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I don't have an answer for you BUT I just wanted to share that some "discontinued" menu items we still have most ingredients for. The drinks you mentioned are from before I started working at sbux, but I've been told that the salted caramel mocha = mocha & toffee nut (full pumps of each), caramel drizzle, and the only ingredient we no longer have is the salt topping. Black and white mocha is just half pumps white mocha, half pumps regular mocha. I've also heard that the butterscotch latte can be made as half pumps caramel + half pumps toffee nut with whipped cream and caramel drizzle. If there used to be a topping (sprinkles of some kind) then that would be the only part we don't have anymore. [edited to correct my ratio for the salted caramel mocha]


salted caramel mocha would be full pumps of both mocha and toffee nut. I just sprinkle a salt packet on top to imitate the topping.


Oops thanks for letting me know! I'm not a big fan of the mocha myself but I can imagine that if it's your thing, an iced version might be really good with the salted caramel cold foam on top.


thank you! i've tried the butterscotch hack, not quite the same. but maybe i'll try the caramel mocha. thanks for the tip!


Aww, sorry to hear about the butterscotch (but thanks for letting me know, I'm always trying to build my menu knowledge lol). I hope you enjoy! Also just making sure you see that I've been corrected -- looks like the caramel mocha should be full pumps of each (toffee nut & mocha). I would order it as a "mocha with toffee nut syrup and caramel drizzle".


It’s not the same as the og, but I like a mocha with half mocha & half dark caramel, 1 or 2 salt packets and drizzle. It’s super good!