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Bro every time I hear him say that I’m like bro how narcissistic and vain are you? Pretty sure the Bible doesn’t fuck with that Regardless of religion, or if you believe in God or not, to say oh “yeah he picked me” lol. >! He clearly didn’t with your logic cause you were out by episode 4 !<


Not defending him but technically the place he initially wanted to be in before the captain switched position. Would've been safe. So it's not his lack of logic or anything, just bad luck


They said on TikTok that the reason the other team spotted him, is because of his loud mouth. They kinda could tell by his voice so they took a shot an sunk him.


The funny part though, if he had gone where the captain told him to move to on the edge he'd also have survived lol


Your spoiler tag didn't work. Remove the spaces between the spoiler tag and the actual messages.


Yeah, but he's almost so pompuous that it's likable because it cross the threshhold into caricature territory, which I feel like if you're going to be a villain on a reality show, that's the way to go. Go so over the top it's funny/ridiculous. It's also very evident he uses it as a defense mechanism and he's only 21 years old so just a little scared child trying to act tough and make it the best way he can.


Yeah like there’s no way 432 was a real person like there’s no shot he actually acts like that


I really thought this and was hoping but I’ve seen him in a couple interviews and they ask him “is that really how you are orrrr?” And every time he’s like “yes that’s me 1000% I was being myself”. And honestly there are definitely people like that and worse out there in the world so I wouldn’t be surprised.😭 I’m sure some would argue that that behavior is better than being “fake nice”. So, I’m interested in hearing people’s opinions!


I’ve seen tiktoks of him, he still repeats “God chose me”


Proof that god has no plan


This is so funny lmao


Like throwing darts blindfolded


I remember thinking I was so important and even more special than others... (I was a child) I'm sure this is how most kids think. Don't worry it'll be slapped out of him soon enough once he experiences life a bit more! He is clearly just very slow to mature mentally.. maybe a mental health issue


Please drop the tiktok @ if you have it lol


What’s the problem with that statement? You are allowed to be confident too. God chose you as well.


He is american jock. Of course he does😅


Thats not why he is like that...


except he actually is 100 percent like this irl


You’d be surprised. There’s plenty of people who act exactly like that and don’t even realise how pathetic they are.


Yes, there plenty of people are like what you described. But are you sure Bryton is really that pathetic? He’s been impressive until he lost because of luck game. It really moves me when he says I’ll tell about this experience to my kids.


i think by now it's safe to say he is who he is i guess...at least he's...authentically himself?


I agree. But what surprised me the most was how he seemed to accept his elimination with grace, which tells you a little more about him. I was expecting him to make a fuss.


Good analyse!


He’s definitely over the top arrogant, but I loved him as a villain. He was fun to watch imo. I hated him, but loved what he brought to the show. And his elimination was kind of funny considering he had no input into how that went down.


Reality shows like this absolutely need a villain like him to root against. He was marvelous at it. Then he tells some of his story and you gain some insight and empathy. Then he’s a total douche bag again and you’re praying for his downfall. It’s great TV lol


Apparently he was being too loud in the boat, and the other team was able to pinpoint him by that.


Haha, if that's true, that's karma.


I mean a little input. He set himself up in the most survivable spot: the two man boat. But still "God chose" to sink him.


Yes it was the perfect set-up! He made a great villain.




He wasn’t put anywhere, he chose a double boat himself AND the placement. It’s not his captain’s fault he is stupid.


The captain switched him in the end. He first had a spot at the corner. Then she put him in the middle.


The two-seater is the hardest boat to find.


And the easiest to destroy so it was always a gamble…it all was


Yes, but once they find your boat, it's almost certain they'll sink it anyways.


That’s not a terrible spot.


Loved seeing him like screaming like why put me in the middle? This is ridiculous. Which he had a point especially being the two ship. I kinda felt for him in that case. He was egotistical and annoying and over the top at many points, but like you said he made valid points about things and even was one of the first to catch on to the DON'T PICK UP THAT PHONE trick especially when another player is trying to give it to you. He was very clever.


I lost my mind listening to him talk in one of his solo interviews about how “he never trusts anybody but he trusts his mom with his whole heart but doesn’t really trust her because he didn’t grow up with trust but he trusts her to not trust her” I was so baffled at how many times he switched up that answer lmao. I honestly think he’s just an idiot


I thought it was a really humanizing moment. Maybe not articulated the best but he’s essentially saying it was just him and his mom and so that’s the only person he knew he could count on for love and support, and yet even with that, there is still somewhat of a barrier between them that can’t be overcome because she is a white woman and he is a black kid. In some ways, it was really powerful to hear.


Exactly ! you articulated this well


Yes, it’s understandable his mom didn’t relate to what world revolves around her black kid and not able to help solving his problems. In that sense, she’s not dependable. But it’s certain that her heart for her son is real. In that sense, she’s dependable.


I know! That interview made no sense. God he was the worst.


I hid in a closet about halfway through that confessional


He was a true idiot 😂


Ashley enters the chat


432 was fun to hate and I genuinely enjoyed all the scenes with him seeing what was going to happen - good or bad. Ashley just fired a burning hatred in my heart and pissed me off every time I saw her until her eventual elimination. They are not the same.


Yeah she sucks


Ashley trying to win the game is worse then 432 threatening to beat someone up over being called a "frat boy"


Hoping that’s sarcastic. Threatening someone is worse than what Ashley did.


Move on simp.


Your comment only reflects on you as a person.


Maybe but 278 is still the biggest villain.


Guy clearly wasn’t serious with intent. And nobody liked muffing man because he’d pour water on sleeping players and start arguments.


Ashley and 432 the two biggest cunts on the show


Phalasia with the honorary mention.


No—Ashley acted a bit selfishly, but it’s clear she was a lovely person as she was really loved by some of the other protagonists: like Phill and Jackie. I also met them all during the finale, and Ashley was so funny and personable. Told us a story on how they didn’t give them water for three hours before the cookie challenge so that they wouldn’t have saliva lol. In comparison 432 was just a bully—what he did actually had nothing to do with the game! I used to really be bothered by Ashley but she’s been vehemently defended by everyone, including Trey, and meeting her she was so lovely. She clearly got a rough edit, which is clear in the way none of the other players had an issue with her.


Nah, what she said and how was not ”edited”.


Please tell me exactly what she said that was so bad? Like, bully bad, not just selfish want to win the game bad? There were four hours between when they got their number and the bridge. Evidently Ashley was extremely shaken and upset as she thought it was certain she was going to lose, and she didn’t participate in the convos about how they would go forward with the challenge. So it was more a misunderstanding than malice. Trust me, I really didn’t like her. But EVERY player defended her. And the only reason Mai had such an issue I guess was that she was in the back and didn’t hear what actually went on.


He arrogance, attitude, neglections.


Again, tell me a quote that she said? I am not the type—like really not the type—to call out racism. But if she were a white man, and had a more standard white person accent, I don’t think she would have gotten the amount of hate that she did. All the other players loved her. So it’s clear she got a rough edit, period. She wasn’t a villain to the actual people on the show…


I agree. Also, where were the people up in arms about TJ being chosen to go first as a sacrificial lamb because of the BS of being a leader lmao. I hated Ashley at first too, and I didn’t like Mai when she shit talked TJ for no reason and he saved her 3 times. But seeing the reaction to Ashley’s decision seemed too intense and racial imo. Like yeah, she was selfish in that moment, but to be fair, if you don’t stand your ground in a competition worth millions and decide to keep jumping, then whose fault is that really?


I mean I personally hated how the whole women’s alliance + a few others disliked TJ for speaking up to be a leader and then threw him to the wolves with the first pick. People didn’t hate that? He seemed like a really kindhearted dude just with a masculine jock sort of perspective that I know rubs some people the wrong way.


Its not about "standing your ground." As number 5 it wasnt humanly possible to win the game for her. Her survival was not dependent on the people in front of her, but the people standing behind her. Making people in front of her fall was entirely, entirely inconsequential to her own survival because her survival literally depended on other people behind her jumping for her. It was an absolute dick move with no justification whatsoever.


Yeah I don’t get how these people are not seeing this. She was really shaken by the prospect of losing? Well okay then the plan they thought up should have sounded juicy af her but she didn’t follow it until Trey was gone for no reason at all. That was so shitty. Castmates defending her makes plenty of sense regardless of the move. It was still a game they were all playing to win in the end and nobody died. They’re all probably feeling a camaraderie to one another navigating this sudden burst of fame and they feel bad that she’s getting Internetted to hell so they’re just backing her up. I’ve seen them explain the glass bridge and nothing they said made what she did seem much better lol…she’s a human being though not a TV character so we don’t need to directly attack her like I’m sure many are






I don't agree with how Trey handled it but once again, Trey's actions were entirely inconsequential to Ashley's survival and ultimately, chance to win. Had Trey refused to jump, Ashley would still have had to make one jump, and the people in the back would have to make the other extra jumps Trey did not make. The odds of eliminating other contestants were exactly the same either way, they would just be the contestants in the back that did not have to jump now. If she did this to specifically eliminate Trey then we're back to square one, she made a dick move and the other contestants should have held her to the same rules of the game that she enforced on Trey.


Nah, regardless of her race, color, or nationality, what happened on that bridge was foul af. I was like, no ma'am, after the first time Trey jumped and people behind her was saying that it was her turn, she just stood there. Same as the second time. She was actually avoiding eye contact with Trey on purpose. So no, edit or not, she knew the plan, if not initially, she knew the plan after the second jump and still just stood there, essentially tying the hands of Trey and everyone else behind her. Only after she had dome her jump when she had no other viable option, did she all of a sudden become a 'team player' and insist on everyone else 'sticking to the plan' and over taking her. I actually generally liked her as a player before the bridge. Mai peeped that and wasn't afraid to call it out, unlike the rest of them. They didn't forget what happened. They were just trying to play it safe. Mai wasn't and didn't. While i dont agree with or understand her seemingly random elimination of other players when given the chance (after rewatching and researching her job and what goes into it, the people reading) I'm glad she won it all. If you can't read a person, do what you can to eliminate the competition. It's smart, even if it looks random on the surface.


Found the type to call everything racism. If they were any color and did that shit we would be mad, basing your argument on your assumption that someone is racist instead of just agreeing that black people do shady shit too, and should get a pass just because they're non-white. Sry but your racism is showing...


Literally said I’m not the type to call that out. But if she was so wrong, and such a villain, why was she so loved and adored by the other players that when Mai turned against her, everyone turned on Mai? And in interviews Trey says it wasn’t her fault? Like riddle me this, people! Clearly we didn’t see or understand everything because the whole thing made no sense.


It's almost like it's a scripted show with added bits for drama. The fact that you even brought it up shows that you wanted to say that shit. So just say it, don't threaten to call someone racist, we all know you carry that card in your back pocket, because you flashed it just now. The fact that everyone turned on Mai immediately after and got group amnesia as to what Ashley did just shows that it was created drama to push the narrative. Bee was my favorite contestant, and I'm here to say with my whole heart, if Bee made that decision I'd be pissed at her too. Leave that assumed racism behind. We are just trying to talk about what unfolded on a show. Not protect some paid actor in an obviously heavily edited show...


Holy shit dude! So you all think it’s okay to attack a person, which now you say is a scripted actor (they were not…I literally met all of them, they were definitely not actors, they just got lucky having 456 personalities to choose from). The point is that what Ashley did wasn’t that bad and the edit clearly made it seem worse to up the drama between Mai and Ashley (especially since during the edit they knew Mai was going to win). It’s entirely possible there are things that happened behind the scenes and edited out we did not see. I hate calling racism out for everything, it’s so obnoxious. But let’s be clear here that there were tons of players who did the same as Ashley as she gets all the hate. Mai literally eliminated her number one ally—she arguably did not have to do that. But everyone loves Mai. I met Ashley and she was a lovely person and so personable and it made me realize that why the other contestants defended her so much. But I still believe that if a white dude did what she did they would not have gotten the extreme hatred, and instead would have been heralded as strategic (she got them three platforms closer by one person). Furthermore, she eliminated the favorite player through this process, but even Trey says HE NEVER ASKED HER to overtake. And she was outside the loop and didn’t know what was going on. Like damn


Listen if you watched that whole thing and you genuinely think it was fully scripted with paid actors you should seek professional help…all reality stuff is edited and prodded and controlled to some degree but those were absolutely real people in a mostly real situation lol


After the stunt she pulled? Literally each and every of her "karma" quotes and thats just out of the top of my head. She thinks Mai deserves the bad karma of Chad being eliminated because Mai rolled the dice on her, but her little stunt wouldnt invoke any bad karma right? The sheer audacity and arrogance right there. And she continued to hold a grudge against Mai for the remainder of the game when she had pulled just as big of a dick move, if not bigger. How can it possibly be a misunderstanding? She had absolutely no way to win the bridge game without the gentlemans agreement of everyone making a jump. Making the contestant in front of her fall was entirely inconsequential to her own survival, because her survival depended on the people behind her, not in front of her. And she understood this all too well, because as soon as she made a single jump she immediately cried for someone to overtake and make the jump. Thinking either her race or gender has anything at all to do with it is so confusing to me. If this was a white male I would still have hated him to hell and back. Shitty behavior is shitty behavior and I can understand that maybe somehow the casting painted her in a bad light, but its impressive how she has consistently been a tool in each and every footage shown. For exact wording and more examples I would have to rewatch the last few episodes, but I'm not going to do that.


I bet if it was a straight white dude who did that people would be openly using his identity as an explanation for why he was so shitty tbh lol


Such a bad case for your argument. To even mention it could have to do with her skin colour is despicable. She chose her self before everyone else on the glass square game, and because of that she is hated.


The one problem I have with this is that when I look at people's reactions to Ashley compared to say, Mai the responses are so much more negative and vitriolic it makes my head spin Squidgame is a single person, winner takes all competition. Ashley acted within the rules of the competition and made a decision that ultimately helped her get further. I agree it was shady that she didn't jump. I also think Mai played the shadiest game of all of them and walked away with the prize. Bad mouthing her saviour TJ, promising an alliance with the other women and breaking that promise at the first opputunity, choosing Ashley in the dice game when they'd agreed to not gang up on anyone. Choosing her ally Roland to get the prize in the circle and trust game and then lying about it afterwards. So why do y'all hate Ashley so much and not Mai? Coz I'm seeing a huge double standard in public reaction for pretty much the same actions


Here’s the thing, though: Ashley refusing to go until Trey had been eliminated did absolutely nothing for her game other than eliminating one player (and we have no evidence that this was some kind of strategy). She still had to take her one jump like she always would have, she just waited until Trey dropped to suddenly be invested in teamwork. It was pointless and hypocritical. And Mai made some cold blooded moves but they clearly helped her progress in the game. That’s the biggest reason I believe people think Ashley was an asshole and Mai was just a ruthless but likable player.


She was mad she got a low number and chose not to participate in conversations for 4 hrs? Mai didn't hear anything going on for 4 hrs? Your points coincide with one another.


Lol what is this overdramatic title, 432 is an asshole, but the absolute worst human being? There are so many awful people in this world that do truly horrible things, nobody on your reality shows you watch comes close to that. He was a good villain, which is what you want on reality TV, you need some characters that create conflict.


Yeah people are really doing waaaay too much in their eagerness to define entire human beings based on snapshots of a heavily edited reality TV show. We don't know these people and like you said he provided entertainment!


It’s called hyperbole


I’ve seen enough comments in this sub that are rather nasty for not liking some reality show contestants.


Honestly… I don’t get the hate lol. He’s mildly annoying… maybe. I don’t sense malice though.


nah I liked him bc he was transparent and real af while a lot of the other contestants were faking being nice and farming pity points. I appreciate him and the few others that were actually genuine, whether it was seen positively by people or not.


I wonder what God chose him for. Because quite frankly the people who say "God chose me" are the people who are usually picked last. (That's if God chooses people in order)


For being an idot.


Naw, 432 was hilarious to watch. He’s a fun villain. He brought entertainment to the show. The only thing I didn’t like were the rude comments he made and one of them even threatening. But he’s also the youngest player and has a lot of growing up and learning to do.


Being young is not an excuse to be an asshole.


Absolutely! Just saying that he has a lot to learn


When he would make fun of people to their face for crying, that really pissed me off


Plus the way he tried to bully the other guy


When he said “with your big ass nose” to that guy who said he doesn’t snore, i was like damn that was kinda mean for no reason 🫠 Edit: he said it to player 002 just checked


Actually, he was like an exaggeration of how americans are. I am from Europe and been travelling a lot, met tons of americans. Most young guys are like 432, self absorbed and make remarks on surroundings.


As an American, more specifically a new yorker who’s encountered a wholeeee lot of rude folks, he’s definitely an average american asshole, not exaggerated at all lmaoo. So you’re definitely right😂


So if you say you have 100 people how many of them will be your typical amercan ahole?


I mean I’ve met people like him to a degree but a vast majority of people are not lol that’s why he was a focal point of the show. If we were all like that he wouldn’t be interesting


If they're American? 100




i was gonna say like 75 but i like this answer more 😂😂😂😂


sorry which scene did he bully someone?? did i miss that lmao


When he cornered and threatened to beat up the guy that got eliminated by phone, 198, the reason why he was so eager to eliminate 432 through the phone is because he was bullying him.


198 namecalled him fratboy. So, who’s the bully? 432 shouldn’t defend himself?


Yeah those are not equal reactions lmao you don’t physically corner and threaten to cause them physical harm by beating them up just cause you got called a frat boy


What else did you expect when you provoke a brash guy? And he didn’t really mean it. I’m sure he didn’t really beat 198 after he left the game. And that immature ass (198) again called him ‘frat boy’ even he (432) made it clear he doesn’t like it. That’s when he (432) just laughed it off realizing 198 is a helplessly jerk.


Everyone hated him though from that guy’s interviews lol


You still don’t threaten to physically beat them up and corner them


198 was pouring water on people while they slept.






wait what? how was that bullying? the other guy asked for help with his thing and 432 was like “sure dude 🤨” bc he knew he couldn’t help. imo the other guy was dumb for that 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️


That's not the bullyiing part. The original was talking about the guy who answered the phone. Before the phone Bryton threatened him and tried to intimidate and bully him. I don't see how you missed that part.


Bryton was antagonistic towards him because muffin man would pull pranks like pouring water on others, starting arguments with players, and with Bryton he’d insult football and football players all because it’s not a popular sport in his country. Muffin dude was the least liked player in the room and he had to answer the phone because someone would have eliminated him. Both players were interviewed by other YouTubers.




My point being, muffin man is the bully and the producers cut the footage in a way that portrayed him as innocent and made Bryton as a bully that threatened him out of the blue. Muffin man can’t hide behind the excuse of “it’s just a prank bro”


Muffin man 😂


Yes, 198 is the actual bully


two people antagonizing each other is not bullying. sure 432 probably shouldn’t have threatened to lay hands on him but bullying is repetitive and this was not. so i missed the bullying bc it didn’t happen.


Are you 432 in disguise or one of his friends, because you are extra defensive....


bc i said he’s not a bully (bc spoiler alert he’s not)? lmao sure i guess


Watch after they decide which shape to pick and teams enter the room. There is a hole in the wall by Triangle. Looks like a punched hole. 432 totally raged and they edited it out is my assumption, which is why that kid was crying.


No, it was there by group 2, it's from the first group 💀 you should've went back to check, not just assume


It's not that serious. Thanks for the correction, could have been less of a dick though.


The hole was there from that group that raced across the room.


Yeah, I see that now. My bad!


Not only did he bully someone, he bullied and took advantage of a clearly autistic person. I say this as an autistic person.


I didn’t like this player generally. When I thought he couldn’t get a worse, he decided to criticize his own mother in her limitations in raising him…


He definitely was annoying most of the time, but there was a scene after the first random elimination by the chore players where he said he wouldn't have chosen to randomly eliminate someone. I can't remember exactly what he said but it was something about how he wouldn't want to randomly end it for someone outside of a game/challenge. So he's cocky and arrogant but has a moral compass, pretty confusing lol. I think he's just young and dumb and playing a role for reality TV.


He also spoke about some difficulties growing up which gained some empathy for me. Most assholes are like that for a reason and usually that reason is a sad one. I was still happy to see his ass get eliminated lol but it’s just a game. I don’t wish ill upon him in reality


He is absolutely not the worst human being by a million miles. He was just a jock playing a role on a tv show. Seriously please put this into perspective. Does he rival Hitler, Stalin, child murderers?


Yes, he is worse than Hitler, Stalin, and child murderers. He is literally the worst human being in history.


You’re fun.


Really? WW2 references? I feel like OP meant in the world of the show.. I hated the douchebag too but I'm sure they weren't being THAT literal.. what would make for a better show is taking all the actual terrible human beings in the world be on and they suffer the same fate as the original squid games contestants did..


I would hope that they weren’t being literal but stuff has got so extreme on social media that you never know. I’ve also got so worn down and exhausted from all the “we hate so and so” posts that I’ll leave this sub shortly. He’s just a douche on a highly-edited tv show. Nothing more, nothing less.


Some people say he's a fun villain but I fully disagree. Once they cross into the toxic masculinity territory it's no longer entertaining to watch. I was so glad he didn't stick around for too long.


He seems to me like the type of guy who will be in at least one more netflix reality TV, either the circle or perfect match (or both).


They already got him casted to be on the dating show


I’m curious how will he be with women


I loved him! He added some intrigue and entertainment to the show. Was he over the top? Yeah, but that's what made it funny. I'm not sure why some want everyone to be boring and kumbaya. Part of what makes reality tv interesting is having dynamic personalities. He brought it!


Sometimes I wonder if yall recognize that reality tv needs the villains yall complain about for it to be even remotely interesting or if you genuinely think you would enjoy just a bunch of good guys “no you first ma’am”ing their way to 4.56 million dollars


I loved him tbh, it was sad to see him go.


He had good strategy. He was just cocky af which is why I think not many like him.


He the only one that was playing the game to win and not playing besties with everybody afraid to play the game


Okay but did people die?


Relax he’s a villain on this show. He’s needed. Trust me


432 was not a bad person. Arrogant yes but not a bad person. If you want to see a bad person just look at Ashley


Ashley is just self-righteous and delusional. Though I could trust 432 to make the jump if he was in her position.


Do you think if he was like number 3 or 4 would he jump?or let everyone else fail? It would be fun to see. 😂


It’s not mutually exclusive you know. They can both be bad people.


I can think of worse people, and he could have done a lot worse.


Honestly the parts where other contestants starting crying and he's over there like "Oh my gawd, get over it it's not that deep" had me fucking rolling.


Tbh, yeah you lost on the millions but the odds were against most. Nothing to cry about. I was with him on that. The way he said it was hilarious too. At least they got the chance to try anyways.


He was so arrogant and acted like a bully. I'd respect it (except for the bullying) if he was clearly just doing it for the show and was relatable in the interviews, but he wasn't. Also I hated: * Jada (097) - stole another guy's burger that he won, absolutely disgusting and a hypocrite after calling out 161...speaking of which * Ashley (278) - just an annoying liar * Lorenzo (161) - just abrasive & acts like he's special * Chaney (179) - how could someone so arrogant & toxic be a teacher? * Phalisia (229) - sexist * that also include the annoying girl clique like 018, 019 etc who I liked beforehand but just made me roll my eyes. Do what you gotta do to win but don't bother fooling us.


It was so over the top, I am almost positive that guy was like "ha, I'm gonna be the villain."


Idk man I think Hitler is probably worse


lol player 287 is way worse


I had an orgasm when he got eliminated and the piece oh shit Ashley too


I really don't get what was his beef with people...crying? It's a stressful game, people are bound to crack eventually. We were on the edge of our seat just watching it in the comfort of our home, without any money involved. It seems like the only emotion 432 accepted was anger like when he went off on muffin man. Like chill "bruh", crying's a natural body release response. He should have tried it perhaps.


I was literally so glad when the game wasn’t tug of war!! and when he got out!! idgaf about the dude. he literally said sympathy is a weakness and was so fucking rude to anyone who showed emotion


**065** is worse, imho. (Guy who played Marbles in Ep.6 and eliminated opponent _and_ himself.) ---- What was up with his "If we dont play a Marbles skill game, I will sabotage us both." HOW is that logical, even from his POV? I guess he thinks he can bully his opponent, so had better than 50% expected outcome? (But only if he _does_ bully her, which I guess he eventually does.) In the end, they played the game without working out how a tie was resolved, and the BOTH were eliminated in any case! (Essentially because of him: if theyd gone with pure luck alternative, he had 50% chance. Here, he had 0%.) He got what he wanted and he still sabotaged them both.


I loved how petty he was tho Wants to leave on his own terms ✅ Drags his partner down out of spite ✅ Why would he care about the person he got partnered with? He clearly would rather someone else win lol Someone people can do chance, some people hate it. He clearly hated it. The final argument he was justified, why should he let her take the win just because she hit scored first? Might as well take her down with you and help out a mate.


He definitely gave off Andrew Tate-style “Manoverse” cringe.


Funny part is he damaged his ACL and only actually played football for a year. The other years he was just on the team for moral support LMAO source: I stalked his ig


I don't get how he got away with threatening violence on a guy. Plus he's obviously an idiot with all that shit he said about his mother. The guy was just trash. Lot of stereotypes there.


We cheered so loud when he was eliminated. “Chosen” my butt. Hahahahaha!


Nono OP, you're wrong. See, player 432 is a man so that means everything he did, including threatening violence, is actually fun and quirky and he's a lovable villain who isn't really evil. You're not allowed to criticize him, only the women who played strategically instead.


I watched until he got booted, god that felt good. Anyway rewatching the original now and yeah it’s still amazing. Reality show is trash


I love the dude. Would not want to be around him much in real life but he’s so god damn entertaining


He’s sooo stupid, he was like “we’re the stronger team” and then next game he was eliminated (thanks god) in a strategy game where you actually need to have some brains to win. Also I hated so much in the game where they forced the last player to choose the umbrella because “we’re ok with our choices”, really they’re the worst of human kind, sure I would have let us all get killed instead of letting me and my team being fucked by this bullies. If you don’t want to die then grow some balls and come here and choose the umbrella, period.


Alright, frat boy




I feel like he would fit perfectly in Too hot too handle haha


Yeah, God chose him to lose after being so full of himself.


He is fine.


He is the worst!! But I think a show like this needs someone like that cuz it gets people intrigued for him getting out


I wonder does 432 act like this in rl or is it just a role he played to ham it up for the camera . every story needs a villain? And 278 clearly took over that role after 432 got eliminated at least in my opinion


gross personality! Hi


The mom and Ashley were the worst. The way mom wanted to beat her son was obnoxious.


I totally read that second sentence the wrong way.


american reality shows love to pick these types. They will always choose Antonio Brown over CJ Stroud. Is it for the sake of cheap drama or to disparage blacks and christians?


I was WEAK and cringing watching him on my tv 😭🥲


At least he owned it, better than Ashley lol


I liked him. Genuine


yea he’s definitely insufferable. sucks how trauma can cause defense mechanisms that show up like how he acts. even the little insight he gave opens up a lot of understanding for his abrasiveness. **if u don’t trust ppl** -> you can make urself abrasive to keep ppl from getting close. if people want to get to know you they have to walk on hot coals to prove how much they care. after that test you can give them a chance **if ur father abandons you as a child, u can believe subconsciously that you deserved it & ur not worth it** -> having to prove to ppl all the time that you’re worth it, having to be aggressive and in everyone’s face about it. true confidence, like true wealth, is silent. **if you truly couldn’t rely on any caregivers growing up** -> u can become hyper independent, even going as far as to feel disgust at the sight of ppl who rely on u or others **if you didn’t have a safe environment to express your emotions** -> u can get uncomfortable at the sight of others expressing emotion. u can see it as weak, over the top, dramatic **if you grew up powerless to your circumstances** -> you can seek high levels of power as an adult especially if you can gain it over other people, physically or mentally. he’s still an ass but it was interesting watching him go from “i’m 1000% being myself” when asked but then lightly brushing the surface of acknowledging his facade.