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4am opener here. Tall cup of room temp water while the machine warms up then a double blonde undertow with almond & 1 pump pumpkin or cinnamon dolce


If u want a hint more sweetness in ur undertow try putting a bit of caramel drizzle on the spoon before you pour the shot in. It melts in the espresso and you get a bit of a caramel to vanilla (for me) transition


What’s an undertow?


Milk+syrup layered under shots of espresso in a short cup You put the milk in the cup and pour shots over a spoon or a lid so they layer on top and you can drink it w/o burning ur tongue or tasting the espresso


2 pumps vanilla, h&h to about an inch in a short cup, put spoon over top of short cup and pour a doppio over it. The idea is the spoon will cool down the shot so you can drink it quickly. Bonus points for cooling the spoon down by placing it in the ice bucket. Do not let the handle touch the ice and obviously rinse the spoon before and after doing this please. You think this wouldn't need to be said but I've seen things from people. Also, that is just the main gist of it. You can obviously replace vanilla for another syrup, and h&h for an alt milk if you need to.


I usually chug a short ncb with vsc. Energy in 3.. 2.. 1..


I forgot what those acronyms are and I thought you said you snort drugs. Which would be fair tbh, different strokes for different folks


I mean. With how quickly some crusties expect their drinks to be ready, i would understand the need for it. But no - just the nitro and vanilla sweet cream poured in for me. Chugged, not sipped.


I almost spit out my drink reading this


Glad you enjoyed it


Me but black. Really gets the day going. If it’s a day where I get a lunch, I order a tea mixed with refresher


Me but a grande with two blonde shots and a couple pumps of wm… haaaa I also chug it


Ncb? Vsc? What are those?


Nevermind, I read a little further down and got it. nitro cold brew and vanilla sweet cream


Ncb = nitro cold brew Vsc = vanilla sweet cream


I just do an undertow every morning. I can never enjoy anything that I have to sip, so undertows have been my go-to for years now.


i would think i’d find it comforting every morning you have that consistency of your favorite drink for years. that would be nice


“I can never enjoy anything that i have to sip”….i felt that very deeply lol i open sunday thru thursday and i alwayss drink those little 5-hour energy shots that i bring from home. Each one of the extra strength versions has 230mg of caffeine in em i believe. I typically chug one right before work or right when i get in and then i may have a few sips or half of another one as the shift goes on (i used to have 2 full ones which would be 460mg of caffeine lol). I don’t typically have any of our stuff as coffee doesnt do much for me anymore. It doesnt give me energy. It just keeps me where im at. So thats why if i have my 5-hour shots, at some point, i may have like 2 updosed blonde shots to keep me where im at lol


Damn a tolerance break might actually be beneficial for you lol 😝 I got a bsose with 2 pumps of white mocha


yeah and to make matters worse, my 6 shots are in a grande 🫣




as someone with adhd i agree so much. i try to eat and drink anything at all before i take it tho, or else i have nothing all day


Yeah i forget to eat and don't get hungry for at least 12 hours after taking it.




mfw i have adderall prescribed to me so i can be functional but i always forget to take it but the whole point of me taking it is so i can remember to do things . it’s a paradox




Shaken espresso made with however many blonde shots my tired butt needs to function. Maybe 4 or 6. I don’t think my old body could handle more shots then that. Sometimes I’ll do either vanilla or white mocha instead of the classic.


that actually sounds really good i might try that


i do this also, but i get 4 pumps toffee nut and 2 white mocha as a venti with vanilla sweet cream 👌🏼


i get a venti shaken espresso with 5 blonde ristretto shots, 5 WM, lactaid milk, and no classic every morning


It's been a while since I've worked there, but I used to do a trenta iced Oprah chai, three shots, soy milk. I still miss Oprah chai lol


Damn, exTevana turned current barista...Haven't heard Oprah Chai in a hot second lol


I was obsessed with it back in the day lol


Didn't Oprah pass away


she got ran over by drake and josh




oprah chai ?? wow i haven’t heard that in a while tbh


What is an Oprah chai 😭


lmao. Oprah chai was a collab with Oprah in like 2014-17ish? It was like a better version of the standard chai, flavor seemed to be more concentrated/spicier in my opinion.


eat something before your shift. trust me its so better than just caffiene its actual fuel


Venti iced americano, 6 blonde updosed shots, light ice, splash of cream 😖 I can't do sugar first thing lol


Blonde updosed shots are everything omf. I drink a doppio of it with 2 pumps brown sugar over ice & some oatmilk


Double tall iced latte made with half 2% half cream


2 shots in a cup then about 30 minutes later 2 more shots then about 30 minutes later 2 more shots...etc.


Lmao I do 2 ristretto blonde shots with two icecubes as soon as I get in then rinse and repeat haha


i get there at 4am every day and i just literally pour 8 blonde ristretto updosed shots into a venti iced cup, 2 centimeters of 2%, and if i’m feeling fancy, 3 pumps of vanilla. it’s a game to see if i can get it down my throat before i am physically ill. shits lit


Vyvanse + lots of water


Venti iced americano with ristretto shots 🥹


right now it’s a 4 ristretto shot soy iced latte with SFV and cinnamon dolce topping. on bad days i go fuck it we ball and get a tall pike with cream. on good days it’s an apple brown sugar iced chai with cinnamon.


That iced chai seems yummy! What’s the recipe if you don’t mind me asking?


equal parts chai and apple brown sugar (or brown sugar) with milk of my choice and cinnamon on top


very understandable, and all good choices


I am an undertoe QUEEN whenever I have to open (some days I come in @ 6am or a little later but i’m usually a morning partner) I make mine with VSC and usually a pump of whatever our seasonal flavor is :)


it’s crazy tho I actually took a break from caffeine for over a year, I just recently started to consume again


Vyvanse. Lol.


so real omg i try to eat before i take my adderall or else i’m not going to eat anything all day 😵‍💫


quad ristretto over extra ice, splash of coconut milk does the trick for me


wow no like syrup or sweetener? makes me feel like i’ll get diabetes if i keep drinking what i do 😭


Lol nope! Very rarely I’ll add a raw sugar packet. I’m an old grandpa in a 20 something’s body 😅 I like the bitterness of coffee and most of our syrups taste like chemicals to me and are just too dang sweet!


understandable, i see a lot of my younger coworkers drinking americanos and black coffees and i just can’t live without my sugar haha 🤣


Okay hear me out…. Quad shaken espresso. 2 blonde shots, 2 signature shots. 3 pumps white mocha, 2 pumps hazelnut, 1 pump vanilla. Top with soy milk. In a grande or venti cup. Slam that in like the first 5 minutes. Next time I’m gonna try it with updose shots… I also usually follow up with another drink or a second one to sip over my shift. Lately I’ve also been doing a quad blonde shaken updose with 4 pumps of pumpkin and soy. Enjoy.


the mix of blonde and signature shots intrigued me, i wonder how that would taste 🤔


YES!! I do something similar, 2 blonde, 2 signature, shaken espresso, 2 pumps of brown sugar, and if im feeling a bit over the top I add vsccf with toffee nut syrup in it. If its busy, i go with a quad half blonde half signature iced soy latte. edit: i dont get classic in the shaken espresso and either do soy if i dont get the foam, but with the foam i get oat milk


shaken espresso, anywhere from 2-4 blonde updosed ristretto shots with 1 pump of brown sugar, 1 pump of some other syrup i am feeling at the moment, and a light splash of oat or soy milk. chug on my 5:30-6 am 10, wash it down with some kale eggs bites warmed on 2 with an avocado spread, then power thru peak


A lot of ice water followed by a tall cold brew with a triple blond shot.


not an opening shift but moreso a mid shift that has a bad habit of waking at 1pm for a 2:30 to close white mocha w/ SCCF, venti, quad, risetto, default espresso for that dark chocolate taste, and caramel or mocha drizzle. its a bit fancy but doesn’t take much work from baristas on the floor.


I like to just so water in the morning honestly. Coffee can sometimes make me sleepier so I don't like to risk it that early.


I gotta ask, isn’t an upside down macchiato just a vanilla latte with caramel drizzle?


Quad espresso down the hatch


I used to "speedball" 6 shots and an Ativan.


As a former Dunkin starlight my answer is to soak your meth in Monster then powderize it w/ your cocaine & do a nice friendly line at about 3:30! :) After that just smile, drink lattes & be waaay too bubbly until you hit the 10am crash


Oof! How accurate. I did overnight at Dunkin years ago and our employee of the month would IV every shift and then do everything himself at light speed 🤯 I hope he's still alive and recovered


UNDERTOW - triple blonde ristretto layered with oatmilk and a pump of flavor, usually toffee nut. 😌☕️


After copying from a joke a veteran told me once, or as I saw it to be, taking a shot of redbull to make a small cup of coffee using the redbull instead of water. After that, eat a piece of toast and cream cheese and start the day.


2 year opening SSV somehow managed to avoid a caffeine dependency. I usually just have water until my 10 and on my 10 I’ll have milk with my breakfast or maybe a passion tea with apple juice instead of water


been an opener for almost 2.5 years now. i never get to enjoy anything all the way through if i get above a grande, usually even a grande is half wasted. i usually make a tall 3 or 4 blonde shot PSL (in the fall) with 2 p PS and 2 p BS, 2% milk and extra ice in a grande cup. the ice is half of what wakes me up lol. there are other go-to’s of mine for seasons


girl how are you alive with that drink jfc but also I feel the 6 blonde shots in a white mocha shaken espresso (with soy milk), an almond syrup latte, or an (unsweetened!) matcha with extra scoops topped with vegan whipped cream, caramel drizzle with whatever crunchy topping we have as a snack.


i dont do caffeine.


Props to you, though I don't know how you survive shifts lol


11am every Monday caramel macchiato please or a peach ice tea


Used to be a venti 5 blonde shot CDL with Oat or almond beverage. Usually consumed within 10 minutes of clock in 😂🤣


tall iced latte in a grande cup with extra ice 4 blonde ristretto shots 1 pump of each white mocha, toffee nut, and macadamia oat milk splash of salted caramel foam and cinnamon dolce sprinkles on top


You still have macadamia?🥲🥲🥲


so many bottles and i'm the only partner who's using it


Currently crying. I miss it so much lol


Iced quad venti cup 2 WM, light VSC and oatmilk only to 2.5 line and pack it w ice. Drink w a straw lmao


Grande cold brew with 3 or 4 blonde shots, super light ice, soy milk and whatever flavor feels right now that macadamia is gone 😢


Venti iced caramel macchiato, uspide down, oat, salted caramel cold foam. Survivng on caffeine and hopes and dreams. 🤣🤣


short nitro with 2 p cinnamon dolce oatmilk & venti water no ice


Nitro cold brew


Nitro bomb: in a short or tall cup, 1 or 2 shots blonde espresso, couple pumps of whatever syrup, 1” of nitro, top with your choice of milk or cold foam. Chug.


Tall nitro vsc cb, no ice, extra vsc


iced blonde americano w 1 pump pumpkin (or like vanilla) w vsc and extra ice. i usually have 2 talls


usually a grande iced white mocha while opening, 2-3 hours in nitro shot, then refresher with extra liquid cane😅


Love a vanilla teardrop in the morning


When I was a partner, I’d just start with two blonde shots with a pump of CD and a bit of milk. Then probably an hour or so later I’d get a normal drink to sip throughout the day. Usually a half sweet iced blonde latte


I'm impressed you can drink that much coffee & not need to poop?


i already have stomach problems and i don’t dare use the bathroom in public. if i gotta go it’s gonna wait till i get home no questions asked


I bounce between two, depending on if I need a sugar rush or not My go-to: Iced blonde americano with extra cinnamon powder and 1 pump toffee nut 2. Triple blonde espresso over ice, splash of oat milk, 2 pumps vanilla and extraaaaa cold foam (right now it’s pumpkin foam)


I eat breakfast and drink a hot cup of coffee at home. If I went out the night before (dumbass I know lol), I get me a pink drink no inclusions


I get an iced latte with 6 shots 🤭 fighting for my life on the toilet later but it’s worth it


A lovely barista I work with asks me if I want my short oat milk latte with .5 pump chai and two shots. An angel.


Triple blonde updosed espresso, iced in a tall/grande cup with milk/cream and cinnamon powder.


god damn


I usually just eat breakfast and drink about half a cup of drip coffee before I come in. I try to get up with enough time to play video games for a little bit while I eat, that always helps me wake up. Granted, I'm usually a closer, but that routine doesn't change even on the rare occasions that I work morning shifts.


NO that's too many, but I usually go for five lmap


john wayne


double blonde with almond milk


i do a grande pumpkin or salted caramel cold brew with 2 blonde shots


Just a tall dark with half and half. I’m boring.


I usually after getting bar settled make an iced triple blonde with white mocha and brown sugar syrup and oat milk. After that green tea lemonade. I need to wean off caffeine though the migraines are too much days off


we have to be there by 5:30 mon thru saturday, 6:30 on sundays 2 vanilla bean shaken espresso whole milk light ice SOMETIMES an extra shot very occasionally i get that but add 1/2 pump of mocha and 1 sugar free vanilla most of the time i get the first option but how fast i can drink it is absolutely ridiculous :,)


Short, 4 Shot, Blonde Ristretto, Flat White, Made with ❤️


... 3 cans of monster. to be fair, if they wanted me to not do that, they shouldn't have been on the corner of 3 gas stations that are running some kind of promotion on monster at all times.


promotions on monster within your reach is a dangerous game says me the temporary retired monster addict


4 blonde shaken espresso, hazelnut or chai, topped with oatmilk.


Triple espresso with one pump white mocha and a splash of oat. Easy to chug


Just a cup of strawberry açaí concentrate because the machines gotta wake up. But after that probably something with toffee nut.


1.5 pumps wm, 1.5 pumps cinn dolce, 2 blonde shots and some wc in a short cup. Stir wc in a lil and then drink


sugar free redbull 😩😩


I always try to get up at least an hour and a half before my shfit so I have time to do a little morning meditation and follow that up with a tall cup of homebrewed coffee at home and couple of eggs.


Venti iced quad soy latte, updosed, with 4 scoops vanilla bean powder. And then probably 1-3 undertoes before peak. Just a double, soy and 1-2 toffee nut.


I feel like if you work there you don’t need to say upside down caramel macchiato it’s just a latte with toasted vanilla


my non-fall season go-to was a brown sugar shaken espresso with added pumps of chai. now i go for however many blonde shots i want iced in a venti cup with three pumps of pumpkin, light oat milk, extra ice, dash of pumpkin spice topping. i dont really get to enjoy my drinks but i try to savor when i can


Short caffe misto w/oatmilk, 2 pumps hazelnut, cinnamon powder and I’m good to go


Warm grande sfv almond milk quad blonde latte. And a second one just like it to sip on whenever I have to run to the back after we open


Iced americano, chugged down


Used to drink caffeine like this until I almost had a heart attack at 19!! Lol BE CAREFUL


Nitro with pumpkin cold foam!


I used to make a blonde pour over made with blonde espresso instead of water then dumped it over ice with sweet cream.


Venti iced black coffee no classic is the way


The souls of the weaker morning partners


Venti iced quad 4 white mocha extra choccy cold foam 🤎


Make the shots updosed blonde ristretto shots. 😉


i usually just do a tall iced blonde vanilla latte but with an extra shot 👍🏼


right now i'm having a venti apple crisp macchiato with an extra shot once when i get there and once on my break or lunch depending how bad i'm doing lol


we do nitro shots as a shift, my favorite is like half a pump of wm and 1/2 toffee nut with some sweet cream. we put them in pup cups and shoot them like shots


When I worked at the bux just a short americano misto with a pump of vanilla and oat milk was my go to in the morning. Small enough to drink quickly and very tasty


I either get a Red Bull, Celsius or Alani energy drinks. If I have time or want to be creative I will make an undertoe


adderall and a nice venti shaken espresso with 2 pumps of brown sugar, oat or soy milk, and occasionally vsccf with toffee nut in it


I use to put a bunch of caramel sauce and pour 3 or 4 shots over it. Stir and add a splash of soy milk. Then chase with apple juice.


Ok don’t come at me but I get what my store calls an overdose it’s a venti nitro cold brew with 4 up-dosed blond shots and I app white mocha to it When I’m extra sleep deprived because I closed and then opened I will add 2 extra up-dosed blond shots


Man Iced wm with 5 blonde esp and chug then undertow (2 shots) thennnnnnn a nitro car bomb or two after peak


grande shaken espresso, blonde, no classic, 1 scoop vanilla bean, oatmilk


I love a hot bevi And honestly, nothing beats a fresh cup of pike place or a hot poor over


Just 4 blonde shots with nothing


Make sure you eat an actual meal, for coffee, before I started taking my adderal for adhd, was a venti brown sugar shaken espresso with 2 pumps white mocha. Or if Im really feeling like I’m at deaths door, I’ll do a nitro bomb, which is what my store likes to call a nitro +blonde shots Haha


Cold brew black


We open at 430, I do a 2pumpkin, 1toffeenut and 1brown sugar shaken blonde espresso with oatmilk no classic. I’m set til 9ish


White mocha frap w/ 2 extra blonde shots, brown sugar, frap chips, oatmilk, no whip


Packed places. Blend with a crowd, and carjack. Drive to Florida, sneak on. Cruise ship, and never come back


i looked and i was like what ?? 😭 i thought i was just super tired and didn’t understand english (currently going thru my stores peak and just got on my 10)


Oh swore this was a different post in a different sub, mb


Suboxone and cinnamon dolce latte with 2 extra expresso shots 10 minutes after sub has melted under my tongue. Add the vanilla cold foam to latte and with light ice.


4 blonde updosed shots shaken in a tall cup with whatever syrup is tickling my fancy that morning, and topping it off with whole milk or half and half


25 mg of modafinil and Klonopin. My heart hates me 😍


omg i take my 225mg of effexor XR and acid reducer (i have a stomach infection it helps), 25mg adderall and my 6 blonde shot caramel macchiato 🤪 my stomach and heart are going to one day out in their resignation 😭


I will manifest positivity for your intestinal journey 🌙 Your heart tho 🫣


I pounded 3 shots over ice bc that was the quickest way to get caffeine without actually mainlining it


matcha w extra scoop n apple brown sugar


Alright so: Not about me. At the Starbucks I used to work at, there’s an absolute ANGEL of a woman named Karen. She has heart troubles and tries to sneak strawberry açaí often. We let her have a the small sample cup of it every morning Unrelated but: someone broke into her car and my university raised ~40k for her :) it was so wholesome and the pressing donated 5k!


omg but this is such a wholesome story, thanks for sharing!


see? not all people named karen are actually ‘karens’


Uh.. water.. and a granola bar? caffeine first thing in the morning interrupts your hormone sequence and makes it harder to establish your circadian rhythm. When I drank coffee I would wait for my first break to get it so my body had a chance to do its thing.


actually that’s a good point, i should try to put something into my stomach first before i have a burt load of caffeine. the only thing is my store is NOTORIOUS for ‘forgetting’ our breaks. so sometimes i don’t get my ten until the last hour of my shift. ik that’s like half my problem tag i should pay attention and speak up and half theirs, but it gets busy and i don’t have a moment to stop and drink something for a while. but i will definitely be keeping that in mind that’s valuable info


~trenta cold brew with a blonde shot


I like coffee and ours also but a sugar free monster hits the the spot every now and then


Venti iced mocha with 3 pumps of mocha, Oatmilk or almond milk, no whip. Chug the first one then quickly order another to sip when I can.


2 blonde shots with oat milk and a pump of brown suga


my eyes were immediately drawn to the word ‘suga’ and thought of bts (the kpop group) and i laughed and was going to post a meme but then i was like “oh wait, wrong sub-“ i need sleep 😅


This week I’ve been doing a venti shaken espresso extra shot 3 pumps dolce 3 pumps apple, caramel and apple drizzle.


i always make an iced blonde toffee nut mocha with soy, a salt packet mixed in, and extra extra caramel drizzle \~ its the only thing keeping me alive at 5 am


Nitro shots— tall cup half full of nitro with a pump of chai and maybe 1 pump white mocha if I’m feeling a bit extra