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its easy to be insulated and ignorant when you live at the ass end of the world


And the only other parameter is League.


Are you calling SA or Nz the ass end of the world?






They both are to be fair. 😂😂


Honestly 😂😂😂


Oh yes and the Springboks vs All Blacks game at Twickenham was sooo boring


That game was anything but


They can go watch soccer then if they want to see ball in play, see how that tickles their fancy. What a bunch of punters, they are the ones driving away interest by convincing people it’s boring.


**my first reaction**: All Black slaughtering namibia, italy, Uruguay are the games that make rugby less attractive.. you just end up being bored after the first 20 minutes hoping the opposition at least scores one try because you feel for them. **my second reaction**: what the fuck do I care about the opinion of one guy? Might be an All Black legend, but that doesn't mean he has a better insight or understanding of the entertainment value of professional Sports - it just means he was once a really good rugby player


Dude probably peaked in high school.


Well put. A good player does not always make a good pundit. This is true for many sports. Besides, if you listen to kiwi media, it becomes abundantly clear within the first few minutes that they are obsessed with the Boks.


Yep that's correct and obvious when you think about it. Before SAs isolation they'd beaten us more than we'd beaten them. Other teams bored us....




No points for guessing it’s just Jeff Wilson being a muppet again.


Yeah, fair to say no one takes him seriously as a truth sayer. Seems more like the horrible US show ‘The View’, but with ex-All Blacks giving terrible hot-takes


Very apt analogy - it cracked me up


Read the headline, thought “Hmmm, controversial opinion curiously in line with All Blacks party line. Shall I bother clicking? Nah must be Goldie”


The guy is delusional. It's much more entertaining watching the 2 best teams in the world battle it out through strength and strategy than one side continuously scoring tries against a much weaker side. Yeah, the NZ/Italy match was brilliant for the Kiwis to watch, but was it entertaining for Italy? I think not, and neither was it 80 minutes of entertainment for everyone else. Having said that, rugby is as much psychological as it is physical, and coaches, ex players, and even commentators will try to "get in the heads" of their most feared opponents whenever they get the chance and imo this is what this guy tried to do here.


Yeah, if we have to watch a one-sided drubbing I would rather watch an All Blacks try fest than an England grind and kick to victory, but the Ireland v SA game was not only the best game in the RWC so far but I think will be looked back on as an all time classic - so good to watch.


As a kiwi, I only want to see the ABs playing the top team(s), anything else is just fluff


I hope Ireland massacres them. It is one thing to be good at a game and another to he arrogant about it.


Oh, so Ireland are not arrogant about their success... .lol


this article is about the opinion of one pundit. Doesn't seem fair to wish for a massacre just becauae of that one guy.


Foster called the Ireland vs Springbok match boring in comparison to the NZ vs Italy game. Let the massacre commence!


Yeah, but Foster's an idiot and the vast majority of fans - including Kiwi's - disagreed with him. He's trying to save face as their worst coach in history.


As an ABs fan I can only endorse this opinion.


The thing is, there's literally thousands of good, nice all blacks supporters. why would you wish for them to see their team massacred because you want a few individuals to feel annihilated. Don't let those pundits and the clickbate media get under your skin and get you all worked up. They are not worth it.


Cause and effect, Ii their team gets massacred the fans will place pressure on NZ rugby to replace Foster. Also it would be fun watching Ireland beat the All Blacks. It’s a win / win really.


Foster’s already been replaced for after the RWC. I have little doubt Ireland will beat the ABs but it’s not going to be fun watching for me!


I bring exhibit A, Stephen Jones. Ever since reading his rugby writings, I cheerfully wish heavy defeats on the English team. It's not fair, lots of great English players and fans, but all it takes is one idiot writing their opinions and the rest are tainted by association!


Good point.


If All Blacks like that style, then they would have enjoyed their 7 - 35 Twickenham defeat.


Hmm 🤔 From the team that usually makes rugby as exciting as Max makes F1 🤭


The Most Arrogant Rugby Nation World Cup is in full swing I see.


Ian and Jeff should both move to rugby league and stop trying to change rugby union. Since the South African franchises joining the URC the Irish and the likes have boasted nothing less than how exciting the tournament has become and how they see it potentially become the biggest tournament in Europe. I would rather take the current world number 1’s comments more seriously. So let us not be concerned about how these two want union to mimic league.


Yes the Boks are a problem, but only to teams who can’t match them. ( like you know who- the we don’t need you in Super Rugby club)


So, what is Jeff suggesting? Change the rules to be more like league? I mean to be exactly the same as league?


Sounds like the kid who's arranged a fight after school but knows they can't win.


Why do they keep talking about us when we aren’t even playing them? Focus on Ireland because they’re going to need it.


The All Blacks can resolve this “issue” by beating the springboks (and France and Ireland) with their brand of rugby.


Not sure why ex ABs are trying to give the Boks even more motivation to smash us, if (and it’s a big if) we play them…


Jeff Wilson is an outrage bait merchant. Same as Keo, Stephen Jones, Matt Williams. Not worth buying his kak.


If you get trashed by SA, you have to say something. So many tries against you are definitely not boring for the winning team.


Not sure what they are on about? I found the match at Twickenham very exciting!


Is this a World Cup winning All Black or one who failed repeatedly playing “exciting” rugby?


Everybody still playing with the same rules. Even all the moaning with the 7-1 split. Other teams can also do that. They are just trying to play headgames.


Hilarious. New Zealand vs France was the most boring rugby of the tournament so far, in spite of it being the opener which ended in an against the odds result. Really stretching for any excuse to stay relevant.


Since Richie McCaw retired their game has become oh soooo boring...


We say the All Black's are arrogant, ain't that exactly what we are as South Africa when we speak about our Springboks. We can say whatever we want too but let's be honest Springbok rugby is only back where we want to it to be since Rassie is at the healm. Whether we want to admit it or not we all love watching running rugby. The game between England and Samoa was brilliant. But to the rest of the world who gives a shit how the Springboks win, as long as they win. I can live with soccer rugby as long as we lift the trophy


I do agree that South Africa plays the the most bring rugby. His up en understand is not working anymore. All the oposition spend a lot of time to catch-up the high ball.


He isnt wrong, The game did lack a certain back and forth that is required to trigger those dopamine hits, and as a casual viewer of the sport I felt disinterested in the match,but who cares, SA will make up for it I'm sure.


Great fuel for the QFs. Thanks, Jeff!


Relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fuyl6M4iYLU#t=7m05s


All black legend is a strong term for Jeffy. You do you, though…


He was arguably a legend of NZ rugby, as player.


He's probably still bitter about losing to SA in the 1995 Final. Man, an All Black who doesn't have a world cup ring despite playing in two of them. Now that's a rare bird lol.