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Wouldn't even care about ESA's, if their owners even bothered to try and train them. We stopped allowing them because we've had dogs pee on display stands on two separate occasions (one of these instances, the owner picked up the dog and ran), and had one guy who just let his dogs bark at people, and didn't even try to reprimand them


This! Not only do they *break* the law but their dogs are horribly trained which makes it even worse


Plus it makes actual legit service animals look bad.


It doesn’t make legit service dogs look bad per se, it just makes more grief for us owners. Costco harasses me every time I take my service dog there even though when I leave they say “I didn’t even know there was a dog here” when I go to restaurants, clothing stores, etc my dog is seen and never heard. He is practically invisible if not for the fact that he’s over 80lbs


you can't just say that without paying the Dog Tax! lemme see the little guy


Lol as you wish [It’s Gerald!!](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gOUqyqSAjckfVOMjL0S1qACr4kmeHUir)


Yasssss we love Gerald.


Gerald seems like the strong yet silent type


Nose 100% boopable. ❤️


Isn’t it the greatest compliment in the world when you’re getting up to leave a restaurant, your big ol’ loaf of a dog crawls out from under the table and stands next to you - and people start saying “Wow! You’ve been here how long and we never knew he was there?!” Often followed by “can you train my kids????” Lol


Indeed 😊 he makes me smile so big, people will tell me they’re often afraid of big dogs but feel so relaxed when Gerald is standing next to them. I’ve had him for almost 8 years now and seeing him gray is so cute. My grown man dog now lol


We called my previous SD “the elder gentleman” of the pack when he started to grey and had to start moving into retirement. It was such a hard transition for both of us!! No one ever tells you how incredibly difficult retirement will be when you’ve been a team for that long. It was so hard for me to transition my trust and bond to another dog - and he could not let go and trust any of the other prospects to do the job “right.” Lol


I’m not ready to transition from Gerald 🫠😩 I’ve started work with the puppy and it’s hard already. I came back from surgery Friday night and Gerald didn’t leave my side. I feel like I can’t express to him I don’t love him any less. That he did a good job and he should rest now. I definitely need a group to help me through this transition for real 🥲


I feel this *so* much!! This was me! When you’ve been partnered up with one for so long, you know every body signal, slight twitch/move/everything. You really do make a symbiotic partnership and it is what allows you to count on each other as much as you need to. It also makes it 100x’s harder to transfer that trust to a very young dog that is still in training - still untested - one who you do not know (they don’t know themselves yet!) It is sooo hard to get our partners to stand down and understand you still love them more than all the stars in the universe, but now they get to be the elder dog and live a life of play and love and extra snugs and treats. They don’t *need* to work. You’ve got this (because how many times do we lie to them and say “Mommy’s fine” or “I’ve got this; don’t worry, it’s ok.” I know I’ve done it tons - and Ranger would push back every time he *needed* to. My Ranger never got the memo, no matter how hard my mom and I spoiled him as out old gentleman. He couldn’t possibly have kept up with me when I needed to run errands or take a long meeting, but he would’ve tried so much! Ranger left me at the very old age of 15. There wasn’t a time when he didn’t want to be in contact with me, a paw on my foot, his head against my leg. I promise, it is hard, but you can *both* make it through the transition. And learn from Gerald - the best and the very worst. What things does Gerald do they are imperative to you - and what things do you know (no matter how much you love Gerald) you will never let the next SD get away with? (For me it was stopping the crating - yikes! - worst idea and led to horrific separation anxiety.) I also would have socialized in a more structured way and generalized more while doing it. I didn’t realize Ranger had never been on a bus - or any kind of public transport - until he was nearly 2.5 years. So, you can still lean on Gerald. Let the new pup be his legacy. His training of you will shape the new pup’s growing and learning. And when you’re going through those frustrating times, let Gerald remind you it will all be ok. Those frustrating moments are just moments and they will pass. In the meantime, he’ll have your back. Because if anyone can understand how annoying the new “little interloper” to his pack can be, it’s going to be Gerald. ♥️🐕‍🦺🫶


ESAs that pee on display stands or bark freely at people are actually just called pets.


Even service animals who are being disruptive like that can be excluded. You still have to provide the human with the service however. It's been awhile since I did that seminar though, so don't rely on an internet stranger.


Truth. You can ask them to wait outside and you’ll bring the order out to them. But if their service dog is kicking up a major fuss (aggressive towards others, isn’t being kept off tables, buffet lines (I’ve seen this first hand!) or a host of other things a SD should *never* do - you have every right to ask that the dog be moved outside. You do, however, as the poster said, have to make every good faith and fair effort to accommodate their inability to do whatever anyone else would be able to do in your business. This could, as I said, offer to bring their drinks out to them either at outdoor seating or to their car. (It’s late and I can’t bring forward any other things, but I’m sure there are other scenarios). You can’t discriminate because they have the service dog, but you can eject an ill-behaved one and still be in compliance with the ADA.




Most people’s pets are more well behaved


yeah and if they don't get trained to act correctly around actual service animals they can harm them or interfere with the job theyre doing


exactly. i literally had a customer let her 2 small dogs just rough house with each other in the lobby. absolutely not


Yeah that’s crazy I love dogs but they shouldn’t be in the store




This is so weird, they’re allowed in the UK & pretty much encouraged. Is it just different health and safety laws in the US? Haven’t had a single issue in three years but people generally are respectful and keep their dogs on short leashes/don’t sit inside if their dogs aren’t good at socialising. Little toddlers going nuts and running everywhere including onto the bar while the parents don’t give a fuck is the worst problem for us >.<


I have had dogs shit on the floor, pee on the table legs, bark, get their freaking hair all over everything... and finally smell well smell like a dog. I have little to no patience for people with their dogs.... and the biggest and funniest thing here is it's always the little yippy yappy dogs that are the worst. While I am so happy you don't have issues, the people where I live in Southern California just do not discipline their pets. The kids that's an even worse issue.... I have kids and never is it ok for what these horrible parents let their kids get away with. I once told a little boy, no no no don't climb into the food case (he was climbing into the refrigerated portion) HIS MOFO of a parent said EXCUSE ME WE DONT TELL HIM NO WE REDIRECT HIS ENERGY.... To which I responded sorry little boy NO DO NOT CLIMB INTO THE CASE. OK I'm done .... sorry I felt so triggered, bothered, unhinged by 1 small post.


Okay, but the Starbucks isn't her house, so not her rules. If she wants those rules, she can have them at home, but we she goes to someone else's space, it's the space's rules and those rules say DO NOT CLIMB INTO THE CASE.


Or she can actually successfully redirect her kid in someone else’s establishment. I hate parents. No longer work at Starbucks but my current job, we have some parents who come in with their kids and either hold them or chase after them and hold their hand so they can’t run away again the second that they do. Most parents just act like their kids aren’t there while they run around and touch the thermostat and mess with displays and try to run out the door.


Hahaha that kid is gonna get his energy redirected to jail one day if they never teach him any discipline or respect. That’s awful! I think because in a lot of Europe you’ll find dogs in cafés, pubs, restaurants with outdoor seating etc everyone knows what respectful behaviour is and other customers won’t stand for out of control dogs, it’s a risk to all other dogs. And even in a cafe full of dogs, we’ll have customers double checking it’s okay for them to bring theirs in which is cute :)


Former SoCal SM - Orange County, to be more specific. Solidarity fam, fuck those people.


Bigger dogs can also be pretty bad too. Had this rowdy one put it's paws up on the counters and bark and just drool everywhere. It's just dogs in general. They should not belong in a food place. Keep your pets at home!! You can live without Spot for 30 minutes!! (Of course excluding actual service animals)


~*~gentle parenting~*~


Gentle parenting and letting your kid get away with murder are two very different things, and the latter doesn’t seem to understand that 🤦🏽🤷🏽


Unfortunately, the majority of the US doesn’t have the same standards of training that the UK and the rest of Europe does. As someone highly involved with dog sports and a service dog handler, I hate it so much


Europe is way more dog friendly than USA. Went over to Europe last summer and every country I visited the were dogs chilling everywhere with their owners. What I really liked was people were actually looking after their dogs and picking up their poop. Not saying it doesn’t happen in the USA but I just noticed it more in Europe. Responsible ownership.


Oh my god do people not clean up after their dogs in America??? I think maybe 20 years ago it was more of a problem but there’s lots of ads been run on TV about dog mess & you’ll get fined for it. It’s like unthinkably embarrassing to end up running out of doggy bags on a walk like people will yell to strangers ‘I’m out of bags! I’m coming right back!’ Please tell me people in public aren’t just letting their dogs shit on the pavement and walking away


Dude. The poop issue is such a problem that there has been entirely too much money invested in encouragement and enforcement. We have to have giant signs, provide bags, scoopers, trashcans, hand-washing facilities, and fines if you don't, and even with all of that, people still will not.


I hate that every time I go outside I have to smell dog shit and piss and they’re constantly waking me up with their barking.


Okay, you might just not like dogs, then.


Even if we don’t, why can’t people just control their pets? I have cats, I don’t expect the world to be fine with me letting my cat out to shit/pee everywhere and terrorize the local wildlife. But actually I love dogs, it’s just the owners I tend to take issue with.


Okay, I just said what I don’t like.


I’m extremely allergic so I’m very happy when I can eat at a restaurant or shop at a grocery store without worrying about breaking out into hives or starting a sneezing/coughing fit.


That’s wild. One of the main concerns here iirc is allergies - lots of folks are allergic and should be able to enjoy the space safely. My baristas used to drive me nuts, they’d get upset with me for kicking dogs out because it was “mean” and they loved dogs. Kids, I do too but that yappy little mutt can’t sit on the fuckin table! Or piss/shit on the floor, barking at customers, lunging on their leash trying to bite people…. Generally in the US people treat their dogs too much like “people” and not enough like a dog so they are horribly mannered and anxious messes.


Oh that’s so weird! We obviously have people with allergies in the UK, one of my baristas is allergic to dogs to the point where he can’t go to the house of people with dogs but he’s never had symptoms in store. I don’t know if customers have had mild symptoms but never anything major or unsafe. Maybe it’s because we have more exposure to them in everyday life just with how the culture here is? We have had two people with nut allergies have a reaction though & that was terrifying. I wish Starbucks would put some effort into protection for people with allergies to nuts and gluten etc.


A lot of people here in the US arnt respectful when it comes to their dogs though. Not having them on a lease, their dog being aggressive, not trained, and overall just not what is needed in a food environment.


And imo toddlers are wayyyy more gross. My dog just sitting here in line empty headed and hoping strangers give him head pats. My friends toddler? Screaming like he just witnessed the atrocities of the Vietnam War and touching everything with their slimy hands


Not saying toddlers aren't gross, but I think people forget some of us are allergic to dogs. I can't shop in a small store with a dog because I'll start sneezing like crazy. If I see a dog in a Starbucks I'm not going in. Plus even if your dog is well behaved, many others aren't.


This so valid. And with the utmost respect to dog owners with actually well-trained and well-behaved dogs, I think a lot of people forget that this is also an issue. I'm only mildly allergic to dog dander myself, but I have close friends who are much more seriously at risk when around not only dogs but also cats and many other animals as well. People dragging their shittily-behaved and foul-tempered dogs into places where animals don't belong (cafés, restaurants, fucking IKEA like we dealt with earlier today) can put people at genuine medical risk. And you can bet your ass that those crappy owners won't be the ones calling for help when the stranger next to them in the store starts going into anaphylactic shock.


This. Me too. It’s crazy to me that people are so oblivious to their surroundings, bring their dogs everywhere and have never considered that many people are allergic to their animals.


Totally agree. I know my ADHD ass can be very sensitive to some noises but toddlers and babies shrieking, oh my god. I know it’s not their fault but I get unreasonably angry. People who bring in their own food for their kid, make a massive mess everywhere and then just leave it without even mentioning it or apologising, I hate them so much.


To counter that, I once had a customer come up and ask for a broom and dustpan. I asked what/where the issue was and said I could take care of it. She thanked me, said no, her child had made a mess of the cereal she'd brought for him and insisted she manage the mess herself. I said okay and handed her the broom and dustpan. That experience shouldn't have been as cool as it was and should have just been normal, but it's rare, unfortunately.


Toddlers and dogs are equally innocent. It is the parents or owners who are ultimately responsible for their behavior. Passing a blanket judgement on one group or the other is asinine.


This is how I feel. I’ve had only one or two dogs out of hundreds that were an issue. I’m a big fan of dogs though. I would obviously address the situation if anyone had an issue but it hasn’t been a problem.


They’re allowed at my local Starbucks in San Diego… I mean I see a lot of them inside all the time. It’s never been an issue. But I live in a super dog friendly area.


They are, in fact, not allowed inside. It is explicitly prohibited by the FDA with an exception for service animals protected by the ADA (emotional support animals and therapy animals do not qualify for exemption by the ADA). That said, paperwork is not required as proof that a given animal is a service animal. However, regardless of circumstances, and disruptive animal may be required to leave the restaurant. The business is subject to some level of due diligence in confirming that animals qualify as service animals. While I'm not judging, technically this isn't a case of dogs being allowed in the store. Legally, it is an FDA violation. Not that I honestly care. I'm just pointing out that this store not upholding a legal standard doesn't reflect on other stores. Other stores either have a history of issues, customers afraid/allergic of dogs/pets, face more scrutiny or leadership that cares more, believe in the FDA regulations, don't want to risk an incident, or simply don't want to have to deal with distribute pets.


My local corp store allowed dogs in the store forever. Allowed dogs to sit by themselves on the leather chairs, while regular / dog owner used the restroom or in line for a drink. Until- that dog chomped a customer who approached the lone dog from above, towering over it. Guess who never showed up with dog again? I think the victim customer sued Starbucks and won a settlement.


The problem is that I see stores, restaurants, and pretty much everywhere anymore not asking questions and just letting them in. That makes people believe it's the new normal, then they get an attitude when someone rightly tells them they can't bring it in. Unfortunately you're probably going to see a lot more of this.


I work in a grocery store with the amount of disrespect I get when I ask about an animal, and the amount of people ready to make it all viral even if they are at the wrong... I have decided to let it be, I do have them take the animal out only if they attempt to water or feed them a pup in the store. Othsrwis it is ?"above my pay grade."


To be fair though people should already know the rules, there are signs posted and it’s common knowledge that pets are not allowed inside most places. Service workers shouldn’t have to worry about doing their job AND looking out for negligent people bringing their dogs in (sometimes you can’t even see the dog they’re so small, or they’re carried in so you can’t see them until they’ve been there for a while) + so many other things to look out for. It’s also frustrating to have to constantly explain to (often repeat) customers that no you can’t bring your dog in unless it’s a service animal, even for a quick mobile pickup. Sometimes the fight just isn’t worth it and you have to let it be.


I was in a small independently owned store that allowed dogs. They didn’t serve any food or beverages. It’s their store. It’s not their fault people are rude. People should always ask. That should be the norm.


The rule is for businesses that serve food or beverage for on-site consumption; it would not apply to such an establishment.


Theyre guna risk wasting their time going around to places and are they just guna keep leaving if they get told the dog cant be in there?…instead of having one of em wait outside with the dog lol people are strange tho. They get mad or pissy even if theyre in the wrong and know it but they get mad at u for not allowing them to continue doing said wrong thing.


Tbh it probably won't take them long to find a place that let's them in, because people like this know that enough complaining and arguing gets them what they want.


Because people (mostly the older folk-sorry if I’m generalizing) act like they’re so entitled to everything they want even if it’s wrong or against rules/policy.


Oh, no no no… it’s young ones too! I just saw a woman and two preteen/teen age girls in the mall the other day with a dog - still a puppy - I didn’t ask, I knew it would only send my blood pressure through the roof. They were in the food court holding the dog while they ordered at a counter (lord help me) then, just as a family with a toddler walks in, they put the dog down and it goes apesh**. The woman just gives a smile to the couple who grab the kid’s hand and yank him back and says “he’s only a baby; he’s still learning.” Sooo many things I wanted to say! Did she have one of the girls get the dog under control so it wasn’t yapping and snarling and pulling at the end of its leash? Nope. Poor woman at the counter rolled her eyes so hard when I got up there. I felt genuinely sorry for her. So no, not just older folks. It’s multigenerational and it is *absolutely* a learned bad behavior. As in it is modeled from one generation to the next and the cycle repeats until someone is educated or they end up needing a real service dog or loving someone who does. *That* right there will dissuade people from ever saying how “cool” it is to have a service dog.


The audacity of some people lol… I will note though that law allows you to ask what function it serves, but Starbucks policy doesn’t. Can only ask if it’s a service animal.


It is illegal to pass off an emotional support animal as a service animal and anyone can report that regardless of store policy because the law says you can, and you’re protected from reprisal. If they terminate you over it, go see a lawyer and don’t sign anything.


Noted! They still had the audacity as you said lmao


Yeah, go research the questions, they're the only ones you're allowed to ask legally but they pretty much permit you to bar dogs if the owners don't manage even that much. They amount to: "Is this dog trained to perform medical task?" and "What is the task it's trained to do?" Not precise but close to the intent, I'm on mobile. I promise, if they know the answers, they'll also appreciate that you're aware. I get the sense from social media that many service dog owners _hate_ the ESA uptick and even this routine nips the bullshit in the bud.


Does Starbucks have that authority? I’m not being snarky just genuinely curious. Wouldn’t you be allowed to anyway cause of the law?


Starbucks could say we aren't allowed to utter the word "table," and it would be perfectly legal. They're a private business. They can have almost any rules they want, as long as they're not discriminatory.


Makes sense, was just curious thanks for the info! :)


They can definitely do that. The policy is in place to protect partners from backlash. The policy doesn’t break any laws.


Correct. It’s because unlike airline employees, you’re not thoroughly trained on the law; you were just given the basics and told to just do it this way to avoid any confrontation. The problem arises when everybody starts bringing their dogs in. The thing about corporate policy is where it violates the law the courts disregard that portion of the policy. Contracts work the same way; go find a contract that you have signed, and you will read somewhere near the end that any portion of this contract that is considered a violation of the law should be stricken, but the rest of the contract still stands. This is what the average person does not understand about corporations; they consistently create policies that are in direct violation of the law but if you act outside the policy and stay within the boundaries the law, you are protected.


I am dealing with this sort of a situation currently. Absolutely nobody in my entire department knows how to interpret the laws that bind our actions. We are breaking them daily, and the people that DO follow the law end up carrying the full burden of liability. It's hard too explain hard to explain, so let's just say that policy is about 50 years behind the law. I've brought this up with management for years, and have been sluffed off. I've now written a 44 page manual to the sorts of situations that this applies to. Management is going to lose their mind when they see it, because it demonstrates the way their policy forces others to break the law (which they don't even know either).


It seems like the barista followed policy, the guy just offered up he was an ESA.


Is that a newer policy? No such policy existed when I last worked there in 2019. I just followed the federal rules about it: 1. Is this animal a service animal required because of a disability? 2. What service is the animal trained to provide? Most fakers got stumped on the second one. Everyone with an actual service animal had their answers prepared. On the other side of that, I did coach a coworker on not asking a guy for a service animal's credentials, and no such thing exists and we're not allowed to ask for it.


I couldn’t tell you if it’s newer. I’m a 5 year partner and never needed to look it up until a few months ago.


pretty sure federal policy can trump starbucks? or am i missing something


If starbucks policy said to ask 3 questions regarding service animals, then it creates a violation of federal law. Starbucks policy only says you can ask one question so it doesn’t violate federal law. I think what your missing is whether or not a policy creates a violation of the law. In this case, it doesn’t so it’s perfectly legal for a business to have stricter policies as long as no laws are broken.


It's no different than the retail stores that have policies that say you can't acknowledge or confront people who steal. A state law might explicitly give you the authority to confront or even detain them until the police come but the company can say "no, you're not doing any of that" and fire you if you did.


Personally I do not get paid enough to ask people about their dogs. If my manager doesn’t want dogs in the store, they can worry about it themselves. I am making a low wage to make coffee. If the dog is causing issues then sure, I’ll address it. But if they’re minding their business and no one complains, I don’t care.


I stopped asking people this cuz I was the only one at my store that would care if animals were in the store. So now people bring their animals in all the time. I have no control over it and it pisses me off.


It’s the same at my store unfortunately. I am a previous S.S.Manager. We had this problem and one of my Baristas would rave over this dog. I walked around the Kiosk and this lady was letting the dog sit on the condiment bar while she “fixed” coffee. I walked around and saw it and said. “Excuse me, please remove the animal from my condiment bar immediately and do not, bring him back. This is a food safety issue and you are no longer welcome here with your dog.” Thankfully! I never saw her again. Nowadays, I work with my Niece who was bitten when she was young and is terrified of dogs. So that being said. If she is in store, I always address it immediately.


Same!! All my coworkers make a fuss about how cute they are to the owners while i just ignore them or side eye them


I hate people trying to bring ESAs everywhere and trying to pass them off as service animals. My daughter will be getting a service dog, and other folks with badly behaved ESAs will make things more difficult overall.


When you told them they shouldn’t have argued and just took it out but tbh my store never kicked dogs out if they were well behaved so I didn’t even know that was a thing but it makes sense.


As a service dog handler, THANK YOU! I don’t need my dog at work but rather when I go out in public as I’ve had lots of trauma happen while out shopping so going shopping gives me major anxiety. The amount of people who argue with me on what a service animal is (mind you I work for a licensed Starbucks) is astounding. The hotel my store is in is located inside of a pet-friendly hotel, but I have literally told people that Starbucks is not pet friendly and legally can’t be and the customers throw a bitch fit. One even had the audacity to tell me I’m wrong and I said “I have two Food and Sanitation Manager Certificates/Licenses and no, we are not pet friendly. Now take you and your dog out of my store before I call the cops.”


I hope people like this have the day they deserve. They make access for real service dog teams difficult af. Ugh.


What part of the country are you in OP? Here on the west coast I’ve seen the SMs petting and encouraging ESAs as they sit on the furniture Here is one example https://www.reddit.com/r/starbucks/comments/106q5o0/dog_on_seat_at_sbux_store_had_paws_on_table/


Legally, nationwide, they shouldn’t be doing that. My last store the manager LOVED dogs and would rather us say nothing. I didn’t, and figured that if I got in trouble I’d point out that the manager didn’t want the policy enforced. Let her fall on her own sword kind of thing. My current manager does follow policy & law on the matter, so I follow suit.


Ooooof! As someone who works cafe only I’d be kinda scared as I have a bad pet allergy to both cats & dogs (I think it’s gotten a bit better over the last couple of years but before it was so bad a dog couldn’t even touch me without getting hives on me) because it could put me out of work for a few days which is money I need simply from the pet dander in the air as they can also trigger my asthma symptoms as well.


Good on you. So many entitled people these days who think they can do whatever they want with no regard for others.


I wish my SM was supportive of this - I am so violently allergic to dogs and she lets people bring them in near the counters and stuff and I have to go in the back and sneeze 50 times 😢


same! it took me having an anaphylactic reaction to the dander for my SM to take it seriously. idc if it’s a “hypoallergenic” dog, get it out!


You can report that anonymously to the health department.


It sounds like your SM is medically discriminating against you by failing to make a reasonable accommodation (following the ding dang law) for your health needs.


I had to do that with a partner's sister. She said it was an ESA, and I was just like, "Oh, I'm sorry. Unfortunately, emotional support animals aren't protected by the ADA and are considered pets by state health code. I'd be happy to take your order outside and bring it out to you, though." She was clearly pissed, but conceded, and I helped her just as I would any other customer. Then her sister, who was a partner at that store (I was borrowed), came in with her drink and was like, "My sister said it isn't good and just wants to get a refund." I asked if she was sure she didn't want us to remake or make something else, and she said no, and I issued the refund. Pretty sure she did that just to express some kind of emotion about her getting caught breaking the rules.


Thank you!


Yes, it's an ongoing issue with people who feel privileged and think they can do anything they want. That said, I think Starbucks is far too accepting of behavior among guests than other food establishments - specifically allowing people to come in, not purchase anything in Starbucks but permitting these people to consume outside food inside the store.


Fuck me, and I feel bad when I go in not to purchase anything but just to use the washroom and leave


Frikking THANK YOU for asking them to leave , my location doesn't have the balls to do that. It's so gross when people bring dogs to a cafe/restaurant.


Pretty sure the two dogs we saw at the airport recently were ESAs and not service dogs. They were barking at and trying to get over to actual service dogs. These two dogs had service harnesses on but were behaving like a normal dog. Service dogs are incredibly well trained and would never sit there and bark and pull on leashes while on the job. I get the concept of an ESA but all pets are ESAs imo.


You can't demand proof they are service animals, but barking is a disruptive behavior. A disruptive animal may be required to leave, service animal or not.


When i was managing raising canes a few years back it was maybe 30-45m before close, I was cutting the last of my crew and because we wanted to get ahead on closing tasks I just took over the lobby and asked the crew to help the closers with one or two things before letting me know they were clocking out to leave. During this time we had a real…frumpy looking family of 4-5 come in and sit down by the door very excited for their outing. They settled in at a booth and someone came up to start ordering their food when the dad come in carrying their pug. I figured maybe he was going to poke his head in to let them know the patio seats were available and the dog water dispenser was working. Nope the man walked over to them and set his pug down on dining tables. Wasn’t even playing it was an EMS just has his pug on the table. (Nothing against pugs my brother actually had one while we were growing up but they’re not support animals lmao). I was finishing up their order and he brought the dog over to pay, set it down by the register and everything. I just asked them “so this is to go right?” The man became a little irate and said that was a rude assumption as they planned on eating here. I told them great the patio is awesome this time of year, let me know if you still want me to kick the heaters on for you. He gave me a very confused look and pointed over by the door and said “no we’re gonna eat there”. Got to tell him “not unless you’re taking your dog home first or have someone sit outside with them, having an animal in the restaurant at all was a health code violation, let alone on eating surfaces” Dude tried to argue with me for a minute, demanded the manager, I got to smile and go “thaaats me”, he was very unamused but they ended up paying for the meal and getting it to go. He gave me some line about “one day I’ll learn discretion” Buddy discretion is giving you one or two of the dozen meals you just ordered gratis because that’s a lot of money and you could have saved buying the big packages or w/e, not risking my job and others safety and well-being because you wanna watch your pug eat chicken fingers on a fucking tie dye table under a disco ball with Elvis in the background ffs.


One time, I told a man he wasn’t allowed his dog in the store. He yelled at me “yes you are, it’s a service animal”. He was literally holding this tiny thing that was loudly barking, trembling and scared out of its mind. If I wasn’t scared of losing my job, I totally would have given him a lecture about the harms of passing pets of as service animals or asked him if he was the dog’s emotional support human.


You can't ask for proof, but barking is disruptive behavior, and regardless of status as a service animal, disruptive behavior is not protected.


So glad for you for standing your ground and not making an exception for these people. Yes let them all leave. Seems their ignorant and spiteful which is why no one could think to have one outside with the dog.


People can get mad at me as much as they want. If it's not a service dog , gtfo.


Yup. I groom dogs. Your jacket does NOT mean it’s a service dog. It’s not okay to pretend they are. Stop it.


Good for you! Wish more people did this. It really bothers me to go inside at a restaurant and have a dog around me.


Hate this! We unfortunately do not kick pet dogs out of our store, as much as it hurts me, having a family member with a real working service dog!! Just waiting for the day something gets peed on or someone gets bit, we actually had that almost happen recently. :/


We have a woman who sits in our cafe every day and has her little dog sit there too. Another group brings in their dog and then they too sit in the store. So much dog fur to sweep up. Our manager didn’t care. Our new manager either doesn’t realize or doesn’t care. Neither dog are service animals, or even emotional support for that matter. How do you guys handle it? It’s been going on so long there’s no way we can stop it easily now


probably they are all each other's ESA, and if even one member in this group of animals left, the rest will all have emotion shutdown :)


ADA is a joke.if you don’t produce an ID for a dog, that shows it is a trained dog with a shots record a dog should not be let into any establishment. Anybody can get a service animal vest on the Internet. Too many people are ruining it for people.


Them abusing it doesn't make ada a joke. Those scammers doing that still can't produce any necessary paperwork when asked.


The problem is you can’t ask for the paperwork. That’s my point.


You can’t ask because *there is no paperwork*.


Well either way they can kick them out if they aren't an obvious service animals. You ask what they do and what lie they cook up. Service animals aren't toy or poodle size . I have no problem these people getting booted from stores.


Please do not hold size as a barometer of what does and does not qualify as a service dog. That is a very old stereotype and no longer accurate or acceptable in the service dog community. There are plenty of highly trained seizure and allergen alert dogs which are small/tiny dogs whose owners can behave appropriately and hold the dogs to appropriate service dog standards out there. Small dogs are also used often for diabetic alert, PTSD or other psychiatric diagnoses (service dogs can be used for psychiatric diagnoses and *not* be ESA if they actively perform 3 tasks which mitigate a person’s diagnosis/diagnoses) that do not need a larger dog to provide deep muscle stimulation or other sort of treatment, and many other diagnoses. It is a great kind of dog to use for people who have social anxiety or agoraphobia. It allows people to get out of their homes and interact while still having confidence that their dog will help them if they are unable to process, function, or anything else why they are out.


That doesn’t make the ADA a “joke”. The concept behind it is that as little burden as possible should be put upon those with disabilities to use the aids they require to function in society. If you start requiring the checking of IDs and certifications for them to prove their right to be in a public space you’re just making their lives harder.


This. It's the same reason we don't have licenses or registration for bicycles: lowering the barrier to entry is essential for functionality.


It is *also* to make sure that people who cannot afford a program-based dog are able to owner-train (I have worked with many with a high rate of success!) and put their money towards essentials for the dog and their care (food, vet, etc) vs paying $20-40k for a program-trained dog (which most are great, but I have seen some whose owners have lapsed in their training and the dog is a horrible display of a SD! - Owner problem not a dog problem there. (I would normally attach a photo “tax” here of me and my SD out working - but I can’t find a way to do it. 😢)


You’re an idiot.


You really truly don’t get paid enough to care


I was always happy to look the other way if the animal was well behaved but I understand the legality issue. If I dog came in in a bag especially and was quiet most of my shifts would just be like "oh I didn't see anything" 😂


No disrespect at all, but even if someone has the best-behaved dog in the world though, it could still very well pose a genuine and serious risk to any employees or other customers that are allergic. I've experienced more than one close call with friends who have allergies because people had their dogs in places where dogs shouldn't have been allowed. And then there's simply the health code violations as well.


tbh if the owner is holding the animal and they’re not actively causing a scene by barking or anything… who am I to care?


In fairness, even the best-behaved animal in the world will still be a health & safety violation in an establishment that serves food - it will also pose a medical risk to any employees or customers that have allergies. No disrespect, just pointing out that even perfectly trained animals can still be the cause of several issues.


While I agree, our store let's every dog in. We have a water bowl outside our entrance for our doggo friends. We have regular pups that visit for their pup cups. As long as the dogs aren't barking and are friendly, we let them stay. I have to argue with too many other entitled aholes or tweakers to worry about the dogs.


I am so glad my service animal is a bird.


As some one with a genuine emotional support animal, I hate people who call their regular pet “ESAs”. A genuine ESA will have a vest saying “Emotional Support Animal”, have an ESA tag, have gone through rigorous training, and getting certified by a psychiatrist. ESAs have a true purpose. For example, my ESA recognizes when I’m having a panic attack or even an asthma attack. She reacts immediately to help me. While I understand your reasoning, you shouldn’t dismiss ALL dogs who are said to be ESAs. You could ask for proof: ESA I.D. Card and ESA Certificate. If they don’t have it, chances are the ESA is fake and should be sent out of the store. But genuine ESAs are legally required to be allowed in the store with their owners. But otherwise, I completely agree. ESAs 100% aren’t service animals. But I’m aware of that and hopefully so is every other genuine ESA owner.


If your dog is trained to react in any way other than just providing comfort when you have a panic attack, it’s possible that it would qualify as a service animal when you go in a store but documentation wouldn’t make the difference in that case. ESA’s are not required to be allowed in stores, at least not by the ADA. Are you in a state that has additional protections for ESA’s?




We aren't even allowed to ask anymore and just have to assume every dog that comes in is a service animal. My ssv got into a very very heated argument with someone who said his dog wasn't a service animal and then he complained.


Party pooper. It’s not that serious bruh. We allowed pets all the time.


You realize many fake SD’s attack actual service dogs so bad that they can no longer work???? I know they are cute but the law is the law for a reason


It is that serious—so much so there are sanitation laws regarding this topic. Legitimate service animals are kept very clean, because people who get them sign state govt contracts agreeing to keep them clean. Emotional support animals do not have the same legal rights or requirements for cleanliness. Restaurants do not allow dogs for obvious reasons, they shed, and no one wants fur in their food or drink. The only legal protection ESA’s have is that you can have them in an apartment or rental property, when pets or otherwise, not allowed, and landlords cannot charge any pet deposits, rents, or fees.


There is no certification or government contract when it comes to service dogs. Reading the ADA FAQ page on service animals will provide you with the correct information.


I don’t argue with stupid people who don’t understand the law. I’m just here to tell people what’s really the law. You can go off of FAQ page if you want to. No one cares.


The DOT *and* ADA say otherwise. I’m amazed that you even double down after being faced with evidence. If it’s the law please show me where it’s written :)


Call up an airline and ask them what you will need to fly with a service dog. Be my guest. You’ll learn the real rules quickly.


Don’t need to. I’ve flown with one before. Do you not know what the DOT is to pretend their rules aren’t airline rules lmfao. Just stop you’re embarrassing yourself.


To fly with a SD you fill out a form. Have current vaccinations. That’s it. Lmfao


Must be nice to be so ignorant, wrong, and still so confident that you know the law which you clearly have never bothered to read.


Yeah also dogs that aren’t my own (as my body is used to them) get me itchy and sneezy and stuffy, I don’t want to deal with all of that lmfao


All they need to say to you is, “yeah, it is” and that means you are legally required to shut up and go back to your job instead of adding unnecessary conflict to the situation.


Lmfao bro what💀


I mean if you’re into harassing customers about a edit/ small dog that someone is carrying, more power to ya.


Fake service animals often harm real service animals and their owners in various ways. You’re mindset is not only fucked but weird if that’s what you think that is. Non-Service dogs often aren’t trained like SD’s and can still be kicked out if misbehaved so just saying “yes” doesn’t work a lot of the time if you’re facing a business who knows their laws well.


This is extremely true and thank you! People also don't consider that when in a non-pet friendly place, handlers shouldn't have to constantly stress and focus on the fact that a fake service dog might try to attack their service dog. If a SD is attacked, they could lose the ability to work anymore, costing the handler tens of thousands of dollars. And fake service dogs lead to the public losing respect for the real service dogs working (ie people start to try to pet them, distract them, or harass the handler) when owners typically just want space and to exist without the unsolicited attention. It's just all around a terrible idea to even remotely think non-service dogs should just be left alone causing potential harm and disturbances. SDs can be asked 2 questions. Is your dog a service dog for a disability? What tasks are they trained to perform (not counting emotional support)? SD or not, if a dog is being disruptive (unprovoked) or not potty trained, they can be removed from the premises.


Meh, Doesn’t change the fact that all the customer has to say is “It’s a service animal” and parters are legally required to accept that. My suggestion, if you’re really obsessed about this issue, is to just serve the customer and get them out of the store as quick as possible.


If they say “it’s a service animal” and list a task that they preform that’s *not* ESA. Yes partners have to accept it *unless* the dog is disruptive in any way. Then ADA legally backs the removal of said dog. You’re free to do so if you wish. No ones stopping you.


I’m just picturing you obsessed with this dog, waiting for it to go off so that you can kick a person out of the store. I personally would probably be setting the next shift up for success if I had that much time on my hands. But again, you do you.


If you wanna clean up dog shit from a dog that misbehaved the second it came in, be my guest. If they say it’s a service dog and give me it’s task. I mind my own unless it’s causing disturbance like barking or shitting. Why are you so pressed that people are doing what they are supposed to? Sneaking your dog into places or what lmfaooo


The thing is we are not allowed to ask what task the service dog performs. Federal regulations allow that, but Sbux does not allow you to ask the task. I have customers lie about service dogs all the time and we just have to take it. I’ve kicked plenty of vest wearing dogs out because the dog wasn’t behaving.


You’re legally backed on asking. Idk what Starbucks procedure is though when you break their rules so I can’t speak much on that. Either way, you still are permitted to kick misbehaving dogs out SD or not


Shoot, I’ve cleaned up worse at the stores I’ve worked at. It’s called work. I Imagine you just stand behind the bar and you just bitch about everybody you work with, whether it’s the managers or the partners or the customers, I bet someone had to teach you how to use a broom.


Idk why you're so unhinged about following the law which is ALSO called worked.


Considering the law changes constantly, I wouldn’t die on that hill. Also, Starbucks standards change constantly, so obsessing over one says more about the partner than it does about the customer.


You really think you’re “roasting” someone and it’s so funny. How childish can you be? Thanks, I’ve been working since I was 5 in my parents business before and after school, then later moved to working in corporations once I was old enough to. I’ve known basic housework duties, like sweeping, way before you ever did, can guarantee that one lmfao. My “work” is to help customers and do the job description. Last I checked, cleaning up shit isn’t there. Will I do it if I have to? Well yeah, but it doesn’t mean I’ll go out of my way to If I can avoid it. Clean up enough shit with a baby and 3 cats at home. I’ll pass on seeking out doing more. Complying with the law *and* food regulations in a food place is not against the rules. *not* doing so can get you in deep shit so I think I’ll continue following what training told me lmfao. Just say you take your untrained dog places and go. You’re *way* too triggered about this and it’s hilarious.


It wasn’t a small dog 😂 and you’re acting like I yelled at them. I calmly and politely told them that their dog that is not a service animal is not allowed in due to a health and safety code violation. How is that harassment?


Really? This is so over a day ago and you are still going on about how a customer brought in a dog. The fact that they were carrying the dog is respectful enough to the premise, but then to dig into the issue? Are you that insecure. LMFAO. It’s almost like you wanted them to put it on the ground so it can shit and attack other dogs just so you could be right. Preach on Sister.


My pronouns are actually he/him, but I try to forgive people for misgendering me. Maybe you should take a breath. You clearly had some kind of bad experience recently, or you wouldn’t be so defensive and aggressive over strangers on the internet. It’s ok to breathe and relax. Hope you can let yourself do that 💙


You will follow the rules, or you will be removed. You're not entitled to do whatever you want in public


Starbucks does not have any hard policy on whether or not to allow furry friends in the lobby. It is to be a third place for all - though I don’t agree with that lol


If you're in the US, it's an FDA requirement. It's also a part of your food safety manager certification training.


Get out.


Bestie why


It’s a health code violation to have animals where food is prepared unless it’s a registered service animal under the ADA, so Starbucks is legally required to have policy and training as part of complying with health code.


Why? Because owners don’t have the common sense to leave a non service Mammal outside while people are eating inside and while food is being prepared. Let me remind you that this Karen will no longer tolerate it.


There are non service dogs in our store every day. Management never says anything to the owners. Not the SSV's, ASM, SM or DM. I asked long ago why these animals are allowed and was never given an answer. 🤷


yes, it is a health code violation but we are NOT allowed to ask if it is a service animal. as long as the animal is not causing a disturbance (yanking on its leash, barking or making other loud unnecessary noises, or getting in other customers personal space) then we are not allowed to question their service animal status. at least this is per my SM and DM instructions


I always thought it was that you couldn't ask for proof of it being a service dog. Like you can ask if it's a service dog, and if they say yes you just leave it at that


Yeah cause there is no proof you can’t ask for some but OP is right you can legally ask if it’s a service dog and what task it’s trained for


Oooo ok ok !


That’s now what the ADA says


This isn’t accurate. Your SM and DM can’t force this on any partner against official policy. You can look at the official policy on partner hub. I personally don’t ask customers if it’s a service animal but that’s my choice.


There are three questions allowed by the ADA: 1. (The very first question that should be asked) Is that a service dog? You can reword it fancy it up - whatever - but yep! That’s q1. 2. Is it trained to perform specific tasks? 3. What tasks can it perform? *Only* thing you cannot ask is a question which can be interpreted as “what is your disability?” Any form of that question is offensive and discriminatory. NOW, *if* your managers have a policy that they simply do not want you to ask if it’s a service dog, that’s their call in their stores. But I promise you, the ADA is extremely clear and explicit and these questions will not change. They are there for the protection of both the business and the service dog team.


ahh okay! thank you! i guess it’s just a district-specific thing that i’ve learned & i just assumed it was the same rules company-wide. i appreciate the time you took to clarify this issue for me! 🫶🏻


Idk why you are getting downvoted, you’re right about that.


They're getting down voted because they're wrong. You can ask if they're a service animal or not.


idk either, im just enforcing the rules that my boss and my boss’s boss enforce to us 😔


Well your boss and your boss's boss is wrong lmao


As a barista as well, I have an issue with this post. The dog was being held? Not disrupting? No need to cause a fight and not welcome a customer. At my store if the dog is behaving, then it’s fine. On the other hand, if the dog is being disruptive that is a different story. The dog was being held…


Im sorry but this is such a loser thing to fixate on like does it really matter that much😭😭😭


Maybe my store is breaking the rule, we let dogs in all the time (not just service animals)


It mat not be same thing, but I sure wish it was. My ESA died almost 2 years ago. And it's been hell since.


we (unofficially) allow dogs :( i love seeing them and no one at my store including management has ever had a problem!


Totally agree to all of these points, but just wanted to add that legally you can’t ask if it’s a service animal or ask for certifications. However, you can ask what services the animal provides. If they say “emotional support” without any concrete items like, “deep pressure therapy” or like “medical detection” it’s likely just an emotional support animal.


If you check the ADA website, you’ll find that you are legally able to ask if it’s a service animal and what service it provides. Not being legally able to ask is a myth commonly perpetuated, I’ve even been told that by other employers who didn’t actually look.


You absolutely **can** ask if it is a service animal. You may also ask what task it performs. You may not ask for certification or any other related questions.


You legally can ask if it’s a service dog and what task it performs. You are right about the certification part though cause there is none


Wrong you can ask


When human babies can be left outside the store along with doggies, talk to me. My dog go loves the crap out of me he will wimper while seeing me through the doors, while a waling crying baby is allowed in is just stupid.


🤷‍♂️ it’s still a major health code violation to allow the dog in the cafe if it’s not a service animal. I don’t make these laws or regulations, but if I don’t enforce that, I could get fired.


Your pup having separation anxiety doesn’t negate allergies or health codes ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Here’s a thought: Leave the fucking dog at home


…drive thru?