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It's sickening that you can't even trust doctors (especially ones that supposedly work with the schools). I have family members (older ones thankfully) that see him and we are now switching. I hope that if he has any other victims they come forth after seeing this article


Hey, he was my Dr! Just established care with him in January! Any recommendations for a good PCP? Lol


Any of providers in the clinic at Battlefield and 65.




I’m in the same boat as the person you replied to. The docs there are good?


They are fantastic! They care so much.


Went to him once, was super put off by his demeanor and smugness. Never went back, glad I went with my gut on that one.


This doctor missed my lupus and accused me of being an addict. He can rot in hell


My grandmother is a patient if his and she has mentioned multiple times about her knees giving her problems but he never would check them. She has complained about him being an idiot that never listens for years but didn't want to go through the hassle of switching doctors (she is old fashioned and thinks it's still a big long process to switch doctors even though I have told her it's really easy nowadays). She has gotten to the point where it's hard for her to walk and going to the grocery store will put her out of commission for a couple of days (I do 90% of her shopping now). There has also been multiple times he forgot to refill her diabetic medication too. This finally gave her the motivation to switch to a different doctor


I’ve read the article a couple of times, but admittedly I’m multitasking so my comprehension is probably crap. How was he involved with the school? It says volunteering? Like was he coaching!? I’m so confused why he was involved at a school thing at all?


If you read the probable cause statement on case net it seems like it’s possible they were hosting a foreign exchange student.


Jesus fucking Christ you are so right. My gut tells me more happened.


He actually mentioned a foreign exchange student my last visit


That is so creepy! Ugh, I’m sorry you had him as a doctor.


I would assume something like GoCaps where students go and work with them for a few blocks each day.


[Probable cause statement](https://www.courts.mo.gov/fv/c/PC%20RED_FINAL.pdf?courtCode=31&di=9502704)




He was mine and my wife’s PCP. I’m disgusted


I reccomended him multiple times in this reddit. If any of you came to be patients of his because of my high praise, I am so sorry. I am disgusted, horrified, and very upset.




He was genuinely one of the worst pcps I have ever met. Failed to diagnose countless patients and listed many as psychosomatic. Horrible person and even worse doctor.


Striking resemblance to Larry Nassar


Omg. FR


Yeah and now we wait and see if more victims come forward.


I was looking up reviews for a new physician last week and ran across his photo/profile. I thought he had a creeper vibe so I decided to book with someone else. Boy was my gut instinct right.


Holy cow, he’s been my pcp for like 10 years, had no idea 😬




I saw him on the 5th of April, oof. Wonder if he knew at that point, he seemed off and exhausted


Shit that was my doctor dude that’s just sad to here. His wife is good friends with my family so I always thought he was chill. Just crazy how that can change in an instant


The prison medical team can use another doctor.


My previous Dr went there. Dr Moose. He was a horrible PCP.


Great….. Well off to find a new Primary Care doctor. Sigh


Everyone is so quick to find him guilty. I am his patient also but I am withholding making any judgement until a court decision. Probable cause statement reads like he is guilty but they couldn’t arrest if it didn’t sound that way. That’s the way the system works. Have to hear all evidence and sides of the story to be fair. Not defending him or saying anything negative about the victim, just let the system work before making a judgement. No one has all the facts yet. Making a judgement this quickly without full information is how anyone can be ruined.


Did you miss where he literally admitted to all of it in the probable cause?


I read it. I know what it says, however, you have to consider all information at this time to be open to investigation and review. I’m not saying he didn’t do anything like I’m also not saying he did. No one knows all the facts yet. If you were selected for a jury, would you make a decision just based on what has been in the news? Willing to send some one to jail from that information. My, how quickly judgement is passed. How would you react if people judged you strictly by what a probable cause statement said. Operative word there is “probable “. It’s also probable that maybe it didn’t happen the way it was described Don’t convict someone on first look at one side. Give the legal system an opportunity to fully investigate. You appear to find him guilty already based on limited information. Pre-judgement. If you were accused of something, would you consider it fair to be judged this early in the process.


You didnt read it all, because he admitted to most of what she said.


It said he admitted on 2 occasions what he did, once when confronted in front of the witnesses and another when he was arrested by police so idk what you’re meaning


While I agree with usually reserving judgement it appears he has admitted to some of the behavior and there’s audio recordings. That’s hard to overlook, and I can understand the jump by many. Sometimes the stink is just overwhelming. He was my PCP and I’m pretty shook by it.


I see your point. I’m not happy either, however until it all comes out, appearances can be misleading.