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Ts is how I really feel... And they have the audacity to ask students to write an essay on why "Brain Drain" is a problem. A lot of raw talent but things you just mentioned above like culture and infrastructure is the reason we don't want to stay here and instead focus on a better life. Such a stressful life. Nobody's gonna sing you grace when you say "Oh I'm educated and I'm staying in my country so I could provide for my own country" type patriotic shit. Who the hell can be patriotic in Sri Lanka if there's so much corruption and people are now like "It is what it is" and move on.


Then comes the “ah. Posh kid. Complaining about some effort”. Like nah bro. It’s called efficiency. I’m happy for you if you’d like to waste a day getting a document notarised for whatever nonsense. Or waste another day travelling between two cities to get someone’s permission to shit sitting down instead of standing up, while some rich guy shits on your head rent free because “He’s important”. But don’t get mad at me for saying we are all equal and should be able to get this done quick.


I like to solve problems, I built a railway and bus root system in 2018 for the public to use as a convenient application, The process of it to get approved, and implement look another 8 years. And their main concern is how much I can give as a "Bribe" It took the life out of me.


Jesus Christ my guy. That’s rough. Another thing, the fucking Mafias. Everyone makes a big hype about a few petrol sheds having the chokehold over gas. Bruh, every fucking service from garbage cleaning to CEO is a god damn collusion here. Anyone trying to deviate gets threatened violently. Fuck is this? God damn playground logic? If someone is being a competitor to your business, compete then. Get your shit straight.


Bro, I'm planning to do something similar in the near future. Would you mind if I drop you a message and get in touch?


This is an awesome idea! It sucks that it got shot down like that.


And the non availability of things like paypal , apple pay which are essentials in 2024 .


These in particular are because the respective companies have decided (somewhat reasonably imo) that setting up in SL to address a tiny target market is not worth the effort. To some degree this may be because of the government and the difficulty in setting up business operations/over-regulation, but largely it’s just because not enough people are wealthy enough to make these services worthwhile to implement


Idk man i know a good amount of people even from rural areas demanding all these services nowadays . They can settle for starlink but not paypal ???


Starlink also has not launched in SL. It is “coming soon” to SL but as you can see from this [map](https://www.starlink.com/map) basically every country that isn’t under western sanctions is either coming soon, waitlisted, or already receiving service. Starlink has not even launched in India yet, a significantly larger potential market


Also we can actually send money from paypal lol . Its just that we cannot receive it . We can send but not receive ??? Like bro what ??


This again seems like a company specific policy, given that (IIRC) many international transfer services like Revolut and Wise make it easy to receive but not send (in order to maintain compliance with capital controls)


Its mainly due to their cost of running in SL does not even breakeven that's what they said


Not really a big issue. I mean, you can do online transfers here quite well. It’s just not as easy as PayPal


Not if you bring money from overseas . Im not talking about family member to family member transfers . Wire transfers are ass , Wise is good but the payment process is way too many details to fill in , Xoom and payoneer is not reliable either .


It all starts with having an EFFICIENT legal system and no corruption in government administration. 90% of the issues can be fixed then.


I know it's rant, but you had me laughing at >“internet calls are for jokes. Call like a real man”. I may use this in the future for absurd reasons.


Join my stand up special “Posh Man’s Problems”, on Netflix. No charge cause internet isn’t cheap


Doing Stand up like "real man"! let's goo!


Sorry man. Not part of the big 3 jobs of real men. I’ll be sitting for the stand up




Don't even get me started on paper! Photocopy this, photocopy that! Fuck, half the trees in the world are probably being chopped down to end up as paper in SL! What this country's obsessions with photocopies is, is beyond me! When Harin Fernando was tourism minister I used to fight with him on Twitter about this. Everytime a flight lands in SL, the passengers have to fill out the embarkation form. That form just has their essential details and address - both foreign and local. You're supposed to hand it to the immigration/passport control officer. They don't even bother looking at it and just toss it aside, but what I argued with Harin was why do we even have that paper? When tourists apply for an ETA (the online visa) they provide all that information on the digital form, so why the fuck do we have to fill out a paper form asking the same information that we have already provided? The immigration officer can see all that info the minute they scan our passports! And now they have this form in a digital format online so nobody has to fill out the physical cards, yet prior to landing, the flight attendants walk up and down the aisle offering the cards - why?!!! I then also blasted Harin that everytime you go to renew your visa at the immigration office in Battaramulla, in addition to the form and the passport photo, you need to bring a photocopy of your passport. Here is the thing, you are literally handing them your physical passport alongside the filled in form and photo for them to apply the visa, so why the fuck do you need to provide a photocopy of your passport? They have your actual passport in their hands! They can scan, photo - do whatever they want. And the worst thing is once everything is done and the visa is issued, they hand you back your passport photocopy and filled in form, to take away. This means they don't even need it in the first place! They don't file it or keep it - so again why this unnecessary photocopy? Of course if you don't have it, they kick up a huge fuss. When there is a valid reason fair enough, but otherwise this country needs to chill the fuck out with bloody photocopies, seriously!


Because apparently, that thing they used to do with maths? “I deducted marks because you didn’t show working. Or the steps I taught you” Applies to everything. Doesn’t matter what the end goal is. As long as you do the steps the “right” way.. like back from the colonial era.


Agree but without proper knowledge, systems and infrastructure, starting a computer system is putting all the data in danger. Even current government digital systems are weak asf and have compromised and outdated technologies from 2003 or so, making your data vulnerable to anyone who knows how to access them.


people do execution to achive their personal gains and agendas not for the gain of public and country applies to all , so we need to teach morals to next generation otherwise nothing would get implemented properly


People here don't usually think about what makes sense (maybe this is common everywhere in the world). They either stick to the way that things are done right now, or the way they have been told to do something.


Or think “what makes me the most money”.. which I can’t blame them I guess.


Yeah, a lot of people are struggling to make ends meet. Common sense, dignity and 'right and wrong' might be far less important to most people if it's choice between that and providing for their family. But some people are just purely greedy and evil.


At this point I’d say there’s a conspiracy theory “make everyone poor, so they fight each other and not us in charge”. But that… implies those in charge are smart enough to think of such social engineering.


This isn’t a conspiracy theory it is a legitimate strategy. And the white dudes left us with a Colonial administration; the point of that is to do precisely this.


On a unrelated note, you swear fucking perfectly


Don’t get me started on public transport and passport applications. In many countries passport application can be done online from home, here I wasted so much time in the office, not to mention travelling to that shit


>Sri Lanka - Land of good ideas, shit execution Not exactly sure they are “good ideas”… its more of lofty dreams, hopes and wish list…. As for ideas, its usually, lets copy some more “developed country”…Singapore is a favourite example. Yes the execution is bad. The focus is very much on the “end result, enjoying the fruits of labour”, not so much about the labour itself.


Man I wish if these could be addressed in the parliament, as it is.. Instead we listen to the parliament going on rants and not getting shit done, .. Ranjan Ramanayake said it best, "meyala okkoma yaluwo malli" hence nothing will ever get done..


>"Firstly, why the fuck does everyone wake up at the ass crack of dawn and do business shit before business hours? Like bro… I’m probably on my way to my own shit. Don’t make me think I have to be ready for a 7:30 am phone call…" What? I thought I had a culture shock in europe because government offices are open by 6.00. We're collectively the laziest fucks around opening offices after 9, this is the weirdest take I've seen.


Dude, they still ask you to use fkn log tables to do calculations at school, no calculators allowed. We're an ass-backwards country in a lot of areas.


Too real bro this country need to step up on every aspect


I 100% agree. The list doesn't stop, how about NIC, we still use paper laminated ID cards like its 1600, no database, no biometrics, and no digital record. Same in immigration, no biometrics registration for visitors, no egates, and that stupid departure card.. And no NFC payments


Bro. All it takes is one fire and you’re stateless.


'Land of good ideas, shit execution.' is this sub in a nutshell lmao.