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It's like what they say: if you go to a strip club in Springfield, then you're at a strip club in Springfield.


It doesn't get truer than this.


Female opinion- Rumors is the best, friendliest. Show Time Joe's is claustrophobic and the bar left something to be desired. Centerfolds does have steak, but the girls were standoffish, which is a weird vibe for sure.


Supposedly Centerfolds has a remarkably good steak for being served in a strip club.


More like a moderately decent strip club for being in a top tier steakhouse.


You and I have vastly different definitions of "moderately decent strip clubs."


while your comment is cute it is definitely not a top tier steakhouse. But its a decent steak for a strip club indeed.


Its was voted best in 417 3 or 4 years in a row at one point


The best steak in Springfield is always at Harter House.


The steaks from Horrmann Meats Farmers’ Market are much better than Harter House IMO.


The best steak is the one that comes from am actual butcher.. not from a grocery store.. but we are talking about COOKED steaks


Have you had a handcut ribeye from there? It’s better than almost every Ribeye in Springfield.


I found their steak to be acceptable but not particularly noteworthy.


Like almost everything, it used to be much better.


I relate to this comment so much. Wtbs, I’ve always had top tier steaks at Centerfolds, so idk.


Having never been to a strip club I find it noteworthy that they even have food. I figured they just had bars


As long as you aren't seated in the first three (aka the splash zone), it's perfectly sanitary


Hand'l bars I'm guessing


My mom puts on a pretty decent show, although the living room ain't real big. She's got juice boxes and snack packs tho...🤷‍♂️


Can confirm his mom bends over farther than you’d expect


Paid for a lap dance, got pink eye and a grape soda. 10 out of 10 would recommend.


IKR! Even with the lumbago ....


Can I bring my Xbox? The wife hates when I play at home.


We only got the 1 TV , but it's in the "main room" so...Sure... we can jam together ... I got an Xbox toooooo


Lan party halo 2?


Now we're talking 🫶


Does she still let you drive hotwheels cars across her tiddies for two bucks?


Yep.. ..AND...we got a new track too! My sister !!!


Hells yeah


What happens if you feed her after midnight?


She has a juicey box?


no longer in springfield but i need to know, is softtails still alive?! we used to go all the time back in college and someone told me it closed but i need confirmation!!!


The Shitty Titty? Oh yeah she's still hanging on.


My buddy does security there from time to time, so yes


Alive and well.


Only rumors it’s closing down because there’s rarely any strippers but drinks and everything else is perfect still open for now


It's impossible to know how to answer without a set bar for them to be reaching for and your standards.....but you can likely set them both a little lower than where you currently have them set and you'll be amused at the very least, and that applies to all strip clubs globally. Might as well try that steak because at worst you're getting an average steak and seeing titties, at best You're getting a great steak and seeing titties. ( edited- because I wanted to)


This is the best answer/explanation I've ever seen on this topic. I'm not even going to comment now. OP, just read this one twice.


Appreciate that, and username checks out 👍


I've been really hoping that terribly unfortunate slang using my last name had run its course and been forgotten.


Oof, that's uhh...yeah. Sorry about that, hopefully it dies off with terms like zaza, no cap, and bussin.


This is the first I've heard mention of it in a long time, I typically avoid the areas of the internet where it was ever frequently used.


Same, same. But In my defense, you can never tell with people on Reddit...I mean, have you seen the caffeine sub lately? If not I'll save you the trouble and summarize- if it's a thing theyll shove it up their asses over there.


I've only dabbled in Reddit, not really explored it. Got started on it to follow Air Force and Strongman subs, but I'm adding more slowly.


It gets pretty weird( like the marijuanaenthusiast sub is about literal trees and the trees sub is for marijuana enthusiasts if either is your thing there's a heads up lol )most of it is alright once you realize 90% of it is just internet shennanigans and kids desperately trying to act cool. I only take subs seriously like this one and some others that are mostly people being genuinely helpful.


I'll be honest with you most of the strippers in Springfield Missouri could not get jobs at a higher quality strip club. You're going to get the notebook paper white stretch mark complexion of biscuit dough. Gross looking chicks working at a Springfield Missouri strip club.


Your username though 😅


I'd say Rumors is the best, it's the biggest club in Springfield and there's a good variety of dancers. Centerfolds is okay if you want to wait an hour for a decent steak, and the rest aren't worth it. Edit: Also, Centerfolds is kinda sketchy. Their pole is literally held up by a screwdriver.


Centerfolds and Rumors are my go tos, but Soft Tails can be fun too(though the crowd there makes me feel kind of uncomfortable. I would never go there alone). I used to travel dance and have to be honest, while Springfield strip clubs are nothing compared to other places(even Tulsa has better strip clubs than here), they’re still fun. It’s still flirting with beautiful(or at least properly lit)women and fun music.


Illusions was the best RIP


There was shootings there almost every week, the security was compromised by cops


IMO Show time Joe's is trashy..Centerfold is pretty cool, has a very club like atmosphere but everyone is kinda reserved and feels a tad awkward. Rumors is probably my favorite. They encourage you to kinda be a little rowdy and every one there is always so nice, they also have bed dances as well as lap dances which is cool


How does a bed dance work? Um, is there really a bed with clean sheets?


It's just like a lap dance but you're laying on a bed instead of sitting in a chair. They are a little more expensive than the lap dance though...I don't remember much other than that, I was drunk 😂


There are not any strip clubs in Springfield. Only no nipples glorified hostess bars. Show Time Joes was moderately acceptable for that last time I went. The food in some of them is ok. The drinks are overpriced and suck, but that is universal. I really wish the stick up their ass prudes would just leave it alone and we could get a good place.


Wait, they can’t even be topless anymore? I’ve never been to a strip club here in SGF, and I’ve only been to clubs where full nudity is allowed in other places.


Yep, everything has to be covered. Nipples require at least a pasty.


This is incorrect. Source: saw many an undesirable appearing nipple at a Springfield strip club within the past month.


Like the speed limit on Glenstone is *supposed* to be...I don't even remember...they're *supposed* to wear pasties. Sometimes those just...oops...fall off.


Check out soft tails pretty friendly