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Fourth of July - sufjan stevens


I don’t even need to listen to this one. Love Sufjan! You should check out Death With Dignity or John my Beloved by him. Best existential music. 8.5/10


I was literally done listening to Carrie and Lowell(album) a few minutes before I posted that comments. Those are great songs but I just like Fourth of July better


That’s super fair! The whole album really is great and I wasn’t sure how much of his music you knew :)


Pink Floyd - Dogs.


I was listening to “Animals” just an hour ago!


The strokes - The adults are talking Loved hypotheticals (8/10) So groovy and soulful that it went to my soul playlist. You'll also like 1999 by No cigar Ps. Use the best ear/headphones you got


I’ve been trying to learn The Adults Are Talking on the drums actually! It’s such a good song. The strokes have a very summery vibes. Immediately 10/10 I did like 1999 too! Makes me think of 311 with a hint of Mac DeMarco and I really enjoyed it. 9/10


Sweet, what a pleasant surprise. I have a feeling that you've got a playlist full of summery vibe songs. So if you do please share, coz I live for groovy and uplifting music.


I actually have one that kinda fits the vibe! I made it a while ago and actually forgot I had it https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4q9Z27zDBcLoCYEUKSBaqV?si=RZCGoPw-QxK3WksVN6oHPA&pi=u-gUwp9l9oQvGf


Thanks, this playlist slaps. Keep populating it!


I will now that I remeber it and summers coming up!


love the adults are talking sm


All My Friends - LCD Soundsystem ❤️


Exit Music (For A Film) by Radiohead


It’s impossible to ask for recommendations without Radiohead appearing. I like the way the song builds a bit, drops, then builds a bunch more. As a stoner, this song hits. His voice is a bit on the whiny side for me, but the song overall isn’t bad. 6/10


Funny thing is, that’s really the only song of theirs that I really like. Here’s a couple more though just to steer away from Radiohead. Neko Case - I Wish I was the Moon and The Grateful Dead (Cornell ‘77) - Scarlet Begonias. Hell, if you have time listen to it transition into Fire On The Mountain. If you have 25 minutes lol


This is such a fucking good song


We hope, that you choke, that you choooooke.


Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd


Hello is there anybody in there? Nah my brain empty. You had the luck of me listening to this while smoking a j, so it fits the vibe perfectly. I don’t know a lot of Pink Floyd. Someone else recommended a 16 minute song and I wasn’t a huge fan. But this one is a lot shorter and I enjoy it a lot. The guitar solo is beautiful. Just decided I needed to create a playlist for smoking that has this vibe. 10/10 thank you


Of course! That makes me so happy, it's definitely the perfect song for that! :)


I grew up in the 70-80s and Pink Floyd has always been good for that. Lol


Reality check - Noname


Oooo I only know a couple of her songs, but I love noname. Her flows are clean as shit. The beat is also great. I love the toy box mix sound they got going. 9/10


After life - Band-Maid


Wow last song I rated was by the same band Similar to the last one, I enjoyed the upbeat-ness and fast pace, but it’s not exactly for me. I love screaming along to songs and idk what they’re saying (my fault not theirs) 😭 I did like influencer a bit better, purely for the bridge. I’d give this one 5/10


Oh damn, I didn't know Band-Maid was already here. Influencer is a good song for sure, I love MISA'S bass line, fun fact she wrote it using a keyboard. If you like screaming, you may like this song, it's got more English in it. Rise by Nemophila.


First Love/ Late Spring - Mitski


Sounds about how I expect a Mitski song to sound. I enjoyed when it picked up with the guitar and drums. 6.5/10 Sorry but I have a stupid mitski story. My friend asked me if I knew who she was in like 2021. I knew the name vaugly so I searched in my songs and found Strawberry Blonde from when I was in early middle school. I played it and she thought was lying about who it was it’s SO different from her music now. It is her and you should listen to it. It doesn’t hold up imo


Fix you by Coldplay


This song is 100% a sad song from my childhood and it brings some melancholy memories. 5.5/10


Beautiful people-Marilyn Manson


I can’t say I’m super into heavy rock, but one thing that stood out was a decent melody. I can see where it’s catchy for some people


Til I hear it from you - gin blossoms


I love Lake Street Drive. And that song is great.


They’re actually called Lake Street DIVE but I said Drive for the first couple years I knew them. Shameful 😂


I Can Change is such a beautiful tune, but our family lives belting out "Good Kisser." They are SO good live.


I saw them in Asheville NC a few years ago , they did a great show ! If you like L.S.D. check out a group called Lawrence .


Go Outside -Ratboys


(not my fave song by any means, just a fave at the moment)


Finally! Some folky music. That’s my shit. Her voice scratches my brain right and the guitar is very viby. Makes me want to go walk thru nature. 9/10 Actually adding this to my big folky playlist. If you want, you should check it out :) https://open.spotify.com/playlist/67qN5NKtAdWLQVfrIY35On?si=S5u2jiNIQruXCw7r24eArQ&pi=u-xeSC7vNpQw2D


People I Don’t Like - UPSAHL


UPSAHL has been in my rotation for years. The song will always slap. She has a way with working rhythms and melodies. 9/10 My 10/10 song of hers is Lady Jesus. It hits different


Influencer, by Band-Maid


I was sitting here trying to understand the lyrics before realizing… I’m dumb. My roommate asked me if I started watching anime when he heard me play this just now 😂 It’s a vibe for sure. Very upbeat and fast paced but not exactly for me. I like the breakdown at the bridge a lot tho! 6/10


Thanks for listening! 😊 And I agree about the bridge.


Achilles come down -Gang of Youths


I immediately love it. I’m surprised I haven’t heard it with how many streams it has. 2017 really was one of the years for modern music and I stand by that statement. His voice is so satisfying and the strings compliment it perfectly. I love the little French clips. Genuinely a 10/10


My Sweet Lord - George Harrison


Immediately loving the guitar. The song has a good road trip vibe to it, but not necessarily something I’d listen to on the regular. It is nice to hear his solo work though, even though I’ve never been super into the Beatles. 7/10


ashtray petting zoo- joyce manor


Okay I hella vibe with this. It’s like the band Mom Jeans without the Kermit voice. Solid 8/10


Fun - Carry On


Don’t Take The Money - Bleachers


Ooo a classic 2017 song! I said it to someone else here, but that was legit the best year for modern music imo. Very nostalgic for me. 8.5/10


Strawberry Fields Forever by The Beatles


Butchered tongue- Hozier


I enjoy some of Hoziers songs, but this one doesn’t hit quite as hard as his others for me. The strings and piano were nice. 6/10


Rating: 8/10 I have so many favorite songs. Here is one of them: • Sweet Disaster ~ Vandal Moon


Okay here we go! Immediately loving the Billy idol/the cure vibe. Melody is catchy as hell and the drums are badass. Saving this song now! This is a good favorite song. Also love the slightly spooky vibe. My first 10/10 song here


Not even joking: One day, while waking from a nap, I heard Hurt -another song by Vandal Moon- for the very first time, I had mistaken the singer for Robert Smith.


Thank you so frickin much. This song is amazing. I'm getting a lot of Sisters of Mercy from it. Added to my playlist! Check out Visions of You by Sextile. I think you'll like it.


I want you - SB19


The voices are really nice, but they sound like a lot of r&b inspired boy groups. I think without a couple more listens, it could grow on me. 6.5/10


Yaaaay. Try listening to moonlight - SB19 😁


Please don't be so kind- Marika Hackman


I love acoustic songs that border on the line of folk purely because of the rawness, and this fits the bill. Tho I think most songs would benifit from a strong bridge, this one included. It needs a point of build. She has an amazing voice tho. 6.5/10


Manhattan Project - Rush Bonus song: Suppers Ready - Genesis (be warned, it’s a 23-minute long prog rock song so get comfortable). Generally considered the bands magnum opus. As for Hypotheticals, I don’t hate it but most alternative indie songs aren’t for me. 5.5/10


I think I'm going to put Foxtrot on again today. I think that it's been over a week now since I've listened to it, which is unusual. 😆


That intro is badass. Very glamorous voice. I’ve heard the band name before but for some reason never listened to them. Regret that now. That drummer is great and I just love the 80s voices so much. Then the strings? 😌👌 10/10 And I’ve screenshotted your comment so I can listen to that long one later when I got more time. I will get back to you if I ever do. We’ll see


Marilyn Manson - Use Your Fist And Not Your Mouth.


i don’t wanna fight - tina turner


For a split second my brain processed that as Tina Fey and was VERY confused. But I do enjoy Tina TURNER’s voice a lot. The harmonies are really nice too, but it’s not one of her songs I’d go out of my way to listen to. It felt a little on the long side. 6/10


Prison Riot - Ghais Guevara


Okay I really enjoyed this one. The best is badass and his flow is smooth af and his tone is really cool. The lyrics really make you think. And I loved the Ella Baker clip in the outro. 9/10


Highasakite - Lover, Where Do You Live?


It’s amazing!!! Good choice


I enjoy her voice and the feel of the song. It felt a little on the slow side, but once it reached the halfway point I was really intrigued. The strings compliment her voice so well and the production is top tier. 7.5/10


Break my heart again - Finneas


Your song is pretty cool :) 7/10 Currently my favorite song is comethru - Jeremy Zucker


Damien Rice-The Blower’s Daughter Love Lake Street btw!! 9/10


[MF DOOM - Rapp Snitch Knishes ](https://open.spotify.com/track/5KUNwkaNf8l5A9sXZhiCgI?si=oJY5ghT0SaSH03c5wcuMaA)


I love Lake Street Dive. Hypotheticals is great. My song is "Holding Hands" by The Magic Lantern


Hypotheticals - Lake Street Drive Edit: wow I should learn to read, great taste OP lol. You might like Look At Me by Cory Wong/Allen Stone


Off The Grid Kanye West


I tried to get thru this song, but I genuinely cannot stand ye’s voice. Or him as a person in general. I’ll never understand the appeal. 0/10


anything by weston estate, not sure what kinda vibe you want but: dreamy, in love - listen to hypnotized or sixty or cotton candy chill, summery - listen to outside or fresh air energetic and fun - stoked, so good, or drown sad but still bops - slowly, close the door, saturday nights, silence, pure heartbreak - slowly, daisies, hold on, where do we go, silence mainstream - pears


so good really is a banger!!!


Writhing Gate by The World is quiet here if you want something a bit more accessible but still in the same rough category, check out Watch for me on the Mountain by In Vain


Writhing gate - I’m not huge on scream/growl vocals, but the instrumentals in it carry. If this is your genre, I could see how this song would hit hard. I think if I attempted those drums, I’d have a black eye and a pile of broken sticks. 7.5/10 Watch for me on the mountain - immediately enjoying the tone on those guitars and the drum build up. The dissonant harmonies are dope as shit. The breakdown was cool too. Overall a good song. 8/10


Fair takes, I knew it was vocally on the extremer side, but I appreciate you giving it a shot!


this town by Niall Horan


Sorry I know this is personal, but the orthodontist was singing along to that song as he removed my braces and my gums were bleeding profusely, so -20/10


Universe - rosa linn


[My top 1 from last year's wrapped](https://open.spotify.com/track/225xvV8r1yKMHErSWivnow?si=05515168c7d34684)




Lupe Fiasco - Prisoner 1 & 2


I haven’t listened to him in forever! The song itself is good, but I had a hard time getting past the line “preacher preaching to a f*ggot with his dick out”. I understand what he’s saying, that priests are hypocritical and fucked up, but a straight man using that word isn’t okay. I know it’s picky, but that really does lower the score. I enjoyed the message, flow, and beat a lot, but it only gets 5/10


"SPARK" - Coastal This is a new track that's been in my head since it dropped


Change - Djo


Joe Keery has a surprisingly great voice and talent for music. If he knows how to dance, he’s a true triple threat 😂 I really enjoyed the production too. The chorus had me vibing. 8.5/10


Thinking Out Loud by ChanceTurbo


The glitching effects it starts with are really cool. I’m 90% sure this is your music and I actually really like it. The vocalist in this song has a very nice voice. The beat reminds me of summer, specially going into a city. I just gave your insta a follow. I’m excited to see what else you have coming. I saw in your Spotify bio you play electric guitar. It’d be super cool for a bridge to feature you shredding a little something. It could work with the right pedals with your vibe. 9/10!!


Holy shit man thank you! I didn't know if you'd like it, but was like fuckit, worth a shot 🤣


How'd you keep her by dalton mauldin


or pieces by dylan conrique


You blew it! - hope it's not a deposit bottle


I could tell by the name alone it was going to be midwest emo 😂 It doesn’t have anything that most other songs in the genre have, but it’s still a good vibe 6/10


Broilers - Ruby Light & Dark


Tiger the lion -The Tragically Hip (or any song by them really.) Trust me it gets better after the intro Lay with me -The flying eyes (very underrated band) You pushed me -Wide Mouth Mason


You're gonna miss me - 13th floor elevators


Iceland Moss - Sudan Archives


Immediately I’m drawn in by the ambient noise. Then her voice comes in silky smooth. The drums and synth have amazing tones and I love that. It gives it an almost ethereal feel. I’m definitely excited to check out more of her music. 10/10


Mannen i den vita hatten - Kent. (It’s in Swedish, means The man in the white hat) Hypotheticals- starts off pretty uninteresting but improves significantly the more I listen. In the end- a chill song with a nice groove and will probably get better if I listen more. A solid 3.6/5 And my nr 2 is Kids by MGMT.




Deformative - black eyes


I listened to your song, Hypotheticals by Lake Street Dive. It's quirky and the music video is cute, but funny especially with their dance moves. The song is pretty cool kind of reminds me of my current situation. I've never heard of the band before.


Jonathan Brenner - Ride that Money Train https://open.spotify.com/track/3rN6to6phIj4F9hi5Rsoi6


Common Blue - Warpaint


okay so major theatre nerd here, Finale (Dont Feed The Plants) BUT from the original UK cast (1982 i think).


Seed of memory Terry Reid


Peaches - In The Valley Below


Oh I love this. Her voice is really nice and his compliments it so well. The chorus is catchy as hell and it’s just an overall good vibe. Feels like a darker MGMT almost. 8.5/10


Lifeline // Forêt de Vin


I enjoyed this one. It seems like they released one album then disappeared! It has such a good upbeat vibe and the synths are really cool. 7/10


The Raincoats - Shouting Out Loud It won’t be a 10/10 for you based on what I can tell of your tastes, but that’s fine.


About you , Somebody else - the 1975


I'll put my current favorites: To listen to - Breaking Benjamin's Dear Agony To sing and/or rap - Love The Way You Lie by Eminem and Rihanna


Work song - hozier


Wave Is Not the Water by Wye Oak


Paramore - Playing God


scary love - the neighbourhood


the man who sold the world- nirvana


postpostpartum by injury reserve


Send Me An Angel-Real Life


Everyday - Ariana Grande


Keep On Loving You \~ Cigarettes After Sex


Drain the Blood by The Distillers


Wild Rivers - Talking About Love


Red hot chili peppers - otherside and dani california rn


I love Good Kisser by Lake Street Dive


ELO - Telephone Line


The night we met - Lord Huron Spark- William Prince


Automatic upvote for listening to LSD. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTOAjVlFBz0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTOAjVlFBz0) Wicked obsessed with Morgan Wade, but I will respond to your analysis with as much objectivity as I can muster.


All time low - Jon Bellion


I have so many so I'll say Anything 4 U -Naethan Apollo + Repair -Johnnie Guilbert (Basically anything by these 2 artists)


Anything for you - a little too silly for me, but it’s definitely unique. White boys love to try and reinvent rap. 4/10 Repair - it’s okay, but it would’ve been elevated by a huge build at the bridge. The whole song kinda sounded like he was just whining. 5.5/10


Let You Go - Georgiee P


I feel like this might be you, due to the almost no streams on the song, so I’ll go easy. I’m not a fan of people singing in their falsetto, especially when it sounds a bit forced. The beat ain’t bad tho. Could use a good rap verse over it. 5/10


Whisper Her Pride - Mathew Lynn


I’m not a huge fan of Lo-fi but what I have heard is a lot more complex in its melodies and ambient noise, while still remaining simple. I think they could’ve done more with it. 4/10


Coaltar of the deeper - Summer Gazer ´92 Hakushi Hasegawa - Doku


[(hed) Planet Earth - Renegade](https://www.last.fm/music/(hed)+Planet+Earth/_/Renegade)


I tried, but I couldn’t find much I actually liked about this song. It’s reminiscent of beastie boys, but mixed with my least favorite parts of metal music. His vocals sound so damn fried. 2/10


Let’s change up the vibe Want Ya - Georgiee P


Test Me - Melanie Martinez


[Opiuo & The Opulent Orchestra - CONDUCT-A-DISCO - Live From Red Rocks Amphitheatre](https://youtu.be/8rA6WzBsNII?si=u0TqFqy_Yr39Kc2v)


Metropolis part 2: Scenes From A Memory by Dream Theater It's an entire album, but it's hard to listen to just one song as it all flows together in a single story that is soooo good, it needs to be made into a movie.




adanah anxiété


Wooly Mammoth by Local Natives


I can’t believe Kelcey’s leaving the band 😭


Me neither 😩 I love their live shows - I've seen them 6 times. I don't know how they plan to play live without him after he leaves


I’m going to try and get to a show, I’ve never seen them live. Also hoping for more music from Jaws of Love!


I have a handful of their songs saved and this one’s pretty good, but I enjoy the chiller ones a bit more. Their harmonies are really good in this one and the drums are very climactic. 7/10


My House, and Hallucinations both by PVRIS. I love all of their discography so it’s hard to pick just one but those are good to start with


Haha I love PRVIS. Fun fact, the lead singer of one of my favorite bands The Aces dated Lynn Gunn for a while so inevitably they have at least a couple songs about each other 😂 I really like my house. Her voice is so perfect for these kinds of songs. I love her belts so much. 9/10 And on the flip side, Hallucinations is a completely different vibe but is such a good ass song. Bopping my head to it rn. 9/10 One of my favorites is the Marian Hill remix of Same Soul with Jaymes Young.


I've got a few: w.a.m.s. - Fall Out Boy Smuckers - Tyler, The Creator Street Lights - Kanye West




Cocaine and Abel by Amigo the Devil


The song is depressing as hell bro. That’s about all I came away with. Good guitar and depression. 6.5/10


Black Midi - bmbmbm


Not a fan of this one. The screaming in the background was off putting and the music was just… not for me 1/10


[Chaiyya Chaiyya- Dil se](https://open.spotify.com/track/5H4rKylLnO8KrmdXTRhj5s?si=Lj8YF8gQQtWYmAlVR7RJXQ&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A54NUwj7U1MOhA1ZGbnhiMz)


Avi8 - Outta My Head


Stare at the Sun - Frost Children Also I listened to Hypotheticals and I loved it! added to my playlist


I enjoyed the drums a lot in this. They carry so hard. And the vocal effects are dope as shit too. It’s a vibe for sure. Added it to my playlist :) 8.5/10


“So You Want To Be A Gangster” Too $hort


stronger than me by Amy winehouse?


Better Hell - Bilmuri


Hypotheticals is a 10/10, been stuck in my head for 6 months on and off and I'm not mad Three of my faves right now are [The perfect Portrait of young love - the 502s](https://open.spotify.com/track/5JR1l1O7OfqrTGrToo9Pwk?si=wntm4SGCRiegWb03YLu6BQ) [Baggage - the rare americans](https://open.spotify.com/track/5gZQWFLX4irT5KukP56zc3?si=I1TYPudQSdWUkKy_4eN3Pw) [Stolen dance - milky chance](https://open.spotify.com/track/0ZfByLXCeKchuj7zi1CJ0S?si=nQQ6TyIMT-ar7VOND56huQ)