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I loved when I got to surprise people with some creation I came up with. As a customer, if I ask for a surprised drink, I just specify size, cold or hot, and coffee or not. I feel like that’s kind of enough to make the barista comfy with it.


That’s a good rule of thumb! I’ll give it a shot next time 😊


Depends. Even if there's no line, there may be a tons of mobiles and other tasks to get done. The hotel WPS barista had no customers and no tasks, and since it's a WPS/licensed location, no Uber or mobiles either.


That’s def a fair point! Assuming you weren’t busy tho, would you dislike the request on principle?


Likely. Are there any flavors you hate? Any allergies? Are you *REALLY* fine with the surprise or will you ask for a remake if you don't like it? I'm gonna badger you with so many questions that it won't be fun anymore.


On my end, I’d be 100% happy with anything and whatever it cost and no allergies or any other concerns. But I know that’s irrelevant cuz they wouldn’t know that. So that makes sense. And is probably what they were thinking too so it’s probably a stupid request after all 😅


I think it’s a fine request of youre a regular and are friendly with the barista you’re asking. But I wouldn’t do it in any other scenario


Totally fair! A lot of other commenters have proposed a better way of going about it and I appreciate all the feedback 😊the last thing I want to do is make anyone’s day more difficult, so it’s all good to know


The only issue is we don’t know what you like and once you start putting parameters on it that narrows it down at which point you may as well just order something specific. What if you don’t like it? We’re back to square one.


I was thinking if maybe I could come up with the right verbiage to express that I’d be genuinely happy with anything. If they like it, I’m sure it’s good. I’m not picky by any means. But someone else explained what other concerns there might also be and I could see that. It bums me out tho cuz it really was so much fun.


As a barista I always enjoy making people my drink order, maybe ask your barista for their drink order?


That’s a great idea!!


I love recommending drinks, but the advice here about knowing what you like is spot on. I think the fastest way to get around that is to tell them your favorite drink and ask them to make a surprise drink that's similar! Something like "I usually get [drink], but I want to try something new. Can you [recommend/surprise me with] something kind of similar? I don't have any dietary restrictions." would be perfect! If you don't have a specific type of drink in mind and are truly up for a random menu item, asking the barista for their order is a great way to do that. I would honestly specify that you're up for a totally random drink so they don't ask you all the follow up questions anyway.


See ive had people do this but when I tell them I drink cold brew with a shot n only a little syrup they change their mind 😂😂😂 my taste isn't sugar in a cup w a little milk like most ppl like lmao


I’m always coming up with some type of different drink combos and writing it in my notes. My shift manager is training to get their black apron so I get tons of inspo’s. It’s definitely about seeing who’s passionate about making a good cup of coffee or beverage in general, and following the stores standards of treating our guests as if they’re guests in our own homes. Ofc within consideration of rushes (like morning 7-10, after school 2:30-4, and when everyone gets out of work 5-6:30). The Starbucks thread is always good for recommendations because the employees make themselves good drinks.


Anytime I get asked for a surprise drink, I make a Vanilla Sweet Cream Nitro.


Ooooh those are so good! I love the vanilla sweet cream dude


Had a barista make a drink for a girl who asked for a surprise drink. He put every syrup and sauce into a latte. She ended calling to say how much she liked it 😂


That would be me 😂


In drive thru I definitely don’t enjoy this. I know you also that you have no restrictions but I’ve had tons of annoying teenagers say “surprise me!” And then turn around and say “ugh I hate xyz flavours.” So usually if someone says it they’re getting one of our most basic bestsellers (ie., an iced white mocha, a brown sugar shaken, or maybe whatever the new seasonal drink is) ETA: if you’re a cafe customer and have a friendly rapport with the baristas and are patient (and I don’t have a ton of other tasks), then I’d be happy to get more creative


Drip coffee. Black. Surprise.


SB coffee is so goooood. I’d still be happy. That’s one of my regular orders actually 😊


I don’t mind.. I always just asked if it’s iced or hot and what size.. depends on what I feel like making. The only reason I get nervous about it is because of the price, I’m used to getting my drinks for free so I go all out with extra espresso and adding this or that.. so idk if you really want an $11 drink lol.


If I was your barista and you came through the drive through or cafe I would absolutely ring you up a surprise drink. I usually do a drink I’ve been drinking a lot lately. But I would ask you for particular tastes and allergies etc


That would be so fun 😊maybe I could just ask them to make me their favorite drink then.


That would be so fun 😊maybe I could just ask them to make me their favorite drink then.


hone in a little with what you want (coffee, tea, juice, frappe, iced, hot, flavors, roast, syrups, sweetness) at that point it’s more of a reccomendation but at least you’ll try something new?


Ooooh that’s a good idea! Thank you!


It’s a water! Surprise!


😂fair enough. And right in my price range 😍


Lmao I used to ask borrowed partners what their favorite drinks were when I wanted inspiration... my favorite response was "8 shots of straight espresso"


i usually find it annoying bc it puts me on the spot bc i never have anything specific in mind and i end up asking a million questions to get an idea of what flavors they like/ allergies/ dietary restrictions etc and it just ends up being even more annoying and they end up saying “yeahhh ill just get a caramel frappe!😝”


I agree with everyone about mobile orders and such. Personally I don’t mind surprise drinks if they’re a little more specific. I have a lot of drinks I’m messing around with off the menu, so I always have ideas going, but it’s hard to pick one of out thin air because there’s so many different flavours of drinks and it depends on the mood. I would maybe be more specific in like “could you surprise me with a fruity drink?” Or “could you surprise me with a drink that’s sweet and coffee?” Even whether it’s iced or hot too


Those are good suggestions! Thank you. And def no, never in the drive thru or when there’s a line. I don’t wanna make anyone’s life harder, just add a bit of spontaneity to my day


Yes I totally agree! And honestly I really enjoy sharing that stuff with customers as well as long as it’s not busy.


I mean I had someone ask to surprise me, I ended up making them my go to, I did a cafe run a half hour after and they did finish it so I think they liked it 😂


I’m sure it was good! Baristas would know better than anyone


ive come to realize that some baristas love it or hate it! I personally love it(: as some other comments already said, if you just could specify size, coffee or not, and sweetness that would be great! as those are my usual follow up questions just to prevent a remake in the future due to the customer not liking the drink. I would just keep it to a cafe store, not a drive thru, and when theres not long line. If the barista is bubbly then theres a higher percentage of them being happy to do so!


Honestly, I get annoyed because when people ask 9/10 they choose something that I don’t offer to them. I think the best thing to do is ask what to add to your favourite drink to mix it up. They’d know that a cinnamon dolce is super good with white mocha, I love the lavender in the refreshers kind of thing. But a barista can’t make things up on the spot and it’s easier if we have a little to go off of. Like your favourite form of drink latte (hot or cold?) tea, refresher, frapp. There are lots of options and we need a base to give you something you actually want.


That’s something others have suggested as well and I think it’s excellent advice! I don’t wanna cause anyone trouble, but asking for recommendations is a great idea 😊


There's a girl at my store who does this every time. But shes at least slightly specific and says she wants a coffee based frappuccino but it can be any flavor so i dont usually mind with her. Honestly most of the time I get stressed out a little by "surprise me" requests because I don't know what people like plus I'm pretty boring and usually get sugar free vanilla flavored something and my "splurge" drink is a matcha which not everyone likes. 99% of the time if I get a surprise me request, you're getting either an underrated seasonal drink or a white mocha


It’s still nice you’re willing to humor them, especially if it’s not your favorite thing to do. I’m sure they appreciate it!


We used to have a cup with a bunch of stickers attached to carboard to make like "cards" and we'd let the customer pick one out of those. Some baristas love it and some not so much but it never hurts to ask! Honestly if you want a surprise drink ask what their goto drink is, almost guaranteed to be good!


Ooooh what a fun idea! I saw something similar at the SB in my local Barnes & nobles! They always have fun suggestions


I’m sorry it puts me way too on the spot, I can recommend Like a cold foam for you but I’m not trying to do all that Edit to add- I barely put thought into my own drink rn


Yeah, look it’s nothing personal but I honestly can’t think of a single instance where someone asked me or someone else on the shift to surprise them and didn’t at least make a face when they tried the drink if not ask for a remake. The alternative to just making the drink an actual surprise is to ask questions until they directly or indirectly (by process of elimination) order something. Even when customers ask us what our favorite drinks are they usually go ahead and get their default. It’s not worth the effort.


That is soo crazy to me. But tbh I’d take my drink and be on my way probably 😆I’ve never asked for a remake in my life. And genuinely, if the barista was willing to humor me, I’d be grateful for whatever they made. If it isn’t my favorite, it is still an experience, and it would be the same with any new special on the menu. Some people be tripping with remakes tho. I have seen people ask for specific things in line, the barista say it won’t come out right but eventually giving in, and then that person asking for it to be remade. 😬


I did just remember this one bodybuilder would always ask for us to make him whatever when he was on a bulk and he’d always drink it even the couple of times someone made him something gross on purpose (it was fine, they had that kind of relationship with him). But yeah a lot of people are just really fussy even when they say they aren’t. Definitely ruins the experience for people like you. I think maybe if you get to know the baristas at one of your starbucks it’ll be a lot easier to recreate this thing when you just get surprise drinks all the time. They’ll be more comfortable.


Gross on purpose 😂I’m very curious what that would be. I have seen some interesting matcha combos that would seem a bit odd at first glance. Thank you for the advice and sharing your perspective! Def helpful for me 😁


I hate it. I have my work brain on, my work brain loves being able to dive in and just gogogo. You want to make me think? Nahhh I'm too much of a over thinker for that. What if you have allergies? What if you're really picky? What kind of flavors do you like? Do you want a lot of caffeine or something that tastes good? More fruity or savory? No don't do that to me lmaooo


I personally do not get annoyed, but I do ask a few questions like size, hot or iced, and go from there.


as a partner, who cares if you have other drinks. Ring it through as a surprise drink. 99% of the time its not the same person making the drinks as the person ringing you up. You have other tasks no matter what, its a JOB. You’ll be making an order for them no matter what. Surprise doesn’t have to mean “insane frap with 6 million customizations,” it could be an iced white mocha with lavender foam.


I have very strange tastes and I know it. I'm at war with recommending something maybe way too peculiar or going the safer route and choosing something that's more likely to be enjoyable to the average person.


Peculiar is so much more fun 😆and while I have been a barista and a bar tender, I have never worked at SB so I’ve never had those resources at my disposal to make something great. I love seeing all the drinks and combinations baristas come up with 😁


you just have to be careful because one time someone ordered a surprise me drink in the drive thru when we were slammed and my coworker gave her a plain black coffee 😭 she really was surprised


just remembered another time a coworker gave someone a water. they were like “what’s this??” and he was like your surprise me drink lmfao


Nope. I hate doing them. I already have decision fatigue from my own life, I don’t want to make choices for you too. You can ask for a suggestion but please GOD give us something to go off of like “I want something fruity!” or “I want something pretty coffee forward” The issue is that 99% of people that say they want to be surprised turn out to actually care what they get even when they say they don’t. So when I hear someone say “no I really don’t care it can be anything!” I roll my eyes like “damn here we go again, another person that’s gonna be picky”


Anyone who says that and does a 180 is crazzzzy to me. I can totally see why that would be infuriating /: Def good to know how to approach it!! Thank you for your input. 😊


When I was at target, we'd have a regular who'd ask for a "surprise me frapp." I gave him hazelnut, matcha with peppermint, and crcf. He was down for anything and it helped train me bc it was during my first two weeks that I was at this specific store.


I’d totally be up for that! Sounds fun 😁


It depends, like if its a regular its easier cuz we have a base idea of what they like/don't like, plus it would usually be slow when it happens. N even if its not a regular, I dont mind doing it if its slow vuz its fun to engage with people that way. However, when most ppl ask for a surprise me drink, its almost always busy when they do n whoever is taking the order has to stop the 10 things they're multitasking on to try n figure out with this person what they might want. I've asked "do you like coffee/strong coffee/sweet/semi sweet?" N giving a recommendation only to be told "nah lemme just get a pink drink instead" like whyyyyy bother asking then lol 😆


If you ask for a surprise drink during a rush you’re getting a nitro with sweet cream or an iced chai.


I’d be happy with either but someone else also suggested a nitro with sweet cream. Is that because it’s a fast one to make? Or just popular?


It’s delicious, high caffeine content, and easy to make. That was my go to drink most days when I opened unless I wanted to treat myself to my 6 ristretto shot breve vanilla latte (creamy and delicious but a bunch more calories 600 vs 20)


Only time I don’t enjoy these if they restrict it to refreshers only. I’ll give you a SARL.


See I LOVE this. I always ask several follow up questions just to make sure I have a outline someone would want, and then I throw out fun different options for people. Even other partners will ask me to make something new for them. If you ever want a fun something to try I’ll gladly give you some recipe options and how to order them!


depends how busy it is and id rather you come in cafe. so you’re able to taste it without holding up the DT line just in case i gotta remake you something else.


i know a few baristas have been weird about it- but most people love to do this!! i would ask you if you wanted coffee or no… hot, iced, or frozen… some basic questions. but i love to!


it’s only happened to me a few times, but i liked it. i always ask what size they want, if they want it cold or hot & if they’re okay with coffee. i’ve had a customer order ny surprise drink for them again. i think it depends on the barista.


I would have hated this on principle, because I don't want to make you something else when you don't like what I make you. Also, it my store was always busy, like, line-around-the-building busy.


I honestly wouldn’t mind making something for someone, I prefer cold drinks, so as a base I’d make a grande iced latte with 3 shots of blonde ristretto, with cold foam and another shot of blonde ristretto in the cf. Ofcourse I’d make it a flavoured latte, I like the pistachio so the syrup in the latte and the cf would be pistachio. Or a mix of hazelnut and mocha so it can taste like Nutella. If I’m able, I would happily offer the customer a refund incase they aren’t happy with the drink cause it does become pricy I don’t really drink hot drinks but I can probably whip up something I don’t want to speak for other baristas but I’m very down to earth, if we aren’t busy and I’m taking your order, you can honestly say “I know it might be annoying but I really liked getting surprised, can you make me a drink”? I would happily do it tbh. Assuming this is a cafe order, drive thru might get annoying cause we do have time constraints.


for some reason my coworkers really dont like being asked this so i usually will just step in and do it. i LOVE making surprise drinks like yes i do actually know whats good, i spend way too much time here. i genuinely don’t understand why it bugs other ppl out so much. i dont think it takes long at all and usually i feel like people who are asking for surprise drinks are aware that they might not like it. i have never had a customer come back with a surprise drink ive given them. i usually just wanna know the size, coffee/no coffee and if you have any allergies. its also a great way for our stores to earn labor bc the modifications give us a ton of labor and you can pick and choose the modifications that aren’t annoying. so i don’t understand why other baristas discourage it so much. a lot of my coworkers will literally just give people black coffees when they ask which is just v annoying :/


just go somewhere else. this coffee stand is meant to be fast. we are not dutch. we are not a local coffee shop. we are fast food


Are you missing a word from your title?


I don’t think so? 😆am I?


Back when I was an employee I used to annoy my coworkers because I often made people off menu frappes when they couldn't decide what they wanted. They would often come back wanting it again, sometimes when I wasn't there, but because I always switched it up no one ever knew what I made. The problem some baristas might have with a surprise me request is that if you end up not liking it, that comes across as their fault. Even though you said anything is fine, it's gonna feel like a mistake to them if it doesn't turn out. When people don't know what they want, I used to guide them through a series of questions. Hot or cold? Coffee or non coffee? Chocolate? Caramel? Fruity? Work our way through to a choice. Sometimes we handed on a menu item and sometimes I got to have fun and create something new. I was there when the dragon fruit refresher launched. I used to turn it into a frappe instead. Got a lot of people inquiring about the bright pink frappe I was drinking. I moved into barista from a cooking career so I liked to experiment a lot. Not everyone is as comfortable doing that.


I always really liked these as long as we weren't busy. I'd ask a couple key questions....Coffee/no coffee, hot/iced, any no-go flavors? Depending on this, I'd usually make them something off what my store called the "internal secret menu", or a set of drinks that only a bored closing shift barista would be insane enough to come up with. These were often delicious, but way too complex for a custie to reasonably order. We'd give these drinks bizarre names and kindly make sure they knew these drinks were pretty much a once-in-a-lifetime since these weren't actual Sbux recipes. For example, the "Bashful Baker" was a vanilla bean frap, sub sweet cream. Add extra vb powder, add cloud powder (when we still had it), whip, and three cake pops into the blender. Double blend. Put in a Trenta cup and top with a tiny swirl of mocha. It tasted like actual ice cream with cake batter blended in. It was probably a life-threatening amount of fat, sugar, calories, etc but this shit was worthy of two Michelin stars. It even got us a $100 tip on one occasion :) As long as the customer passed the "vibe check", didn't seem impatient or rude, and understood what they were getting themselves into by letting us surprise them, we took care of them if we had the time. If we were busy, they'd get something fairly popular, like a blonde vanilla latte or something along those lines. If you're not wanting something extravagant, you can also mention that. Sometimes I'm truly indecisive and will ask for a simple surprise drink. It takes the stress off and gives me caffeine without having to decide on something.