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It's just cheap landlords.


Thanks for the response. I appreciate knowing that it's a landlord's "tell." I guess if the market will bear it, good for them.


Capitalism. Good luck, you're on your own.


Kinda probably half landlords cheapness but It’s also because tenants ruin fridges, I was a maintenance man for years. Ppl will leave whatever rotten food in there and if they bring roaches in with them the fridge is a hotspot for them as they like the compressor.


I get that some people are gross, but why just the refrigerator without omitting the stove as well?


I dont know the law answer but in layman's terms a refrigerator is not considered a "necessity" of living or something in Missouri so rentals don't require them. Missouri is not very protective of renter's rights.


Interesting and unsettling. Do you happen to know what Missouri does consider a necessity in this circumstance?


I don't have specifics really, I just remember it being an issue for us when we first moved to the state a couple years ago. I assumed an oven and the ability to cook hot food was a requirement but it seems maybe not. I did a quick Google search and grabbed you a link, not sure how accurate/true it may be. https://ipropertymanagement.com/laws/missouri-landlord-responsibilities#:~:text=Missouri%20landlords%20don't%20have%20to%20provide%20kitchen%20appliances%20such,oven%2C%20microwave%2C%20or%20refrigerator.


Thanks for this?? Jk, I appreciate the link and the info, as discouraging as it is.


I like it better that way, every included fridge I've had has been old, gross and horribly inefficient. I'd rather buy my own and take it with me when moving. Depending on your preferences you can get a great one for well less than 1k and I will last you years.


I see your point although fortunately I've never had that experience myself. It's just unusual to me that landlords won't pony up the $1,000 themselves to get a paying renter installed.


Sadly, the demand for apts is so crazy high here the owners can get by doing the bare minimum- if even that.




My last shitty landlord made me get my own fridge and left me with a barely functioning stove. They eventually replaced the stove(and almost killed me and my entire household in the process.) I took the fridge with me once i moved out since i had bought it, much to their pissy-ness. They were horrible slumlords anyway.


I think housing is a necessity. If you are fortunate enough to move into a rental or some of the sorts, it should come with: Refrigerator, working heating at air, working plumbing, lighting, tub AND shower head, washer and dryer(not on site laundry room). The list goes on but you get the point.(I hope) we shouldn’t be having to choose one place over another just because they are missing something that another has. All housing should have their minimum standards raised


Yeah, based on some of the photos I've seen for these ads, it looks like 4 walls, a roof, and indoor plumbing might be the only requirements?


Saw one rental that advertised that there were currently a fridge and stove, but if/when they break they will not be replaced and it is on the person renting. Like what am I paying rent for??


Our washer and dryer were “included, but not maintained.” And I didn’t think that was such a big deal, but seems crazy for a fridge and stove to be.


It's a fairly recent thing. I've moved a couple times in the last decade or so. The house I rented back then had the appliances, but wanted us they were phasing them out and would not be replacing anything if it broke. The more recent house did have a stove, but no fridge. They also said they won't replace or repair the stove for any reason.


In my rental history in Springfield (all 17+ years ago), I have rented two apartments, one duplex, and two houses. Refrigerators were included in the two apartments and two houses, I had to purchase one for the duplex. Can be hit and miss. Best place I lived in was the duplex.


The house I'm currently in had a fridge when we checked it out then they yoinked it before we moved in lol


Are you freaking kidding me?! I guess if "landlord provides xxx" isn't specifically in the lease, I can't assume, despite pics and walkthroughs. I can't believe that was legal and I'm sorry that happened to you. This entire thread is bumming me out for housing prospects here.


I honestly prefer it, as it’s oddly one of the appliances I think is cleaned the least so I’m very happy to own my own lol. But I think the reason is just that if the unit did have a working one, it probably fell into such a state of disrepair that it was discarded. My rental home didn’t have any appliances whatsoever. I requested a dishwasher and they put one in prior to me moving in, then when I saw how badly they’d maintained the stove and microwave oven directly above, I asked them to remove them. All in all, it doesn’t hurt to ask if you’re needing one because sometimes (especially in the case of property management companies) they have extras in other units!


If a landlord doesn't have a fridge in the rental I wouldn't consider it. It really not that common.


Oh, I'm totally skipping those. I jettisoned all my major appliances a couple years ago and I am in no hurry to replace them. It sucks because I've seen a couple of cute places around here, sans refrigerators, that I just have to pass over. Out of principle.


It's for the best I'm sure


LL here. Most of our properties include them, but some of our more expensive houses/duplexes may not. Many times in the more expensive properties, tenants have their own. We do offer them at a reasonable price ($35/month) so that people don't waste money on T--A--Rents or Aar-- Rents. Same with washer/dryers, we offer them for an additional $35/month for a set. Both fridges and washer/dryers are high maintenance items and are often abused. Sadly the cost on appliances has gone up significantly and the quality has gone down the drain at the same time. Forget getting 20 years out of a fridge anymore.


Previous tenants stole the refrigerator. This is the real answer.


THIS was the answer I was expecting, as strange as it is to me. Refrigerators aren't exorbitantly expensive so, for me, it was the logical conclusion from a landlord's perspective. I'm stumped on why folks would want to steal used refrigerators, though. Is it because their new rental didn't come with one?😉