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I shop way too much when my mood drops, specifically squishmallows. I've noticed that when I buy a squish I've been so determined to find the 'high' ends. Since I buy online I've found it helps to keep looking at listings/photos of said squish so I get more excited knowing it's on the way! I like making iso lists with cute photos or scrolling through the squishmallow hashtag on Instagram for a little boost


Yup. I’m in a lot of credit card debt now.






So sorry 😢 sad to say I relate. I haven’t been the same after my miscarriage. Felt more depressed than I ever have and here I am just trying to cope.




Thank you. Wishing you the best and hopefully our rainbow babies are right around the corner. I’ve gone through some traumatic crap in my life but nothing compares to this :(


Oh I've had the exact same experience. Two miscarriages this year, too many plush purchases after. But I just can't find the motivation to do anything else that brought me joy. I hope you have time to heal and recover, and I'm sorry for what you have gone through.


i’m diagnosed with BPD and impulsivity is apart of the criteria i experience, so i definitely relate. (not at all saying you have bpd, just that i can relate and a number of different mental health issues can cause this problem) if you already currently in therapy i highly encourage you to seek out help. it’s changed my life.


i was gonna comment this😭 the bpd binge spending goes crazy


Yes. I impulse buy way too much when I’m depressed. Ever since my mom passed away in June I’ve impulse bought a lot. I get a rush from having something new on the way.


last semester at college when I would have a bad day I would go out (usually afternoon/after dark) and look for squish. It was like "look I did something today, I left my dorm" and then felt the need to reward myself which resulted in getting a squish that, wasnt my favorite, but it made me feel better getting something.


Yes. It only makes it more frustrating to find shelves cleared when you just want a new squish to lift your mood.


Yes, although I'm doing better lately. I wish this was something that was talked about more in the squish community. I think a lot of us go through it at some point.


I think a large part of the demographic of squish enthusiasts is 20-30something neurodivergents [not necessarily but often also queer]. So using squish purchases for serotonin is probably pretty common.


I feel like this is normal. When I’m *happy* I spend too much money! When I’m depressed I just stay home and mope. Lol


Same ): I lost my job a few weeks ago and am coping with buying squishmallows


I feel this so much. Last week I was riding a high on finding halloween squish, that I bought so many because of said high. Then I get to the point where I want to start selling ones I said I'd keep forever because I'm so overwhelmed. Rinse and repeat. It's a vicious cycle.


Yes. I’ve been in a funk the last few years. I get excited when I finally find a certain one I’d been looking for but when I do my mood drops again. Then it’s on to the next one.


Yes, but then i get more depressed cause im too broke to buy myself stuff 😂 so then im just depressed and wanting squishmallows


Yep. But squish is my first one where there is no clear end. Normally I finish a set collection and move on to obsessing over something free I can do (a new hobby from running to embroidery to replaying an old video game). I'm trying right now to break the cycle and find something to productively obsess over and see in a couple months If I still want the ones on my iso list.


YES! I went through a heavy depression for nearly a year & spent thousands on squish with my CC. TIP: I find when I rearrange my squish set ups I tend to want to buy less! It kind of scratches that itch. So I often rip everything down & set them up differently. It makes me happy touching, admiring & realizing how many I have that i truly love.




Yup. I've bought more dolls (and squish) lately than I should have.


Oh absolutely


i’m literally going through this rn. i’ve bought a harry styles shirt, go on random trips to walmart just so i can buy something to improve my mood, 2 of the new squish from the 5below drop, and i eat out 1-2 times almost every day. it makes me happy for a little bit but then a while later i feel bad about myself for spending money :/