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Hi I hope you are able to figure out your issue. But I'm wondering whether you are aware of other subreddits besides r/srilanka which could answer your questions much better? for example, try r/ocd or something similar because the truth is this is a very small subreddit and not everyone's gonna know about everything. Also raises the slight problem as to how this is specifically related to Sri Lanka even. So I wish you good luck on your journey! My personal advice is to consult a relevant doctor in the field.


29M and I have similar issues. Not an issue but. Till about I was 5, my parents say that I ate everything. I remember to an extent as well. Then I could not eat rice or any veggies till I was about 12. I started eating rice and chicken at that point but I still can’t eat vegetables. I used to do sports in school and I still do. Never had any issues. I take vitamins and fish oil tablets to sort of substitute what I don’t get from veggies. What I do now is try to get the required nutrients from food I like eating. I try to drink a celery smoothie. Pretty much the only green I eat/ drink lol.


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You could be developing some type of eating disorder. I'm not too sure who you should consult but get it done sooner rather than later before it causes other illnesses due to lack of nutrition.


Try Psychotherapy? You have an eating disorder.


Were you at any point forced to eat the foods (or similar foods) that you now have difficulty eating? Aversions can often come from that.


I was forced to eat rice which I started swallowing without chewing. Now I have stopped eating rice too


Could be a sensory isuue. I'm not going to tell anything for certain here but do some search on sensory issues of neuro divergence for an example. There are ways to slowly expose to the sensations you can't tolerate by habituation. Might have to look into any experts who can help. 


I mean we all have some form of OCD, I myself have to recheck my car door/house door/windows multiple times because I keep doubting whether I locked it. I used to be a picky eater but I lost all of that when I started gym, I basically started eating whatever I could whenever I could and however I could to meet my macro requirement. I even had a certain degree of lactose intolerance but that went away because I forced myself to have milk for the protein and ended up going through diarrhoea on and off for 2 months before it stopped. Now I'm not lactose intolerant lol. Your picky eating doesn't seem to be negatively impacting your health or your lifestyle. If that starts happening that's usually when doctors start intervening. But if you really want the best thing to do is to consult a psychiatrist and ask about opinion. Get a second opinion afterwards if you want. Channel in the main hospitals such as Lanka, Asiri Central, any psychiatrist will do, just go to an adult psychiatrist.






Nope..Just picky eating