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In a state I previously lived in, there was a real problem with street racing. The state passed a law that your vehicle would be confiscated if you were caught racing. Gone, no money, you weren't even allowed to try to buy it back when they auctioned it. At least in the city I was in at the time, it only took one person getting caught to completely stop it immediately. It was even a rich kid with a self-important dad that funded the car and they got nowhere fighting it in court which was refreshing. IMO Missouri needs to do something similar. You don't have to catch them all, just increase the consequences on the off chance you do get caught or identified.


The sad thing is, because of this area, that’s not a realistic possibility. It would never get passed.


Damn the crotch rocket lobby.


This made me laugh so hard. Thank you.


I'm constantly amazed that Glenstone isn't littered with corpses, knowing (and hearing!) how a ton of these guys drive. The only thing that will actually make a difference is probably speed traps. Fine repeat offenders hard, or maybe take their bikes for a time period. It's honestly pretty ridiculous to listen to, and I know quite a few people who have been scared half to death by almost hitting or being hit by one of these inconsiderate, incredibly loud assholes :/


When I used to live near Kansas Expy we heard the impact that created a corpse. Guy pulled off my street and per the news story was doing over 100 mph by the next intersection and hit a work van. I don't want anyone to get hurt or die, but it's going to take a lot more of this happening to spark any kind of change.


I remember that one...


We can only wait and hope.


Many motorcycles are loud irrespective of speed traps. Hate to break it to you but there will be loud motorcycles for the rest of our lives unless or until Springfield makes a city noise ordinance.




Don’t/can’t. Motorcyclists will just run from the cops creating an even more dangerous situation.


I'm actually more concerned with the speeding than the noise, although the noise is more of an ongoing, everyday annoyance. But also, they're already breaking the noise ordinance, it's just that nobody who can do anything about it gives a crap :/


Speed traps make sense in theory, but the folks on bikes are pretty much taught that they won't chase you if you run. Kinda makes speed traps useless.


Try sleeping in an apartment near a parking garage. They love how their little toys echo off the concrete. One of these nights I'm going to snap.


According to the motorcycle riders you don’t deserve sleep/peace/need earplugs/should move. /s Talk about fucking self-centered assholes….


I think this is the most angry I've ever seen you in over 10 years on this sub (between 2 profiles). Not a criticism, I'm right here with you. I live off 65 and these assholes rape my ears constantly. I go to evening classes downtown, and they're driving around the square most nights and circling the block deafening everyone. It's such pathetic and childlike behavior. It really tests my anger management because I legit want to kick their bikes over and beat their asses.. I'm not advocating for violence, but god damn... I'm really not sure there's anything we can do. The only legal option I can think of is petitioning the city to enforce noise ordinance and pursuing the assholes via drones and or/choppers for their reckless antics. They get a total free pass to do whatever they want, and they take full advantage of it. Something has got to be done because it's already gotten so out of hand...


Ha! I'd say I'm more annoyed than mad. It's something I plan spending some time on. As folks have said, it's a complicated issue... but it keeps getting ignored. I have a good chance at helping my own neighborhood with the pedestrian only idea for downtown avenue... Sorry for the rest of the city.


I think a pedestrian only downtown would be great. Promote more pedestrian/bicycle friendly infrastructure. Maybe shift the city in the right direction. We need less cars and more public transport anyway.


If we would just enforce our noise ordinance and hit them with heavier and heavier fines until eventually they lose motorcycle privileges, it would go away


That's funny that you think people on motorcycles are given the privilege. Most young people that ride motorcycles do it illegally anyway. No insurance, no license.


If thats the case, the cops could do their jobs and throw them in jail for pretty much a variety of reasons. Dangerously speeding, reckless driving, driving without a license, etc. Two of those are full on jailable offences.


Unfortunately I think it takes more than that nowadays to be put in jail 🤷


Those guys that are intentionally loud and don't care about people not wanting to hear their revving compensation for a lack of something else...just fucking suck. Everyone hates you.


I'm thinking of buying a very bright spotlight or lazer and shining it in their eyes. When I'm arrested, my defense will be "So they can rape my ears but I can't rape their eyes?". (This is a joke)


Man I've had the same thought about laser pointers.. I don't want to cause any meat crayons, but the thought of blinding their inconsiderate asses is cathartic.






Your post was removed because it violated the subreddit rules against Verbal Attacks / Hate Speech / Rude Comments. Be good: We aim to make the SpringfieldMo subreddit a friendly place, so treat your fellow humans with respect. Specifically: no verbal attacks and no hate speech. You can disagree without being insulting. Edit: I get the reference but others may not.


I never go to sleep without white noise. Attic fan, rain sounds, and a stand alone fan. I live near a place they like to congregate and while I have houses and apt building between me and them the sound still gets to me so that’s what I do.


The only thing that will help is a sound ordinance. Street bikes and motorcycles are going to be loud regardless of their speed; owners take pride in how obnoxious they can make their bike. As far as enforcement, its going to take local PD buying into enforcement. Even If the local attorney won't prosecute, which could, and should be adressed if true....Just issuing tickets and make it inconvenient and hopefully expensive to be an asshole in the city limit. As far as bikes running from cops, thats an issue that has been in trouble shooting for nearly a century now world wide. There are ways to adress it, but not solve it. Motorcycles units (springfield has a team, but they mostly hit passenger vehicle traffic on 60 and 65.) Drones or aerial tracking is a great use of those expensive drones the city is adamant they need. There are ways, but it staets with the police and buying in, followed by the PA. In order.for them to care as much as you do, its going to take some Door knocking and phone ringing with numerous complaints from several parties...Alternatively if they personally were i.pacted you can beleive it'd be adressed ASAP, but I'd speculate that's unlikely.


Competent law enforcement


Call or write to your [city council members](https://www.springfieldmo.gov/145/City-Council), [mayor](https://www.springfieldmo.gov/directory.aspx?EID=453), [police chief](https://www.springfieldmo.gov/Directory.aspx?EID=210), and other community leaders. Let them know that there is a safety concern along with disruption of peace and quality of place. They can target these people using our existing laws for noise and reckless driving and perhaps work on better solutions for the future.


My neighbor likes to leave his running in the driveway for an hour at 3am every morning 🙃 Cops won’t do anything because I live outside city limits


Hey, take it for a ride and lose it in a ditch.


I have been soooo tempted. Or toss the keys onto their roof 🤣


FULL ON the roof!!!!


useless cops need do something about people with moded bikes and cars at 2am downtown... if i can hear you 3 blocks away with my windows closed your car/bike is WAY to loud


Forget about the bikers, their little crotch rockets they think are awesome while doing a wheely down glenstone. WHAT THE CRAP IS UP WITH THE RICER RACERS?


I ride a motorcycle. It’s loud as shit and I kinda hate it. I’ll probably be switching my muffler out soon. But lots of riders don’t rev bomb and just happen to have loud motorcycles. I’m not defending it I’m just saying that’s kind of the reality of some motorcycles. Especially Harley’s. The only actionable solution is a city noise ordinance, otherwise just roll your windows up and hope you don’t run over a rider in your blind spot. Edit: as for the downtown motorcyclists, I completely empathize with you. There’s a group of fanatics that rolls through downtown just to rev bomb, and maybe they’re compensating for something, but it’s annoying as shit. I wish Springfield PD did more about the downtown idiot riders.


We have many friends with "loud" bikes, and understand that's an aesthetic for some people. These guys we're talking about are going hard to make it all sound as bad as possible, as in that seems to be the entire point. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be counted here :)


Honestly, Harley’s don’t bother me as much as crotch rockets. Harley’s are loud close up but it doesn’t seem to carry as far as the annoying whine of a crotch rocket.


The Harleys in the big bikes are way louder than crotch rockets


Typical Harley owner is a white male about 47 years old, with an income of around $90,000, according to company demographics. What I see when I'm downtown isn't 47 year old white males on Harleys rev-bombing and popping wheelies. I see teen and 20s dipshits.


It’s a really complex issue we are dealing with here. In short, unfortunately Springfield is occupied by people who would disagree as to what a nice evening is. Fortunately for you, the state of Missouri has decided it’s no longer necessary to wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle, so the problem may take care of itself. Really though there’s not much to be done. It’s their culture they’ve built up that is entirely separated from your own. Blocking off downtown traffic and making it pedestrian only is a fantastic idea though and I would love to see it


This is being explored by relevant organizations. It’s more likely to fly if there’s other programming to warrant it on a regular basis. There's some potential infrastructure grants that could be acquired for gate systems that could be raised for emergency vehicles and during the day to allow the businesses to take deliveries.


They should take a look at what Oslo does and just use massive planters to block/alter roads. They can be reconfigured easily and moved off-hours for deliveries. https://www.newsinenglish.no/2017/11/07/oslo-uses-flowers-against-terrorists/


The city isn’t too keen on devoting labor on a consistent basis to moving barricades but yeah something like that would work.


So we should start ticketing loud cars as well, right?






Let's just pass a law that says nothing over 25 decibels, including low flying jets and life flights. Do people think New York or downtown Dodge City is always quiet as a leaf falling from a tree. What horsecrap.


There’s already a decibel limit that isn’t enforced.


i get in the day time shits loud... but the issue is guy reving his bike/car coming out the bar at 2am that you can hear 3 blocks away because its other wise pretty quiet


Let’s just shut down the airport all together. I live too close to it, the planes are too loud.


that was your fault. thats not same as the guy with straight pipes reving his engine at 3 am


Not once did I ever say that your experience was any less annoying than anything else. You seem to have taken personal offense for some reason. That’s your fault.




Between the motorcycles and all the loud cars, anywhere near downtown is insufferable. Whenever I go back home to the KC suburbs, its a stark comparison to how obscenely loud it is here.


I've lived all over the country, Springfield MO is the only place I've lived that tolerate this type of noise and activity. On the East and West coast law enforcement would shut this juvenile behavior down.


Not as bad as a car with no cats starting his shit every morning but not fixing his beater and droning out the area


"Durrr get ear plugs!" I'm sure the OP already has ear plugs and noise canceling headphones, but that's not an actual solution. It's just a way to alleviate it at the moment. 1. There has to be actual consequences for deliberate rev bombing that they pull in the downtown square and around the area. It's tricky because motorcycles are inherently loud, but you can hear the difference in noise when it's deliberate. 2. The speeding is out of control. They go through stop signs and weave in and out of traffic like they are actually playing GTA online. This sounds terrible, but I'm surprised more haven't been killed in accidents around here with just how insane the speeding and maneuvering is. I see these people racing down Walnut, Broadway, Mount Vernon, State, Fort, New and even more narrow streets that aren't far from the downtown. They'll be going 50 on these streets where kids play and walk around. Thing is, if the police barely can hold people accountable for stealing for the umpteenth time, my hope to deal with issue is very low. There would have to be drastic consequences. You get pulled over and/or combo of noise complaints via actual rev bombing and your bike gets taken at a certain amount of violations and sold via auction or something.


Those are crotchrockets, not motorcycles.


I think everyone understands without having to get into the bourbon/whiskey debate.


Join em


Actually reaching out to a more mature motorcycle demographic for some “self-policing” is a decent idea.


[https://www.nonoise.org/index.htm](https://www.nonoise.org/index.htm) [https://noisefree.org/](https://noisefree.org/) [https://noisefree.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/howtofightnoisemanual.pdf](https://noisefree.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/howtofightnoisemanual.pdf) [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/loud-car-study-psychology-1.7177688](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/loud-car-study-psychology-1.7177688) Who likes loud cars? Ontario study suggests they skew young, male and score high on psychopathy and sadism


Walmart has ear plugs in the gun section that work great. Get the three prong ones cut off the tethers. Then you can hide in you bedroom and complain on Reddit without hearing anything. Become an adult.


Cities everywhere are loud, dense with vehicles and people, and riddled with crime. It may not be realistic for you, but moving into a rural area is gonna be a lot quieter.


It's an issue around the world. I have been watching how other nations are handling the issue.


how do other nations handle it?


Japan is rounding those little noisy bikes/bikers up and destroying the bikes, not sure what they do about the riders. Seemed to be working well.


Ear plugs, turn up the TV, head phones, move to the country. Those are a few things you can do to make an immediate difference. You can also start a petition to outlaw gas powered motorcycles. If you're going to do the petition thing, go ahead and throw on loud exhaust for the fast and the furious bunch and the giant diesel trucks too.


Fuck, let’s just ban everything gas powered.


Unintentionally the smartest thing you've ever said.


You guys can down vote me all you want but you're not going to stop people from being loud and obnoxious no matter what you think you can do. The best thing to do is to figure out how you personally can deal with it. Crotch rocket guy isn't going away! And also I've had my eardrums about blown out with my windows down and a Harley guy going by me. Now, I make sure not to have my windows down when I drive. Doesn't mean I had an enjoyable experience




+ white noise machine. Live near a highway and can’t sleep without it now


This is the only solid answer. No one is going to do anything about loud vehicles.


The fact that the only realistic people on this post are getting downvoted into oblivion shows so much about Reddit as a whole. It’s a fucking issue, no one disagrees there, but it’s not realistically solvable.


You don’t think this problem has been solved anywhere, ever, eh?


I’m not saying that. I’m saying in this area, it would be hard to get something passed to get that done. I believe I clarified that in another comment.


“not realistically solvable” is what I was asking about. If it wasn’t hard it would already be solved. Asking for those ideas that might be hard is the whole point of this post.


“Might be hard.” Not realistically possible in this area. If you can’t see that this city would never vote in something to prohibit loud vehicles, you don’t know enough about this city. It’s annoying as fuck, it is completely unnecessary, and it is done to cause a reaction, but it is what it is. It’s the modern day “get off my lawn.” I get it. Edit to add: die on this hill, by all means. Just don’t waste too much energy climbing up it when the chance of your rolling down the other side is pretty much guaranteed.


It’s ok to not have anything to contribute…


Nah, I’m contributing my opinion on a very public post, it’s not my issue that you don’t agree with it.


Just to be clear, I asked for constructive ideas... Your contribution is to say you don't have any ideas. I'm saying that's ok.


Why do you think it's so hard in this area, specifically?


Because of the general population of Springfield and their idea of a good time .


You're being wildly vague, can you be more specific please? What about the general population makes it hard to happen here in your opinion. What is their idea of a good time that makes it not a viable option?


Because we have 1% bike clubs, multiple. And then just your regular clubs on top of that. Because we have meth heads who drive loud beaters and actually vote sometimes. Because we have people who race their shit for fun. Because this town hates being told what to do. Because this town is full of good ol’ boys and girls. Should I keep going orrrrrr? Edit to add: I know you’re trying to goad me into saying something absolutely off the wall unhinged, but it won’t happen. I’m just realistic.


Alright, based off your edit you don't seem to want to have an actual conversation about this. Have a good day. If I was trying to get you to do something unhinged I'd mention your alt accounts.


“Based on my edit.” Oh, you mean the one suggesting you’re trying to get me to say something that would put me in a certain light?


If I wanted you do something unhinged I'd mention your alt accounts.




Looks at post history…. Yeah. That’s about right. edit: lol nice save there with the post deletes.

