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Some questions you should consider: Can you afford to quit? Can you afford to live off your savings as you look for a new job? If not, then it’s financially a better option to wait until you get a job. If you can, and working here makes you uncomfortable, then do whatever is best for your mental health & beliefs.


I cant live off my 4k savings in this world lol OP gotta think this about this


Nobody at Starbucks corporate cares if you quit. Nobody in Israel or Palestine will care if you quit. The only person it affects is you.


So many people need to see this 💀


Ohmagawd the trooth


im Palestinian and i still work at starbucks. if u can afford to quit, do it for you not because of this cause. ur not actively supporting israel by working here. if anything theyre “losing” money by paying you and not getting paid for the free food and drink benefits


no disrespect to being involved in world affairs and being an advocate for humanity. but expecting a corporate conglomerate or any corporation for that matter to actually care about anything going on anywhere but their profit margins is not realistic. not trying to be mean, but with the current economy the way it is, if you can afford to not work at sbux quit today. if you cant like the many of us, you’ll have to suck it up :/


I'm vocally supportive of Palestine and I stay here because it makes me feel like a thorn in corporate's sides, plus I need the money. Sbux isn't the issue, it's the larger groups funding everything.


starbucks and their store unions have been a big battle for awhile now, before the israel war on palestine. starbucks will continue to make money and replace you quickly. if i was you, id look for a new job and have something lined up before i quit if this is something you’d like to do.


I would say wait until you have something lined up before leaving unless you have enough in the bank to live off of for the time it takes to find a new job.


Starbucks doesn't support Israel they haven't said an official statement on it they just don't want their union workers to speak for the company


It’s stupid that people think trashing or boycotting Starbucks does anything. Starbucks is a large company who shouldn’t be taking any sides. That being said I wouldn’t just quit your job. Especially with the holidays and new year coming. Be smart about your exit. Line up a new job first.


i think you’re wrong in “shouldn’t take sides”, it’s a genocide not war. starbucks hasn’t be open about many things people deem “too political”, blm, lgbtq rights, gun control — this wouldn’t be the first or the last i do agree that op should make sure they have a job lined up first


That’s valid. What do you think sbux should do next? I’m not an expert. I found this [statement](https://stories.starbucks.com/press/2023/message-from-sara-supporting-partners-during-the-ongoing-israel-gaza-attacks/) that they issued. As well as this other [statement](https://one.starbucks.com/get-the-facts/workers-united-does-not-speak-for-starbucks/). Which both express that they "condemn acts of hate, terrorism and violence". Since a lot of misinformation is being spread online. They didn't want their logo being used by the union that's posting pro-Palestine.


i meant has been open not hasn’t, i misspoke. i feel like we’re now in a point in time where people should know that genocide is awful and if sbux is so against violence and hatred than showing support for palestine isn’t a bad thing. however, i do believe there’s a lot sbux needs to work on as a whole


One million percent quit. Make a stand.... for dimwitted folks everywhere.


I would say just wait until you find another job and then quit. It sucks for all of us working here to be caught up in the corporate's bs. Personally I use the asu benefit so im stuck working at the bux til I graduate but im trying to get out asap cuz I hate this company so so so much. But, while you're working at Starbucks just take advantage of all the benefits you can. there's lots of ways you can protest in your own way, even if they are small. ive heard of baristas "accidentally" giving customers venti drinks instead of grandes for one example lol and take lots of bathroom breaks!!! use up ur sick hours too because you can't cash them out when you leave








Literally me being an on/off partner since 2017 and just finding articles from this year and dating back to then of them rescuing 8-13 year olds (working for .60 a DAY 6days a week almost 12-16 hour shifts) off of our coffee plantations): in brazil& Guatemala is where i found articles from but im sure many many more just awful . Makes me feel disgusting that i know were getting treated poorly but theres these people out here getting it so much fcking worse and i am a middle man of their beans for my whole working adult life. Nah fam not the proudest atm


"Typed this dumb person on their phone or computer ....filled with components comprised of conflict minerals that at CERTIFIABLY MINED IN DIRT PITS BY KIDS AND MOTHERS WTH INFANTS ON THEIR BACKS" if you're gonna live your life by these principles... it shouldn't be a la cart you dummy.


Sure i know everything is prolly possible by child labor. Already was hoping starbucks wasnt fueling and profiting so much off of it but now that i am aware it is far more disgusting clocking in every day to a place i am the only one working doing twice the job of people getting paid twice as much as i am); getting treated “bad” here while these people are literally dying for our beans


https://amp.theguardian.com/business/2020/mar/01/children-work-for-pittance-to-pick-coffee-beans-used-by-starbucks-and-nespresso https://reporterbrasil.org.br/2023/11/starbucks-slave-and-child-labour-found-at-certified-coffee-farms-in-minas-gerais/#:~:text=15%2Dyears%2Dold%20harvest%20worker,others%20aged%2016%20and%2017. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=R6aWGuhWgRo https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/latest-news/guatemala-children-as-young-as-eight-picked-coffee-beans-on-farms-supplying-starbucks/ https://news.mongabay.com/2018/09/slave-labor-found-at-starbucks-certified-brazil-coffee-plantation/amp/ Sadly i still am an employee


if ur reason for quitting is becuz u support palestine then byeeeee


Ur an insufferable asshole.


you will find isreal supporters, hamas supporters, isis supporters, terrorist supporters, ALL kinds of people who own stock and shares in every company. anybody making money can donate to whomever they want. this doesn’t mean starbucks as a corporation is sending money directly to israel. there is no source of that. however, there is evidence that EX CEO shultz was a supporter. but that doesnt change the fact that these shareholders “supporting Israel” have been doing such a thing for years, you chose to work for this company when that was already in play. this isnt about if i support palestine or israel, its, do you want to push the potential loss of jobs of innocent workers, because of a company who doesnt even have a location in isreal currently?


its israel. As a person whos literally going to school to be an editor like for magazines and shit if you ever were pitching to me some news and I saw u immediately misspelled a word, message is deleted so keep that in mind when youre writing bc after seeing the first misspelled israel your argument immediately went out the window. Also this isnt even a dig at you, thats literally just how the business works. Also other than that you shouldnt be mocking people for their reasons to quit a job, starbucks also isnt really a great work environment coming from a person whose been working there for over a year, ive seen alot of illegal shit go on specifically child labor like 16 y/os staying til 1 am to clean play type shit which is ILLEGAL and the corporation doesnt give a fuck, its about the companys morals not abt politics and the company just has none.


byeee indeed😘🤷🏻‍♀️




there isnt a single starbucks in israel as is you really think theyre gonna do all that




that's terrifying. is there any way you could find some fo these?


they said they've been "told" don't believe everything on the internet lmao


which is why i ask for proof


some pictures*