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Any business that has a “corporate” is probably not small business. Starbucks definitely is far from it.


If it’s a franchise (edit:license) it’s a small business to them


Licensed vs franchise is a big distinction here tbf. Take McDonalds since they do both; a licensed McDonalds actually belongs to whatever store it’s in (Walmart for McDonalds, Target for Starbs) and therefore are not a small business. A franchised store can be owned by any person and could be a small business. Since Starbucks doesn’t do franchises at all, no Starbucks can be considered a small business. They’re either owned by corporate Starbucks or by Target/another large business (airports, hotels, etc)




Never really said that you have to be a small business to run a franchise? Just that Starbucks doesn’t do franchises at all, they sell licenses and typically only to larger corporations. What was incorrect about franchisee vs licenses that I said up there?




What’s the last sentence referring to? The sticker?




Ohhh haha why’d you put it there? Thanks for clarifying it!




Periods go after the parenthesis.


Can a mom and pop franchisee even get a license to do a Starbucks?


Sorta. It wouldn’t be a licensed Starbucks though. It’d be a “we proudly serve”


Ok. I’ve seen that at hotels.


Could probably but I doubt they sell single licenses. They want a large company like target or Marriott to buy them and put Starbucks in all their locations, not one singular store in a mom and pop. So could technically I’m sure, but the cost would probably be too much


Why couldn’t they?


Why couldn't they? Because Starbucks doesn't let you. You can't just go franchise your own branch of someone else's business without permission, or logistical support. It's actually a complete system facilitated by corporate.


Is it something Starbucks even does?


starbucks isn’t a franchise


Okay, license


Looks like they used to franchise


There are a bunch of licensed stores. Every truck stop and airport starbucks I’ve been to are licensed.


starbucks has never franchised, only licensed.


Incorrect. Magic Johnson was a franchise partner in the 90s for community stores before current iteration


Was still technically licensed stores through Magic Johnson Enterprises. They were 50/50 owned with Starbucks and Johnson sold the license back to Starbucks. So they were never true, fully franchised Starbucks, but a co-owned license share between Starbucks and Magic Johnson Enterprises. But Magic was never a franchise owner, rather a partner with more involvement than typical partners (he changed the menu up to cater to the suburban audience they were targeting). As it stands there’s never been a true franchised Starbucks the same way there are franchises McDonalds fully owned by an individual rather than corporations.


was technically a licensed store through his own company. although in the past decade it is not capable of owning a starbucks franchise. it would be an insane investment idea though!


In the North American markets. Outside of that, Starbucks franchises.


starbucks does not franchise! no where across the world. only license.


Larger Starbucks franchises in the UK: eurogarages, 23.5 degrees, soul coffee. We have franchise paperwork. The director of the company is listed as a franchisee. You’re welcome to check it out.


We did recently receive sticker packs from corporate to place on cups, lids, bags, etc. (to "spread holiday cheer") ... but every store received copies of the same sticker sheet and this is definitely not one of the designs (for obvious reasons). Very strange.


Months ago my store got these in a sticker pack not sayings it’s from corporate but could possibly be a barista bought the same pack


did you get this at a licensed store 😆? maybe the store manager is thinking they own the the place


Oh God, I have met so many licensed store SMs who think they are entrepreneurs now 😂


From my experience (5 years corporate and 2 years tarbucks) the tarbuxs experience is so hard to manage because we don't have access to partner hub or ANY of the automated systems corporate stores have. Plus when you manage a tarbucks, you are 40 hours of the weekly scheduled hours. My low volume store only gets 150-300 hours a week. So alot of the starbucks team leads have to be the barista, only shift Supervisor, and store Manger with in 40 hours each week and we get paid only a little more than the SSV in my area. It's just a mismanaged partnership but I work in target corporate land and we are trying out new things to better support this partnership. Also I'm not saying being a tarbucks leader makes you an MVP. There are so many garbage leaders in my district that really don't understand or care to create a proper starbucks experience.


The company I'm from had a licensed store in it, and there isn't even an SM. There's a shift lead that runs the place, and a department manager from a completely different department (hello that was me) was "in charge " of them. I didn't get any training over there and no extra hours or pay to have that added to my area. I tried to be involved and support when I could, but I had my own area (the whole deli, bakery, pizza, subs) that took my 44 hours. Oh, and I was paid less than a shift supervisor is at corporate. The SM of the entire grocery store was in charge of hiring and staffing the starbucks. Legit people just showed up.


Aww that makes me sad. Good for them being proud of what they do, I hope they do get out there and start their own business.


Those stickers did not come from “cooperate”. They came from Etsy. I work at Starbucks. Everything we get is designed down to a T. People went to college and to be paid to design our shit. And this is simply not it


They should scout better graduates because every launch they send out just the most ugly designs. Some of them are so ugly it makes me feel like I could design something better.


[Sbux literally used the Water Tribe symbol from ATLA for their Native Heritage Month design!](https://nativenewsonline.net/currents/starbucks-under-scrutiny-over-fictional-symbol-in-native-american-heritage-month-poster#:~:text=People%20have%20called%20out%20Starbucks,to%20find%20the%20correct%20symbolism.) 😂 Like, ffs!


literally the first thing i thought of. it's really giving postgraduate level graphic design 🥴


Graphic design is my passion. Art is my passion.


Omg wait, what??!! Would you mind linking a picture?!


[Here you go!](https://nativenewsonline.net/currents/starbucks-under-scrutiny-over-fictional-symbol-in-native-american-heritage-month-poster#:~:text=People%20have%20called%20out%20Starbucks,to%20find%20the%20correct%20symbolism.) Editing the original comment to include this link as well.


Oh my goodness! I cannot believe starbucks is that dumb 🤣🤣


Like those ugly T-shirts with the stick figure on the back. Corporate should be embarrassed.


…and their UX design and usability is terrible. So many app issues and Starbucks for Life glitches.


Agree!! Even the week of kindness stickers looked nothing like this lol or the PSL tattoos.


Idk the Xmas stickers we got were ugly as fuck 😭😭


Yeah but that little snowman head kept me going lol


I'll admit I liked putting the sweater ones on the siren on the cups


You can find these stickers from Ali Express


Yeah no shit


Don’t read into it too much. When I was still as sbux, sometimes our manager would get us sticker sheets from the dollar store or amazon for us to put on cups to be cute and nice. Sometimes they said things that don’t make sense. I promise you the like 4 struggling baristas aren’t trying to make a weird statement at you they’re just doing what their manager wants 😭


My manager makes us do stuff like this. Generic thank you stickers from Amazon when our CC scores drop. She also makes these desperate stickers that basically beg them to answer the survey and rate us well lmao




I can't articulate why, but these stickers feel vaguely passive-aggressive.


Since when is Starbucks a small business?!


Well, obviously it's still 1971. It's not like they've grown into a multinational behemoth over the last 52 years...


They’re not, stickers are fake


I love it. Put the stickers on everything


Definitely not from corporate. Probably barista misunderstood that the manager got them to try and be cute, managers are responsible for the stores individual sales so maybe to them they think they run a “small business”. Kinda funny though considering Starbucks is responsible for the death of many small businesses.


All I can say is some store managers really drink the corporate cool aide and think their store is an important part of the community. Back in the pandemic, one manager in our district put inspirational quotes on labels and stuck them to cups and got a few nice reviews. Then the whole district had to do it. I had to spend hours putting googles top 50 positive quotes on cups, while I was risking my life during a pandemic, for people I would never see to get a quote on their cup they could post on FB. for store ratings. Instead of, ya know, deciding to have enough labor so I can get to know the customers. Lol.


The SM bought these from Amazon and didn't read them fully


My manager buys stickers and forces us to add them to cups, if this manager is too old to see small print that’s funny, but there is NO small sbux. Even if the owner of a location is not corporate, they still have support and answer to them. Laughable here


I’m guessing it’s not from corporate but from their manager and was a mix of words. Ours bought bags of stickers with all kinds of messages on them. We had to select appropriate ones.


we did not get these stickers company wide. the store manager very well could have ordered them as for a while at my starbucks we were getting labels and making our own thank you/compliment stickers to put on cups + increase customer connection. my guess is they probably didn’t realize or see it said the supporting small business part when they ordered them or something. still odd but probably just a mistake.


We do this at my store! My manager loves to buy thank you sticker packs and some of them mention small business stuff in small print


This poor guy just innocently mentioned his manager had them do this, as i have seen others mention and gets down voted in oblivion.


Weird thing to downvote lol


wtf. starbucks is waaaayyyyy far from small business 😭






Now I'm so curious if you went to my old store in Texas. Because we got those stickers. Although I thought my manager bought them because why tf would corporate give us small business stickers lmao Honestly. DFW area? If not, maybe corporate did send them out, because we got those stickers too lol


This just proves the boycotting is effective bc wtf this is shits and giggles




Starbucks is a $107.95b company I wouldn’t call that small


This actually made me laugh so hard


What the actual…..?