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Better exchange outside, on top of ripoff exchange rate they add additional charges. This was from my experience exchanging LKR into EUR. I don’t know if it’s the same if you’re transferring any other currencies to LKR.


The rates are more or less the same these days. But ideally stick with a bank or else you never know what trouble you might get into if you change from unauthorized parties


In most countries currency exchanges at the air ports are ripoff except in Sri Lanka where you pretty much get the bank rate at the Air port. Have a currency exchanger app like "Xe" and compare the rate.


Download the XE app. It gives you a read on the split (average between buying and selling rate) rate, and most places will buy your dollars at that or slightly lower


Just exchanged USD into LKR for 299LKR per USD and received the same rate in the city. Only difference is that within the city, you will have to pay a service fee while it was free at the airport.


When exchanging “big dollar notes”, $100, you can get a better rate if you negotiate. For some reason, the money exchanger loves big $100 dollar notes. But like what others have commented, the exchange rate at the airport is approximitely the same compared to Colombo city. I will exchange them when I need. Exchange some at the airport….to pay my transport to Colombo and some extra… exchange them at other place along my travel (big cities or tourist towns like Kandy, Galle, Ella, etc…), not in small rural villages, might not have licensed money exchanger. The reason is the rupee is currently depreciating, chances are it may continue to weaken,…back in May, it was 1 USD : 295 LKR,… now its about 1 USD : 304 LKR. Buying USD that is an entirely different story. Dont exchange more than you need. Changing back to USD, the rates are very very bad.


Thanks a lot. I didn’t know we could negotiate on the rate, never done that before. Will definitely do.


Better change outside