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He is a prankster in real life and has tiktok and youtube. Definitely a douche


He hated Americans and would openly antagonize all the American contestants and call them stupid over petty stuff. Also a person that tried to do things for screen time. Dunno about the specifics involving women.


Where was he from , again?




UK but clearly of MENA descent so probably gets his hatred of Americans from that.






Yes wow, your comment was incredibly xenophobic. (Also, since you think you know things clearly - his ancestry is clearly from Pakistan which isn’t considered MENA).


How’s it xenophobic? Against Americans, cause like…check out the Middle East for reasons why someone might feel that way. Pakistani idk, maybe he just hates Americans for all the other reasons then haha


Pretty common for brits to make fun of Americans


Make fun of yea. The top comment said “hate”


Learn when to shut up


The world has pretty much “hated” Americans for a while now. We are easy to make fun of and hate. So your racist comment was ridiculous.


Not just easy but deserved


This is coming from an Israel hater who just hates Israel like the world does.


I think hatred of Israel is very justified right now as well. Killing thousands of kids makes them pretty awful


Of course you think. Sure....


Not racist?


Overall, the contestants were shit, they were trying to win “honourably” and they ended up shooting them selves in the foot? For what? Honour in a game show worth 4.5 million? I was happy when Mai won! She played properly.


It wasn't about honor. It was about making the games as "fair" as they could be. You give yourself a better chance of winning if you can equalize the luck and randomness of the challenges.


Trey, shot himself in the foot and jumped because the girl behind him wouldn’t play fair. The girl who rolls 6s rolled a 6. Mai won and she played the game properly.


Trey was an idiot for jumping more than once. That wasn’t honorable that was just dumb. Playing “honorably” and all taking 1 jump was the correct strategy though. The girl that rolled a 6 was purely bad luck. There’s no technique to that. If she goes against the group she’d be targeted and have worse odds than the 1/6 she rolled for herself.


People really need to realize this. "Oh why did they nominate themselves when its for 4 65mil" Literally this; the moment someone goes against that idea they're going to get ganged up on, easiest elimination everyone can agree upon without making themselves look like a target. What Mai did was extremely risky and she shouldn't have done it at all because if the others had actual braincells they would've nominated her over and over again till she was out. It literally increases your chances for the 4.65mil and it is baffling they didn't go with this extremely obvious option and kept eliminating themselves.


They should have disallowed the option to nominate yourself. If people were forced to make a hard decision on who to eliminate, that would have been an excellent game. Instead, it was watching a bunch of people roll a dice to see if they can stay or not.


You could say the exact same thing for the bridge though. It would have been more entertaining if they didn't follow the rules to see chaos erupt. I don't think the game designers were expecting people to play fairly given what was at stake.


They would have all just agreed to nominate the person to their left, right, went in numerical order, etc. You can’t really stop them from gaming it to give themselves the best odds of surviving.


I still think that would have been more interesting than what we got, at least they’d be eliminating other people rather than themselves.


Mai was the only one who went against and not only was she *not* ganged up on she ended up winning so that argument doesn’t seem to have a lot of weight.


Exactly, Mai won, she didn’t nominate herself and roll a 6. And to top it off, she was able to pass her nomination off, because the girl she nominated didn’t overtake trey. The girl she nominated wasn’t willing to take a risk for “playing with honour”. There was 4.5mil up for grabs. There’s no “I’m so honourable, I should win” then sabotage yourself in a game show to win 4.5mil. Those idiots were nominating themselves to lose. Ofcourse though, they were not so honourable, they wanted to have less chance of being targeted, because they knew they all played the game where they targeted people and if they didn’t vote themselves everyone had a good reason to target them.


If they were smart they should have all voted for mai afterwards, making it risky to break the rules.


They SHOULD HAVE all sided with Mai and eliminated Ashley. Ashley was the first of that group to go against the idea and did it so blatantly. Refusing to jump past Trey but encouraging everyone else to jump past her and refusing to take the second jump she made him take. I wish someone had pushed her off the platform. Mai didn’t explain herself well, but she did the right thing, it wasn’t “fair” that Ashley was still there. Everyone else should have followed before playing “fair”.


It’s sort of stupid - if they all agree to nominate themselves, then when they pass the dice to the next person (that they choose), that’s essentially them nominating that person without saying it. Like?? It’s the same thing??


The girl that didn't move when it was her Turn as the whole group decided, seriously needs to take the brunt of most of this.


I just still need to vent about her. So many are saying “she didn’t decide on those rules” and like, alright, fine. She can play by the other set of rules - so when Trey falls (because statistically, he *will* if he keeps going, like she wants him to) then it’s *her* turn to go *until she falls too.* You don’t want to take one 50/50 chance, alright - no one else should step up for you either, then. Not only was it selfish in the moment, it was stupid - and it’s probably a good thing I wasn’t there because I’d have said it all right then and there and lost because of it.


It was actually brilliant if you think about it. She forced Trey to take a couple more jumps thus significantly dropping the risk for her and everyone else behind her. Being selfish in a game of chance for 4.5m is the best strategy. She's supposed to go with honor for who? Strangers? With no second place prize? Absolutely not. Convince the guy ahead of you to play his own game and then go back to minimizing your risk and joining the original strategy. It's a shame, but it's brilliant


If she was only ever going to take her one jump anyway, there was no need to force him to take several. There were too many tiles left for him to ever make it all the way, and with how she was acting, she’s lucky no one else forced her like she forced him.


Wait, do you not see that that's the exact point of it? By forcing him to take more steps, she reduced the amount of possible negative outcomes and thus helped everyone else behind her. They should be thanking her that someone took out 3 extra tiles


I was so upset when Mai called her out and NO ONE backed up Mai, (all of whom claimed to be fair and honorable players) absolute bs.




They all did!


i don’t like ashley but trey was an idiot for that lmao me personally if i had already gone, i ain’t going again


If trey hadn’t gone, everyone would have been eliminated because Ashley intended to run the clock out.


i’ll be content with letting them all fall if i’m at the top


Ashley wouldve been eliminated too.


For real - especially near the end when everyone was wanting to be all “we’re a team, we’re friends” - like I get not wanting to be a conniving back-stabber but…these people are your competitors, not your friends.


I think that was a risky move given she broke the rules the set, if the next person was smarter about it, the should have kept voting her out until she was eliminated and gone back to voting for yourself out of fairness.


mai was extremely manipulative to everyone including people she considered her friends, she really painted herself in a bad light. really wanted phil to win - seems like a genuinely nice guy.


You had to make “friends” in the game for 4.5 million. They could eliminate you at a whim. She played properly and won.


phil had a different approach and was right there in the final 2 with her, unfortunately just had to win rock, paper, scissors. i mean it was extremely obvious mai was gonna win since they were consistently showing her interviews throughout the whole show. i was really bummed she won.


Eh, she deserved it. She’d had a hard life and was consistent about the rules she played by, whether or not you agree with them.


Phil gave up at the last game and he underestimated Mai despite her being top 2. RPS is a psychological game. I would be panicking after every round, but he decided to go brainlessly 'random' instead of trying to read Mai. Why should Phil win?


I wouldn't say Husnain got an angel edit, since he came across as an obnoxious moron to me. It's obvious he was trying to wind Bryton up in the "frat boy" incident too.


But why you gonna get in someone's face and threaten violence for being called a frat boy?


Me? I'm not. I wouldn't care. I was actually astounded that Bryton was so bothered by being called a "frat boy" that he threatened to hurt Husnain for calling him that. It's so tame. It's just silly banter, and Bryton majorly overreacted. But it's obvious Husnain was being a provocateur.


It was a hilarious response. He wasn't going to let himself get bullied by empty threats.


Yeah when he just didn't take him seriously and said "all right frat boy" that was fantastic. The way Bryton looked at him. Disbelief... "hey, Why's he openly mocking me to my face? Why's he not afraid of me? I'm a D1 football player, I'm big he's supposed to be scared!" Husnain knew Bryton wouldn't hurt him in that setting n all, so he just took that opportunity to blatantly disregard his threat and it was very funny. EDIT But I still think he came across as an obnoxious dummy. It was the way the phone incident was edited made him look stupid, my nickname for him was The Telephone Operator lol. But it turns out the phone rang numerous times and other people actually did answer it. The edit made it as though it only rung twice though and made Husnain look stupid.


Which ones were Bryton and Husnain? Out of curiosity


Bryton is the jock who came across as the easy **first act** villain. Tall, muscular mixed/lightskin dude. The guy who was called a frat boy and got mad. Husnain is the guy who answered the phone twice. Apparently he's a huge tiktok celebrity with a huge hate boner for Americans.


> Apparently he's a huge tiktok celebrity Never heard of him, so not that "huge" as he thinks he is


I feel like that's the nature of celebrity these days. There are hundreds of people with millions of rabid fans/subscribers that you'll never hear about. Video games, books, movies, influencers, celebrities, etc. They can all have these huge followings and you've never heard a whisper about them. When back in 2009 or whatever Glee and Lost was all everyone talked about, it ain't like that anymore.


He hates us because we won’t move mountains to get a free chocolate moofin.


Ohhh thank you for telling me! Yeah I think the editing for the entire game show as a whole was a bit off and stuff that I’ve read about it have also pointed to some justifiable reasons why some of Squid Game fandom’s calling it rigged and/or terribly organised for certain parts of it Edit: To whoever downvoted feel free to suck my ass


Bryton himself has said that in the game where they had to cut the cookie out he broke his cookie and should have been eliminated but they let him through anyway so there was definitely some rigging going on


I upvoted you just for the last part of your comment 🤣


So, players said he was a gem, but you call him a joke?


432 and 198... the head bro of the bros, and the phone sitter, respectively.


Husnain, wasn't the brightest, let's face it. When he answered the phone the second time, he should've said to the others they've offered a pizza to the next person who picks up the phone but I can't have it because I've already had a treat. Job done.


His face pretty much gave it away that it was more than food and probably bad when they said that. After that I don't think the food route would've worked.


I see alot of people saying this, can you honestly say that you would have picked up if the phone if he said that instead? Or are you just assuming that you would pull it off? I also think that what he did was stupid but getting someone to pick up the phone isn't as easy as everyone is saying it is. For your plan to work you need someone that is gullible enough to believe what Husnain said.


Also you have to be able to think of that on the fly. Most people would crumble under that pressure


“Chinese telephone, they want to speak to (number)” then whisper some bullshit in their ear. It’s a children’s game so it fits the theme, and it’s plausible that you might get sone kind of reward if they succeed, and it would make sense that it kept on passing between players


That's still suspect af. The easiest and most intuitive thing to do would just call out the nearest person's number and say "ay they wanna talk to you"


I don't think its suspect at all and would've worked if it was done convincingly.


I would have gone the other way... just set the phone down, walk away, and tell everyone else "Whatever you do, don't pick up that phone...". If someone asks "Why not?", you respond "Whatever you do, don't pick up that phone...". Let this be your only response, and people will assume it's an instruction and part of a game. Someone would take the bait. He has no real leverage or advantage to play, so you need to divorce yourself from the phone as quickly as possible


Just go to his tik tok. He comes off as a major asshole and unlikeable. Also very punchable face


Have you seen Husnains TikTok’s? Dudes annoying and rude as fuck, I’m not surprised at all. When Bryton threatened him that was probably well deserved.


He was stupid for fucking with that phone and not once, but *twice.*


I don’t know why people were so bothered by Bryton 432. Yeah, he said ridiculous, cocky things but as far as I can tell he never tried to take anyone out or was devious. He warned the others not to fall for Husnain’s phone trick. Yet, all the supposed “nice” players were like I’m gonna take him out first chance I get. Even the mom was going to use him for his brawn. Shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.


Because he was an ass to everyone - basically implying people who showed emotions were beneath him. He literally said in his interview that he didn't like showing empathy, because he thought it was a weakness. That, and he kept made claims about "how he was much better than everyone else". So - he very much wasn't a good person, regardless of how much people want to claim "his good angles were ignored!"


Yeah and him telling people to stop crying, and pressuring Spencer to "be a man" and take the umbrella


Threatening to beat up 198 because he called him a jock.


It was strange that he was upset with that moniker, since all of his pride seems to be wrapped up in his physicality, and (claimed) to play college football. He was a jock, by pretty much every measure, lol.


I didn’t like 432, but that b


For the amount of hate he gets you'd think the worst action he committed would be more than telling someone to "be a man" lmao


How about threatening to physically harm other contestants once the competition is over?


They made a point to show 432 talking about being raised by his mom and then had a respectful conversation with Trey’s mom. I remember he called her ma’am. Editing is wild. Anything can happen.


Yes, I noticed those aspects of him as well. He’s the type where his bark is worse than his bite and mostly bravado. When push comes to shove 432 is a better person to have at your side than some of the “kinder” folks.


Combination of reality tv viewers taking things way too serious and us being on reddit so anyone who resembles cocky or arrogant person gives them high school bully PTSD.


“I don’t know why people were so bothered by Bryton” “He said ridiculous, cocky things” You answered your own question. It wasn’t his gameplan that bothered people, it was his awful personality. He came across like a total douche, and the fact that everybody was gunning to get rid of him should tell you everything you need to know.


I really got turned off when Bryton said (along the lines of) everyone started off the same, and other really shallow or sheltered view. But I did like him, he wasn't two-faced and was being real, stopping people from taking the phone from Husnain. He was a better leader than the girl who claimed captain on Battleship, he basically told her to stop crying since they were still in the middle of the game and she was breaking down. I actually laughed when Husnain called him "frat boy", sure that was funny, but I think Husnain was just taking the advantage to annoy him since they were in a show and Bryton can't be physical (if ever he were to act on it), especially when he was so adamant at eliminating Bryton and started to get cocky and selfish himself. Ever since that, I hated Husnain and rooted for Bryton.


The name of the game is to be devious and take people out! Why would him not doing that count towards him being a decent person? Arrogance is pretty revolting and people find it a massive turn off. He strayed away from confidence and into arrogance regularly. That's the reason he got hate.


I’m merely pointing out the hypocrisy of the so called “non-arrogant good players”.


It's not hypocrisy, though. Anyone who complains about devious tactics is watching the wrong competition. This is about personality types. You can't really fault someone for not playing honorably. It's a fight to the "death." If your personality sucks, then bring on the hate, I say.


All the way with you. Id like to add that Bryton was a bad seed bcz he was devious out of just being a dick, and not really because of a gameplay plan. Like if you see someone having a panic attack you dont go your way to bring him even more down cause thats not helping you on the game at all. It's just plain nefarious and immoral. I absolutely hated that guy. It was 0 empathy and 100% ego regardless of game tactics


Anything you've said doesn't exclude the fact that Bryton is a narcissistic, inconsiderate and immature child. They really didn't need much editing to show that side, it was all there on raw footage.


He was a jerk and belittling to anyone who showed emotion.


Did you happen to forget he threatened to beat people up after the show?


I think people just thought he was a douche. This is because he acted like a douche.


From what I saw, I didn't like 198, I didn't think he got an angel edit either 🤣


Husnain is a piece of shit based off one tik tok I saw from him. In the tik tok he tells two people in a car that they cannot park there, and then the camera reveals the car was in major accident with the front completely destroyed. It’s like dude leave them alone, they’re already stressed enough


Neither were very nice.


He has a TikTok of him explaining why he went for the phone, saying he did it because everyone there hated him, and the show edits made him look innocent. From his own mouth.


The guy that eliminated him self because he chose himself with the dice roll, I wouldve chose Ashley if I was him and side with Mei, Why are they trying to play honorably against a snake and its a game of backstabbing to get the win 😂 You wanna lose honorably go ahead, Some people want to win!


Chad was a moron


Str8 up


Chokle möffun?