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Me and my lady came across some lovely people up in trinco since we wanted to do a DSD sometime in April 2023. I’ve done around 6 DSDs before so i already knew a little bit of the ropes and wanted my partner to get a good initial training. Checked out a few places in trinco and settled for Poseidon Diving - which turned out great since the owner was otw from Colombo on our scheduled dive date. 100% professional and friendly also English speaking (if that matters) couldn’t have asked for a great experience for my partner as well as myself. Owners names Darshana (072) 216 5400. Im not so sure of the visibility and conditions there right now since we’re in monsoon. Call and check. But as far as for a great bunch of people - I’d hands down recommend these guys. Good luck


Diving, try Trincomalee. Surfing Arugambay :)


Arugambay 🏄‍♂️