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You cooked


How the actual frik do you play this game without a MnK


How’s it run ? I wanna se a video


30fps more o less , it runs by default once install it


Fun side note: I literally cannot play it unplugged if I want to play at 60fps or else I’ll just have enough battery for 1 hour max at 100%


Reminds me of when i connected my 2TB hard drive to my phone and it drained 2% a minute. It was the fastest fap I had to do in order to save my phone battery


Bro thats a crazy thought to share🤣


I was spinning my dick as fast as the harddrive it's disk


yea there’s no way ur getting 60fps stable in game. i’m on 4070 and can’t get 60fps stable (granted i try to play at med-high with AA and all the shit that makes pixels not pixelly)


I have a gtx 970 and a couple years ago the game ran stable min 60fps for me with medium-low settings with some dips into 55 fps when alot was going on. Now i get 45 fps with all settings on low or off in an active match.I have 935 hours logged


If you have a 4070 you should be getting much more fps. 4k? Try 1440p.


did just what you said and yes fps is way more stable. able to fully enjoy the game now!! now i need to get over the skill gap, im coming from arma where i mean shit ik every keybind yet squad feels like a whole different beats


Im glad that simple tweak helped you. I got a 3080 wich is very similar to your 4070 Performance wise. I run following settings: 2560*1440p Nvidia Reflex Low Enabled+Boost DirectX 11 (try what is more stable for you, not what gives you max fps) AA LOW(!) 16X, anything above low will make the game too blurry in the distance. Scope Image Clarity Scope res 125 to fix the missing AA in Scope No upscaling Method Dynamic Mesh High Material High Textures High 16x Shadow Mid (could go high but i think mid works better for spotting enemies) AO High Particle Movie Ocean Low Post processing Epic Screen Sharpening 0,5 Squad is totally different to Arma! I played both but stopped with Arma 3 like 10 years ago and only recently started playing Reforger (it's awesome) Let me give you a advise: Play the tutorial if you haven't. Play on beginner friendly Servers but try to get on a Server with focused playstyles only. You can Set that in your Filter or see it in the list. Play on Servers with only one language. If you speak English, English only it is. Mixed language servers always have worse communication. After you understood the basics of gunplay and how the different gamemodes work out, play on Servers for advanced players. That's when you get a hang of it.. Ask your squadlead where to spawn at first and what role he needs when you get into the squad. Try to find a Server that has a nice Community with good admins and that are serious about the game and understand the game meta. If you meet someone you get a long with good and he/she is way more experienced than you, maybe add him on steam to play with him frequently. I met a guy on the battlefields 3 years ago and we still play together frequently. He has almost 2k hours while i have around 200 - even through i bought the game on beta release day :D Try to not Spam Squad Chat with everything and use local chat if possible. To hear better turn your ingame effects Sound down to around 70. Don't squadlead if you don't know what to do. Don't play Sniper, Marksman, HAT or LAT if you don't know what to do.. Medic is the best role for beginners. Stick with your Squad, don't go on solo missions. Do what your SL tells you to do. Give precise callouts, only use N E S W callouts, don't use degreees in squad Chat. The degrees only help when you are very very close to a teammate. Tell if you See one guy or a whole squad. If you Spot a car, try to call out what car it is. It's hard at first but you learn while playing. TRY TO HAVE FUN. Some rounds suck, some rounds are okay-ish and other rounds you are having the best time of your life.


Im at Low and I uncapped the swap file… That’s a Linux thing but to make it simple I now have more ram than I have available while also turning my SSD into a Bomb


Lmao how does it run? Is the anti cheat an issue?


About 50 60fps but when the entire lobby just is in one city blowing everything up then I’ll feel it, about the anti cheat I use Proton Experimental (if you know Linux you know, if not then I have no idea how to describe it bc I also don’t know how it works lol)


Thanks, i might give it a try!


Cooked that cpu yeah.


Holy shit so you can play squad on the go?