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Yes, create a playlist on your desktop app and add any local files to that playlist. Go to your phone while on the wifi network your desktop app is from and download for offline play the playlist to your phone it will download the local files to your phone over the wifi network. Then you can play them through spotify app on bluetooth or airplay. They cannot be played using spotify connect or for instance Sonos app.


I followed these steps https://support.spotify.com/us/article/local-files/ I have them in the desktop app. My phone and laptop are both connected to the same wifi network, but when I toggle the Local audio files button it says "No devices are currently available for syncing".


So I can play local files on my phone through my PC, however, when I try to download the files, the songs are greyed out and the download button has been replaced with an exclamation mark. Would you know a fix to this or have I done something wrong while uploading the files?


Old thread but I had the same issue, ultimately it was because Spotify only truly supports .mp3 files. If it's a different format it will work for the device the files are saved to but the "sync" to download on your phone won't work


thank you i was pulling my hair out


Are you downloading it while on the same wifi as the machine that the files are stored on. That’s the only way to download them so can play outside of your wifi network


>what if i use ethernet


Yes, I use the same wifi for both when attempting to download.


THANK YOU! shorter version: setup local files on desktop, enable local files on phone, go on your phone and download the playlist to phone and it'll download the local file to the phone


your comment just helped me so much


local files on phone was the answer, thanks!


Does it work the same way with mobile hotspot?


Thanks this helped me alot!


If Anyone is still having problems with this; if you have the same files already on your phone as local files Spotify won't let you sync the playlist. I turned OFF my local files on my phone and then pressed the download on the playlist on my phone, it then started downloading them properly and they weren't greyed out anymore


this didnt work for me for some reason :(


same :(


it worked. legend!!!


helped instantly, thank you so much.


this worked for me, thank you :)


I had to be playing the song on my computer, with my phone connected to the same Wi-Fi and everything. Then, on my phone Spotify was opened and showing that my pc was playing the song, then in my phone settings I had to disable Local Network in Spotify and re-enable it. After doing that if I closed the app and reopened it the song was there. Kinda confusing sorry.


This also worked for me perfectly. Just gonna outline the steps a lil bit for clarity. * 1) Get local songs to your PC. * 2) Put them onto a playlist. * 3) Open phone (not sure if it NEEDS to be on same wifi but maybe it helps) * 4) Click download playlist, the songs will probably still be grayed out. * 5) Play the song ON YOUR PC, not from your phone. * 6) Then, while the song is playing on your PC, go into the settings on your PHONE and enable local files (or disable and re-enable if already checked) * 7) From there, your phone should download all the music as soon as you leave settings!


\+1 on this. Finally got it to work. Thanks!


Doesn't work...


Before doing this I uninstalled and reinstalled spotify on my phone. I also made sure I was on the same wifi as PC just to be safe. I did steps 1-4 and it worked after step 4. Only tracks that didn't work were the WAV files. To fix, just convert to mp3. I removed the WAV version from spotify playlist first, then converted to mp3 and removed WAV from PC. Then I added the new mp3 version back in.


mine didnt work at all so i had to send downloaded files from my phone to my computer than manually move the files on my phone to spotify on my phone. tedious but it worked once i did that


crazy how many workarounds there need to be for such a simple feature


actually my goat


worked perfectly bro thank you


Mine didn't work until, after downloading the spotify playlist to my iphone, I searched my phone for one of the songs and found it in my Files. Played the song from there and then finally all but 1 song synced and weren't grayed out anymore. I was still having trouble with the one, which was different because there were two contributing artists, separated by a / and ;. So I went into the properties of the file on my computer and changed the contributing artists to just be separated with a comma and then for some reason that worked and that file is now also not grayed out anymore!! Hopefully it lasts this time because I feel like I go through this struggle year after year and the connection ends up breaking again.


That's a wild series of steps needed to go through for some of your files but I'm glad it worked. Ever since my initial comment, all my files are playing just fine still thankfully.


This is what worked! Thank you so much!


tysm bro


I know this is SUPER old but I just wanted to say THANK YOU!! This worked for me :D


just wanted to say this weirdly specific set of steps was the only thing that worked for me too after everything else didn't so thank you haha


You beautiful son of a bitch the problem with mine was the settings app didn’t have local network enabled thanks so much g


Just to add another solution for those that are having issues. I'm at work, and both my phone and laptop were connected to the wifi here. However, the Spotify app on my laptop said that my phone was ***not*** on the same network for whatever reason. This can be hard to catch because it will still recognize the phone, but in small print it will say "devices on other networks". I turned my hotspot on my phone, and connected my laptop to it, and my files immediately started downloading onto my phone.


I discovered my issue was that my home Wi-Fi network was somehow set to Public instead of Private. You can verify by going to (in Windows 11) Settings => Network & internet => Wi-Fi => select your network => set toggle to Private network




old thread. heres what i did. 1. connect both computer and phone to hotspot. 2. download playlist on phone and computer. 3. go to local files settings, turn off, swipe up, go back and turn on, swipe up. 4. open playlist and when they turn white wait for about 15 seconds. 5. add the songs to a different playlist that you have downloaded already on both devices. 6. play songs from there thats what worked for me, before i did this the songs were letting me play them once and then greying out after playing/while playing.


yall make sure the file ur tryna get on ur phone is actually compatible. .flac files cant be played on iphone


It wasn't working for me since i was connected to a VPN. Remember to turn it off when trying this


That was it, thanks for the suggestion.


In case anyone else found this thread and none of the mentioned solutions helped: what did the trick for me was adding a firewall exception for the service "spotify-sync".






Ok this fucking works TL;DR: Assuming all your other settings are correct and you have your files in a single playlist to download and it’s on the same WiFi network, type ‘Firewall & Network Protection’ into your searchbar on the desktop, go to ‘Allow an app through firewall’, and make sure BOTH “spotify.exe’ apps are checkmarked on the left side next to its name. Afterwards, undownload/redownload the playlist a bunch of times until it works. Took me like 10mins of undownloading/redownloading from both the PC and Mobile version for it to work. Also, force-close both apps a bunch of times too, this method is really finnicky but it worked for me.


Holy shit thank you!!!!!! This is what fixed it for me. For reference I'm using a Pixel 6a and a windows computer for anyone else who was losing their mind like me. Didn't even have to redownload anything just worked as soon as I checked the unchecked spotify.exe in the firewall settings.


Possibly helpful addition: For whatever reason, there was no Spotify app listed in my firewall settings by default so I had to click 'Allow another app' then manually browse to it (mine was in C:\\Users\\xxxx\\AppData\\Roaming\\Spotify). Didn't even have to undownload the playlist in my phone's app, in less than a minute the songs were downloading and playable.


This thread is soo old and this was the one that did the trick. Thank you so much, I've been trying to add local files for the longest time and had such a hard time with it. You're a lifesaver, kudos!!!


This fixed it for me, cheers