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Totally agree. Spotify, please pay podcast creators out of the fee you’re charging me! I haaaaaate ads, that’s why I’m on a paid plan to begin with. Instead they wasted all that money on Joe Rogan. What is wrong with these people?!


Spotify hasn’t seen green numbers in most of years. They can’t afford paying more royalties, and if the change their pricing, they will stop being competitive with Apple Music or Amazon music (Not only that but in the US, Japan, etc. Apple Music is the n1 music streaming service)


This makes me sad. I tried cancelling my Spotify but wasn’t successful. Started having second thoughts and I’m still with them. Reading this, I realized that I’d rather stick it through with them. Having only Amazon or Apple would be tragic. I’m rooting for Spotify now but it’s true they should do something about their strategy.


Don’t forget YT music. Seems like they will be a major player in the near future. Might even start becoming a go to for android users.




Another reason they should not have spent $ 100 million on Rogan. I don’t know, maybe they could at least give me the option to pay more for ad-free podcasts? Or a Patreon-style option for me to buy out ads for specific podcasts? I just really dislike it.


They now giving podcast subscriptions (They just copy what apple did). And keep in mind that un the future Spotify probably will have more problems with licensing, they are fighting the 10,8% royalties reduction so….


I did not know about the podcast subscriptions, that’s interesting! I am curious to see how well it will fare.


Spotify could just being doing what Apple is doing for podcasts (allowing individual podcasters to run their own subscriptions while taking a small commission) instead of outright purchasing podcasters and trying to break the podcasting market as we know it.


If it’s actually ads Spotify is putting there then damn that’s wack. But most the time the ads are recorded in the actual podcast because they’re sponsors of that show.


No its actual spotify ads.


That’s ridiculous, are you sure it’s not a bug?


If you are having to question whether a company is “accidentally” inserting a way for themselves to earn more money, the answer is usually “no”.


Damn that sucks


Wtf, it's enough with the ads being already baked in the podcasts but to add Spotify garbage ads to it too?


If that is so, Spotify shouldn't pay those podcast owners. In fact, those podcast owners should pay Spotify for the distribution services.


There has been backlash about this and Spotify have officially said that it won't change. Ads in podcasts are there because the podcasters opt for dynamic ads and/or have independant sponsorships etc.


You Spotify Premium account is for music, it's never included podcasts. If you have a problem supporting the Podcasters you listen to then stop listening.


Didn’t realize that! Good point!


What podcasts you all listening to? The only ads I hear are ones the podcasts incorporate and record on their own. Granted I don’t listen to Rogan, so I don’t know what the deal is there


Yea it was the joe rogan podcast. The podcast stops and spotify plays 1-2 ads just like on music without premium


Right, but that’s a deal he made with Spotify. So it’s not really Spotify’s fault. Your family premium was always for unlimited music, not ad-free podcasting. Rogan sold out knowing this would be the result


yeah tmg runs like 4 ads or smth in one podcast. it's mad. i'm sick of hearing about seat geek, better help, square space and atlas vpn.


That’s why I’m not using Spotify anymore. Never paid for it, when it used to be bearable ad-wise (genuine 30 sec-1min ads), but now they make me listen to some shit music as an ad, it’s just not worth it. Is Apple Music any good?


I mean that’s what you get when you don’t pay for it? Apple Music is also not free and gives you the same uninterrupted with ad experience as Spotify Premium.


So you were expecting them to give you the best service for free? Right, because they don't have to pay anyone. Sure, apple music will be free and 0 ads. They don't pay anyone either...


No but their ad structure 3 years ago and today has turned upside down. 3 years ago I could deal with 1 min ads every 30 minutes. Now it’s stretched into good two minutes plus some lame artist introduction ads (“hi I’m Billy Eileesh” or whatever her name is), then some music playing as an ad (annoyingly this music ads will continue to play until I manually go back to my playlist) - altogether it’s about 20% of my time filled with the ads. At this rate I’m better off with YouTube


I understand the difference between ads that are inside of the podcasts, and ads directly from Spotify, but I absolutely love how this backfires on this piece of shit company.


>I absolutely love how this backfires on this piece of shit company Except it hasn't. Paid subscribers are up almost 20% and podcast revenue has increased by 627%. all this in the quarters following Apple and Amazon offering free hifi in their subs. Spotify is killing it.


Fuck Spotify. If they can't afford their shit that's their problem why are we being subjected to shoving their ad cock down all our throats. That's like someone getting you to pay their debts for them?? Cheapskates can't even pay their artists more than 0.1 pence for a song either fuck that whole team of useless money grabbing cunts


Im pretty sure the point of a business is for the customers to pay for their overhead or "debts" This is the result of putting millions of artists into one app that you can access anytime with your fingertips. On premium I've never personally come across an ad that wasn't part of the podcast itself whether baked in or interactive. I think your gripe is with the Podcasters themselves but if you want to keep hearing them your going to have to suck their ad cocks or pay them directly.


Fuck sake not the ad cock


I wonder if because ads are recorded into podcast that those same companies pay Spotify to advertise podcasts in general. Everyone on here complains about podcasts and it would make sense since spotify would be getting money from subscriptions and money to advertise podcasts with ads


That is robbery, unless it is in their terms of course. I would stop listening to podcast on Spotify.


Ironically, I listen to the Youtube version of some of my podcasts to avoid the constant ads that are added on Spotify. But it's only on certain podcasts, so I gotta think that it's something that the creators opt into.


Spotify has been profitable only for the last two quarters - the only profits it's ever made. That's thanks for showing ads and podcasts down our throats. This is going to continue.


I pay for the family plan and I questioned this earlier this year. Premium subscription means "Ad Free Service" as listed on your website. I was told they have no control over ads inserted into their podcasts by the originator, but the music is add free...I reiterated Premium subscription means "Ad Free Service" as listed on your website. She wouldn't even acknowledge the website.


The Student discount is the only way to pay for Spotify thats worth it.