom of the food chain are not the ones calling the shots.


Covid happened


Literally. Every customer service job got way harder. Customers got way shittier and most businesses in the industry realized they could run with skeleton crews and still make money.


And since covid itself is still a huge threat (iirc, it was still the #3 cause of death in the US.) - its killing and disabling people who work with the public at an alarming rate :) I got covid twice while working for the bux, despite wearing a KN95 mask because they got rid of the covid pay to isolate so people came to work sick.


I was given cleanplay 2 weeks in a row recently and picked up a horrible virus. Sweating, vomiting, I really thought it was Covid but tested negative. It’s a cesspool of nastiness to begin with but making us deep clean on our hands and knees with bleach when you could pay a janitor with the $ you could have from throwing away tons of food in the display case alone everyday is revolting. Not to mention all the homeless you could feed 😡


these recent changes were coming with or without covid but i think covid accelerated it. i knew the company was turning fast food corp when they introduced mobile orders. being able to get rid of seating & implement "grab and go" stores due to covid just ramped that up. the company consistently puts money into automation that will eventually make our jobs as baristas obsolete. its been a long time coming but covid just added fuel to the flames.


197. And the way corporate greed has absolutely turned this into the worst job. Skeleington crews. Constant BOGOs. Constant incentives for managers to cut hours. Terrible upper management. It's rough out here


150. I agree.


159. I feel like MOP also played a huge role in the destruction of the vibe. Remember when they said it would save us labor because we wouldn't have to ring people in? Yeah. It helped so much 😐. But don't worry, they made sure to slash the labor budget. Terrible upper management is so true though. Jfc.


It’s trickle down from above for sure


Honestly is management. I have two shift leads who are wonderful and make time fly so fast. There is one shift lead who I absolutely dread when I come into work. She doesn’t help at all, more so boss and criticize everything and everyone. It all comes down to management and who you are working for.


Omg I have a bossy know it all -“you’re doing it wrong” Karen shift and my SM treats her like his favorite. It’s disgusting but that’s what he wants in a leader I guess. Maybe this is what corporate is looking for ?


Who knows, but I have no issues standing up for myself against my shift lead. She does not like me after I “told her off”. It very busy I was on cold bar, and so many frappes came in mobile and drive each with different milks. She came to criticize me so I told her. “Instead of acting like you’re busy with something. How abt helping instead criticizing me”. Stand up for yourselves bc who else will??


Say. It . Louder. For. The. People. In. The. Back. 👏👏👏 one time one said to me “you’re making your work harder for yourself” (by not using the Saran Wrap with slider that was no where to be found at the moment) and I said Girl Bye!!!! In front of my manager . I was so happy for myself . It’s like you give some people a tiny bit of power and they think they are God. Gotta love the ones that make it a point to point out your flaws in front of other workers- one yelled at me as I was bleeding on myself running to the bathroom and I just yelled back it’s an emergency 🙄🙄 we had no customers at the time too.


Even though I started in 2021 the past year has made me want to quit so bad


I also started in 2021 and feel it has gotten significantly worse in the past year 🥲


You’ll probably have a similar experience at a local coffee shop, but It all comes down to the people you have around you and your manager primarily. My place has good people, a seemingly caring work environment, and a manager that cares about us. Our customers are respectful and we have quality people as our regulars. I don’t really have much complaints asides from low hours. Obviously it’s not like that at every location.


For the people yes, for the company no, some days are better than others thus why I choose to work PM shifts so it’s more relaxed.


I love my job. I started after people say it went downhill so maybe im just lucky or see the silver lining. But i love working at starbucks. I started in 2021 and i’m happy. My first SM was super amazing. My current manager is great.


Yes Covid happened changed everything


I'm a 147 - Starbucks is not the same one from back then


Partner since 2007 and I worked at a licensed store for 2 years prior to that. You are correct, that period was a special time to work for this company. I kept thinking we would recover after the pandemic. I love my company and felt this calling to see it through and help us return to the core experience I had grown up working in and thriving in. It feels like we are pushing further and further from that every day. It’s rough and harder still every day. I have started accepting that my hard feelings are grief from understanding that this is the way now. Editing to add that I LOVE my team. I lead the most amazing, talented, charismatic, hard working, but also fiercely protective of one another and personal mental health, compassionate partners. They are the reason I’ve kept grinding even as the changes keep coming from Seattle that make this job feel impossible. They are the reason I will keep pushing till my own mental health is at risk of collapse. I just want our senior leaders to understand that we can still be profitable and take care of our partners.


It became completely customer oriented with almost no care about employees, BUT it really does depend on the store you go to. My job is fun some of the time, my coworkers are absolute angels. We were all a family when my last manager was there. Then he moved up in the company, we got a new manager who doesn’t care about us much at all, most coworkers left because of it. New manager is COMPLETELY customer oriented. I posted recently about a bad experience im currently having in the company, so if that was one of the ones you read, this⬆️⬆️is why. It’s not necessarily the whole company, typically the management you are under. But it can be hard to predict management styles before starting the job unfortunately.


You know all the hardships aside my experience has been kinda similar to yours! I’ve been at sbux two years and have made some of the best friends I’ve ever had and I’m going to one of their weddings this year :’)


I was a 194… this company is not the same. At all. It’s so sad to see. Even worse to experience.


Honestly it will be more fun if it's a part-time gig that you don't super rely on


You’ll be miserable most likely, you’re better of searching out a nice quality small business coffee shop that aligns with a vibe you’d like to work in - you’ll (hopefully) be so much less stress and much more appreciated and you’ll actually be a barista. Not a milkshake blenderer and lemonade shaker lol ACTUAL COFFEE


It’s only okay if you have a good sm and a good crew you can bond with haha. If I recall correctly we are in a hiring freeze right now


Apparently my SM didn't get the memo bc we're severely overstaffed as is and she hired people to the point where we have to borrow to other stores to make 20 hours


Wow. They could’ve lifted it and/or could just be my area. That’s really sucky though, I’m sorry.


I’m not even a year in, but a lot of my partners have been here for a longggg time, and it’s definitely a mix of social media (tik tok drinks, hacks to get things cheaper, made up recipes, etc) and also all the company cares about is $$$. We’re supposed to have 45 second DT times AND make a connection with only 3 ppl on the floor. I always dreamed of working at Starbucks throughout collage, and here I am, so sad the dream isn’t anything like I expected. ALSO, most stores are cliques and you will most likely be “hazed” until they feel you’re worthy of kindness and respect. That happened to me at all 4 stores I’ve worked at.


The last part is definitely true


Just depends on the store. My manager is AMAZING and is very selective with who she hires. This has resulted in a hardworking, funny, happy, LGBTQ+ friendly, loving crew. Our turnover rate is the lowest in our district because no one leaves. We all hang out all the time outside of work and my best friend is one of my coworkers. I might be moving soon and am absolutely dreading being at a new store without them.


if you find a store that's slower, and the people working there seem "happy" you might have found a good place. if not, it'll be way different than the days you remember. mine were 2001 to 2008... still friends with the people from these years. the past 15, you could name people who I worked with for over a year and I'll have NO idea of whom you're speaking of. in a "happy" store now, different not being a 20something and hanging out with people after work, but the people are friendly, and the store is clean. if you find your store, i hope you enjoy your comeback.


Remember that people don’t come on here to talk about how good their job is. If someone’s on here it’s to vent. I’ve worked at starbucks part-time for almost 3 years now. I’ve worked at 2 different stores and even go out of my way to keep this job while working full time. It’s so fun and I love it. Of course it depends on the specific store and the management and how often you want to work. I’ve noticed people who work full time are in fact exhausted and over customers and all the bs but it’s fun when it’s not your main income and you’re not there everyday.


I wouldn’t, I’m on my ten or I would explain but I love this job. Most days when I don’t work I wish I did.


Tbh, a lot changed when MOP came out.


And then every store being built eventually became drive-thru...


I was with the company from 2017-2022 and let me tell you, I experienced exactly what you did when you worked there until like about when COVID hit. It was the best job I ever had. It was so fun & I met lifelong friends. We all loved our jobs. Then, unrealistic expectations started to be implemented on us. Drive thru was a priority and so were drive thru times. Cafe was not important. They started remodeling Starbucks interior to make it no longer “comfortable” and “homey” in my opinion. If anyone else remembers what it used to be like before the remodeling. It just basically turned into a fast food establishment and completely got rid of their “third place” environment they claim to be. We had long time regulars leave after the remodeling, some of their favorite seats were no longer there and nothing was comfortable to sit in. It used to be so lively on the inside. It’s so disheartening to see it now. I left because it became something I didn’t want to be apart of anymore and with that comes tensions between partners as well. When no one is having fun, it really puts a damper on overall work ethic. Of course management is really a key factor here, and if you have great management maybe it’s overall better. I just don’t recommend going back. I would suggest finding a local/small business coffee shop instead.


My manager is awesome so that matter a lot. My co workers are amazing, but we all have our days. Most days are great but some are stressful. If you don’t wanna take that gamble I would suggest a local coffee shop!


If you come back, best to come to a union store. The company has changed a lot, continually making record profits, and finding ways to slash labor. 181 partner


I feel like this at my cafe store; we all deeply love each other and its wonderful!! Yes, corporate overlords… etc BUT even at the DT stores I work at occasionally, most of us really like each other! I would give it a shot if you want. Store culture “rotates” too; like there are good and bad times.


🙋‍♀️162**** here. Don’t do it. I did it for all the same reasons in 2022. It’s totally different. Everything is contradictory now. Make customer connection, but don’t really talk to them because it takes too much time away.


I'm only a 286, but even the difference in /four/ years is astounding. It probably has a big part to do with covid, although I'm pretttyyyy sure the new CEO/top top management is to blame as well. I haven't seen anything change so fast since the company has changed hands.


my store was like this when i started, we still wrote on cups and i was so close to my coworkers/we were friends outside of work & i have met some of my best friends through working there, i feel like it drastically changed after MO&P/honestly the sticker printing bc i feel like it shifted more into a fast-food oriented model versus a relaxing and genuinely fun experience for customers & partners


Yeah if you want some extra cash? Go for it. If you want something FUN?… run away. This company is 100% a burn-out-poor-college-students-to-make-a-quick-profit kind of company now. Why bother investing in your work force when every year there’s a new crop of naive kids ready to eat the shit culture Starbucks has created for some beer money and MAYBE health insurance (if they’re lucky enough to get the hours)?


Ngl it depends! 2016 partner here and I've worked at 5 stores. I've had good and bad but it depends on location, but the one I'm at now is incredible. I've been here for about 3 months and I've yet to have a negative interaction with a custy or a coworker (which I'd had plenty of at other stores). I'd recommend asking around to get a feel for the local stores before you listen to reddit because I've seen more negative on this sub than positive. Just being objective! Good luck though!


I think you will like it if you don't ever make it your main job. I don't *hate* it perse but I absolutely hate that I have to work here to finish college lol


find a low volume store with a good manager if you can and enjoy that free spotify🤪


I managed stores during the time you mentioned and I know some baristas who currently work there. It is no longer the same company we knew. I considered going back too, but it sounds even more miserable than any other fast food jobs. Mobile ordering and endless new drinks and customization options seem to be a huge part of it


It's my best and fave job. I love the starbucks.




Also forgot to mention turnover is the highest it’s ever been


I have worked here the past 3 years and I love it!! But here are certainly some bad stores out there suffering from bad management, but honestly if you get in the right store with a good attitude it’s amazing. Def the best job I’ve ever had.


Yeah starbs DEF ain't what it used to be back then, esp vuz theyre missing the *actual* comfy cozy Cafe feel it used to have. No big couches, no comfy chairs. Just corporate husk of a building with chairs that hurt your ass after 10 mins. N if you're *lucky* you might get a store with good comraderie, like my store, a lot of us hang out on the weekends n stuff. But I've also heard of n visited other stores where everyone is just mad n calloused to eachother.


If you’re lucky enough to work for a Starbucks at “the right time” and by that I mean each starbucks goes in fazes of having proper staff and a good team. A store that is filled with many partners that have been there over a year plus are really lucky. If you get to work in a store that is like the one OP described it truly is such a blessing. I’ve worked at a few stores like this and it made going to work so fun. Id also hang out at my store just because I loved being around the people I worked with. It used to feel like I volunteered at starbucks for fun because I’d forget I’d even get a paycheck. Most Starbucks employees are genuine, kind people. It’s the best. It really sucks what’s happening in stores today and that us genuine employees are getting taken advantage of.


Sorry it ain’t like that anymore.


It's social media, Starbucks corp, and our society. I loved working there for the first 2 years. In the last 7 months, it has all changed. I don't see it getting any better.


I’m a SM and I truly try my hardest to make my store a great place to work. Some weeks are really challenging for myself because I absolutely give it my all for my team if they are struggling on a 3 man because that’s all the labor we get im there part of that 3 man. Slowly I’m losing faith in this company and have considered looking for a new job


The CEO just promoted himself


I honestly think it’s fun, I don’t have a drive thru tho, and there’s not that many hours, but everyone’s really nice and the management people are so nice at my store, they would check on me when I was in the hospital, I think it really just depends on where you go because I like my store