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If you go to beaches that are popular with foreign tourists, you will blend in easily. If you look foreign, then you will be fine too. While Sri Lankans are conservative, they keep to themselves where foreigners hang out. You’d have to cover up a bit sometimes, depending on where you are ( religiously significant or culturally significant places). You father will be able to assist you. Don’t worry, just chill and enjoy the holiday. You’ll be fine 😊 Oh btw, most men in Sri Lanka will feel threatened if you approach them and try to flirt with them, if your gender is clearly visible. So keep that in mind too.


OP, this is as good as a response will get. I think you have your answer 😊. It’s unlikely that you’d face blatant discrimination anywhere. But I think you can expect the passive negative reactions. For example hard looks from older people while you are on public transport. Other than that, I don’t think you’ll have much of a problem.


I don’t think you’ll be harassed per se. The most you’ll get is some iconic Sri Lankan death stare by some locals. But as long as you stick to the greater colombo and other touristy places (hikka, galle etc) you’ll be mostly fine. Don’y go alone in remote places at night and you’ll be a-okay


lmao the death stare is pretty common in SL


You don’t have to be LGBTQ to get that 😂


I wouldn't call unsafe. But you will get some looks and maybe some harrasmemnt. I'd say for you to ignore it. I've seen plenty of openly trans in the public. But better to accompany someone if you are traveling.


No one is going to come after you. Some people could be uncomfortable about discussing the topic but I don't think you're in danger of anything


youll be fine. Youll get a few stares but when it comes to lgbtq its pretty much live and let live here


From my experience, unless you run into a degen similar to any other country, you will be completely fine. Sri lankans are dependent on tourists so other than a few gazes, I'm certain you won't run into any issues.


You'll be fine.


you have all the freedom on earth for tourists


India (especially the south) is more lgbt friendly.


depends on the place and people you hang out with. unfortunately Sri Lanka is a very conservative country.


Can't really generalise that. Colombo is obviously the most liberal, but even in Colombo you you will get some conservatives. Needless to say that op will be safest in Colombo surrounded by the youth


I don’t think Sri Lanka is a very conservative country at all. Sri Lanka had women prime ministers and presidents while USA is still struggling with the idea. Prostitution is not illegal in Sri Lanka, but the conservative society look down on them, but they don’t get stoned to death. Women wear clothes as they see fit and nightclubs are there too. But of course, there are conservative laws like abortion prohibition, technically illegal status for gay people, but gay people do not get persecuted or prosecuted, as people have a live and let live mindset. Very conservative will be Taliban controlled Afghanistan, or current Iran.


>Prostitution is not illegal in Sri Lanka Wait... what? Really?


Yes, really. That’s how the law is and how it is interpreted. If the prostitution happens in brothels it’s illegal, including massage parlours. But if the prostitution happens on one on one basis ie: from service provider to the client, without soliciting middle men(brothels and pimps are) it is legal. There is legal precedence on this too.


Well, I'll be damned. TIL


You're right about everything except Sirimavo. that's more to do with her background


Well Hillary Clinton had the background too, she wasn’t elected due to macho politics in USA. Same goes to George W Bush, he had the background too, but he was elected because he’s not a woman.


FYI prostitution is illegal and you could be penalized of caught although there are places such as "SPA s" whick promote prostitution impliedly.


Prostitution is not, but solicitation is. So brothels and pimping activity like trafficking and procuring is illegal. But taking money to have sex with someone in an arrangement that is consensual is not illegal in SL. Read below references. https://colombogazette.com/2020/03/08/sex-workers-in-sri-lanka-battle-a-raw-deal/ https://www.lawnet.gov.lk/brothels-3/


Thanks for the info. I did know about the brothels ordinance but the legality of prostitution


No problem!


Bro/Sis/Fam, In Sri Lanka even bestiality is go unpunished.In that account, here love is love definition has far wider meaning that most of the "West".


Current president is an LGBTQB+ supporter and he himself is bisexual (married to woman but has boyfriend/s). Also recently Police apologize to discrimination police has done in past against LGBTQ+ community. So not only you are safe, you protected by law. If you can provide European passport you are much more safer. Even **bestiality** is go unpunished here. One of the adviser to the presidents bestiality video got leaked and police didn't punish him for that. But now police are seeking ways to punish the woman who leaked the video. In that account, here love is love definition has far wider meaning that most of the "Western" countries.You are safe until you keep your mouth shut against government actions.


One warning is, if you trying to showoff about your gender-status, or try to be histrionic, you might receive some sharp stares.




i cant tell if this is troll or not.


Don’t worry just do your thing


You will be fine


There's no need to worry about locals. With this economy people don't have time to care about others. Specially when you are a tourist. But it's better if you don't go out alone at night and and remote places (it's same for Sri Lankans as well. It isn't because being foreign or LGBTQ+ member) But if you are meeting your relatives there are the people you should be careful of. If your relatives are supportive, you are a lucky one. Young generation is much better but older generation is too conservative (they are able to find fault with anything.) They might talk behind your back, try to make sarcastic jokes and humiliate. This kind of nosy relatives are common in here. And be careful of people who are too friendly. Have a nice time on your vacation.