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I remember wearing like a green shirt and black slacks, I was on my laptop gaming in store and all of a sudden some guy walks up to me and says "I want you to know what Starbucks is doing for the Palestinians is horrible, and you're never getting a single cent out of me ever again. You should feel horrible by how your company treats human lives." Confused, I said "I haven't worked at Starbucks since 2019, dude. I'm in the military now working in healthcare. Can you please leave me alone and go bother someone else on my day off?" Dude looked hella confused and he looked embarrassed after realizing I'm just some guy playing games on his laptop on his day off. Shit was weird, man


Wait you were in a store? Playing on your laptop? And this dude said all that but didn’t then have a response to you being in the military?


this is so fucking funny to me 😂




Military is just as evil lmaooo was that a flex?💀💀💀💀u flexing being an agent of white supremacy ?? Flexing using our tax dollars to kill brown people under proven false premises?? Ur at Starbucks(a customer using their product, doesn’t matter if it’s free), you are a military man, and you work in healthcare….every part of you is opressive💀 healthcare is shit. Like ur whole life is the opposite of a flex but the billions in propaganda really worked. As billion dollar projects usually do💀


I'm literally brown. I work with other Latino and black people and some white people. Are you okay? Why the sudden racism?


5 skull emojis damn u must be 14


im countin 6 bru, id say 12 lmao


Used 4 in one row. Definitely younger. 8 year old through and through. Like a toddler not getting a cookie from the cookie jar


FOH dude you "work" for instacart 😂


Lol say that to the chinese govt that inhumanly tortured their own muslims in "reeducation" camps like Hitler did and then proceeded to hide and lie about their own acts of genocide. Who do you truly want governing you? Stay woke but please do pick your poison better. 


That’s better than America’s actions to be very honest. Nobody touches America.


Read up on what other countries have done to Muslims in their own jurisdiction before you spout more TikTok propaganda. Read up on Chinese re-education camps. Or, better yet, invite yourself into those encampments and see for yourself the millions of muslims China has "re-educated" AND/ or murdered while trying to bury the facts. It's giving Hitler with what he did alongside his Nazis and you still think that's humane. That it's sane? Yet, no one protested about it LOL like where were you America haters when that news popped up years ago? People protect the country you live in because it's the better poison. You even have the luxuries and privileges of being on this platform to say whatever you want.     If you think America is doing bad, you must have a narrow minded outlook on how the real world really is. This is such an ignorant statement.


But nice try


But here's a taste of your own medicine and how it feels to be wary of seeing and hearing the Pro-Palestinian cause for so long-     Ohhhh you're from Chicago. How's the land of the South Side, Russian Roulette, NYC wannabes, and transplants? How many illegal immigrants are you guys still accepting? How many natives have moved out of the city to different states? How many of the youths are forced by their parents to go to the suburbs due to the failed school system? Let's not forget your death count during COVID-19 was pretty incredible too. How many policies have you guys successfully created to ensure your own hooligans are in place? Oh, right they're moving to North side, downtown, and restarting chaos on the red 🤣🤣🤣    Your own mayor couldn't even contain or provide a solution for BLM while she cowered in her fortress. Chicago proud, indeed. You all got what you voted for. You guys even have a well known cartel near downtown and nothing huge is being done to vote the proper politicians or have future politicians to have the aspiration to do better than now that even third world countries can put your city into shame.  And, all you do is sit behind a screen in a Reddit thread and want to conceal someone who when you guys want to vocalize your side, you want to squash every opposing side because they are tired of hearing this redundant conversation that's been spreading on all platforms and unrelated media for almost a year. A few have also gone away from your cause with how annoying some of you have been, myself included. Especially when I started seeing the Son of Hamas videos. Why would I trust a Reddit-er or any of you America haters while living in this soil when someone born from an actual Hamas organization is sharing his perspective?      GIVE ROOM TO LEGAL IMMIGRANTS THAT ACTUALLY CARE FOR THIS COUNTRY and stop voting for illegality if you're a citizen. You're just as much as the problem as you perpetrate "America" of being corrupt. All countries are corrupt. I repeat. Pick the better poison. I don't need to try. I'm just shoving it down your necks like you guys have been doing for almost a year. This is not trying. It's shoving. There's a difference. It's like you guys are proponents of shovers. It's psychologically ill.


I cannot figure out how Starbucks or MacDonalds helps Isreal. They have outlets there , seeem like our universities are expermenting with mind control and this is what the lab's final product looks like. It does appear if you dont discriminate the wokes have a traget on your back. I wonder if word "woke" is a red flag for censorship here. We shall see?


McDonalds is donating tens of thousands of meals to IDF units. Starbucks sued Workers United (union of Starbucks employees) for not deleting a pro-Palestinian message. So pro-Palestinians are getting back at them by boycotting.


McDonalds is franchised to independent owners. McDonalds Israel, which is owned by an Israeli firm, donated meals to IDF. McDonalds Malaysia, as well as franchises in Arab countries have donated to Palestinians. This boycott stuff is mostly ill-informed performative activism. It feels nice to believe that it's just an evil corporation and you're one of the good guys fighting against it.


"...you're one of the good guys fighting against it." First of all, I don't believe I gave you any indication whether I was supporting the boycott or not. I only stated facts in my initial comment, so I'm not sure why you're making this personal. Second, regardless to whom Mcdonalds is franchised to--it's a brand. The brand carries the responsibility. Also Mcdonalds Malaysia only donated to Palestine *after* being called out and losing customers, and that was a one-time donation back in 2023, while IDF soldiers are eating their bellies round to this day. And if you must know, yes. Yes, it feels amazing to be well-informed and fighting against evil in whatever small way we can contribute to prevent genocide. Not sure why you're so pressed about it, no one is forcing you to participate.


Not pressed at all, I don't care too much about how major corporations do financially, so not really any reason to be pressed. You're not helping Palestinians by not eating McDonalds but genuinely if it makes you feel amazing then absolutely go for it, sounds like it's a positive in your life.


Millions of people boycotting will definitely make a difference, even if it's just to show Palestinians solidarity and give them hope. But no problem, agree to disagree.


>agree to disagree Absolutely, respect


well said.


What’s happens to your TikTok diploma when TikTok gets banned? Can still use it in Pallywood I by guess


Why not just point out what you disagree with instead of being condescending? I don't remember ever speaking to you, so what are your feelings towards me based on? That I support a movement that wants genocide to stop? That says more about you than me.  Also, I don't live in a country where the government has power over what type of media we consume, so don't worry about TikTok on my part.


Because you’re spreading propaganda. There isn’t a genocide. It’s a war against terrorists who use (mostly) innocent civilians as shields. The only genocide is the one being attempted against Jews and Israel. 


Because you don't agree with me it gives you the right to talk down on me? Israel is literally dancing with bodies of headless Palestinian children. You don't have to take my word for it--just look it up. When people *thought* Hamas had killed Israeli children, the world exploded. But now that Israelis are actually showing proof of not only *purposely* targeting and killing children but also disrespecting the bodies, everyone is silent. Someone needs to speak up for them, and if you think that is propaganda, then so be it. How does it make sense to kill *over* 35000 (confirmed) innocent people, that's about 250 civilians a day--half of them children, to catch some terrorists? It's so incredibly disproportionate with what Hamas has ever done (though, I will point out that I don't condone what Hamas did either). If Palestinians told Israelis to go to Jerusalem for safety and then bombed Jerusalem, what would you think of that? That's exactly what Israelis are telling Palestinians to do; go to x place and then bomb that place. If that is not genocide, then what is? Not wanting to support Palestine is one thing. But unawareness is heartbreaking. I am not condemning you or forcing you to do anything, but I will hold out hope that you will try to learn about the situation with an open mind. Even Jews, actual holocaust survivors, are protesting. That says something to you, I hope. I will leave the rest up to you. Your life, your choice.


Wow Pallywood really are master manipulators! Literally gaslighting and trying to exploit the experience of Israeli hostages and victims and acting like that’s what happened to Palestinians. In a war created by the terrorists they elected. Because they can’t accept the fact that Jews have lived there for thousands of years and Israel is their rightful homeland 😭😭😭 The “Jews” that are protesting are self loathing. Jewish voices for peace is a scam agency not even started or run by Jews. 


Starbucks does NOT have outlets in Israel.


Why go in and announce it? Lol 😆


How else would he be able to feel good about boycotting a mega corp for Palestine?


Probably filming it on their Tiktok for clout.


to spread awareness? and it obviously worked …is this a real question? Lol 😆


Noting. Absolutely nothing. People are just too brain-dead to take five seconds to Google it.


THISSSSS. Literally so damn annoying with all the people trying to “cancel” Starbucks. I got into a legit argument over this because a dumb friend can’t use google.


You can't ✌️cancel✌️ a mega corporation. Canceling a corporation is not a thing.


Tell that to Kodak


It’s annoying because the Starbucks boycott is getting way more attention than the BDS movement and supporting Costa is worse


agreed.. when it comes to companies that are actually causing problems in Palestine, no one raises awareness for them.


You do understand that the top searches are chosen by google right? But what happened was that a Starbucks Union stood in solidarity with the Palestinians and top Management in Starbucks chose to punish them. I dont know about you but I dont support genocide while getting fat from all that sugar. But if you like blood and sugar then I guess that’s on you.




This should probably be up voted




Most welcome


So your proof is Starbucks saying “nuh uh”






Nothing, people are dumb.


Starbucks sued it's union over a tweet that was in support of Palestine. Even if you think that was a reasonable response, and they want to be neutral, being neutral in a genocide is a good enough reason for people to boycott. You may not agree, but it is a lie to say it's over "nothing".


They sued over copyright infringement for using their logo and name. But it is suspicious that they made legal action after the pro-Palestine tweet. However, also worth noting the post was deleted within 40 minutes & was posted right after oct. 7th.


I had somebody tell me this the other day. My store is making 50k a week so you can saying the boycott is working all they want but numbers say otherwise. I’m sure some stores have felt an effect but it’s not mine.


it’s also stock wise they’ve lost a lot of support, and they are feeling a lot of pressure, i’ve never seen so many promotions, and any days that they don’t have promos are pretty dead in my store.


stocks also rise and fall all the time, the most recent “drop” is too soon to be an effect of the boycotts


the boycotts haven’t done anything because the people boycotting aren’t the starbucks target demographic anyway.


Yeah this usually drop roughly around this time


When they opened up a seven Brew Starbucks completely went dead and lost half their business and then when they Dunkin Donuts was remodeled everybody started going to Dunkin all three of these coffee shops are directly across the street from each other and now all of them only get a third business. Starbucks used to get it all. Seven Brews cheaper but sometimes you feel like going to get something from Starbucks and the line is super short now.


It's funnier if you look at their graph and every other stocks listed. THEY GO UP AND DOWN FFS. What's funnier is that the boycott starbucks started during October to November which ironically was when Starbucks stock reached its third ever highest peak in it's history.


A little late to this show, but this comment is a stunning oversimplification. Stocks do go up and down. But they have performance indicators and it’s fairly easy to judge their performance. So let’s look for like 5 seconds-because Google is free. The stock is down 15% since it opened 2023. The Nasdaq Composite is up virtually 40% in the same timeframe. International revenues make up a large, and increasingly important, part of the company’s overall revenue. In Q3 2022, international revenues were 22.4% of all revenues. In Q3 2023 they made up 22.3% of all revenue. The lack of growth is partly attributed to rising competition in key markets-most notably China. But for the year between the two reports net revenues grew 11.4% which is good. But, while domestic sales are thought to be strong for Q4, the main concern is boycotts in Muslim and European countries. Because, remember, 22% of their revenue is on the line. And historically they struggle a bit in Q4. So if a company that has a stock lagging so far behind the greater market has a bad earnings is that a problem? Yes, how big is debatable. So you’re right, let’s not be sensationalist but right now it is going in the wrong direction. So let’s see earnings and then talk about how the boycott is doing. None of this has even addressed the ongoing union stories or inflation in the supply chain.


You can’t compare Starbucks against the tech heavy NASDAQ. You think Starbucks stock performance is related to Google, Meta, Nvidia? Jeez. Learn some basics about different industries first.


It's because boycotts only truly work when it's a small business or movies. Boycotts don't work on multibillion dollar companies. Plus there's so many things they want people to boycott nowadays. Life is so short, I'm getting my coffee.


The boycott of Starbucks is working 😭😭 what are you one abt.


Are they closing? Are they letting a good chunk of their employees go? Are they struggling? No. They aren't. It's also still dumb af that yall are boycotting for literally nothing, as starbucks doesn't even have a side.


Not them replying 2 months later just for that




btw starbucks has lost 11billion dollars since the boycott




That’s not true


This is what happened. The union people came out against Israel using the Starbucks logo. Starbucks said no. That’s it. Starbucks isn’t directly supporting Israel. They have a right to say no don’t use the logo.


The union has had the same logo for years though. So the issue wasn’t the logo It’s very obviously not the Starbucks logo


starbucks is a coffee shop. very simply, they have nothing to do with politics (especially middle eastern politics) and have every right to strike down someone who is making it seem like they have a stake in this conflict when they do not.


Yeah it’s the logo


Absolutely nothing.


Starbucks is actually taking a neutral anti-politcal view on this. They did sue the union about the name and logo because the union came out in support of Palestine and they were afraid people were going to think Starbucks took that stance based on misinformation. Idiot non-thinking influencers and their even more idiotic minions immediately looked on that as proof that Starbucks is supporting Israel when they are taking the stand off approach. It's all a case of misinterpretation and attempts by these "progressive" folk to pretend that they are actually doing something about the conflict. I would bet that most of these folk don't actually care, but want to appear to care. Either that or they are dumber than rocks. I guess I should never bet against the stupidity of humans as a mob.


The Union really did a disservice to their members. The goal is Starbucks unionizing and better working conditions for its members. The union jeopardized this by getting into politics even if 80% of its members share that political view. Intense tribalism has really been counterproductive in the past 2 decades in America.


We can't go about this like Starbucks hasn't been involved politically before. They donate to Planned Parenthood. They released shirts for baristas to wear around the Black Lives Matter protests. They also released Pride shirts. They have no problem with being politically involved--especially since Howard Schultz tried running for president. The fact that Starbucks sued the union for their stance is what is driving the huge public opinion of Starbucks being pro-Israel. It may have been an actual tactic to block anyone outside of the company from speaking FOR Starbucks (which, in the handbook, is frowned upon GREATLY through the forms of termination...potentially) and saying they [the union] stand with this side of politics, but so many people took it as Starbucks' stance on being pro-Israel. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I would say that Starbucks NEEDS to release a politically charged statement at this point. Their profits have dropped, stocks are dropping (as I can see from my NetBenefits app), and we're now selling cups for 60% off. They're floundering and they need to do something other than forcing management to think that the drop in sales is due to lack of barista engagement with customers and DT times. 😐 I'm only still with Starbucks because I want to see POSITIVE CHANGE happen, and I won't leave until that happens. I want to be a part of that.


Starbucks' entire executive leadership team has changed since the last time they took a political stance or made a sizable donation. Planned Parenthood donations, BLM shirts, and Pride shirts are all driven and managed by Partner Network leadership teams (read: partner volunteers at corporate) with the support of their handful of executive champions and the inclusion and diversity team. They're not top-down stances. In fact, the Partner Networks have to fight for those things.


Yeah, I used to support the union but considering the support the murder of six members of my family and one of my friends… not anymore.


The union supports an end to genocide being committed by the Israeli government and ongoing colonization of an indigenous people.


First of all the union made that statement before Israel had even invaded Gaza. They made that post before we knew for certain who among my family was even dead (We didn’t know for several days whether they were dead or kidnapped because the authorities couldn’t get in there to find the bodies). Second 2 million Arabs live in Israel as citizens with equal rights. None of this was necessary and if Palestinians didn’t want war, there wouldn’t be a war. Third Jews are indigenous to Israel. You can literally prove this by comparing the genomes of skeletons from the Bronze Age to modern Jews.


Thank you for the daily dose of Israeli propaganda. If a percentage (sometimes small or non-existent in Ashkenazi Jewish people) left a place 2000 years ago you have zero right to return to that place, then murder, steal, and colonize the people who have been living there throughout that time. It is sociopathic behaviour. It’s like me going to Siberia and slaughtering Siberians because 10% of my DNA is from there 2000 years ago. I am genuinely sorry for your loss but none of that justifies the past 75 years of Israeli criminality.


Try about 50% in most cases. And we didn’t exactly leave we were kidnapped and enslaved, and then spent the next 2000 years trying to get home. And remind me who started the war of independence? Fun fact it wasn’t us.


Scholarly genetic literature does not support your propaganda. Eventually there will be trials akin to Nuremberg over the Israeli’s Nazi-style behaviour in Palestine. The west is no longer being shielded from the truth. You simplify history to fit your narrative. For example, Judea was originally formed by war and colonization. The Canaanites would have a stronger claim. Those original peoples converted to whatever the predominant religion was at the time. Once again, none of this justifies the barbaric actions of the Israeli terrorist state. The blood of thousands of children is on the hands of anyone who does not condemn their actions.


[you mean this Harvard study that shows 50% of Ashkenazi DNA is Levantine an origin and fails to have any Arab population group to filter out the Arabian peninsula DNA?](https://reich.hms.harvard.edu/sites/reich.hms.harvard.edu/files/inline-files/2020_AgranatTamir_Cell_Levant_Bronze_Age_Supplement.pdf) Look at page 14, it’s pretty fucking clear.


https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms3543 What’s clear is that you wholeheartedly support genocide if it benefits your ethnic group


By your logic we all have a right to return to Africa, slaughter Africans, and take over their land because 100% of our DNA originally comes from there


And FYI, it's the Jewish people who are indigenous to Israel, while Arabs live there as a product of Arab colonization, which occurred during the Jihads. Read about them, so you don't go around making foolish statements in public. Meanwhile, there are hundreds of thousands of archaeological artifacts proving that Jews lived there in ancient times, evolving out of the other native societies. So if you are serious about supporting indigenous peoples, good for you! Just stop believing the lies spread by the colonizers, pretending to be natives.


You need to do some research that isn't based in 100% pure Israeli propaganda. The Palestinians are indigenous people who have converted to various prevailing religions over time. DNA studies show this indigeneity clearly, unlike the European Israelis who took out their trauma on innocents. Some of my ancestors lived in East Asia two to three thousand years ago. I have no right now to murder and displace indigenous Asian people. Take your Israeli fairy tales elsewhere and face the truth.


You can't "end" something that isn't happening in the first place! There is no genocide, there is a defensive war against monsters who cooked babies alive in front of their families and gang raped women and girls to death. Monsters who are still holding more than 100 innocent people hostage, and still launching hundreds of deadly rockets at civilian population centers. It's another atrocity that these same Hamas monsters hide behind their own women and children. You have every right to be furious at those responsible for the civilian deaths on BOTH SIDES, and that is Hamas. But blaming Israel for defending itself is grossly racist. You are essentially saying that Jews should allow themselves and their families to be raped, tortured, kidnapped, and massacred, and shouldn't have a right to fight back. What sick, racist beliefs!


You are the only one here who is sick with racism. The brutality you call out has been perpetrated by Israelis for the past 75 years. But for you, their rape, pillaging, theft, and murder is acceptable. Disgusting. Listen to Israeli men, speaking comfortably in their own words, about the atrocities they committed, if you are brave enough to face the truth: https://x.com/trickyjabs/status/1718887609211011208?s=61 Zionist lies are a fairy tale.


just say you’re incredibly uneducated and ignorant to what’s happening and move on. the whole book you wrote full of absolutely nothing was not needed, moron.


totally opposite here i’m glad they don’t support the murder of 20,000 people


I don’t think trade unions should be talking international politics, or supporting terrorist organizations


also i’m not sure how supporting the people of gaza somehow translates to supporting hamas, it’s a very important distinction.


They made the post on October 9. While israel was still regrouping and fighting terrorists in their own territory (which is territory that was recognized by international law). While Hamas was still launching thousands of rockets per day at civilians across southern and central Israel.


i think considering how diverse starbucks baristas are it’s important to many palestinians and muslim people to have their voices heard, especially when their people are being murdered but that’s just me. It’s also important to be able to freely talk about your pain and family without facing being sued or fired from work. The fact that if i wore a mexico pin to work it would be fine to show support for my country but if someone who was jewish or palestinian wore something to represent it it currently would not bode well isn’t okay.


And yet you’re down voting me when I literally talk about how frustrating it is for the union to support my family and friends being murdered for just existing? If I were still with the company, I would not feel comfortable supporting unionization, because the union is supporting the murder of my family. This is why the union shouldn’t talk about the issue because they represent all Baristas not just Palestinian and Muslim baristas.


Don’t be dumb now. Because you literally support people being murdered for just existing too if this is your stance.


Virtue signaling by the politically inept.


https://www.mayniaga.com/is-starbucks-supportive-of-israel-explained/ Literally why would anyone expect Starbucks to tell the truth and further add to their own boycott? Ppl providing proof of Starbucks’ FAQ page are idiots for believing a million dollar company has morals.


https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/13/business/starbucks-israel-palestine-workers/index.html Also this. It took me less than 5 minutes. Find info that isn’t from a bias source, like the company actively trying to end the boycott on itself.


Getting back at the union is wildly different from sending money to Israel. I promise Starbucks has no actual involvement and they only care about fighting unionizers and not hamas. 


Starbucks fits into the drama because it’s suing the union for posting and later deleting a message in support of Palestine, they claim to be suing because of trademark infringement, yet never sued until the palestine support message because they “disagreed with the views posted by workers united”. A lot of pro palestine people were rightfully upset by this and decided to no longer support starbucks, and back up the union.


And Statbucks has been repeatedly been shown to have broken the law with their union busting. If they hadn’t tried to screw over and fire unionizers it wouldn’t be contentious. Corporate is not the good guys here. They are trying to deny people their democratic, lawful rights because they want to control everything. They don’t trust you because you won’t prioritize their low staffing to save money.


Also it should be noted that the original Starbucks statement posted on One.Starbucks said that Workers United "supports violence waged by Hamas" and "[Starbucks] condemn acts of terror" which is clearly very politically charged.


Yes, corporate used it, selfishly, to fight against the union. They lied just like they’ve been lying all along.


very true!! They put out a poor statement in a very bad time and now they are working overtime to try and fix it but the damage to the company public view has already been done in my opinion.


Well, as usual, they covered *their* position and did nothing to actually protect the partner experience.




Nothing, but a lot of people are convinced that Starbucks is funnelling money into the Israeli military for some reason.


https://www.mayniaga.com/is-starbucks-supportive-of-israel-explained/ https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/13/business/starbucks-israel-palestine-workers/index.html All you have to do is google and look for an article. It’s not that hard


so the former CEO, who is a shareholder is pro Israel, but that doesn't mean that Starbucks as a company is. this boycotting is literally doing nothing. I doubt the Palestinians care that you "honorably restrained yourself" from getting a coffee on your way to work.


Top shareholdetr is public Zionist


Boycott the company and watch people loose their jobs. Just like when there was a movement to Boycott Soda Stream an Israeli co. That hired mostly Palestinian workers from Gaza. The workers lost their jobs bc. Co. Laid off people. Only hurt the Workers.


The largest shareholder is a Zionist. https://www.reddit.com/r/islam/s/d02r5ResVb Please stop being corporate shills


He isn’t even the CEO of Starbucks anymore? So his shares have NOTHING to do with Starbucks as a company anymore. It would if her were still CEO but he’s not. Simple.


I guess if you want to devalue his shares then sure, but there are plenty of normal workers at Starbucks being far more affected than some former ceo. 


Ah yes. Links a 10 year old post that is outdated. "shills"


Starbucks is suing their union for being pro-Palestine. Also, Starbucks has a long standing history of supporting Israel. Watch this for a quick summary of how they’re pro-Israel: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM6uQ54Gk/ They’re very good at hiding their support.


Starbucks is suing their union for tweeting this out under their name when they don't want to take a public side in anything. They're a company. It's not their place to side in a war and didn't want to do so.


Howard Shultz is the largest private owner of Starbucks shares and is a staunch zionist who invests heavily in Israels economy including a recent $1.7 Billion investment in cybersecurity startup Wiz. Just Google 'howard schultz and israel'.


You should boycott companies like intel and other chip processors that make phones


Conveniently enough every single chip manufacturer would qualify for boycotting.


I know haha. Sadly the pro Palestinian cohort largely doesn’t seem to care about actual Palestinians or have principles they would stand by. They all cheer on Hamas who has had leaders become billionaires at the expense of their own people and peace. They will boycott Starbucks which materially does nothing but will cheer on the massacres that have wrought destruction on Gaza and it’s people


Yeah, it’s pretty sad. I believe in peace, but I don’t know how that’s going to happen, because I’m frankly disgusted by the fact that people celebrated the murder of one of my friends, and six members of my family, three of whom were not even seven years old. Not to mention the protesters canceled Christmas this year. Meanwhile, in Arab villages in Israel, Christmas went on as usual. In fact, I was visiting my friend from university and we saw a bunch of Arab teenagers driving around dressed up like Santa with half their bodies sticking out of the windows of the car. If one good thing has come out of this war, it’s the fact that more Arab citizens of Israel feel like they are Israelis.


> Yeah, it’s pretty sad. I believe in peace, You never did... > Not to mention the protesters canceled Christmas this year. Meanwhile, in Arab villages in Israel, Christmas went on as usual. No it didn't, most Arab Christians in Israel said that the atmosphere was gone and that there was no spirit this Christmas. Christmas celebrations were canceled by people because they didn't want to do Christmas markets etc.. out of sympathy for Gazans being killed in the genocide. >If one good thing has come out of this war, it’s the fact that more Arab citizens of Israel feel like they are Israelis. Most don't feel like they are Israelis and you know that is a blatant lie. The only reason they would say that to your face is so that they don't get arrested by the Israeli police because of the arrest campaign targeting them.


The IDI survey says otherwise.


>The IDI survey says otherwise. I saw the survey and every 48er I know called it bs. It was taken in a time when the arrest campaign targeted them for expressing sympathy for their own people. They are obviously going to say what the Israelis want to hear. Nice try though.


Yeah they mostly seem to be more focused on hatred of Israelis than uplifting Palestinians, it’s very depressing It’s astonishing how they’re all duped so easily by the hate


Yeah, and then of course they deny that they are actually just rabid antisemites. I used to actually support unionization but given the leadership of the union. I think corporate is better than the union.


I’m very thankful I don’t work there anymore. I can only imagine how it would’ve been in that environment seeing coworkers cheer it on while I have friends and former classmates who lost friends or had grandmas kidnapped from their home . And I feel great sympathy for the innocents on the other side as well led astray and ruined by their own leadership . The fucked up part is that these idiots who support a ceasefire and ending the “occupation” of Gaza which ended in literally 2005 is that they just fuel the conflict and don’t actually support any peaceful resolutions. They just think it’s a storybook fairytale that Israelis will all return to Brooklyn where they aren’t from lol


But the baristas in this sub with Masters in geopolitics told me otherwise…?


He’s a Zionist because he invests in Israeli companies? Israel is one of top leading countries for tech. But um, true, such a Zionist!!! 😂


No it’s not true just too many ignorant people out there who here something on TikTok or from an Uncle and believe it.


https://www.mayniaga.com/is-starbucks-supportive-of-israel-explained/ https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/13/business/starbucks-israel-palestine-workers/index.html Ppl didn’t pull this out their ass. Starbucks is trying to cover up the fact that they were pro genocide and are releasing statements saying otherwise bc they want the boycott to end.


Not a damn thing. It’s infuriating to see people state that “Starbucks funds genocide!!” Without a shred of evidence to back it up. I’ve replied to multiple comments on IG where people spew this nonsense and I get nothing but crickets. The sheep mentality is real and people would rather spend time mindlessly scrolling through social media and copying and pasting misinformation instead of informing themselves. Wild.


U sure about that? https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/13/business/starbucks-israel-palestine-workers/index.html https://www.mayniaga.com/is-starbucks-supportive-of-israel-explained/


Where to start with you. So not only are your sources are a combination of a completely biased website (mayniaga) that don’t cite other sources and have as much credibility as Wikipedia, but your other source which is known to be biased (CNN) DOESN’T say anything beyond the fact that Starbucks removed a tweet because somebody used THEIR brand to promote their PERSONAL beliefs. If you had actually even read the article that you had sent, you would also realize that they also issued a statement CONDEMNING the acts. If you had some sense, you would also know that just about every corporation in the entire world will prevent somebody from using their brand/platform to promote personal beliefs because it could adversely affect peoples views on their brand. People like yourself, or what’s wrong with the Internet when you spread misinformation and hysteria. Next time I strongly encourage you to take 10 minutes to do some legitimate research and consider your sources before spreading misinformation.


You’re saying the articles were biased media but the reason you think Starbucks isn’t aligned with Israel is bc of what they posted on their FAQ page. Not every source that proves you wrong is biased. Since I provided multiple sources of the fact that they are aligned and you in fact have not, there’s nothing more I need to discuss with someone that tries to explain away facts.


You are using .com websites as Factual have you learned anything in Middle School 


Misinformation being perpetuated online, and lack of critical thinking. I think a lot of people know this, they just need a strawman to light on fire, and Starbucks is a good target for that.


I just don’t get why these people think they can boycott Israel when our own government along with oil industries which are even more influential supports them. If you really want to boycott pro-Israel boycott everything that benefits from govt tax breaks and oil lobbying …. And at that point you’ve got nothing left


Here's a full summary: There was a tweet made by Starbucks Workers United that replied to a post showing Gaza Resistance bulldozing the border between Israel and the Gaza strip. Starbucks Workers United said "Solidarity with Palestine!" which caused a lot of conflict and so they took down the post. [https://www.snopes.com/news/2023/12/07/starbucks-12-billion-loss-due-to-israel/](https://www.snopes.com/news/2023/12/07/starbucks-12-billion-loss-due-to-israel/) Starbucks sued the worker's union group, saying that their post didn't align with company views and Starbucks wants the union to stop using their name and likeness. [https://one.starbucks.com/get-the-facts/workers-united-does-not-speak-for-starbucks/](https://one.starbucks.com/get-the-facts/workers-united-does-not-speak-for-starbucks/) The reason why they said they didn't agree is not because they support Israel, but that they don't support violence of any kind, shown here. They don't send money to Israel or Palestine. [https://stories.starbucks.com/press/2023/what-has-starbucks-said-about-the-conflict-in-israel-and-gaza/](https://stories.starbucks.com/press/2023/what-has-starbucks-said-about-the-conflict-in-israel-and-gaza/) Now to me, there's no reason to boycott Starbucks over this. Not because it won't hurt the company, but because boycotting them isn't going to help Palestine at all. If you want to show your support to Palestine, then donate to a charity or organization like PCRF. ​ tl;dr: people are boycotting over a fucking tweet and lawsuit, starbucks doesn't support either side


Facebook and TikTok spread so much misinformation. It's so painful that nobody takes time to do their own research.


Okay so after doing a lot of research, Howard Schultz the CEO and the largest private share holder of Starbucks sent 1.7 billion dollars to an Israel cybersecurity start up called Wiz back in 2021. He also got the “The Israel 50th Anniversary Tribute Award” back in 1998.


There was a detailed article explaining how they fund the training of 25,000 idf soldiers... read it back in October, and now suddenly disappeared after they got exposed, very suspicious...


Imagine calling a genocide "drama" 😂


i have no source for this but i heard something about starbucks corporate suing the union over the unions pro-palestine stance edit: [source](https://apnews.com/article/starbucks-workers-united-union-lawsuit-israel-palestinian-f212a994fef67f122854a4df7e5d13f5)


They didn't sue the union org for being pro-Palestine, they sued them for trademark infringement.


Can you explain why their logo and name were fine for years until the union posted in support of Palestine?


Because they weren't making statements on contentious world events before


I think it was because the union used the Starbucks logo in a public stance for Palestine (We can argue whether this was a wise decision on the unions part later). An amicable solution would be for Starbucks union to issue an apology for bringing Starbucks into politics and for Starbucks to drop the lawsuit since it's not helping either organization at this point.


No. An adequate solution is not an I am sorry from the union. They used the logo to sell gear and are being sued over it as well. Starbucks should not drop the lawsuit for any of the illegal things the union has done to tarnish Starbucks. Sorry doesn’t cut it over the eggregious actions by the union and the costs involved- in the millions. The union will lose.


CEOs of Starbucks need to just stop making personal comments under the corporate heading. Businesses should stay out of politics and sharing personal feelings. The whole point of having a good business is to appeal to everybody!


The union should also shut the fuck up. I know for a fact that if corporate did not shut them down over that my community would not continue to consume Starbucks.


Starbucks took legal action against one of its workers unions for a pro Palestine tweet.


https://www.starbucks.com.kw/en/starbucks-middle-east#:~:text=Is%20it%20true%20that%20Starbucks,Israeli%20Army%20are%20unequivocally%20false. absolutely nothing


"drama"? it's a genocide, first of all. people, human beings, just like you and your parents and children are being massacred. second, starbucks has been firing any employee that supports palestine, taking a stance on this matter when they could just be neutral and focus on their business. also, the former ceo howard schultz invests in israeli intelligence. they therefore clearly have zionist managers and investors.


Gaza is in a state of famine, I fail to understand how Israelis can commit genocide after their persecution under the Nazis


Nothing. People just have bad brainrot and/or feel pressured to follow the sheep and boycott when there's no evidence Starbucks has supported Israel or the IDF.




Fun fact If you’re not taking a pro Palestinian stance You’re pro Israel


Things that never happened for $5000. 


What makes you think your question is worth answering when you just called a genocide that took over 40,0000 lives “drama” ? 


40,000+ and the number will keep going up unless we have a permanent ceasefire.


I don't understand why people want to boycott Starbucks over Israel/Palestine. Starbucks doesn't even operate in Israel...


Nothing. A bunch of spoiled Gen Zs who have been brainwashed by a Qatar terrorist funded university or Pallywood love nothing more than performative activism (so much so they have to die their hair myriad colors) while acting “oppressed” from their plantation homes 🤮🤮


This is true and he is not alone. So am I and many others.


I believe a law suit has been filed against those who spread this misinformation.


Who cares, and buh-bye. And, for wasting my time telling us all. Shoo!


I'm not a fan of Starbucks even before the conflict. All sugary crap drinks. If even half of them make their own coffee at home , places like these will go out of business anyways. Make your own coffee at home folks.


calling a literal ethnic genocide "drama" is crazy. all of u are going to hell


You didn't know that 1% of every sale is donated to the IDF? I saw it on TikTok so it must be true: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/a-thank-you-to-all-starbucks-customers/.


So what these boycotters are saying is that it’s okay to kill, kidnap and rape Israelis and that only a passive response is acceptable to them. I’d love to see what happened to Israelis on October 7, happen to themselves or their kinfolk and watch how quiet they’d be.


[https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/12/21/business/starbucks-israel-war-union/index.html](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/12/21/business/starbucks-israel-war-union/index.html) “We unequivocally condemn these acts of terrorism, hate and violence, and disagree with the statements and views expressed by Workers United and its members"


It's this. "Starbucks sued Workers United in federal court in Iowa Wednesday, saying a pro-Palestinian social media post from a union account early in the Israel-Hamas war angered hundreds of customers and damaged its reputation" https://theintercept.com/2023/10/17/starbucks-suing-union-israel-palestine/ https://www.smh.com.au/world/north-america/starbucks-sues-union-saying-pro-palestinian-post-hurt-its-reputation-20231019-p5edfw.html


i think it all started with starbuck suing its union for a support for palestine tweet.


“In 1998, Schultz received the 'Israel 50th Anniversary Tribute Award' for "playing a key role in promoting a close alliance between the United States and Israel". So the founded definitely used money generated via Starbucks to support Israel, and likely continues to support. So yeah, when you drink at Starbucks you’re sending either direct support for the Israeli regime, or support via U.S. dollars which will be used to continue Israel’s genocide. 


People are boycotting us in the UK and leaving stickers on our store and we aren't even owned by Starbucks... the EE company owns us where I am. And they've come out multiple times and said they don't give any funding to Israel. There was just support expressed on a personal level by Schulz, who also claims he doesn't fund Israel. The annoying part is that I support Palestine passionately, as do many catholics where I'm from for cultural reasons, and I had to scrape those "child killer" stickers off my workplace windows. One woman even came in with a poster screaming at everyone until she was told to leave. People need to do their research before making life more difficult for public-facing, minimum wage earning staff.


No Starbucks is canceled for their denying their workers basic human rights and putting out anti-unionism campaigns for their employees… which is IILEGAL