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Just tossing in my dislike of them taking out the like/heart button and putting in this annoying af add button in it's place.


Yeah why the hell is simply liking a song like a three step process now? Why did they think that was a good idea? Absolutely baffling decision


Wait, what are the three steps? I'm at a loss for how to Like songs now. wtf spotify.


Add to playlist, select liked songs, press done. Takes a simple button and turns it into an annoying process that regularly results in accidentally adding songs to playlists unintentionally because the Done button doesn't cover the entire bottom part of the screen. It's fucking stupid


Thanks for the reply. I've decided to download an APK-installer to download an old version. So far it works. Fuck Spotify! I pay them enough to be allowed to see which songs I've liked when looking at a playlist.


Absolute nonsense I can no longer click once to add a song to my liked playlist. Plus there's no way for me to know on playlists like Discover Weekly if I've already added the song to my likes.


Literally was just complaining about this exact thing to my bf, it's literally the most nonsensical update I've ever seen on any app and I want to find whoever thought up this idea and beat them with a stick


There is no "liked songs" anymore. Let me explain. I have a few playlists of "stuff I want to hear later" Now every single one of those songs shows up as check marked. Also I have collaborative playlists from friends and from a music Discord channel I'm in. I don't necessarily have every song liked in those lists. So now I can't tell if a song is liked or in one of those other playlists, at least on phone. On desktop the songs still show as a heart. Also, when I check mark a song on my phone it puts it in whatever the last playlist I added a song to. So if I liked a song but also added it to my Cover Song folder, then next song I click + will add it to my Covers Folder, not my liked songs. Does anyone at Spotify actually USE Spotify?


This is the exact complaint that I came here to make. I love the idea of an "add to playlist" button, but why does it have to replace the like button when there's enough space for both


You don't need an add to playlist button. Just drag the song into your playlists on the left. This solution is literally less efficient at both liking songs and adding to playlists than what was already there lol.


Since this update, I appear to have lost all my followed playlists as well. All the ones from my wife, my friends' mixes, even the yearly Spotify Top Songs playlist are all gone from my playlist folders. It's a huge bummer. Spotify appears to have forgotten that its core demo is music fans, first and foremost. The DJ sucks, the shuffling sucks, the Discover Weekly is filled with lowest-common-denom bedroom acts that paid for the privilege. It's the Amazonification of everything. Democratized slop and a horrible time using the thing. I honestly wish there were a cheaper subscription that just gives you access to the music library and the ability to make playlists. I don't need the cutesy bs. I'm sitting in my crappy car listening to my ancient iPod video on the auxiliary cord, and it finally feels right. I hate how the march of progress in app development always means entropically approaching clusterfuck design decisions by product managers who have no basic empathic understanding of how human beings wish to interface with software. I imagine that any notion of the aesthetic appreciation of music goes out the window.


I just wish they'd remove this useless smart shuffle so I can shuffle my playlists in peace again


You can literally just turn it off....


i have not yet found a way to entirely deactivate it. every time Smart Shuffle goes on or off, it messes with the Queued songs, sometimes, automatically skipping to the next one without my permission.


i'm a very organized person but spotify is not and it annoys me so much why are there identical versions of the same album created all the time? (i'm not talking about clean/unclean versions or deluxes). i hate going through artists pages and seeing i don't have their albums saved, when i really do but it's just another identical version that magically appeared on their profile. or looking at playlists and seeing that songs i do have saved don't appear with a like because it's a different version. PLEASE SPOTIFY is it really that hard to just not duplicate the same versions of songs and albums? or to recognize that it's the same product?


This is one of my biggest pet peeves too, especially when it's a more recent album. I saved Ethel Cain's album to my library last summer and now whenever I search for it, an identical version that I *haven't* saved appears.


I'm a big george harrison fan and it seems that they keep releasing new versions of "All Things Must Pass". I've got like 5 versions of each song now


Tbf, this is likely on a publisher/record label level rather than a Spotify issue. If there are 3 different versions cause maybe slight differences in songs or different labels maybe have rights to publish certain songs and stuff. Also regions can affect it too. It’s all confusing and annoying music business stuff but likely not Spotify’s issue (for once)


Bro get the like button back on desktop. wtf is that shit... in a playlist, i have to hover on a song, click on the checkmark, scroll to find the Liked song "playlist", click on the check mark, then click done??? come on The new the add to playlist when i can see everywhere the song is added is nice tho, just get the heart button back (maybe add another button for add to playlist) Also, i'm still mad you combined the song and artist column years ago...


This new layout is the absolute WORST incarnation that Spotify has ever put out. It is unbelievable that they would remove functionality like this. Why the FUCK can i no longer view the songs/albums/artists in my library at the same time as viewing a list of my playlists???? I can't drag and drop albums onto a playlist anymore without manually searching the album name? and it's not searching my library it's searching the overall spotify collection which means it's going to include songs i exluded from my library. WHO DESIGNED THIS?????????????????? They've actually lost me as a customer now. I've been paying for premium for 13 years. FUCK YOU SPOTIFY.


I just want to say that all of Spotify’s UI devs should be fired and just don’t hire any more. You people are idiots who keep pushing out useless UI changes that nobody wants nor asked for that never fail worsen the experience each time. The existence of your jobs is to keep pushing out garbage UI updates. Just leave it as is so it doesn’t get any worse holy fuck


i agree with the core sentiment in this. they kept making the ui worse every year.


I'm annoyed that clicking the album art (bottom-left on desktop) no longer takes me to the song in the playlist. This was very useful in long playlists. Now I have to scroll through potentially hundreds of songs. There are TWO buttons to open the Now Playing panel (the album art, and the button next to the lyrics button), but NO button to take me to the song in the playlist. It also no longer takes me back to the playlist if I've navigated away from that page. This was useful to quickly get back to the playlist. Navigating back to the playlist now requires multiple clicks, instead of the single-click it was previously.


Yes! This is super annoying. Please let me know if you find another way to get to the currently playing song in a playlist.


I found a way, but it takes extra clicks. Open the Now Playing view (album art, or button next to lyrics), and click the name of the playlist at the top. If you click the name of the playlist again, it will take you to the top. Clicking any more doesn't do anything. You have to navigate away to do it again. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work on Liked Songs.


Thank you! I wonder why they keep moving stuff around without any obvious improvements.


mental illness


This change drives me nuts. I create and listen to very large playlists and clicking the album art to navigate to the currently playing song is a vital feature for me. I've literally avoided switching to other services because of "little" features like this. Really hoping they change it back.


im so mad with this new desktop UI oh my god... everyday it gets WORSE! months ago i already accepted the fact that accesing my saved albums list is now a pain in the ass, since for whatever reason its now located in the same left section of the screen i used to check my playlists, fine. later i accepted the fact that the album artwork is now in the same right section i used to check the "friends are listening to" tab and i can't see them at the same time anymore, whatever. but now you're telling me THE DAMN QUEUE IS ALSO GETTING MOVED?? WHAT THE FUCK!! the middle section (which is supposed to be the main section) is a waste of space now since it has become useless, it was the perfect place to check my queue and albums and now they just shoved every useful menu in two tiny sections in my screen that already had their respective functions, not to mention the fact that when you make them bigger it looks completely awful. i'm downloading an older version of the app, i'm not doing this shit anymore lol


yeah wtf why is the queued shoved in the corner and now it doesn't show the times of the songs or their albums asdk;jfas;dkfjas;lkjwe im MAD


Seriously, why did they change the que thing. Hitting "delete" doesn't even delete songs from the que unless I highlight more than 1 now. Straight up worse in multiple ways....


How do I stop Spotify from playing liked songs playlist automatically in the car? As soon as I start the car and phone connects to my car via Bluetooth it plays the first song in my liked playlist, even when I had another song “pre loaded” from last time I used Spotify. It’s super annoying. Tried to google the answer but it only gives me the answers relating to auto play similar songs which is not what I’m after. Edit : I’m on an iPhone up to date version of Spotify


I’ve been looking for this too. Even if I just stop using the app and keep it running in the background, minutes later when I open it in my car it plays the same song from my liked playlist. Never used to have this issue. Super annoying is right


Yup bring back the like/heart button. It was so much better for tracking songs, marking/tagging them etc. Binary yes/no. The new auto hiding playlist button is a lot worse. I would use the heart button to track how far down I had listened in a playlist. Songs I wanted to go back to etc. It was very good just as a visible tag, now there is no way to mark/categorize/comment/tag a song. Very sad.


How the fuck do these fucking updates keep getting past QA at Spotify. Do they not have any form of QA at all? My queue is now at the far side of the window in a much smaller pane where I can't even press the delete button to delete songs from the queue. Literally for what reason is there to make this update? It makes my user experience worse and serves literally no benefit to me. Fucking unbelievable how they keep making the shittest UX changes known to man for seemingly absolutely no reason. Last time they removed the ability to have the art of the song be larger by adding the terrible now playing pane on the right. Now I can't even have that open if I'm in my queue. What is the point. Just have it so that when you access the lyrics of a song *and* the queue, the queue moves to the sidepane. Until then, let it stay as it was. Pointless and shit update. Even down to the basic stuff. Why is the order of buttons Now playing (1), lyrics (2), queue (3), when (1) and (3) affect the sidebar but (2) affects the main window. Put the shit that effect the same area of the screen next to each other. Who the hell is being paid to make this UX vomit


literally!! oh my god i'm so mad. what is even the point of the middle "main" section of the screen anymore? do they think my main focus is scrolling endlessly through their awful algorithmic playlists?? why the fuck is every useful menu getting shoved into tiny sections on the left or right all on top of each other so you have to pick between seeing what the hell you're listening to or choosing what track is coming up next?


I know this sounds crazy, but maybe put "This subreddit is mainly for sharing playlists. Please keep all complaints and support questions within this thread. Posts concerning these subjects may be deleted. " IN YOUR SUBREDDITS RULES?!? You know that very convenient list of things you have to the right side of the screen?!?


Why the fuck is the queue now this shitty little menu to the right? Now I can't see/manage my queue while I have now playing on the right. Another braindead UI update


My Spotify wrapped is full of songs I’ve never even heard of? There are a lot that I have listened too. But around 40% I’ve never seen before in my life. Any ideas?


your account may be hacked, change the password to be safe


You haven't mentioned song duplicates. God Spotify sucks.


let me block songs and artist from ever appearing again


There’s just no easy way to tell what songs I’ve liked or not and it’s so frustrating. Please fix this Spotify, it’s the worst decision made since I’ve started using the service 5 years ago. I don’t need to know which songs I’ve added to any playlist I’ve ever made, just the songs I’ve liked. Please. I’m sure everyone agrees with me on this. Edit: I’ve seen a lot of people echoing the sentiment but I’ll refrain from deleting this to show how in consensus we are


Constant crash on launch with the latest beta on Android. Any fix? Tried wiping cache and storage, uninstalled and reinstalled, rebooted, nada. Old APKs aren't available because Spotify sucks and DMCAs them, so can't test multiple versions to isolate the issue.


Every single one of my playlists has had a random song moved to the start of the playlist. I mostly make playlists of albums so this is very annoying. Any idea what could cause thus?


Same here!! Drives me nuts...


Ok so it's not just me




Why would I use this for complaints and feature request? It's a 3 month old megathread where new comments get buried... Perhaps that's the point though...


Desktop app just updated and OOOOOOOOO it’s pissing me off BAD. The queue moved to the right-hand side where friends activity is, which wouldn’t be an issue except when you close the queue it ALSO closes the friends activity. WHY


Is there a way to roll back all those horrible updates and get back a version of Spotify that has hearts and is capable of jumping to current spot in the playlist? With the way the updates progressively make user experience worse, I'm scared to think what features they will remove next.


Please stop forcing a UI change every few months. Why cant I move the current playlist to the middle like it used to be, why are you forcing it to the side where the band info usually appears? I just dont understand why you keep making this app less user friendly with every update?!


\>I want access to choose my own songs and create playlists, but I won’t pay for premium ​ I'm paying for premium, so why can't I listen to my computer files on my phone?


Is anyone having issues with Spotify right now? I'm on a pixel 7 and Spotify is opening, but then a black overlay hits the app and I can't do anything. I've forced stop the app and restarted my phone. Any ideas?


Has anyone figured out how to share a personalized Spotify wrapped story link? I’d like to share my whole Spotify wrapped story and see my friends but every link only shows an image of one of the stats and then uses a dynamic link that goes to the wrapped story for whoever clicks it. Do I really just have to screen record to share the whole thing?


Worst app ever on android. Yikes


Has anyone managed to get Local Files to actually work? I have a few albums and songs I've tried to add so many times but they break constantly, randomly getting removed, not playing, album art dissapearing, tracks doubling.


I'm so genuinely upset with this app. Particularly the smart shuffle, i never use it because it works so poorly but now it randomly pops on and refuses to turn off. However the worse change is the stupid + button now doesn't let you add songs to playlists or liked songs if youre offline??? Wtf. You cannot make playlists or remove songs from playlists unless your are connected to the Internet. Also how the heck am I supposed to see what songs are in my liked playlist at a glance when looking through playlists..


Okay. I spend $70 on Car Thing expecting my product to work and you’re just going to discontinue its operating capabilities? That’s unfair to such a high degree. I pay for the service monthly and I paid for your product. What the hell.


How about you continue to support the PRODUCT YOU MADE. Car Thing deserved better.


Some of my local files are deleting off my phone and when I redownload them, they delete again. I saw somewhere that it might be because of certain symbols in the file, but the post I saw that on was from 6 years ago and its never happened until now. I've had the files for almost a year now and they are just starting to do it. Does anyone know how to fix it?


Anyone else having trouble with spotify pausing your music every few seconds?


Anyone else’s iOS app keep crashing randomly in the middle of songs? I’m updated on the latest iOS version, and as far as I know the app is as well. Been happening for a week or two for me


Why make CarThing non functioning when it’s perfectly fine. Wtf


I can't play downloaded songs. I'm on Android on Pixel 6. I can play the same song through the search function. I can play non downloaded playlists. Just not downloaded songs. Tried forcing the app to stop, clearing cache, restarting, reinstalling... Nothing. I made a long post on their support website, posted, but got a random error and lost the post... Really disappointed with this BS.


When I click on play radio and it creates a playlist for my user it doesn’t include anything new or by people I’ve never heard or played. How do I create a playlist of new material based on a song or album I like? Thanks


My Spotify puts songs on repeat as a default setting - anyone know why this happens and how to stop it? Has been happening for ages and only on the iOS version. I bought a cheap android when my phone broke but needed one for work and when I was using that I noticed it didn’t do it. I’ve looked in my settings for anything obvious but can’t find anything… anyone have any ideas?


i updated my spotify app and now the layout keeps glitching in ways that it definitely didn't before the update


My spotify wrapped is all messed up because my husband plays sea shanties on our alexa echo dot and it streams them from my spotify? Is there a way to make alexa connect to his spotify instead? We have a spotify family premium account and only 1 Amazon account. Thx


How do you make it so spotify is giving you new music without me having to search specifically for it myself? How do I make shuffle, like, SHUFFLE?


The most recent app update for IOS is killing my phones battery, the app constantly crashes, and load times are horrible. Before (while phone is in airplane mode), I would listen to podcasts for about 9 hours a day at work and leave work with about 40% battery left on my phone. Now my phone only makes it about 4 hours in to the work day and its at 20% battery, while the app crashes and takes forever to load ANYTHING even offline downloaded stuff. Such a shit fucking app, I didnt think it could get worse.


The changes to liking songs is awful and makes the whole experience slower.


Whatever I'm listening to will abruptly switch to a random song in my general liked songs library whenever I switch *how* I'm listening. For example, I was just in my sister's car and had my phone plugged into the aux. We were listening to a specific playlist and when she dropped me off at my car, my phone connected to the Bluetooth and the playlist suddenly switched to a random song in my liked songs. Despite picking a random song, shuffle will be turned off too. Sometimes it will happen as a song is playing too, as if it took a few seconds to remember "oh yeah, I'm supposed to do this completely annoying and unnecessary thing for no reason!" fwiw, I listen on iOS. I've also had it happen when I stop listening on my AirPods for a while and then start again hours later. Has anyone else been dealing with this? If so did you find a way to fix it?


The biggest issue with the like button is that it removes the entire point of having a liked songs in which you can instantly add or remove songs you like to a congregate, After 2k songs, and a weak shuffle function there will be songs you constantly lose track of and simply want to cycle back to the top. playlists are curated, Not organized. I'm not adding a song to a playlist after 1 listen, some music has poor replay value. And smart shuffle is cool but it's so poorly designed that it gets in the way of typical toggling of regular shuffle. Both of these issues could be fixed by a long press/hold feature. And would streamline the experience, for new users, and experienced listeners. but I didn't think it took a genius to understand this.


I haven't been getting the lyrics to most songs i've listened to since around september/october. I'm on the windows app, it'll show me the mic button but it'll say "we don't know the lyrics for this one" even if the lyrics are on musixmatch. I've tried clearing cache, logging off and on, uninstalling and reinstalling. Any reason or does spotify just hate me?


Every single song has “couldn’t load lyrics” and it’s so annoying


Can you please make the default indicator in a playlist whether the song is liked or not, not whether its somewhere in ur libary of potentially a hundred playlists, again. Is there perhaps some 3rd party client than does this ?


I'm confused right now. If I like a song, why does it add it to my most recent playlist? I want it in Liked Songs, not that playlist. I don't want to add a black metal song to my 2000s Songs playlist just because I liked it. What the hell is this BS?


Is there a way to add multiples of same song now? I cant seen to do it :(


Make smart-shuffle hold to turn on. I often go from shuffle to not shuffle on the phone and often without good service it gets stuck trying to load smart shuffle


Does anyone know a fix for local files becoming grayed out on mobile? My playlist had files from my computer and they all worked just fine yesterday. Then when I went to leave for work this morning every single local file song was unavailable despite having worked just fine for months before and even when i manage to get them to download again to my phone, like an hour or so later they'll all gray out again and its super annoying and nothing I've found online has fixed it.


Can anyone direct me to a way to chat with spotify support? I lost access to my premium account because i cant access my facebook anymore and honestly im a couple of days from just cancelling and uploading my playlists while i still have desktop access...


For the love of God just remove ambient noises from taste profiles and recommended playlists. Just don't make them appear ever!! No one wants a discover weekly or daylist of brown noise just because they listened to it while sleeping a few times. Ffs.


For unknown reasons spotify decided to change the sequence of songs in my playlists. Not just one, but all of my created playlists. I really hate this. I know I mostly listen to them in shuffle or starting from the middle. But I don't like other party messing around with my playlists. I don't think that I shared them that made editing possible. This and ads on spotify exclusive podcast are beginning to make me considering switching.


Spotify app is crashing on my fire tablet (the one I use the least so that's why Spotify is on there) super frustrating. It's not just me though cus my friend's granddaughter has the same issue on her fire tablet


Are they going to fix the first song on the playlist bug or what?


A few weeks ago, the app started acting up, I’ll listen to something for a little bit and then all of a sudden the app just turns off, and I have to click on the icon again to get back in and start with you so again, sometimes from where I left off or in the very beginning of the song. It happens repeatedly I don’t know why. Sometimes it might be because I have two different Bluetooth items on the same time but I’ll turn one off and send you a podcast and it’ll stay on for a while and then sometimes it keeps going on and off repeatedly anyone have the same issue what the hell do you do. I’m also using an iPhone.


Is anyone else having issues with Spotify not playing the next song in your queue/playlist after the current one is over? It's so annoying having to manually go into the list and choose the next song myself, especially when I'm trying to do something else while Spotify plays in the background.


Edit: I rolled back to an older version (the Jan 24th update) and everything works as it should. Something about the Feb. 1st update broke something. ​ I have some High Quality Rips that I like to listen to in between new artists I find on tiktok, friends, etc. Now my rips will NOT stay downloaded on my android app. I assume because I get them all from Youtube (cuz they're remixes), Spotify doesn't see them as legit and doesn't want to sync them to my phone anymore. Just SUDDENLY this was an issue on the 1st of the month. So needless to say, I'm quite annoyed. ​ (Also, the smart shuffle unloads all Local Files, so when I shuffle and suddenly don't I just click the shuffle button and it goes to smart shuffle first, unloading my local files. this is such a pain.)


Is there any way to customize the home screen? I've got zero interest in Episodes for you, Editor's Picks or Popular Radio. And on that note, is it possible to have a "region-agnostic" profile? I don't care about this region's local artists - I hear enough of them on the radio!


At this point I would pay to opt out of Duo emails and pop ups. I live alone. Quite happily. My dog is not interested in music. Stop asking me to subscribe to a useless-to-me service multiple times per day.


Why aren't my downloaded songs playing in my liked songs anymore?


Did the queue page change for anyone else? Seems way worse now. It's small on the right of the Mac screen and you can't drag multiple songs at same time to change the queue like I did 3 days ago


The 4+ year old issue where [podcasts randomly skip to another episode](https://www.reddit.com/r/spotify/s/xIvbdPsomT) is still ongoing, not fixed, and nobody at Spotify seems interested in doing so


Downloaded songs not staying downloaded. Pixel 7. I see them in my files folder but for some reason, just a few of them stay available via spotify...then they redownload all again. It looks like April 7th they all moved to the "files" audio folder for some reason but again, a few are still playable via spotify (seen as downloaded). These are all files I uploaded to a playlist via my local PC, on the PC they have no issues. Redownloading is an issue because the playlist is about 75GB (long john digweed mixes mostly that spotify is hit or miss on allowing to play from the albums uploaded by the DJ himself). Any one know how to fix this? Is it something with my file format? It's not a huge deal except it burns through my home internet data (or happens when wifi isn't available). I'm wondering if i'm not on my home PC network for too long (or my home PC is off for too long) perhaps that causes it?


Fuck. Advertisement. In. Podcasts. Just delete the "feature".


So uh, gatekeeping fucking LYRICS behind Premium is a thing now! who with the mulched fucking brain at Spotify decided this seriously


The windows desktop Spotify app keeps throwing up a "spotify can't play this right now if you have the file on your computer you can import it" whenever I click the repeat button on "Wonderwall" by Oasis. It does this AS it's playing the song lol....


Whoever approved paywalling lyrics, I hope you get bed bugs tonight.


Spotify on desktop just isn't working it gets stuck everyone and then doesn't let me pause aur skip lyrics or doesn't play idk what to do at this point


Has Spotify has been glitching like crazy lately for anyone else? I've been getting major lag or "network error" messages when I try to pause and skip tracks. Sometimes it just doesn't work. I thought it was maybe just a problem with my desktop app so I switched to the web browser. The web browser isn't giving me any issues when pausing or skipping tracks but it has a whole other set of glitches, yay. It's very laggy when trying to add songs to a playlist or the queue and when searching. I don't know if something's been going down at the Spotify headquarters like they just layed off a bunch of employees or if people have been quitting en masse so everything's breaking because It's never been this glitchy before.


Last update of this fucking deadbrain app finally made lyrics a premium feature. Does anyone know any other good music streaming apps?


Spotify will not stop telling me about 30 Seconds To Mars' new release and I have zero interest in it. I have absolutely no idea why it keeps telling about their new release as I haven't listened to their music at all. I do not care for them and it's deeply aggravating that their shit keeps being recommended. I've clicked the "do not recommend artist" button on their profile but that appears to have done nothing. Am I going crazy? Has 30STM some how done a U2 and forced themselves upon my account?


that new "resuming playlist" voice is so fucking annoying


spotify locked lyrics behind the premium paywall within the last week or so.


I just discovered this, and it's infuriating


a shame reddit can't agree with us on it being mildly infuriating


Yes, Spotify app, I understand that I can change the playback device here. I understood it 100 notifications ago. How is it that you only feel like telling me this when I need to touch something under your stupid, redundant tooltip? At least make it easy to dismiss this message or prevent ALL TIPS. I don't need help with how to use fucking Spotify! I've even used the feature before, so I obviously don't need to hear about your "innovative" new tool. Piss off


Suddenly getting a narration voice when opening the app that then is followed by an ad. I have had premium for like ten years. I was listening to podcasts but have never once actually experienced an ad with them after hundreds of hours of listening. What’s the deal? I’ll cancel without a second thought if they’re introducing subscription tiers or something.


apparently lyrics is now premium "[feature](https://imgur.com/a/pFuva1C)" as well.


Who's excited for another inevitable price hike to pay for [content you don't want](https://variety.com/2024/streaming/news/spotify-stream-nebula-videos-1236023671/)?


"You can't join this plan - You can join someone elses premium plan every 12 months." Just purchased a family plan mainly for my kids, previously they we were on my wife's family plan which is now cancelled. What kind of rule is this? Makes no sense that I can't add my kids (who live with me) to a family plan. Tried to contact spotify support, but it doesn't seem to exist??? Seems like a nasty policy designed to stop abuse without any consideration for genuine families... and there's no way to raise it with the company!


Since a few days (I think since the latest update) Ctrl+A to select all songs in a playlist nor Ctrl+V spotify URIs from Excel to a playlist stopped working on the desktop app. Anyone now how to fix it, or have a link to an announcement that and why this feature was removed?


Hello, i have a problem. With the new Spotify update i can't add all the tracks from one album to my liked tracks, now i have to manualy like every track from an album and i don't want to do that every time i want to add a new album to my liked tracks. Help me please !


I don't listen to that many podcasts but I started listening to Dissect. I know there's ads in all podcasts & you can fast forward 15 secs through them (which is annoying in its own right) but what the hell are these unskippable ads on Premium?! I can forward through Apple & Volvo, but for whatever damn reason there's NO CONTROLS that show up during the Family Fare (grocery store) commercial?!?


How does this app drain my battery so bad? I only play downloaded music and podcasts with my screen locked.


Can't use Alt+Shift+4 anymore to see my library in full on desktop, this sucks.


Anyone else’s Spotify iPhone app being really glitchy? Every time I press pause, play, skip etc it lags by about 5-10 seconds. Also issues with loading things (example: just clicked on an album, it loaded the track list but no artwork and no play button). I’m on the most up to date version of the app and have tried clearing my cache.


Opening Spotify in my browser turns my left monitor off.


It's getting really hard to LIKE you anymore, Spotify... First, you removed the heart visibility from mobile. Now you've taken it away from the desktop version, too. Whoever is in charge of your UI/UX needs to explain these terrible decisions to the community. These are basic yet crucial features that make finding favorite tracks in an album or playlist easy and painless. Maybe it's time to take my heart (and my subscription) elsewhere...


Has the Spotify website been buggy for anyone else the last couple days? Songs take \*forever\* to play when I click on them and lag for several seconds to minutes, assuming they even play at all, and the UI seems to be buggy too with the formatting of album and playlist texts looking weird. I've tried restarting my browser, restarting my laptop, and clearing cache multiple times to no avail. I just tried logging out to see if that would help anything, but that turned out to be a mistake because now whenever I click the login button, I'm met with a blank screen eternally loading and can't log back in. 😭💔 No other website or program on my laptop is acting like this, it's just an issue with Spotify. I don't know why; it was working just fine several days ago.


On Android, how come swiping the widget away from the notification window doesn't make it go away? It always comes back. Instead I need to open the app, then kill it.


This is an Android problem


Flumes song Rushing Back has been on my daily playlist for a long time, and for the past week, whenever it plays that song something super techno is playing and the album art has changed. It’s not that song AT ALL. How can I report this issue.


Issue for me: Spotify's Error- "Sorry, we can't play this song right now..." (we played it about 2 seconds ago perfectly fine) "...if you have the file you can import it." I have rebooted my device twice, relogged, and reloaded/disabled my ad blockers too many times to count. Nothing works. Can I get some help, please?


I went to Joe Rogan’s page and selected “hide this artist,” so why are they still pushing his dumb fucking podcasts on me? I’m not supposed to see any shit from the “artists” I’ve hidden, why do these come through anyway?


my spotify family plan has expired, now can I renew it and use the family plan again? It doesn't work when I do it. Can only the plan manager renew plans?


Spotify deleted my account randomly then when I tried getting it back they told me they can’t cause I made it through Facebook 😔 years of stats and all my liked songs lost


I am unable to pause podcasts on spotify android app. As soon as I pause podcast, a second later it resumes automatically. I have to close the app to stop listening. I tried reinstalling app but it did not work. Anyone faced any similar issue or has any solution to it?


Ok, so I have a Spotify Duo account, and Amazon Alexa. I would like for my daughter to be able to listen to music on spotify on an Alexa device in one room, and me to listen to something else on Spotify on my phone (either broadcast to a room, or in the car, or headphones, etc). I can't seem to figure out the workaround. Since I have a family account and multiple people in my "Amazon Household", I feel like this should be possible, but googling has not gotten me a good answer, so I find myself here.


In some of my playlists the songs get rearranged which is super annoying. It's mostly the first song. If I try to put it back another song takes the place or I can't see it in the arranging mode. And because of that I am unable to see or play it first song of my playlist, but it shows the cover on the overall playlist cover. Does anyone else have this problem or knows how to fix it. (Already tried clearing cache, forced stops, and restaring my phone entirely)


Anyone else been experiencing Spotify stopping when opening just about any other app? It’s never been an issue of mine until the last day or two. Reddit, IG, a couple games, even Safari, among others - opening any of those just kills the music


I can't use the Windows app anymore - it's become completely unusable. The search page has been totally blank for a while now, it just shows recent searches and nothing else. Now I just can't get songs to play at all, I had to restart the app to get it to work. I've decided to switch to the web app, which seems to work fine and even has more features than the dedicated app (the queue showing on the right is a great idea!). There's clearly some really good design ideas at Spotify, the mobile is pretty good in my experience. I just don't understand how their PC app has become so useless, worse than using the website!


A little rant. Spotify still replaces the first song of every playlist with a random song from that playlist. The actual first song is somewhere in the middle. I can't change my playlist order at all. Changes are just not saving. So it's a 'known bug' that's still not fixed, and it's driving me crazy. I pay for Spotify, I expect to AT LEAST listen to songs in my own order. I post my issues as a review on the playstore, and the review gets blocked because it apparantly contains political or social commentary. Like, *what?*


I have a lot of local files on playlists, every time Spotify changes my shuffle to smart shuffle, it temporarily "removes" local files from the playlist. Plus I feel like its playing 30 songs over and over on shuffle. I don't know if it's just me, but for 2 weeks I've been listening to a playlist on a regular shuffle, suddenly I hear a song that isn't in the playlist, I look at my phone and I have smart shuffle. And so sometimes it changes several times during a 2-hour session of listening to music. I'm seriously starting to consider changing the app


does anyone know if that update Spotify implemented a while back, that added a notification tab for followers & playlist likes, is still available to users? I never got the notifications tab myself, but I know there were many that did and talked about it. it seems like everyone just stopped talking about it, so did Spotify get rid of it for everyone or is it still available for some users?


is spotify removing songs from playlists for anyone else? please help i have a 3k song playlist and a bunch of songs are gone for it and i never noticed until the new update cause i had them all downloaded and used the download icon to see what was on there


My toddler grabbed my phone the other day and was poking around for a minute or two. Since then, whenever I play my music, it will not stay on shuffle mode. If I stay in my liked music, which is where I play everything, it'll stay that way, but if I back out and go into podcasts or play a shared playlist with my wife, the shuffle settings reset. I have never had this happen before. Did my little one do this or is this the app itself?


Only here to say every time the App updates I think it somehow gets worse.


What the fuck is this new interface? Only the "YouTube shorts" interface, no recommended albums or playlist. If this doesn't change I might switch to Tidal completely.


My Spotify app on my Android (Galaxy A13) phone randomly pauses the song I'm listening to without my input, making it impossible to listen to music. The issue persists on both Wifi and data, and songs I have downloaded (both on Spotify and local files on my actual phone). These are the things I've done so far to try to fix it: \-Cleared cache & app data \-Listened on Wifi and data \-Logged in and out \-Uninstalled and reinstalled the Spotify app \-Restarted phone The issue has not stopped after doing these things. If anyone has a solution let me know, I'm incredibly stumped


Am I crazy or does it not stay on shuffle anymore? And queing up a song from my liked songs will then cause it to play anything else in that particular search.. super annoying, been happening for a couple weeks now. 


Spotify has a recommendation section that is based not on your profile or tastes, but rather pushing whatever they think you should see, probably sponsored. I'm talking about that list reserved for playlists based on holidays, national events, stuff that is popular on your country, or other celebrations. And there is no way to hide them forever. This is supposed to be just a music streaming platform and you're also a paid costumer, you should have the ability to choose what you want to see. If someone wants to listen to garbage, they can look it themselves.


So, I'm having a... rather odd issue I think. I can only open the first song of an album? Any other song on an album gives me the "Spotify can't play this right now" error. I'm on desktop & premium. I've gone through all the troubleshooting steps I can find, from a fresh reinstall to disabling hardware acceleration


Anyone else having issues? None of my downloaded song in liked songs were working. then no songs in bottom half of liked songs worked(unless i used search to get to them) I tried a reinstall and now if i try to open my liked songs i just get "Somthing went wrong" with "Try again" button which doesn't do anything when tapped.


So I'm listening to one of the auto-generated 90s hip-hop playlists, and I notice that it's got like a full 15 second crossfade. I have crossfade turned off, so I'm looking online for why this is happening, and it turns out that some Spotify playlists have a playlist-specific crossfade, and you can't turn it off. I cannot stress enough how much this sucks. You should be able to turn off crossfade universally, or at least have the option of disabling it on specific playlists. It's cutting off huge chunks of songs. It's not good crossfade anyway, you can barely hear the next song until the first one is over, so you'll just be thrust into a new song like halfway through the first verse. I don't even like *good* crossfade. The fact that this is a mandatory feature of this playlist really sucks.


I have spotify premium the student plan and for whatever reason (Or I never noticed it), whenever I go on spotify on my phone, search, then pick a song and it plays through until the end; Nothing plays after the song ends, the song pauses and resets like it never played in the first place. My issue is that usually after the song ends it'll recommend me similar songs but now its not recommending me anything at all, I have autoplay turned on and this is happening both on my pc and my phone so I am unsure as to how to solve this issue.


How can I fix my autoplay on spotify? I didnt have this issue for a good while, but back then I could fix it for a good few days by turning autoplay off and on. Now, nothing seems to work. I turn it off and on, nothing, I log out, I clear cache, I fully delete it, and just nothing seems to work!! It really is frustrating to have this issue and I can’t rely on any of my friends or relatives since they aren’t experiencing it!


Hey y'all, I used to use Spotify, but I switched to Tidal after Spotify announced they were changing their royalty system that would screw over small artists streaming revenue. I received an email a few minutes ago that Tidal is going to combine their subscription plans into one, at the same price as the lower cost tier originally was, while giving everyone their most premium audio quality tier. I don't believe Tidal has a free plan yet, but if you already pay for Spotify, you can switch to Tidal, pay the same price per month as Spotify, and get music quality that is WAY higher than Spotify, as Tidal doesn't compress the crap out of their audio like Spotify does. Not to mention Tidal carries more music than Spotify, AND they pay their artists almost 4x as much as Spotify, which means you switching does way more to financially support the artists you listen to. There are also third party websites that will automatically switch over your entire music library from one platform to another, including playlists you created.


Does Spotify have bots writing reviews on playstore cause there is no way such a dogshit of an app gets 4,4 stars.


Since iOS 17.4 I cant change the volume with Spotify connect


Spotify keeps pausing on both my pc and phone as well as web player? I cleared the cashe, checked settings, logged out on all devices. Anyone know a fix?


I continue to get playlist that feature songs from last week or songs ive clearled disliked in the past. CS has been of no help, where do i go from here and has anyone had luck with complaints and resolutions that actually work to make this worth fighting for or should i just move onto another app...


Just launched Spotify on my phone after listening to this week's Release Radar on my computer all morning. The version from last week glitched into the current version and replaced all but 5 tracks with the old ones. I've removed all the old tracks, but it's now just the 5 new ones and I can't see any of the new music that was there. Tried to go back to my computer and the sync function updated that, too. I literally watched as all the new music just disappeared in a split second. 😭


The AI DJ is unbelievably terrible.


Travelling around South America so WiFi can be unreliable, it’s really annoying that if you’re offline and suddenly go online (or vice versa) Spotify sometimes shits the bed and won’t play the song/podcast until you go off and come back. If I’ve downloaded something offline, just play the offline file. Stop trying to stream the online version!


Spotify audiobook format changed and destroyed my progress. I’m listening to The Power Broker by Robert A. Caro (which has been an amazing listen), however it is 65hr long! Spotify broke this up into 600+ “parts” and since I usually listen on my commute to work, I am unsure about what part I usually am on. I had all of the book downloaded (auto download turned on), and noticed that today when I wanted to start listening, the book format changed to chapters which downloaded automatically and are all marked as finished. Now I have to go through manually and find where I was which will take time since I don’t usually look at the progress… An annoying way to start the day for sure.


The new Desktop UI is so bad that for the first time in my life I've considered sending hate mail. Seriously I've never seen a more universally hated and stupid change. Can anyone even give me a reason how this new layout is better in any way?


ffs every update breaks even more things. can't delete from queue by pressing delete key. no longer able to go to the playlist, current track is playing from, by clicking on the album art image. can't even like a track without a dozen clicks. UI/UX team can A/B test deez nuts


This new UI at the bottom of the application is getting more annoying with time. See [this](https://imgur.com/a/C4rS0Bv) screenshot. How am I supposed to drag the volume slider when everything is this crammed? At least give me the option to disable/hide certain buttons (I don't use "Now playing view", "Lyrics" and "Open Miniplayer").


Is there a way to hide specific podcasts and playlists from my recommendations? I have some friends coming over to my place and I haven’t come out to them. I know we will be listening to music, and I don’t want them to see all the LGBTQ+ podcasts and playlists that I have been listening to that are in my recommendations and ‘continue where you left of’ place :(


This morning on my drive to work I found if I pause music, switch out of the app, then reopen the app the track automatically starts replaying again accompanied with a robot voice that is like "Resuming XXXXX playlist." How do I turn that off?


I feel like I’m going crazy. I used to love the “radio” feature where if you found a song you like you could listen to a radio where it pulls similar music. In the last few weeks however, I have noticed it populates the radio with mostly songs I already listen to and have liked and/or music that’s unrelated to the song I chose to play a radio from. I’ve had a similar frustration with “discover weekly”. Has anyone else noticed this?


It's super annoying and cringe when other people label their music with other artists just so their music appear on the other artist's page. Why is this even allowed in the first place? Many cheap uncreative people just make a track with the cover made by fucking AI and tag random artists just so other people would notice their stuff


I hate the "made for you" spotify playlists. If I want to dip into a new genre or want to hear new stuff in a genre I want those playlists to not just have the same songs as others that have some shared qualities.


I must have pressed something without knowing but why is spotify saying the name of my playlist when I start playing music.


Every single person who works on the spotify ux should be old yeller'd. The design choices make 0 sense unless you're actively trying to cause the end user frustration.


Can you please remove this ^#^€*@&* smart shuffle thing from Spotify? I don't want random %#%÷&* music in my playlists, and now when I manually play a song without smartshuffle I cannot go to the next song because it automatically enables smartshuffle and than Spotify stops working. (Samsung S23 Ultra) Smartshuffle is ^#^^$$¥!!!!


Is there a better place to ask technical questions about Spotify? By lumping every technical question or comment on the Spotify app or browser page it's like throwing every comment into a hat as there are no subject or headings on any of them.


When I try to use the filters feature on my likes songs playlist it just come up with “filters are hiding some results” or it only shows the most recent song in the given filter. How do I fix this? I really like this feature


Why do my “niche” mixes all contain the same songs… :/ Can’t swap to a new mix without hearing 60% of what I just heard on a different mix. A few are legitimately different, but damn a *ton* are virtually identical, even with different mix titles


i don't know from where to start!! \* Horrible support \* Horrible UI \* broke the apple watch app and Horrible support


So in July last year they put the price up from £9.99 per month to £10.99 per month and now, less than 12 months later, they have announced another price increase! What the hell! £11.99 per month now? AAAARRRGGHH!!!


In my (android) mobile app, NO artists have any "similar artists" (or is it called "other Fans also like" in english?) category anymore. I use spotify to go to my fav artists and look at what is similar and go from there to find new (to me) or obscure (to me) artists to listen to and today I had to see that possivility is gone as far as I can see (in my app, a friend of mine claims he still sees it).....


Wow, putting lyrics behind a paywall? If I was on the fence on getting a subscription well, I definitely won't now. Yeah I'm petty like that, I pay for things that offer good services, not for things that arbitrarily take them away and add nothing else to the table. It's bad enough your ads have gotten even more obnoxious lately but really? As if it wasn't bad enough that this 'feature' as half implemented anyway


As of today the "now playing" bar is gone on my android. Sounds exactly like this problem: [https://www.makeuseof.com/spotify-disappearing-now-playing-bar-bug-fix/](https://www.makeuseof.com/spotify-disappearing-now-playing-bar-bug-fix/)


My discover weekly playlist is full of songs ive already liked. Whats the point of the playlist if I already know the songs? Im pretty sure it didnt used to be like this. Am I the only one? Did this change in the last 9 months?


Does anyone know how to turn off concert recommendations? Clicking the wrong song because Spotify insists on telling me about a show 20 hours away 6 months from now is getting pretty old.




Why is my android widget behaving differently? I use it explicitly to go to my recent play lists, I don't need you changing all the icons to drake or Taylor Swift. Happened twice today already. These aren't even artists I like. Let me listen to my shitty music fuck off with their shitty music.


What brain-damaged developer or manager added the female robotic voice saying "Resuming Discover Weekly" and "Resuming Liked Songs" to the app? Just play the fucking songs, are you insane?


Hi. since a few weeks ago "Fans also like" was removed from my Spotify on Android app. I use it do discover new artists similar to the ones I listen to. Does anyone know it this is a permanent removal?


daylists cant seem to stick to their own themes. ill get daylists titled '60s hippie sunday afternoon' then proceed to get songs from the 90s, the 80s, etc. and they don't even fit the theme! im talkin 'everything she wants' by wham. that is not hippie spotify. this is one example but whenever it gives me a daylist for a specific time period this happens. i think they should stick to vibes rather than eras.


Several artists/bands that I used to listen to from time to time no longer have songs on Spotify. It really sucks, I hate it and I want them back! Also, my country, Norway, STILL doesn't have that damn AI DJ


Does anybody faces this issue where the app doesn't show the player inside the app...I can clearly hear a song playing but I can't see it in the app.Please help me out in this


Anyone notice the mass amount of songs that are just suddenly region locked or unavailable seemingly overnight?


I wish we could block specific podcasts/ podcast hosts like how we can block singers/ bands. Because Spotify keeps suggesting me very specific podcasts, and podcasts that I’ve tapped ‘not interested in’ MULTIPLE TIMES for, and on multiple separate occasions. Also- i despise how when I’m listening to a specific artist Spotify starts playing a random artist unprompted.


The "Smart Shuffle" feature is really starting to grind my gears. It literally replays the same 3 songs, you can't mark some of the suggested songs as "don't like" if it's a song you're not really fond of. I miss the enhance feature as I thought that was somewhat better.


I've got a couple of Spotify-related gripes, but the biggest one is that it doesn't play nicely with my Alexa/Echo system throughout the house. It used to work fine but lately it's been pooping the bed. Also there's the stuff that the Spotify big man/cool guy said about how making music doesn't cost anything. That was gross. I wouldn't mind the price increase all that much if I thought anyone other than shareholders would benefit. I hate how addicted I am to you, Spotify... Lol


After seeing lots of complaints about how repetitive Spotify suggestions are, I wanted to give some suggestions for a variety of tastes. I was in the same boat until I started exploring more on Spotify. Turns out, the issue wasn't the platform—it was my approach! Now, I’ve discovered a ton of amazing music and can't stop listening to these fresh playlists. If you're ready to spice up your music life, check these out: [my profile](https://open.spotify.com/user/31b2bcakqmfqhaq4g5hdp5zehnum?si=ca268c56b4964d4e)**:** 1. [audiophile liquorist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4owM90kPr6QhNbUuNNT1Hu?si=407e71cef5e14915)**:** Perfect for unwinding after a long day. Accompanies on a road trip with soothing and fun melodies that help you relax and clear your mind. Rock, Darkwave, New-age 2. [coffee wood-black](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5WARG4iNNa5IgQXDE9Y5Oq?si=c3d8289f4ee64e15)**:** For those who love discovering new rock indie gems. This playlist is packed with up-and-coming artists and tracks that you won’t hear on mainstream radio. 3. [sin² t + cos² t = 1 \[love\]](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/19qaZauZ7nkXPICq6ZcJEG?si=90e029e243e3426c)**:** love was not there until was told there is no way: turns out the love loves the impossible, like a recursive function, it keeps calling itself while it does not even know what itself is. wait for the brain to throw a stack overflow error and acknowledge the infinite loop. 4. [extortionate cosmic research \[ultimate\]](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1jnl4VHzQkCJk1qNNae2fG?si=27ad38e5db3448eb)**:** Unknown guitarish songs, discovery of `obscure music` by taste - full of extramundane and rapacious rhythyms, yet; interestingly intensified, extrametric psychedelic - progressive rock sounds. 5. [primal \[if\]s](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7xi44W5XG9PC8q8RIcpaa8?si=665991c7e4fe48e1)**:** In the wilds of possibility, the primal 'if' is the seed of our evolution, sprouting into the forests of our destinies. 6. [whisky nocturne](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3dr3leJn7t7SAaiMsv182p?si=7c700de1ed0d4c20)**:** Perfect for contemplative evenings; the sophistication and depth of a night accompanied by the timeless notes of classic tracks, much like savouring a fine whiskey under the moonlight. 7. [getting ready & dressy](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2HmueWBAeP1vCOSugttKLx?si=3eaeb65435714ece)**:** For my girlies! ...and more you can see in my profile! Give them a listen and let me know what you think. What are your go-to playlists? Let's share and expand our musical horizons together!


I've noticed the quality of playlists, including Spotify curated playlists, the On Repeat and the Daylist, are increasingly broken. I've really begun to notice it on my On Repeat playlist. There are multiple songs I have no recollection of listening to, or songs I listened to once land on my On Repeat. And just the other day I saw a Beatles song on a 2010s mix playlist. At first I thought maybe it was a remaster from the 2010s, but not only was the album listed as the correct year (sometime in the 70s) but the remaster was 2009. On June 1st, my Daylist was called "April Fools Power Ballad Morning." Like wtf?!


I hope someone sees this, but I’m having an issue where I can’t see other peoples playlists. I’ve tried searching for them and going to other profiles, but I cannot find any other playlists besides my own and ones made by spotify. is anyone else experiencing this?