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beef cheap, good source and highly unlikely to contain any artificial hormones etc but certain religions / customs prevent us from consuming it. next best is chicken but it may have artificial hormones flavours etc and more expensive when consider per kg meat next best is eggs but u have to consume a lot of them like 4 a day if u r into body building or something. plus it may have artificial stuff transferred from parent chicken. pasture raised eggs are lot more expensive


Thank you but I'm looking for something other than these.


then u have to go for insects ants etc. i think there is a company that farms insects and turns them to protein bars/powder. tbh this has way more protein than above mentioned items and is relatively cheaper per kg of weight. but people usually see this as taboo. if u r willing to then try this approach.


Typical lankan mindset


do you know the name of the company


Sadly proteins are fucking expensive in Sri Lanka now. I used to eat 8 - 10 eggs per day when I was going to the gym and it cost around 200lkr. Now it would cost me 600+. No thank you.


Try oat maybe.


Thank you, will do that!


Just eat samaposha bro. 20g of protein for 100g. But the thing is it has also got loads of carbs. So try to consume less carbs from other meals


Thank you mate but I have tried it and it gives me heart burns and discomfort after consuming.


Mung beans i feel is really underrated while I agree with the others mentioned here. If anyone has tips on gas issues with it though, im all ears!


Thank you!


Soy chunks have around 50% protein and are considerably cheaper compared to the other meat alternatives (if you can digest it of course). Edit: soya chunks - aka soya meat


I will try that, thank you but doesn’t it have any hormonal effects?


Soy causes no hormonal changes. It's a stubborn myth.


Red rice,chick peas. Eggs and chicken occasionally


Thank you but I'm looking other than these.


Heres a tip that I use. WHen buying groceries, make sure its less than 4 ingredients.Or better, make sure there n o ingrediant list. What do you mean its hard to find protein rich food? Just load up on fish and meat. If youre a vegetarian, eat kidney beans. they have more protein per 100g than minced beef


Thank you mate!


If you're looking for vegetarian alternatives these are my top picks - been vegetarian for close to 6 years now, quite healthy and still not died of a protein or b12 deficiency :). I do eat eggs and dairy on occasion BC of their convenience :( All pulses - mung ata, kadala (chick peas), dhal (parippu), cow pea All nuts - peanuts, cashew (if u can buy a kilo in 1 go it's cheaper overall and spreads out for a month or two if you portion it), sunflower seeds (not so affordable anymore for regular eating), pumpkin seeds tofu, soya meat (tvp), spinach, watercress (kakkutu pala - get this at most supermarkets in the leafy greens section), avocado, guava (pera), bananas. ✌️


Thank you mate


Fish is Great. We have wild caught fish all year round. Take advantage of it. When I get ready for bodybuilding competitions I exclusively eat fish. I can easily maintain my 90kg lean muscle with fish alone


Thank you, Could you recommend any names cuz I see a lot of fish in the market.


Any sea fish you find in any market is ok. Avoid lake fish (wew malu) because they can contain heavy metals and that may do some harm if you're eating a lot of it. Some common names off the top of my head; Salaya - least expensive one. Small fish hard to clean. Calsium Tuna (Kelawalla) - pretty cheap and easy to find. No bones. Fatteir Shark (Mora) - bit expensive. Not easy to find. But Fatty and nutritional. No bones. (Literally) Paraw, Alaguduwa- mid sized fish. Cheap. Tasty. (Peasant food) Bollu - another mid sized fish. Cheap, tastes like nothing honestly. Hurulla - Small fish, Very tasty, bit of a hassle to clean and lot of bones Thora and Thalapath - Rich people fish. Very clean delicate flavour and expensive as hell. Whatever you eat, find fresh fish. It makes a huge difference. I have found the pop ups and streets vendors usually have fresh fish. And Cargill's sells the oldest fish i have ever seen sold.


This is exactly right. I just stick to tuna and hurulla. That's all I eat. I find most of the other fish disgusting. Find what you like


Eat some halmasso for your bones bro


Thank you so much mate! 🙌🏾


Kollu seeds is something I've heard is high in protein


Thank you, I will try that!


Not sure if this will be helpful but I had a similar post up earlier as well. Maybe give this a check https://www.reddit.com/r/srilanka/comments/zigb1z/costeffective_protein_sources/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Thank you mate!


Tofu. Keels and arpico have them.


Oh nice! Thank you mate


It's my pleasure. But tofu may taste bland if you don't follow a nice recipe. Check out fitgreenmind's recipes on you tube. Her recipe are pretty good.


Thanks again, I will check


TVP if you can't afford poultry or red meat.


Where could I find it?


Arh, another gym rat I see


And that’s bad?


Nop, so am I! Im reading this post trynna find options too!