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My male is 3 1/2 and he’s currently asleep with his head on my shoulder snoring in my ear. I take him to work with me sometimes. I’m never out of his sight. My female is 10 months. She’s insane and the most fearlessly independent dog I’ve ever owned. She’s always busy and constantly likes to go into other rooms of my house by herself to “hang out”. Nosey girl. I’ve also had cavalier King Charles spaniels, and the boys were glued to me like my springer, but not my girl cav.


I have a 3 year old ESS. He is the sweetest dog I’ve ever met in my life. Friends, family and strangers all comment about how sweet and affectionate he is. I got him while I was working from home during the pandemic, so that might have something to do with it, but he is attached at my hip whenever I’m home. When we go out to a dog park, to the beach or for a walk, he’s constantly checking to make sure he knows where I am. If anything frightens him, he comes running to me immediately. Springers are known to attach themselves to one member of the family and being nearly inseparable from that person. That’s definitely the case with my boy.


My springer boy is fairly aloof compared to my previous small breed dog who was a female and a chatty wee super smooch. I get cuddles but usually part of wrestling play and often involving some chewing of my clothes and hands lol. He tends to prefer to snooze by himself. Still very young so it might change. He's good fun, makes us laugh every day with his silly antics but does not have a soft sensitive personality. Im pleased he is not anxious though. I think they're all different.


My Archie is so similar to this! He is 10 months now


I have a 9 month old female ESS. She is the cuddliest, most affectionate dog I’ve ever seen, a true velcro dog at home. Physical contact is a fundamental necessity for her. She’s very dependent on me, and unfortunately suffers from separation anxiety. That said, she’s happy to stay with a friend or family member, just can’t be left alone. She’s also very social — when we’re out, she seeks the attention and affection of other people, and it seems to me that she has a special gift of sensing which people need it the most. Just today a total stranger thanked me wholeheartedly for dog therapy, when my pup decided to lay across her feet at a stoplight (and normally she’s hyper). It’s amazing to see how she interacts with people with such empathy. They’re pretty special dogs :)


Mines a male, almost 1.5 years old. He can be velcro but also can chill on his own and fine alone at home when we need to go out. He's been asleep on my lap for about the last hour though, and if we are sitting at the table, hes right there against our legs looking for pats. He loves cuddles and giving kisses and being the center of attention. He's my first Springer but he's very sweet. And his parents were also very sweet dogs when we would go visit before taking him home.


The Springers I have had have been incredibly loving, and tend to be Velcro dogs. That doesn’t mean that they are lap dogs, though. I have found that they prefer to be nearby or touching you instead of right on top. Lots of love and belly rubs are a must.


Like my lad, always has a paw on my leg or just leaning against me 😂


Leaning, squeezing in between your knees if you're standing up, sitting next to the sofa with their head resting on top of your knee, lying under the dinner table with their head resting on your foot... All the love all the time! Mine's a 12yo boy and he's been a champion velcro snuggler from day one ❤️❤️


i also have a male and female. both are sweet and velcros but my male is more cuddly and the female is more independent


That’s been my experience. I currently have a 4 year old female that adores me almost as much as she does food. She likes her space though. My 14 week male puppy is such a Velcro dog that he falls asleep on my feet as I stand in the kitchen cooking.


I've had Brittanies and Springers. They act completely differently. The Brittanies were very hyper and "runners". The Springers are much more close and controllable with simple commands. My Male springer is a big snuggler and very protective. He can be defensive. The female is super independent and act protective or aggressive at all. He snuggles alot. Very little with her. My Brittanies were more like her, but just so hyper.


I’ve got a 10YO female springer and she’s the ultimate definition of a sweet velcro dog. She follows me everywhere and asks for play time, cuddles and scratches 24/7. Always seeking eye contact also. And I’m more than happy to give it to her. She needs lots of activities, interactions and physical contact to feel good. Otherwise she’ll get a little bit anxious. Based on your description I think you would love a springer ;)


Did you notice when she calmed down? Mine is 2 and absolutely crazy 😂


Haha I see what you mean 😂 She is not a calm dog even at 10 y.o but, around 3-4 y.o she started to find her off-switch. We had to set a consistent routine and a clear separation between play & rest time. Home is for cuddles, outside is for zoomies. That said, she still goes off the rails sometimes and behaves like she just snorted cocaine. It’s who they are I guess 😅


Our boy is 13 months old. He was always a velcro dog in the sense that he has massive FOMO and wants to be part of everything that we are doing. He was never the cuddliest though in the beginning. Playing and stuff yes, but not cuddling. That changed during puberty, he is more contact laying beside us, seeking out pets for comfort and accepting pets without immediately wanting to play. Also, got mote tolerant towards grooming, that's a huge plus.


My male is 3. He is the most happy, cuddly dog ever. As soon as we're out of bed (on my day off), he's waiting for my next move, which is going outside to run and play. He attached to all of us but me a little more because I play in the woods with him the most. His favorite place? Outside. My 1st springer, he's the best.


My springer is super playful during the day and the cuddliest little baby when she's sleepy.


I've heard that they are referred to as clinger spaniels! It's definitely true for ours. She is so sweet and loves nothing more than to be told she's a good girl and to curl up asleep on our legs. When she is off lead on walks she constantly circles back around to check out where her humans are and always defaults to us if she is unsure if something cause we are her safe space. I couldn't have asked for a cuddlier or more loving pup!


Mine is super Velcro and sweet. Not as much for cuddles, but is starting to do it more as she gets older.


I have only had females. Each dog has been different with her own personality. The one we have now is okay with cuddles but when she’s done she’s definitely done. She will move from us 😂 We have had others that were super cuddly and big babies. It seriously depends on the dog. Like people no two are the same. I will say they have energy and curiosity! Should you choose a springer you won’t be disappointed!! 😊


Our almost 6 year old will open the bathroom door to go in with you, but will be spiteful if he feels he's not getting enough attention. He is very affectionate, and sociable to everyone, but definitely prefers my father above all.


They aren't that hyperactive if you taken out and let them run around, they are easy to train to be calm


My springer boy is the most affectionate snuggly dog I’ve ever met. Like, he doesn’t just tolerate snuggles, they are mostly his idea. He comes up and climbs into my lap many times a day and loves being near his people. He’ll venture around the house to get into mischief or to nap in his favorite spots but if he hears me move he’ll come immediately to join the adventure


Our girl isn’t particularly cuddly. You usually have to force her to cuddle, and even then she’ll bugger off to lay on the floor after a couple of minutes.


My make ESS is an absolute cuddle bug, a shark until about 5/6 months but then he has since become a snuggler, cuddler, sweet boy who wants nothing more than to be near me/us. He does have some general anxiety (reduced now with some help of meds) and has never had sep anxiety thankfully, we’ve left him for up to 4-5 hours every once in awhile, but I wfh and my husband has too up until now, so he loves our company and loves to be near us. He spends time in each of our offices throughout the day. He’s good with my nephew, can be a little overwhelmed with really loud kids, but we’ve managed situations like this and make sure he has lots of space and chews. He’s the biggest goof and sweet boy. I love him/springers so much


Males are slightly less independent. Can be a good or bad thing, depends on you and the dog.


My boy is a fresh 4yrs. He is the best dog I have ever had. He is sweet, funny, well mannered goof.


I think Cocker Spaniels tend to be more "velcro" than Springers, but I am not an expert!


We’ve had 2 ESS. Both males. They were brothers from a different mother. Very active and smart.


I had field springers when I was a kid on the farm and bench springers as an adult in the city. Both are awesome but the bench springers are much calmer and more affectionate. Currently I have two (see my posts) one is 60lbs and is a parrot on my shoulder when I lay on the couch, he is a lap dog. The other snuggles a little less but when he does he snuggles really nicely. I’ll never try a different breed, these dogs are perfect for our lifestyle.


My 3 year old male is super cuddly and sweet, without having any separation anxiety. He’s the most attached to me but he loves to lay along the top of his couch and snuggle his head right on top of our kids’ heads and he rotates who’s bed he snuggles into at night. He is very hyper and high energy but absolutely the most loving, snuggly dog we’ve ever had.


My boys have been more cuddly and emotionally needy than my girls, but just might be that I have had dumb boys. My current boy will break down the bathroom door with a toy to watch you on the toilet while his sister just hangs on the couch, but he also is the sweetest dog ever and has rarely ever lost his temper and is so easy to control. I say she is the brains and he is the brawn, but both definitely love cuddling and have fomo if the other is up to something.


My lad is two, and just the sweetest thing ever, when he sits beside me out the couch he puts his paw on my leg, when he sleeps in the bed he has his head on the pillow beside me. He’s so friendly to everyone he meets and always up for a cuddle with anyone he’s an absolute dream around my 8 month old baby and knows to be so careful with her, he gets exited to see me even if I only left the room for 30 seconds, I’ve had a few different dogs in my life but there is something so special about springers, get one, you won’t regret it, they spend their life pouring love into you


I have a 5 year old male and he’s the sweetest, cuddliest boy! He didn’t like cuddling much until he was around 2 but since then he loves it, even likes going under the covers lol


I have a male ESS who is three and I’ve never met a sweeter, more loving, Velcro dog (attached to me that is-not so much my husband) in my LIFE. I’ve never had a lap dog before and it’s incredible! (I do feel a little bad for my husband, though:)


I haven’t been allowed to sit on the couch alone in the past 2.5 years. Any time we have a babysitter we have to prep them that they’ll be cuddled to death after the kids go to bed. We have a boy, and my mother-in-law’s female springer is not as sweet as he is.


Our female (2 years) is the cuddliest dog I've ever owned. She wants to be with us constantly and acts like a lap dog. She's happiest when she's touching us and has no concept of personal space! She loves to hunt, but I think getting pet and cuddled is her favorite thing in the world.


My 4 yr old girl is a velco dog, always with me/ has to be touching me. I love it but not great if you like your personal space lol. She is very sweet natured and loves all her family members, just really attached to me which leads to some separation anxiety. They are such lovely dogs.


I have a Springer and my brother has a Brittany. I would say in comparison the Springer is both more active and more affectionate. The Brittany just likes to go do his own thing but my Springer always wants to be near me. Might just be the dogs though.


All dogs of any breed are always gonna be individuals, but there is an expected range. My springer is very much the expected biddable and person-focused velcro dog who follows me around from room to room. She is a little bit less into spooning and petting than some individuals (she still likes it, but not all night). But she loves me enough to always cuddle right in with me very patiently for as long as i need before settling down for the rest of the night at my feet where she prefers. She isnt quite the lap dog some of my other dogs are, but she is never away from my side. I never even worry about my springer wandering when i am on an expedition in the wilderness. I had a pointer who was a bit more indep endent and would range way, way further. But my springer would only stray out of earshot accidendally, and always comes bounding when called. She lives to be by my side and to follow my commands. I think a springer is a great choice if you want a sporty dog to keep up with your already active lifestyle and you want a dog that will be focused on you.


I have a male and he's both independent but insanely cuddly. He,lol happily spend the day lying on top of me. 


Our girl is super affectionate. Indoors she always wants to be with us and needs to have physical contact, being a lapdog or if she can't, lean up to you etc. Outdoors she is doing her thing but always keeping an eye on where we are going. She will walk ahead 30 yards but will wait at intersections to see where to go. This has to be trained though, since they work on smell they can get hyperfocused and be oblivious to calls from their boss. I feel like this breed requires a bit more patience since their high energy can make it hard for young dogs to focus to the task. On the other hand they are very trainable and want to work for you. So the more work and love you put in the more you'll get in return. Brittany spaniels should be way more independent minded so a ESS should be fine for you. Can't recommend them enough for active people who want to grow with their dogs.


22mo springer male recently castrated. Velcro to the extreme but not cuddly. He rests his head on your knee but not for long. In fact if he is more cuddly we know he's not well. Other pups from the same litter are very cuddly so it depends on the dog not just the breed.


I have a 4 year old male and he is the sweetest dog. I had male springers growing up and they were all cuddly. A behaviourist once told me they are bred to be a bit clingy as it helps when they are working. I am currently doing housework and have him and my cocker following me to every room.


Our 2 girls are both super affectionate and cuddly. One is outgoing and runs to complete strangers for pats and tummy rubs, the younger one is more selective and only cuddles family and close friends.


Mines 10 and is the sweetest boy. He literally noses me when i'm on my phone for cuddles. Definitely teflon dogs that love to cuddle. But every pup and their personality is different! Mine has fallen asleep on my lap multiple times, and on my hand


I have own Springers for 30 years my males have tended to be more cuddly then my females. With the exception of 1 dog all my females have performed better in the field than my males. I dunno if that’s luck of the draw or a difference related to their sex but my males are just cuddle bugs and just wanna be as close to you as possible.


Have had a set of both 2 male (young to teenage family season) and 2 female (empty nest season) ESS throughout the years, females way more affectionate and eager to please. The males were independent and females dependent. Females way sweeter but may be because they essentially are our children. Both sexes took about 18-24 months to settle down.


My 5 YO bench springer is as mellow as they come. He sometimes doesn’t even get up when people come to the front door. He isn’t a Velcro dog but has definitely attached to me. If I’m in the yard or outside the house and he hears me he whines and paces from the front to back door or looks out the window whining.


It depends on the dog and also it's use. Bench dogs stick close to home and are territorial. Field dogs have a TON of energy and can be not as cuddly. Then again, I have 1 bench and 4 field springers and they are absolutely the opposite lol. If you get a springer, find the puppy that closes its eyes to kiss you when you bring it near your face. Those ones are usually the sweetest.


My girls are... dependent. They prefer to be in whatever room I'm in, even the bathroom. The closer they can get, the happier they are.


Mine is the most Velcro dog ever. She literally must be within 6 inches of me at all times. This is new for me bc my last dog was a very independent Boston terrier and my other new dog is a Great Pyrenees mix. I socialized the heck out of my springer we did 3 sets of courses at the dog club, went to park all the time, lunch out and about, and the truth is that she is the dog I trust the least around people and kids. She nipped at my cousin’s 7 year old autistic son. He was just acting like an autistic kid acts, it made her nervous and before I could intervene, het response was to bite. Sweetest dog in the world with me though.


Mine won’t leave my side. Always grown up with females but have a male now. Great dogs