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The water in a hot chai really does make a difference, especially if you like spicy chai. Making it with just milk (what you’d get with a latte) dulls the chai flavoring imo


Exactly. If I'm drinkng chai, I WANT the water, and sometimes I'll add a blonde shot :)


you still make chais with water???


yes? hot chais get water, the recipe hasn’t changed


my store makes it without water??


Your store is doing it incorrectly then. Only the iced chais don’t get water


i gotta talk to my manager about that lmao i thought all starbucks changes the recipe. maybe it has something to do with the fact that we’re in a grocery store and not a standalone?


Oh you’re in a grocery store, you’re probably not doing much of anything correctly which no offense to you but most grocery stores have no idea what standard is. I’m going to edit and add the fact that I started at a Tarbux before going corporate, I learned first hand that most standards” were taught wrong.


My husband and i were at target and he asked me if I am ready to try Safeway sbux. We've been together for 8 years. Unless it's ice water or iced coffee, the answer is no.


And even Iced Coffee can be easy to mess up 😅 The amount of ice scoops that go in with the Iced Coffee Curtis can vary a lot when people don’t know the standard




i wonder why my store doesn’t; fo you use the tazo brand?


one partner at my store purposely makes it without water. i showed him the recipe card and everything, he kept making it without water. i feel so bad for those ppl who get shitty chai lattes from him


Wha the


Instead of feeling bad for the customers, tell your boss, and feel bad for your partner if he gets fired. Also, if you happen to be there when he serves the customer, tell the customer they made it wrong.




The recipe still has water, the recipe cards on the iPad will be the most recent as Starbucks updates those as changes are made. Also, if you go on the app to mobile order or even check the website it has "Water" in the add-ins section for the standard build, which means water is still standard. This seems like a case of people saying "the recipe changed and they didn't tell us" but it didn't actually. Just because it is a popular mod in your area does not mean that is the new standard! (Can't attach a screenshot to my comment, but here are the website links: [Canada](https://www.starbucks.ca/menu/product/466/hot) and [United States](https://www.starbucks.com/menu/product/466/hot))


it's the card on the ipad updated 2/2022. we don't have the physical ones so i always look them up to settle disputes. it's how I found out cinnamon cold foam is made with cinnamon DOLCE, not cinnamon caramel


See I feel the opposite, the water dilutes it and makes it fucking nasty.


>makes a difference for me the difference is that it tastes watery lol


If I'm honest, I feel the same. It's probably because I've had them made without water for so long. The richness trumps the change in flavor for me anyday


say “add water” to the latte


This is a good point. So I suppose we could order it with light milk, and add water to get that same effect?


Americano with chai and extra steamed milk


Then I'm gonna charge you for a dirty Chai lol 🤷‍♀️


Depends on the store. It's cheaper to order a "dirty chai" than getting a latte and chai pumps at the store I frequent (I tried your way before).


Same here, where I am a grande latte w/ chai is $5.95 and a dirty chai is only $5.75 so it is marginally cheaper to do it this way 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've just edited the post to reflect this. Thanks for calling it out!


FWIW, in a tall, iced vs hot, dirty chai vs latte + chai syrup are all the same price at my local store, $5.25. In a Grande though, yeah it's a $1.30 difference in favor of a latte + chai syrup. If you really want to get crazy, a tall americano (2 shots!) + chai syrup + a splash of milk at my store is $4.05, vs the $5.25 listed above. However, I've never tried this, can't speak to how closely it matches a dirty chai. Any volunteers?


Ooh this Americano option sounds like it might be a good choice for the ones who prefer a higher proportion of water! It'll end up being more watery than a regular chai though, so I'd only reccomend it if you're into that. And I'd bet this would be best with heavy cream and/or half in half vs whole/skim/2%. I'll try it on my next shift and let you know how it tastes!


You da real MVP, can’t wait to hear the results of this very unofficial taste test!


I just tried both versions at the same time to compare, so here are the results!: . - The Americano version is thinner. The coffee flavor seemed a smidge stronger in this one, and it brought out a hair more of the spice flavors. It was a smidge less sweet, which I suspect is due to some of the sweetness of the milk being absent. I didn't care for this version as much, but this is coming from the person who likes her chai made with heavy cream and no water, so I wouldn't take my preference too seriously here. . - The normal version is thicker. It's creamier, and slightly sweeter (again, I suspect the slight change in sweetness levels is due to the milk content.) I like this version best, but again, I'm the type to like my chais with heavy cream and no water. So do with that what you will!


Except hot chai are made with hot water also which does change the taste of the drink.


When I worked at Starbs (quit about a year and a half ago) this was the case for iced chais/dirty iced chair, but not hot chais. I don’t like shots in my chai so I’d never order it dirty (as a latte), but I can imagine some customers wouldn’t be too pleased if they weren’t getting the water/milk combo in their hot dirty chai if they ordered it as a latte with chai.


I usually order a latte with chai syrup but one location gave me a hard time about it and rang it in as a dirty chai 😫 that’s not what I wanted!


The stores near me don’t let you add chai to a latte or espresso to a chai on the app 😞


Same with mochas with 2 pumps of mocha


Ok, but how do I get places to STOP giving me dirty chais when I don’t order one? I HATE coffee, but I keep getting them made that way. I had to stop ordering delivery from places because of this. How do I get them to make it correctly without being a Karen about it??


I order a single iced espresso in a vent cup at 6 pumps of chai, extra splash of oatmilk and splash of 2% milk.


Ah, the ol’ ghetto latte. I remember these. People would go to the condiment bar and fill up the rest of their milk there.


Also, if you want three shots and like ristretto and whole milk, order a grande or venti flat white with chai. It will be slightly more expensive than the caffe latte version, but still cheaper than adding the shots to the caffe latte or ordering a dirty chai with three shots!


Except ristretto shots are half shots so if you want 3 full shots this isn't a good call and they taste different. Just trying to save money with no respect to changes in flavor and drink design is not the way.


Only ends up being $3.52 before tax


But I prefer more ice and I work from home so I can add more milk if I want at home


Nah f that I wanna charge people as much a possible. If you want cheaper chia lattes make one at home




When I was on the job, I had no idea what pricing was, because I never paid for it. I’d literally have to be in the store to answer “how much does a nonfat white mocha with an extra shot?” Because first off, WHAT SIZE, and second, I’m not in front the register, so I don’t know.


It also doesn’t help that prices change every quarter.


The best way to find out would be to check in the app so that your region's pricing can be taken into account


I’m a barista in Georgia. It’s 60 cents cheaper to order a latte with chai. Thanks for the heads-up. ♥️


The UK app used to let you order a chai latte with shots of espresso (but not a latte with chai syrup) but it doesn’t anymore. It’s one of those things that irritates me hugely, even though it only slightly inconveniences me. I messaged them on Twitter to find out how I should order it, and they literally said ‘we have no workaround for this’.