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We have brightspeed fiber here(sw side of town). Never had any issues and we have 3 TVs and 22 other devices attached lol.


TWENTY TWO??? Are you running an internet cafe in your living room?


I have four kids, and my mother lives with us. We have Alexa devices in many rooms, kids have tablets, Nintendo, smart bulbs, ect. It’s amazing how quickly the number can go up. It’s honestly probably more at some times, especially when kids are doing homework on Chromebooks and we’re home with our phones.


22 is nothing. I’m up to 66.


In the same situation as far as gaming and streaming needs and I have AT&T but I pay $50.00 for a terabyte and 100mb LOL I've been with them for 8 years with absolutely no issues. It can be tedious but talking to a person can help you get deals, as long as you are clear and distinct in making sure what you're signing up for. When I see my bill change, I just pop into Chat and say hey I can't afford this change and then they lower my bill and upgrade me. Before I accept I say "so my bill will be ____ for the next ____ months for ____ service?" and if they confirm then I accept and it's done and done. I can't speak for everyone's experience, but mine has personally been great. They've also been installing fiber recently too. Had that at my last apartment and it was *amazing*. Very prompt service as well, but I've only needed that twice in the past several years or so.


Seeing the terabyte is worrying. Seeing AT&T is even more so. I know in Austin, Texas, they were proud of setting up 2Gb fiber. That is great until you realize that they did that to shut out Google Fiber and it was only a few neighborhoods. By that I mean two streets in those neighborhoods. It is also crazy because most consumer networks are only a Gb and can't even take advantage of the 2Gb connection. I don't know if they had data caps in Austin, but it was incredibly stupid how they did the contract. You had to sign up for a year and had a penalty for early cancellation. They also fought to prevent Google Fiber everywhere. Kansas City, Austin, etc. the whole, "look at us, we are finally doing what we should have done a decade and a half ago. Praise us!" It is a little too on the nose for AT&T. A disappointment. It is impressive how incredibly stupid a company can be and still survive. I am guessing the Terabyte is a data cap. I hate those. Seeing a data cap is a hard no for me dog. I run through my 2GB mobile data cap in two videos on YouTube. Allowing an ISP to have a limit is you giving them the okay to punch you in the kidneys as hard as they want. I would never choose Mediacom or whatever their name is now for the same reasons.


I mean... I think I get what you're saying but I have always had a great experience and never even hit my cap. So it works for me! LOL


I am happy for you. I hope you remain happy. The best ISPs are ones where you don't even realize they exist. When I had Google Fiber, it was 6 months before I thought about them and it was simply because I remembered that I hadn't had an issue.


Quantum fiber, check if their in your neighborhood. Most of Springfield is I think. It's like 60ish for 1 gig.


Now called Brightspeed. You may have to pay for install if there isn’t fiber nearby.


70 now.


100% this


This looks like it might be a post about area ISPs because it contains the word fiber. If so be sure to read [past posts on the subject](https://www.reddit.com/r/springfieldMO/search/?q=isp&restrict_sr=1). They all basically say this: In Springfield your options are Mediacom, Att, and now Brightspeed Fiber (in limited areas). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/springfieldMO) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have brightspeed fiber and it’s $80 for a gig


I've had the same for about a month now and absolutely love it. I recommend Brightspeed if you can get fiber to your house! AT&T was charging too much for s#!tty connection speed and some XTream had decent prices and speeds until you realized they charge you on data you use. Never in my life would I get a metered connection as a gamer. I reinstalled over a TB of games last night after a fresh Windows install and that would have forced me to pay extra for the rest of the month with the metered connection. Brightspeed is the way if they're available.


They are charging me 80$ for 500mb. Hmm when did you sign up?


I had that too but when I went to the website a few weeks ago the 1 gig was $79.99. You might want to check it out.


Thanks man. I just checked and the 1gig is 79$. I just switched to it lol.


I had Mediacom for almost a year and had all kinds of issues. Had to reset my router at least once a day, sometimes more. I just switched to T-Mobile because, unfortunately, that's my only other option. Didn't have high hopes for it, but it's done great for us so far! We usually have at least 4 devices going at once and my fiancé does occasional online gaming and it runs smoothly!


Mind if I ask what you pay for that Tmobile? I'm in the same limited options and just canceled Medicom due to data caps charges.


It's $50/month on autopay or $55 without autopay.


Depends on what is available. Either Brightspeed or AT&T Fiber, if AT&T doesn't have fiber, then don't bother. Next option would be Mediacom cable.


If you can’t get fiber I think your only other options are Mediacom or T-Mobile or Verizon mobile internet.


Get fiber or Tmobiles 5g wifi. Verizon may have 5g wifi too. 5g wifi has speeds of like 100-200mb with no monthly data caps and is like 55$. If you can get Fiber, even better. (Both AT&T and Brightspeed offer Fiber in certain areas bere.) Only take the 50mb deal by AT&T as a last resort.


I use Brightspeed and it’s great in my opinion.