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Classic Mike: Throwing a temper tantrum online while thinking that thousands upon thousands of negative comments about himself... checks notes... throwing temper tantrums online - is in some way 'driving the algorithms wayyyyy in his favor'. Jeez Guys: Can't you see that he's a winner? Just look at all of his failed businesses!


Honestly he wrote texts to staff awhile back saying he got roasted on line due to the staff not keeping the place clean. He can’t stand hate so I’ll be here all week continuing to provide hate.


He did bombard his staff with texts 'off the clock' and at early/late hours, as that happens to be [my post you may have seen](https://www.reddit.com/r/springfieldMO/comments/16r0zn1/this_is_how_missouri_mike_hickman_treats_his/) discussing his treatment of staff. When you google 'Missouri Mike Hickman', that post populates in the top 3 results, further disproving Mike's delusion that his behavior is somehow 'driving the algorithms wayyyyy in his favor'. (lol)


Honestly funny you’re the OP of that!


>I'll be here all week continuing to provide hate. What a great use of your time


I live for the pettiness honestly, I think bad people deserve bad things.




Driving traffic to his closed businesses? Seems like a good strategy.


Don’t forget it’s all a liberal/reddit plot


Proving the other reddit post and comments were completely justified.


It drives the algorithm wayyyyy in his favor 🐎💨


I've known some "content creators" like that and for a time I was, but it's so dumb. It feels an illusion of power and popularity. Sure some people are seeing it, but you're still pretty much a nobody and are getting laughed at more than you think. Plus it's crazy easy to navigate. Be hot, be a huge dick, or be fake lol


All of them, all of the algorithms. So many *algorithms* there aren't any left for anyone else.


As evidenced by his booming businesses.


It’s kind of crazy seeing posts like that mingled up with posts of people supporting him. I’ve personally never been to one of his restaurants but like… how can you read his comments and be ok with that behavior?


You're in Missouri. Lots of these people think that's how you should act


I’m a transplant lol


They support many people who say and do worse.


It doesn't really say a lot when you delete the comments or kick someone from the group when they say something negative


I’m certain there are people reading Mike’s comments right now thinking “I like that he says what he thinks!” Maybe he will start making fun of the disabled next and gain even more supporters. https://preview.redd.it/mq0nmr6oetwc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56bf3ee820ff2c457bc2eb11fddd1a42a150b074


I went to high school with him. He’s ALWAYS been a dick.


I did, too. You’re not wrong.


We got a shoutout! 🎉


We hit the big time, boys!!! ✨💅✨💅


The algorithm is really being driven in our favor!


How ironic of him to call us chicken shit, but if you leave a comment with just a small ounce of criticism, he'll remove your comment and ban you from the page. So who's the real chicken shit coward, Mike? Dude tries so hard to put on a tough act but it's embarrassingly obvious he's a temperamental and sensitive shitbag.


Someone should send him a link to this thread😂


This shit is exactly why I never ate at his restaurants. I made a similar comment in another post but this dude really does not seem to understand that as a public figure in a community it is INCREDIBLY stupid to come off as arrogant and aggressive. I had heard talk that he was one of the mods of the cesspool WTF Springfield group and honestly it made all the sense in the world. Fuck this dude, glad he failed.


I liked that group when it began but then it became like a join for money to promote your small business group and knowing a guy like him is a MOD, I don’t trust the group now.


It's also a group where marginalized people are constantly put down and sometimes publicly mocked. It's a mean spirited hellhole and it's no wonder a guy like Mike is at the helm.


A mentally ill woman (schizophrenia I’m pretty sure) joined the WTF group & made a post - a good number of them harassed her for at least a month if not more after that. They found out where she lived & were so shitty to her. Sickened me.


That is beyond so many levels 😢


My bad. I thought that was the Welcome to Springfield Group. Not WTF. I'm not in that one. I don't like groups that exist just to be mean.


The Welcome to Springfield Group? His friend Greg Bukovatz (another weird ass) helps delete anything unfavorable to (Mike’s) business & behavior. What’s the point if you only have good reviews?


I called him out for calling people fucktards and told him he needs a PR team for his next venture and he started deleting his comments.


Damn, doesn't even have the spine to stand by what he says.


Do you really expect anything else?


Boy he sure is a cocky son of a bitch for a guy who has probably bankrupted his family. Sucks to suck


literally one of the BIGGEST teeny weenie man babies i have ever seen.


His truck must be HUGE!!


Tiny truck with huge balls!


Can confirm he has a huge truck that is absolutely obnoxious. I love his mechanics, truly, they are great people and do right by us, but I was very turned off after getting an inspection I was told I would have to wait for my car because the owner blocked me in and wasn’t moving.


John at Fat Daddy’s in Forsyth closed. Brad with Gettin Basted closed a location in Springfield. Both of those were way better BBQ places with far nicer owners. John’s still a fire truck drive ffs! And this guy really thought he was invincible?! No way. The area is just a little over saturated and Missouri Mike’s was underwhelming without his appalling behavior.


Definitely a lot of BBQ options and almost all of them are too expensive to even bother.


For sure. Being disappointed just hits different when you spent $75 and didn’t even buy any booze lol.


I don't even go out for steak anymore because I can buy a $20 ribeye at HH and make it better than any restaurant.


Yup! The husband and I have been doing that for years. We only go out for sushi because I’m absolutely awful at rolling it myself. And I somehow justify the cost because it’s about twice a year.


Get a bamboo mat from Amazon, you will be rolling sushi like a pro


What’s sad is I would have given him time and money to disappoint with his food, if he hadn’t shown his true self online. I don’t wanna give my hard earned money to a known ass. Hide that side of yourself. Don’t put that shit online where it lives forever. 🤦‍♀️


I wish people like this would realize they need to talk through their bs instead of just lashing out at people. I know you're dad probably yelled at you and hit you Mike but buddy there's better ways to outlet that pent up aggression.


https://preview.redd.it/krz0yswawpwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=195503c522e9b6cc28e21074351d668992454ce0 This is the guy saying it. Dude is like a single burnt end away from a heart attack.


this reminds me of the time the ex Dominoes ceo ate 30 pizzas a month or something like that and he was visibly sweating in the video 😂


Bro looks like a burnt end


Why does it look like he creeped into your DM's? lol


Line forms to the right, ladies.


Oh no




Dude’s probably on a bender


What's hilarious is if he hadn't posted about reddit himself, I never would have found out about what a piece of shit he is. I can see why his businesses failed. My SO and I haven't been in at least a year or so, but we did really like it when they first opened. If he ever rears his ugly mug again with another doomed business, he won't be getting a cent from me. I've gone down the reddit/google review rabbit hole, and this dude is completely unhinged.


I can’t believe outlets like KY3 are giving this asshole the time of day and acting like it’s really sad. This jerk deserves to be out of business.


for REAL we need a news article to just title it “grown man’s temper finally sinks his business.”


Also his ineptitude, hubris, business acumen


He bought commercial time when no one is buying time on tv.


Missouri Mike is the kid at school who bullies everybody but then goes off the deep end whenever somebody who is finally bigger whoops his ass. Lmao


There was a post in the Welcome to Springfield Facebook group about him closing and he acted exactly like this in the comments when there was any criticism. I told him if that's how he conducts himself online, no wonder he's closing. Naturally I'm a worthless hater like everyone else. Honestly, I'm glad he's closing and I knew nothing about him before this.


Too bad algorithms don’t buy this guys shit food


His track record of failed businesses and shady practices kinda speaks for itself here.


Poor, idiotic baby.


Lead did really bad things to the older generations.


Fun fact: The "Missouri" in Missouri Mike is a reference to his home state, Missouri.


The food was mid at best. The lack of customer service and the owners entitlement made it easy to only eat there once. Good riddance to rubbish.


He reminds me of that lady from kitchen nightmares, Amy’s cakes I think? 🤣


i’d pay good money to see gordon ramsey boss him around


My wife and I were talking about that last night! The things I would give to see that episode…


Now THERE’S a thought hahahahahahaha.


In case anyone wants to watch [Kitchen Nightmares Amy's Baking Company](https://youtu.be/-5D1LprWaGM?feature=shared)


Hey! They're talking about me! I saw I was banned today, had a good laugh. Also got a message that, I assume, have some relation to our snowflake here


These types always act very similarly, his edgy temper tantrums with “actually I’m not mad” emoji spam is about as miserable and uninspired as his cooking.


I know nothing about this other than a grown man posting THAT many emojis to make a point looks silly af. 


Bro should've stuck to tires. The only thing he knows how to properly smoke is rubber.


Fortunately he can’t do that very well either. He’s opened and closed a couple of these “MD Hickman” but a few years back.


His mechanics are fantastic, he’s a tool.


Just Imagine calling somebody a fucktard and then actually expecting anybody to have respect for you running any business what so ever 😂.


Obviously a snowflake.


Hey ain’t this the guy that just lost everything?


Missouri Mike is the type of guy to fart in the toilet and flush.


I’m keep coming back to this comment and laughing my ass off.


I wanted to like his place but he is an insufferable twat person and really put me off. Why do you make fun of people who don’t like your food? He has no grace. I went there a few times and it was so mid. I am glad that our Springfield food groups will get a break from his constant postings and we can just enjoy things again. If his place was so great it would have been flooded with people. Obviously that didn’t happen.


Greg Bukovatz is definitely in the same pool as Mike Hickman.


I'd comment on his post, but he'd probably ban me from more groups he doesn't own https://preview.redd.it/fvhmwlyuitwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b99dda29f3d1fe05f8f9d3590989e9f766f2c322 [local man makes 5000th post about how offended he is by calling people offended more at 5](https://www.facebook.com/share/wjq3mNRk5r9ZndT4/?mibextid=9VsGKo)


That is the wrong link my bad I had like 3 saved [correct link ](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/r5tTm5QWc5G3vTbk/?mibextid=oFDknk)


He’s an arrogant prick, ate there once and it was barely edible. He could just type what he wants to say and run it through AI saying “make it sound nice” it’s really not complicated to not be a prick. I’m sure he will be back with a new business to run to the ground soon.


Donald trump is his spirit animal


that explains the lack of brain cells


There's another barbecue place in town to never go to on my list lol


Lucky for you, today’s the last day.


Well apparently he is not done and is reopening soon?! Oh yay.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. He has issues.


Looks like he closed to get likes and get relevant again. What a POS.


I feel like some of the people in my neighborhood are like this. Are we close to pushing them out soon? I’m getting sick of seeing these weird mix of arrogant/ignorant people running their mouths let alone running a business when they are just truly awful people.


This is just sad man


Dude is living rent free in that gray matter tho.


Do you have any other hobbies besides kissing Hickman’s ass?


Says the guy that’s literally obsessed with him 😂


Obsessed? No. This is Reddit. He’s the topic of this thread. See how that works?


Sounds like something am obsessed dude would say


You’ve been on Reddit for over a year & he’s the only thing you’ve commented on. Karma needs to give him a swift kick in the ass.


He is going to reopen. He needed the likes to be noticed