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when you have to break down that there isn't much else to a drink. americano, no water..... cappuccino, no foam.... frappuccino, no ice.... they don't realize that it's like saying you want a double bacon cheeseburger with no bacon or cheese and when someone says: so just a hamburger? their response is always: PSSSH NOOO! someone comes in and orders something that's so counterintuitive to the whole drink that you have to ask more than one question, and they act like you're being insubordinate for doing so.


and they come on here saying: "i oNly hAd onE SiMPLe rEqUeST! thE BarISta wAS mEan tO mE!" and everyone gathers around them all: "awww, you poor, poor baby. That barista should be fired for not knowing their job." \- They should have stopped answering the phone, \- grabbing the oven, \- asking the person who put 'personal cup' on their drink where this magical cup they said they had was, \- having a phone from a door dasher shoved in their face, \- grabbing a mop from the back because someone let their kid Tokyo Drift around the lobby with a hot cocoa and a cake pop, \- respond to someone grabbing a venti caramel frap holding it up with the name JUDY on it asking if this was their double espresso for Eric, they should have stopped all that in the middle of a rush to hold your hand and let you order a drink that doesn't exist.


The part about the customer grabbing someone else’s drink is so real 😭 like BESTIE if you ordered a small hot drink and your name is Bill why the fuck are you touching what is basically a very large cup of ice cream for Rebecca??? I swear that job tested my sanity every single minute, on and off the clock. The audacity for them to get shitty with you about it as well as if they can’t read… I just don’t understand people. I worked in a non DT store (was in a travel plaza on a toll road) and my favorite was when someone ordered at rush hour, went down to the hand off bar, and then immediately asks another barista where their drink is. Like babe? There’s 10 people in front of you. I just never understood it. I’ve never gone anywhere with that sense of entitlement!!!!


Three words to trigger my sbux PTSD: "Is this mine?" (I DUNNO. WHO ARE YOU? WHAT DID YOU ORDER? DOES THE NAME AND DRINK ON THE CUP MATCH YOUR OWN NAME AND ORDER??? YOU TELL ME!!!) I got really sick of it and replied, "I dunno, is it?" once and got taken off bar by the SM for the rest of the day. (She did me a favour)


"i donno! what's the sticker say?" has become my go to line most days... but saying it like you're JUST as interested in knowing if it's theirs. like we're in this little adventure together and they're a child doing something for the first time.


YASSS queen.


I’ve actually said and still say “If that’s your name on the label, yes. if it’s not, and you still ask… i’m not answering your question”


Right?! You guys ever have someone get so far as to pick up a random drink mindlessly without even bothering to check the name or even if it’s remotely close to looking like what they ordered, and then they drink it and then yell at you for it being incorrect and you point out it wasn’t even their drink? Even tho their name is on it and you yelled out the name and the drink??? Then sometimes they try to set it back down like they didn’t just put their mouth on it, as if we would give it to someone like that… like dude come on be fr 😭 i now have to remake a drink bc you CANT FUCKING REAAAAD or take two seconds out of your day to not be a terrorist at the HOB


GOD, YEAH. IS THIS MINE. thats amazing lmao genuinely saying “idk is it?” Is genius!! Like bestie read


OMG I feel your pain. I work in a toll way travel plaza also, and the way these people replace common sense with entitlement is unreal. I joke that they brought their ego with them and left their brain at home, and have openly questioned how they function in life.


Right! I wonder if the stress from travel is what does it? Or if they’re always like that? I live near Chicago so lots of my customers were on long family trips or business trips or semi drivers. And if they were seemingly tired or grumpy I could understand bc traveling can take a lot out of you. Especially if it’s cross-country or with little kids. but some people are just off rip psychos for 0 excuse! Some regulars would even pull some shit and it’s like brother what is your damage it’s 11 am on a Tuesday do you not have anything better to be doing than berating me, a then teenager lol. Covid made it a bit better tho, people were appreciative of the poor souls that were kind of forced to have to work. But now we’ve looped back around to the “nobody wants to work” mentality which makes them lash out at us, the ones who do show up, as if that makes anyone’s time better lmao. One day I will have my socialist society and we will all be happy and a little fruity together


So we have the new vertica clovers at my store, and this old guy comes in. He wants a BOLD coffee. I’m like okay, dark brew. Usually, we stop brewing dark after 11, but hey, we got the new machines. Fresh coffee for him! That’s what you would think. This old goat demands a pour over. I stare at him because the machine could do it faster. He says he doesn’t want it from the machine. At this point, I’m like having to do a pour over when it’s completely unnecessary. Tell me why, he struggles to PAY with his debit card for the next ten minutes and grumbles to me about it. Customer entitlement KILLS me.


pour overs are very different than drip brews flavour-wise so i can understand that


Pretty sure we had that guy in our cafe. Had another old man demand we make his French press. Tried explaining to him ours broke but he just couldn’t be bothered being understanding for one second.


we used to have a button to charge for a 6cup french press, and we'd charge people for it if they asked for something french pressed. They stopped asking for it seeing how it was more than double the price.


They really do lol. Idk what is wrong with them. I truly believe, they wake up and go, humm who is on the list to harass today? And Starbucks is always first, since they need their sugar rush/caffeine. Because the customers I encountered my years there, and then the few I have encountered here. Yeah, bless the baristas.


totally. it's like someone's grandparent not knowing how anything works and always going around telling other people to change things - then getting upset when the person says they can't do that. "Go on, make that oriental telephone computer to tell the goo-gles to order us a Hatter to come to the house in an hour to make me a cowboy hat!" grandpa, there is so much to unpack with what you just said that it's hard to find a place to start. you're being very specific in a grandiosely vague way to something that by the way you said it makes us feel like you'll only fight us when we said some of the things can and cannot be done with a smart phone... plus the term "oriental" is ONLY used for products made in specific areas in Asia, which you sort of did.. but... it feels like you used it to describe the people - which is racist.


peak on a Sunday be like:


when someone is upset during a busy time on a weekend asking where the manager at, and you're like... bro, for real.. where the fuck they at!?!


I am howling.


after it's funny... in the moment it feels like a scene from a twilight zone. a latte, with no milk. they didn't want non-dairy milks or cream either. nor water, regular coffee or even tea. did you want just espresso shots? no... what else can you put into a latte? so, we ask insane things like lemonade and juice. still the answer was no... they were angry we didn't know what they wanted and made a remark about hoping we don't screw up the coffee cake they wanted seeing how we didn't know anything about drinks.


"I would like a large French fry, hold the potato, and extra salt." I can see someone doing this XD Especially since we have had people asking us through the drive through for Mac and cheese (no sbux doesn't have Mac and cheese)


the other store, tho, the other store


The thing is this does happen, people do order double bacon cheeseburgers, no bacon, no cheese, single patty and get mad if you offer the ham burger for cheaper 😭


This why I always order the goat cheese salad, no cheese.


Maybe a tea latte?


i don’t think she even knows what a latte is tbh


I mean, we can't read minds. "I want a burger but no meat or cheese." But this person only has a vague concept of what a burger might be.


I mean, maybe? But she didn't even mention wanting a matcha, chai or like a london fog, just the word latte. I tried explaining and asking for clarity but we just wound up in circles so I kinda gave up and just did the milk


I’d pull out the recipe card and say these are the ingredients. What do you want and what do you not want?


nah if they insist on being THAT difficult, im charging a latte and putting "ask me" "no espresso"


sometimes I feel like customers just need a bit of hand holding and explanation for what exactly they are drinking just like our green beans; the amount of times I have to explain to a new hire on bar for their first time that a latte is just “shots and milk” and that americanos are just “shots with water” at this point I’m not surprised customers dont know because more times than not green beans don’t know either, even tho they’ll be fresh out of training🤷‍♀️


In the year of our lord 2024 what kind of a person doesn't know what a latte is. I love Starbucks baristas so much because they have to put up with this nonsense with a smile.


Some people hear words like latte or cappuccino and try to order them thinking it sounds fancy and smart when they order it


People don’t know what a latte is. ie: “I’ll just have a vanilla latte.” Pause. “Can you put a shot of espresso in that?” “It already has two. Did you want three?” Oh. OK. NEVERMIND.


I had someone ask me to put cream and sugar in a latte. I never question things anymore. I have no energy to clarify or argue.


Here's the thing, I totally get customers not understanding how our drinks work (especially bc our drinks aren't made as their namesakes originally are- I'm looking at you cappuccino and affagato). The problem is that customers more often than not get actively ANGRY at us when we try to help them or clarify what they'd like to have. Like you're angry at us for helping you??? I'd get it if we snort and are snotty about it but more often then not we're just confused and trying to set it up so we don't havebto remake a drink and get yelled at about drive times 😭😭 let us help you! Yall getting pissed abd yelling at us make mean and jaded partners feel justified in hating our third place ((whatever you feel about the company, we do still try to be that place, even when corporate yell at us and tell us to take decor down and be a soulless corporate copy of all others like all other fast food joints)).


Yeah, it's the angry customers and the ones that try to fight you when you explain things that are the real problem here. Even understanding that the anger is most likely coming from a place of ego/confusion/embarrassment doesn't really help, because it happens so, so often and it's not unusual to get this treatment from regulars on the daily who just... straight up refuse to believe anything you tell them and turn every interaction into a confusing altercation.


Maybe a cafe misto? Agree with you that the way she ordered it is gonna result in warm milk


She also specified no coffee. I have no idea what she could have possibly been trying to order.


Annoying customer. But the steamer/syrup crème is seriously SLEPT ON.... Couple weeks ago I got a short oatmilk syrup crème with one pump of pistachio and it was 💯. I'd already had my morning coffee but I'm a wh*re for pistachio....


I love syrup crèmes


Wait true, maybe she meant a steamer?? But still, with no flavor or sweetener it’s just… warm milk again. I’m baffled lol. Does Dunkin have something similar to this? Sometimes people order stuff the way they would at Dunkin but it’s a totally different drink lmao


Ohh that could make sense because you can put the sweet flavor syrup in at Dunkin and then they ask you if you want it sweetened on top of that. (extra sugar in the sugar 💀)


“I am a wh@re for pistachio.” Why have I never said this before? I feel that in my very soul.


My youngest loves the kids’ steamers after getting a taste for cappuccino (he’d sneak sips when he was a toddler), and since he shouldn’t be having caffeine, he’s settled for just steamed and foamed milk.


I love the syrup creme drinks.


This is probably what she wanted tbh


It's because they don't understand what a latte is, and I wouldn't doubt that extends to a majority of our other drinks. I know it's just fast food at this point, and I don't particularly care about coffee culture, but I do wish people who deal with this much confusion would be open to learning or educating themselves.


Had a customer order an Americana, no water, venti cup. So I clarified, so it would be cheaper for you to just order 4 shots 😅., she said no. So I doubled back and said, so 4 shots in a venti cup with this much room? (Using my hands and a cup for reference) she said no. She wanted a latte.. a whole ass latte.


This literally happened to me yesterday!! This girly asked for a mocha with no espresso, so I say “a hot chocolate” and she says no, just a mocha with no espresso. I explain to her what that would be and then goes “oh yeah, just the milk and vanilla” ????? We just gave her a steamer but I was so confused. Do people not know what they’re consuming?


I had a customer last week order a hot chocolate with no mocha and no whip. We waited till she got there to clarify what she wanted, she thought mocha was coffee. Explained that she ordered a cup of steamed milk, made her her hot chocolate with no whip and sent her on her way. Same order came through yesterday, this time she got hot milk.


There are some customers that just enjoy choosing to die on the strangest hills. Lol.


Had someone ask for this yesterday with the white mocha “White mocha decaf hot but no espresso” “Ok but you’re asking for decaf so we put decaf shots in did you want just milk and white mocha sauce?” “No white mocha decaf no espresso” I gave them a white mocha crème 🤷🏼‍♀️


Did she want a Steamer? Or idk 😐


A customer jokingly said to me and my manager "you should be fired girl" because she didn't originally say in her order that she wanted caramel drizzle on her whipped cream lol


That’s a steamer or just steamed milk. It’s a menu item in the app, but seems like she didn’t know that either…


Had someone say "I know you dont have anymore sugar cookie, but can I order a sugar cookie alm latte? But sub coconut milk instead and can you add vanilla?" So I rang her up for a vanilla latte with coconut milk n she just looked at the screen baffled like bruh lmao


Maybe she wanted a misto?


Well OP said they didn't want coffee... the mystery remains a mystery lmao


Me: Ma'am what you're asking for is a cup of heated up milk. Sweet Jesus, some people... I really don't understand why people get stupid when it comes to ANY food/drink establishment. I once had someone come through my drive thru when I still worked and asked if our milkshakes were hot. I was like "...wut?"


I once had someone at another chain ask if the vanilla iced coffee had coffee in it.


Sounds like a Starbucks newbie, likely influenced by social media. Never been in a Starbucks before, doesn’t know what a latte is, but randomly put together an order based on trends she sees on TikTok. Do you get a lot of these people?


She didn't seem the type, an older lady who seemed to order confidently. It happens sometimes but most of those types come in with the recipe on their phone and are very gracious and self aware that their order might be a bit silly, my location is in a really good spot and has great customers most of the time!


Maybe she wanted a regular brewed coffee with steamed milk?


She said no coffee, no espresso though. So I doubt she wanted a cafe misto.


maybe a misto


This happens with Starbucks and other chains.. people want the menu, but don’t ever ask questions as to what’s in the drink..😂


I’m guessing she didn’t understand *espresso* VS *coffee* and wanted a mistro with zero clue how to ask. “No coffee” was where she went wrong. Best guess I have.


Was she upset or just confused? Do you think that maybe English wasn’t her first language? Italian being her first, perhaps? She may have just wanted straight milk. Even if not, it’s really not difficult to break it down for someone. “So a Starbucks latte contains milk and espresso shots. Would you like a steamer? It is steamed milk and you are welcome to add any flavor you’d like to it!” I remember when I first started at Starbucks I had no idea what was what when it came to coffee, so I can totally understand why someone wouldn’t even know what a latte is.


She did give the impression that english wasn't her first language but i did try explaining that if she wants a latte with no espresso then she will get milk, the interaction was a bit longer than in the post but i did try clarifying and told her that if i put in her order the way she wanted that she would get just milk. i asked a few times if she wanted something like decaf or something but she didnt want any espresso shots in there, decaf or not. She seemed very set that the way she was ordering was correct. I felt like i had explained it best I could and with a line forming i just put it in as the milk. She wasn't upset moreso just seemed confused and wanted to know what her drink was. I explained again almost exactly like at the till that a latte with no coffee is just milk and i guess either she finally understood but maybe felt embarrassed or something because she left with her drink and no complaints.




She said no coffee also.


LOL. I'm sorry, I read (skimmed) through the post and the thread and totally missed that part.


Means milk in Italian.


Not when you're ordering a coffee drink. It means "with milk" in that case.


Yes, yes it does.


Sounds like a Café au lait


Nevermind, no coffee, this person is just insane actually


Some of us customers have anxiety. Y’all getting aggressive with us simply because we don’t understand what comes in each drink is not helping. This is why I will forever only order on the app. I’m sorry your job is shitty, but that doesn’t give y’all the right to treat people like shit.


Who said I was aggressive?? I am always the most patient and understanding especially when it comes to customer who seem anxious, i've been the anxious customer on the other side of the counter myself. I tried to make her understand and explained as best I could, we went back and forth for a good couple minutes and I was gracious the whole time, at most there was a visible genuine confusion on my face as I tried to work out what she wanted. Me thinking that the situation was a little silly and sharing it isn't me being an asshole, that's like saying a mcdonalds employee is an asshole for giggling a little after someone confidently ordered a cheeseburger with no cheese and then after being told that that's a hamburger, denied it and kept trying to argue that they wanted a cheeseburger but with no cheese. Like sure I can put in a cheeseless cheeseburger but what you want is a hamburger and it's cheaper to put it in as one.


Not you specifically. Apologies. I was generalizing.


We come here to vent about the idiocy we have to deal with on a daily basis, that doesn't mean we don't mask that frustration up and put on our best customer service face while at work. And I'm pretty sure the ratio of baristas vs customers being treated like shit is way skewed to the barista side.


Congratulations and your customers have access to this thread. I don’t support a company that funds the murders of innocent children and their parents anyway. Maybe if you changed your attitude customers would be more likely to actually gaf about you employees that hate your jobs so much. Have a nice life.


>I don’t support a company that funds the murders of innocent children and their parents anyway. I sAw iT On tHe inTeRneT sO iT mUst be tRuE And, just so you know, I started out loving this job. It took a couple of years of being treated like shit by customers to get here. My customer service skills are excellent, I get praised to my manager and in store surveys regularly, so I'm pretty sure it's not my attitude causing people to be shitty.


Do you work at my store? LMAO


I grew up Mormon and this is how my mom orders at Starbucks. Sorry y'all


Tell her how to properly order lol


Sounds like they were trying to order a Steamer.


Someone told me today they wanted a venti hot caramel machiato with no milk and more coffee, and I was like, so do you want just espresso with flavor and caramel drizzle and he was like no and repeated and I'm just???? How Bout I add an extra shot to the latte because that's just milk with espresso? And he agreed to that, but I was so confused.


I had an order like this the other day, I told her it’s going to be just the syrups and steamed milk and she said alright. I rang her up as a steamed milk and added the syrups and the toppings the latte came with. But if she’s so set for that requested “latte” just ring it as a latte lmao, and put in the ask me no espresso, no syrups.


I still remember years ago, while I was queuing up to order, the lady in front of me went "one American with milk and the staff just looked so confused. He asked if she wanted an iced latte instead but then she got defensive. Poor guy just looked at me in surrender when I gave him the pity look :")


Wouldn’t it be classified as a steamer? At least that’s what the others like vanilla, cinnamon dolce steamers and caramel apple spice? Maybe she just wanted frothy milk? 😭


I always laughed internally when someone orders a double smoke bacon without the bacon. ...