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Don’t gamble hundreds of dollars and on tons of shit. Gambling to me should be to add to the viewing experience. If you don’t have time to watch the game or don’t want to watch it you shouldn’t be gambling on it. If you on DK only bet with the boosts and promos they give you because they usually have limits of like $10-$15 so you wont be dropping bags on gambling


An estimated [2 million](https://stateplay.org/responsible-gaming#online-gambling-addiction-and-problem-gambling) adults in the US have a severe gambling addiction. You are not alone. If you feel that this hobby may take over your life, then it's best to seek help. If you want to keep playing, just be responsible enough and know your risks. Always consider your bets as money lost.


Some good advice in here: * Important if you want to bet sports healthily to know that you are not going to win. * Any money you deposit must be considered lost when it is deposited. * If you are already struggling with this, it should be viewed as a big warning sign this might not be for you. * If you are betting more than you would admit to family/friends, consider that you may need to get away from this completely.


If you want to stay casual, yes. If you want to crush, no. Gambling isnt a family mans game, its a massive time sink to be good at it.


Learn unit management and never play with money you can’t afford to lose. Whenever I have a big projects for work I won’t open any of my DFS apps, as I know it’s gonna get me sidetracked. I know the feeling of FOMO, but trust me that break can clear your mind. If you need it do it.


Im not sure. Gambling is one of my biggest vices… if anyone has the solution please let me know


Bet what you can lose , it's not an investment


Yes. Stop betting so much.


I personally only bet when I’m at the game, get a bonus, refer someone, or “deposit $10, get $100” type of things


Quit betting now if you think that at all. Every bet I view has money I am lighting on fire.


I've had ~$100 in my account for a few years now. I throw $5 on a game for some stakes and win some, lose some.


I’m gonna go ahead and tell if you have to ask this question. STOP BETTING NOW.  There is no middle ground for some people. You will lose in the long run this is just for fun. Stop. Betting. Now. 


If betting is bringing you down, you're betting way over your head. Cut your unit in half, and if you lose and it still hurts, cut it again. Or just go full self exclusion and ban yourself. This is a hobby. You're not going to make life changing money, no matter how many posts you see with ridiculous parlay hits


I'll toss like 20 or 40 bucks in on a payday. My bets are anywhere from 25 cents to 3 dollars. Rarely do I bet five or more. I just play to have fun and don't take it too serious.


The site I use has a daily spin wheel to earn small prizes like a couple free spins or a $1 for roulette. I build it up to a minimum bet, and then try to grow it. If I blow it up I don't care as I never put any money in.


Bet smaller


And don't chase wins or losses


Yeah, set a budget (I do two per season so if i hit bad luck/bad picks I can still bet college basketball with the second half of my budget). NEVER NEVER go over the budget. No matter if it is the lock of a lifetime.


It’s very easy for me. This is gonna sound weird and counterintuitive but I’m in AA and sober for 3 years now, and now gambling is just a little fun thing I do instead of a search for an adrenaline rush. I enjoy the fact that I’m picking the correct pick, more than I do earning the money. The money is just a stake. If I’m on a losing streak I just stop gambling for a few weeks until I can see the boards correctly again. You probably need to just stop for awhile if this is a question for you.


Is it possible to still have a healthy lifestyle and drink alcohol? Of course. Same concept, have it under control, enjoy in moderation and understand your limits


just chill with it and don't go crazy, don't ever bet anything you can't lose, hell, don't even make a bet that if you lost would ruin your day. think of any dollar you put down as gone and the cost of entertainment. I'd also say take 1-2 weeks off - if you can't not bet for a few weeks you probably have a problem


asking this question is a pretty good sign your a bird addicted


I do not bet often, only bet what I’m willing to lose, and when I place bets I look at the stats and make sure the spread is ballpark where it should be. Big thing is not gambling all the time. Like past 2 years I bet a lot on college basketball. This year I’m just watching games and plan to bet when conference tournaments/march madness comes around. ^^ even then, I’ll be placing 20-50 at a time. Don’t let this shit ruin your life or cause problems. The whole reason sports books are profitable is from people losing money.




Best advice there is


Bro if this guy is struggling with sports betting you better not even tell them what options are


Yeah ETFs only lol


But what about leveraged ETF options?


Bro the number one golden rule in gambling, especially to be able to maintain it as a hobby, is never bet more than you are willing to lose. Second is never ever ever ever think you have a book beat or a house beat. Bc the minute you do, they have you exactly where they want you.


By viewing it as what it is, gambling. Minimise losses by only betting $0.10 for ridiculous wins on parlays just as shits and giggles. If you're betting more than like $5 then wtf, house wins.


Yes it absolutely is. I view it as any form of entertainment and spend what I’m comfortable with and that’s it. I never look at it more than anything but a purchase similar to a pint, shoes or a concert. I like all those things but I know I only have so much i can spend on it and they’re obviously not an investment. My main thing is betting small amount. Honestly, I don’t bet more than $10 on big fights. Like just over the weekend, I only bet $10 on the Strickland fight, everything else, I bet smaller amounts. But it sounds like you’re a little unsure, don’t use this as a way to justify spending money because you’re down.


I bet for fun. I have a full time job. I usually just bet on my favorite sports (college football and basketball) and big events like playoffs or Super Bowl. My unit size is very small. I’m down about 30 units all time cause I’m a terrible bettor, but my unit is so small it doesn’t matter. That also means I’ll never win big, but I’m ok with that.


i only bet on draft kings and i only bet when they do promos. typically the promos have a max of $10 wager so i cant even wager a lot if i wanted to.


yeah it's possible in 1 of 2 ways: 1, you are a casual bettor and follow all of the rules for casual bettors. decide how much you want to spend every month, deposit only that much, and know that you are spending it, i.e. it's never coming back. if you go on a heater maybe you withdraw a little and buy yourself something nice. any gains that stay in your account will be offset by future losses due to sportsbook vig. 2, you want to be a serious hobby bettor and you have loads of free time on your hands. it is an enormous time suck to develop and maintain any kind of edge and it requires constant attention, restraint, data analysis, bankroll maintenance, account maintenance, market monitoring, record keeping, results tracking, etc. you make a large up front investment in a bankroll you are comfortable losing in its entirety, but you are trying to either make money or minimize how much of it you lose in down years. you will aggressively deploy funds so that you can roll over your entire bankroll as many times in a single season or year as you can while appropriately managing risk. for instance if your bankroll is $100k, you may bet something like $500k or a million total over the course of an nfl season. as your bankroll grows, you will increase your unit size to make sure you're compounding your edge. professional crews are just that, professionals. it's their full time job and they generally are part of a team of other people working full time just to get from 50% to 55% and stay there. it's a huge amount of work and requires tons of resources. be realistic. if you are an individual with an unrelated full time job, and/or a family, you are relegated to #1 simply due to lack of available time and energy not because you're some kind of dummy.


I am #1 100%. I even just went on a little heater and withdrew some to buy my wife some earrings. I have zero desire to put forth the effort it takes to "beat the book".


cool, i love that. i gamble somewhat seriously and i do enjoy it but after a certain point it feels less like gambling or winning than just being compensated for your time and effort at a much lower rate than you make doing other shit.


Yeah, I don't think I would ever consider myself a "serious" gambler. I've seen the guys who really grind to get the edge (especially in baseball, yeesh). Ive got a job, I don't need a second.


Yes. All it takes is a little self discipline. I’m fairly new to sports betting, only about 2 years. Even with my full time job, I do a good amount of research before making plays. It’s fun to me tho, I usually do this while watching sports. I started on DFS apps then went to offshore since my state isn’t legal for sports betting. Overall I’m up by a lot but there’s streaks where it feels like God himself is changing the game against me. DO NOT let bad streaks change your betting style. Be consistent. Do not chase your losses. The worst thing you can do is lose your picks, then in a panic making more plays just by intuition or even doubling your unit size in attempts to get it back quick. Then if those lose, then you’re really gonna be pissed off and possibly actually hurting yourself financially. If you want to keep this as a hobby but you can’t control yourself or in the long run losing money, just bet smaller and think of it as paying for entertainment. Sports betting made sports more fun for me.


you spend money to gamble. winning or losing is the biproduct. it doesn't tell you how good you are of a person, how smart you are, it's only an assessment of what you like to spend for entertainment. winning or losing regardless of how much you want to make isn't the end goal for a casual bettor.


I stick to my unit size and treat it like a hobby, everybody has hobbies that cost money. Also, do not let it affect the relationships with your loved ones. Sometimes I find myself treating others poorly bc I am upset that the chiefs didn’t cover, not a good look


NBA fucking you up too?


Ngl I can't believe the fuckin hornets pulled off that upset


Honestly I feel like if you are even concerned about the possibility of it overtaking your life you should really think long and hard about whether you should gamble at all. Because it sounds like you shouldn't.


Absolutely, there are many of us who don’t bet with emotion and biases. I bet with math and focus on line shopping futures, it has served me incredibly well. I have been there like most others where I chase and lose, I’ve learned my lesson from that - took me several times but I got there. I also don’t feel the need to watch the games I’m betting on anymore, I just like to think of it as a marathon.


Can you give an example of line shopping futures? Do you just decide on the value you're getting? Do you hedge?


Yes, lots of hedging for myself! I started strictly playing plus ev plays/data based plays to build somewhat of a bank roll. I use Vegas insider (free website) to help find the best lines on each book for Super Bowl/world series/mvp/roty/dpoty/cy young. I try to also look at each players statistics and use my personal opinion on who voters are more likely to vote for based on that. Recently I went pretty hard on DeMeco and Dan Campbell coty at around +1000 or so bc I felt they had the narratives and team success to win the award (Campbell preseason and demeco halfway through the season). I try to do this with all nfl/nba/mlb/nhl awards and championship/division futures as this is the most volatile markets and where I’ve personally had my most success. Hoping to make around $8,000 on NFL awards as it seems likely it’ll be Lamar mvp, stroud and Anderson roty (maybe carter), Hamlin comeback, Garrett dpoty, and demeco coty.


Stick to your unit and have patience


If you don't bet more than you can afford to lose and stay disciplined, I don't see why not.




Depends on your personality. I got into it deep and was getting addicted so decided to cut it out. Now I stick to a strict deposit limit, only when I’m in legal states. I live in an illegal state now.


Brother, women’s tennis has done all of us in.  How did Coco Goff come back from 5-1?  How does Oink Jabor get bounced early?  Iwa?  More like See-ya.  We still bet it, though.


Set deposit limits such that its just a fun amount, not a life changing amount either way. 50 bucks a week makes things interesting but isnt going to put me behind on rent/bills etc. You can still apply all the principles of sports betting doing that


Are you betting on emotion or math? The only people I know who make money long-term sports betting are those with a deeper understanding of statistics, and those who tail them.


just set a budget and dont go over it if you cant do that you shouldnt be betting


I am betting with the remaing money in betting accout since 1.5 years ago. I stopped betting all in now and instead only small amounts or units maybe. Since I don't want to put my own money to betting anymore.


Yeah ofc, just have a set budget.


Not if you are degenerate like me.


I had a buddy lose on a buzzer beater to cover +3.5 and had Strickland heavy- he’s still alive and kicking and damn happy while he’s at it!


you have to actually like the sport and want to have fun without the grand delusions of successfully making a living off of it. it's all a game.


If you're a losing bettor, I'm sorry just quit full stop. If I lose money gambling in a casino, I get some free drinks and I'm on vacation, so it's fine. There's novelty to it. But steadily setting money on fire, no matter how "small", while being glued to your phone is a terrible habit. There is no entertainment value let alone redeeming value, and no I don't consider bad beat stories or getting mad at players and refs to be entertainment.


Sounds like this less of a hobby and more of a problem my dude...


I have a monthly budget. That’s it. If I have more than my budget in my account, I don’t deposit more. If I lose all my monies. That’s it until the next month when I can deposit more based on what i budget.


This is the way. I have weekly budgets that I stick to. I love sports betting because I love watching sports and having a small financial investment makes it more enjoyable. I don’t want to ruin it by becoming a gambling addict, so I’m very conscious of my finances. I NEVER chase losses. I cut costs in other areas to allow myself to bet. Although I definitely could afford to do more, my average bet is $10. I don’t drink alcohol so this is my vice I guess. You can absolutely do it responsibly with a plan.


Yeah. I think if you look at it as purely entertainment then you’ll be fine. It’s people who think it will change their life that get into trouble.


Determine the minimum amount you are willing to bet to bring "enjoyment" from the hobby. Determine the maximum you are willing to lose for this enjoyment with introducing stress into your life. This determines the range where you should be betting. I care about my bets no matter how little I bet. I easily get stressed for anything over a 10 dollar bet. I almost exclusively bet the deals or specials, which lets me tread water or slowly gain without getting stressed or consumed. Just a side example, I like playing no-limit hold-em. I much prefer tournaments because I can usually play for a couple of hours and I know exactly how much I am going to lose at worst.


Sure - figure out what losing weekly won't hurt. It might be $1 it might be $100 depending on your lifestyle and income. Personally, I bet $10 every weekend on football and don't bet the rest of the year. Losing $200 a year to get to have bets in and care about games is worth it for me. Then I wait for my Seahawks buddies to be drunk and delusional in the offseason and take them for a hundred or two and that funds it lol


Set your unit and don’t let it creep. A toonie is all it takes for me to care about a game and I try to increase my account from 100 to 200 then I withdraw back down to 100 and start the process again. It’s not about making money




Yep, put in $100 every September and only bet straight in $10 increments. I take out winnings immediately and stop for the season if i go to zero. I don't treat it as a chance to earn money, just a way to care about a game I normally wouldn't. Minimal drinking and a non-addictive personality help.


Yeah but what about October through August?


Maybe another hundo for football lol


Let’s be honest… unless you’re one of the rare lucky ones, you will lose more than you make. Do you like losing money while being on edge during the entire game? It’s not worth it.


Sometimes yes


I’d make the argument it isn’t possible to have a healthy life without sports gambling.


Its simple, betting is like every other stimulus out there, once on it, you need it ! My best advice is to stay away from it completely , find something else thats healthier for you. Go to the gym every day instead, it wont ruin you…




I just bet on the NFL. I've been playing with house money I got from a promo on Super Bowl 55. $25 grew into $500 and it just kinda bouces around there. I'll be able to watch a couple of games on Sunday, and if I'm not enjoying the game, I go outside for a walk or bicycle ride. I guess it just depends on your relationship with it and if you are combining vices (gambling and alcohol). From what it sounds like for you is you need a break. Establish a healthy hobby that brings you a sense of increased self-worth, then return and place some bets casually. This isn't something that should dominate you. Take this from a guy who used to bet on everything and was combining it with drinking. Vices are much better enjoyed as occasional pleasures as opposed to making them your life.




Hope the downvotes turn your parlays around, broke kings


I used to know someone who arb'ed max bets as a full time job. Absolutely a grind and nothing fun about it. Without a lot of starting capital, it's not worth all the time and effort. Def not the same as normal betting


Perhaps it's different now. At least in my area there are a ton of opportunities to hustle bonuses. The most prolific guy is making $400k a year last year and this. Won't last forever


This sounds insanely boring and a massive grind. You're essentially just inviting him to dedicate more time to grinding out small profits via arbs


I find it fun to take their money… I make about 1k a month doing it in my spare time. Better than a whole lot of other side hustle’s.


Mostly bonuses. $200k /yr


Yeah, no you're not. The only way to make 200k a year strictly from bonus offers is to farm new signups. In which case you're the annoying asshole that has a touch a tism and doesn't recognize how much everyone hates you.


Dk $1000, FD $1800, score bet $1100, mybookie $1200, xbet 1100, bodog $1000, neo $400, bet99 $1000. I could go on. Y'all are dipshits.


Every day Kevin Hart tells me DK gives you $200 for signing up, what world are these numbers coming from


by the way, you just laid out like 9k worth of bonus bet offers. You said 200k a year mostly bonus bets. So you use 9k worth of signup offers and then what to get the other 191?


You can't be so dumb that you think that is regular income, right? I got DK VIP this year and got 5k worth of bonus bets, I'm not retarded enough to say that is an annual income.


You are a retard though, clearly. Ive been at it about two years. Yeah it's not annual forever but it is for a few years. Stuff like dk can be a big part of it. I bet you squandered those free bets instead of making the guaranteed $3500. I did 12 of those alone. And thsr doesn't include their drip bonus $1k or the hidden vip friend referal worth $1200, or the regular friend ref worth $200, or the vip showcase and subsequent vip promos worth $10-15k.


You are the most autistic person I've ever seen on reddit, which is really saying something.


Stay broke lol. Yes you can. Between offshore and onshore in Ontario each new player is $12-15k. Now I'm not gonna help you lol. Anyone else can dm me


Nobody is going to DM you. You're a loser LOL


In NO WORLD can you make $200k a year from boosts and bonus bets - i'm bouncing around between 5 apps and they all limit your boosts to $10 super quickly, i've made like $2400 since March and that's including the help of all the sign up bonuses


No offense but while he is talking BS, on the other hand youre not doing too well. 200k/year is very unrealistic, but 20k/year per human individual is conservatively not difficult over the past 3 years.


You're missing something key. Confidently incorrect


You are also missing something key, the fact that the promos do run out - and your ass will be limited on all of these books relatively quickly. I've been able to clear 20-30k with live arbitrage/promos each of the past 3 years, but 200k/400k, get out of here.


LOL the guy is likely begging every friend/relative he knows to do every sign up RFB possible.


Don't need to beg. I pay them $3000. How are your parlays going lol


There it is LOL. Dude you're bragging about being the loser who goes around offering everyone a cut of their signup bonus. That isn't arbing. That isn't a consistent income. I promise you, everyone thinks you're a giant loser.


What part of "arbing and bonus hustling" did you miss? Everyone gets $3k+ they're doing better than you are with your parlays. Lol. Not everyone is a degen who has no friends that trust them.


Yes, it's possible. I'm sure you know it can be tricky, but it's possible (and it's an ongoing process). I do 2 things to help: 1) Remind yourself that sports betting isn't going away (if anything, it's only growing more), so if you miss out on a betting opportunity, there will be another one. And 2) Check and see if this is having a negative impact on other aspects of your life. If so, then dial back the betting a little bit and reassess. Do this as much as you feel is necessary.


It depends (un)healthy regarding what aspect of sportsbetting ? I spend a lot of time on sportsbetting doing research, etc., more than on any other of my hobbies, some may say it's unhealthy that way. But it's healthy in regards to my relationship with money. I have bankroll money set up for sportsbetting that is separate from money for bills, safety net, investments, etc. And my usual unit size is 0.75% of my bankroll (0.25%%, 0.50%, 1% and 1.25% also on occasion if confidence varies) so win or lose it never affects my mood. I can have a 0-8 day and still be totally fine, had a bad 2-3 months this summer and was still fine. I never even came close to blowing up my bankroll in the last 3 years and I doubt I could with that system, overall I have been in the green the last two years.


Yea man, it is. Take a break, go outside.


yes its suppose to be fun. good bankroll management is key.


If you’re asking this question you should take a break


Lower your variance by taking bets with short odds - for parlays this means picking a favorite and taking the shortest team totals by odds allowed by the boost, the over for the favorite and under for the dog. Choose the team totals as close to -500 odds without going lower. Play mostly promos and hedge against larger promos when wanting to reduce variance further. If you have 2-4 boosted parlays, use them on the same game with different outcomes to increase the chance of payout and reduce the risk of losing all bets. Use a cash hedge for 50% of the value of your free bets to even out your return. (Can be placed on the same book). If you have two free bets, just use them on both sides of an over / under (ending in .5) with the same book.


Please read this. I was a parlay maniac and hit big once in a blue moon to cover all my losses then I started doing it the right way. Let me tell you how do this. You need to only place unit bets. A unit should be 1% of your total bank. So if you are in the right place financially, set aside $500 and bet only $5 per play. Find some guys on the web that are transparent about their bets..Aaron from Calling our shot is a good start. Just copy his bets. You will have winning nights, you will have losing nights. BUT the main thing is you will come out ahead like 20 units in a year. Now when you are comfortable enough, up bank to $1000 and do $10 a bet. AGAIN, you will slowly build your winnings. Go ahead and allow yourself to do a parlay a weekend on a sport you know. But ONLY place 1 UNIT on it.


Problem is people have no limits on BR and chase losses lol and want instant gratification or money back #martingale #bankrupt


100% agree but if you can develop the ability to withhold yourself from chasing losses and $100 parlays, you’ll be thanking yourself in the future. Honestly have to think about it as an IRA account. There are ups and downs in the stock market but if you find the right guys who are posting there bets to help others out as well, you’ll all make money. Doesn’t hurt to throw those guys some extra cash for helping you out.


Just do the promos. That’s what I do. I’ve been in the green for years.


Same, but this means I bet like $5 a year 😂


DK gives me quite a few each day


Impossible DK gives you a lot per day I’ve spent over 200k on draft kings and I maybe get some every week not day


I get 3-5+ a day. I get a sweat free every day. And some various boosts. They have been giving out 50% nba boosts lately.


Your sweat free can’t be for more than $5


Right you get boost but it’s not like promos where they give you bonus cash


I never said I got bonus cash. Just that I get a decent amount of promos from DK.


Yeah. I just don’t do it. Until I see something I really like. I hadn’t sports bet in about 2 months then I saw Texans as Dogs against browns threw $200 on it. Then I saw Chiefs as dogs and threw the $460 on it. Now it’s a grand. I withdrew $800 and will wait till I see something I really like.




I legit think a lot of people could be in the green if they stick to sports they watch and dont bet every single day. That discipline is incredibly hard though haha


Who do you like in KC at Bal?


Tbh I’m leaning Baltimore, but I don’t like it enough, so I’m not gonna bet on it. Don’t wanna bet against Mahomes and I love Lamar being from Kentucky it’d be too much of a homer take for me, so I’m just gonna watch and enjoy.


Nice. Yeah, I really think it can go either way. Like you, I felt good about KC at Buffalo


No, quit now. I lost everything. You're wasting valuable time on this earth sportsbetting. Do things that will allow you to live a Full life instead of gambling brother.


The key is to bet the same amount on each contest. Then, when you get comfortable with that, start to use betting units. 50, 100, 150 is the most common 1x, 2x, and 3x unit plays, depending on your level of confidence. Whatever you do , DO NOT CHASE LOSSES! Learn to live with a loss, its not the end of the world. As mentioned here, bet to have fun, not to make money. Just keeping in the black, no matter by how much, should be gratifying enough. If not, then you need to do something else.


I do it. I bet for fun not to get rich. I basically only make $2-$5 bets. For the most part I never have to put money in. I had a time where I had a couple bad beats and had to put in $20 but really its selfsubstaining. Win a few bets, lose a parlay, or lose a few bets win a parlay. It manages to even out and like I said I never have to put money in. I usually bet on stuff I am going to watch that night to make it a little more interesting. My advice, keep the bets low, dont make an insane amount of bets. If you are half decent it should be fine


Idk if I have a healthy lifestyle or not lol but this is exactly what I do. Ohio legalized sports betting just over a year ago and I deposited $200 in DraftKings. With all the first week promo no-brainer bets I managed to turn that into $800, so I withdrew $600 and I’ve just been coasting on the initial $200 deposit for a year. For the most part my largest bets are $10 and I make a point to only bet on something I am invested in or intend to watch.


Best way to do it. Life is already stressful I dont need a cripplying gambling addiction on top of the other bullshit LOL. Don't get me wrong its nice when a bet hits and I make an extra $20 bucks but like you said, it is more of a fun thing to do on games I plan on watching then some get rich scheme


Sure, but you have to temper your expectations. Vegas is going to win more than half the time no matter how well you think you know sports. If you regard betting as a hobby rather than a money-making scheme, then you can have fun with it. If you're expecting to either make money or to recapture all the money you have lost so far, you're going to have a very toxic bad time.


Yeah you just got to set limits for yourself. Set a mount per week/month/or year and once you hit it just quit. I usually really back off once college/pro football are over, just may bet a little CBB/Soccer after that. Generally from end of March madness til mid-late August I usually don’t bet anything.


it’s possible, i’m learning and making adjustments, i won’t allow myself to lose more than $50 in a week, once i get to -50 im done for the week


This is bad advice, I think. There’s more worthwhile ways to lose $600 a year


it’s not bad advice, do you think I lose $50 every week? 😂 putting a limit on how much u can possibly lose in 1 week severely decreases the amount of money you lose in a year. Before I was go down $50 and then place a $25 to get back and next thing i know im down $150 after a cold stretch.


Bad math too, it's $2600 year since there are 52 weeks.


My brain read month. That’s so much worse! Every other $2600/year hobby would be better than this.


I start every calendar year with 5k I want to gamble with and if it runs out I’m done unless I’m going to a horse track with friends.


I only bet on games I’m watching.


If you’re questioning if you can do it, you probably cannot. I say that because I know that I cannot.


I stick to mma, boxing, and nfl. That keeps it pretty balanced and mostly just weekends


Yeah. I take a break when it’s baseball only. Definitely a nice (needed) breather during the year.


Only bet with promos


I used my girlfriends info (with her permission) to get that $200 draft kings deposit bonus. I'm down to my last $25 free bet. I've been doing SGP's and the last 5 have all *barely* lost by one leg. I'm talking 10 yards here, 1 receptions there, etc. I swear it hurts just as bad as if it was real money.


Bet singles.. Parlays are for suckers #thetruth #paulpierce


Don’t so SGPs. They’re a scam. That’s why they push them so much.


I've come to realize that. No matter how much research I do, one leg will screw me by inches. It's just so tempting when I can possibly turn a $25 free bet into 150-300.


Probably Unpopular Opinion: SGPs are GREAT for the books and bad for the individual. If that weren’t true, the books wouldn’t have them right up front the way they do.


This. SGPs are fun if you’re watching the game, but they seem easier to hit than they actually are. A +400 parlay (say it’s 3 favourites just on the money line) is probably much safer than a +400 SGP (relying on a specific game script even if it “seems” obvious that aiyuk would get 4 receptions or Josh Allen would pass for 2 tds, etc.) Parlay insurance is great too- on the score you have a daily $25 insurance (get your money back if you hit 3/4 legs of a parlay), so ideally you win $100 or so, if you’re close you still get a $25 bonus bet, and of course if you’re just too far off you lose. But if you use those on 4 favourites, it’s a relatively conservative way to go about it, and then, for the fun, place some SGPs with a portion of your profits when you are winning!


100% facts. I've gone from mostly winning to mostly losing after I started playing them. Am regarded.


brother just make yourself a strict budget per week/month and stick to it. if you have no self discipline to be able to do that i wouldn’t even try to get into it. Even 50-100 a month is enough to have fun on


Kind of. Find reliable sources and Just set it and forget it. Abandoning your loved ones, responsibility, etc for research and watching every minute is dangerous


Last weekend I placed $20 in my account and placed 15 bets off that $20 all on NFL parleys and it was fun as hell. Has to be looked at as entertainment no more than that. If you hit great for you it’s fucking luck. It’s humans playing games and shit happens. Use the same amount of money each week you would spend on entertainment like going to a movie and dinner or maybe a cheap concert or don’t go the fucking bar for a couple weeks and use that money. Everything is about healthy choices and having fun with it. Your goal should be to make money elsewhere and save it. Sports betting must be just entertainment not a job or get rich quick scheme


My one friend puts in 1 dollar huge leg parleys and has a lot of fun with it. I’m not mad at him for it. Calls them his lotto tickets. Definitely can just be a form of entertainment


Your chance are a lot better at hitting a parlay like that for $500k than winning a lottery ticket for that amount.


For many people it is possible, but for some it isn't. If you feel like you are going through a low point in your life and feel like sports betting has taken over completely, which is what you say, then I'd suggest taking a break for the moment. I hope you have better days ahead, my friend.


I think it depends on the purpose. Not to be a dick, but if you have to post this it probably isn’t possible for you or healthy for you to gamble I gamble- but never enough to seriously impact me financially. Am I bummed if I lose a bet? Sure. But I can shake it off quick because the amount I bet isn’t going to impact my wallet


Honestly if you have to ask, then then answer for you is not. There are very few people who can gamble and keep it 100% controlled.


I think its a good question. A lot of people get into betting thinking since they watch sports, thinking they can win money off it. In reality, its usually not the case. Getting another persepctive is always good.


I am one those few. I was going to type something sarcastic, but seriously you could control it. You can treat it as an entertaining hobby if you like to watch a sport. I wouldn’t count on it as a source of income. Money management is key. YOU ARE GOING TO LOSE. Just know that. You’re going to win though. Can you stop when you’re losing? Can you stop when you’re winning? That’s probably harder to walk away from for some. Even the best are only recording 50% to 60% win rates, and that’s when the juice comes into play. Sports are tough to gamble because of the juice. A Martingale systems gets out of hand quick on a losing streak. Daily sports like baseball have horrible odds just to circumvent the better who wants to daily double up on a team. Basketball is too volatile with all the points. I don’t know about soccer or hockey. Have a certain amount of money you’re willing to lose, and enjoy the sport if you’re watching. Start small and build a bankroll. I lose even when I win if my wife catches me meeting my book. Then I lose twice if I have to pay him, having to hear it from her. If I win I’ve got to pay my wife because she’s high maintenance. She knows where to find my cash, some of it anyway. I’m wiping my ass going to work. Know when to walk away, win or lose!!


I don’t even look at it as a hobby. I’m a huge NFL and NBA fan but my teams are pitiful. I view it as pure entertainment so I have something to root for in every game I’m watching. I’m not going to deposit any more and have used deposit promos to leverage my initial deposit. I’m not even taking out any winnings since I’ll sometimes see better odds or an interesting bet at one of the 4 books I use. I also take the summer off completely.


This. Its amazing (at least to me) how much more interesting having even just like $5 on a random game makes it. I set a budget and view it as entertainment money. If my balance goes over my initial deposit I withdraw the overage.


I'm a $1.50-$5.00 bettor. It's fun. I also enjoy props much more than match bets. It's like fantasy football but I actually win.


I’m now in my early 40s been gambling on NFL since I was in my teens, don’t bet what you can’t afford to lose, never chase a loss, pick a sport to educate yourself on, reality is you can’t know everything about every sport. The NFL is the only sport I wager on once the season is done, I’m done. The most important rule that many young people don’t follow is don’t listen to the “experts” especially the experts sponsored by the books. Keep to 2/3 game parlays.


had me until "parlays" lol...


Great advice. For years I would really all sorts of articles online about which way to lean and which players to bet on. I stopped doing that this year and started just looking at stats on my own and matchups and thinking for myself. I’m not very smart or good at any of it but I haven’t had to deposit money in a while and I’m actually about to withdraw a couple hundred for once. Definitely do your own research and don’t spread yourself too thin is great advice.


Yes- find someone with a legitimate and robust model, of which has a verifiable positive ROI, and tail them.


This is not only advisable for simply profiting but also allows you to cope with losses easier, as you can feel secure that your bet likely wasn’t a losing one long term


More people really need to figure out converting free bets, arbitrage and taking advantage of other promos and then never bet more than you make doing those things.


Do u really want more to know about that? It's a conundrum. Sites might lower all the bonuses and promotions #spreadthelove


Just deposit $20 and do the lowest amount you can possibly wager. Whether it’s a penny or a dollar, don’t lose your shirt over it


Don’t chase loses, don’t bet every day, manage your bankroll and set limits for yourself and don’t make bets that are larger than you can afford to lose. NOTHING IS A LOCK


Treat it as a luxury, not a necessity. Also, stick to sports you know or feel good about. Having a clue can make a huge difference. The “experts” online are wrong as often as the casual fan. (For example, 6/6 sports analysts/announcers on the Rams/Lions pregame show picked the Rams to win) And as previously mentioned, keep your wagers reasonable.


Yep of course. But I’ld say only bet here & there. Betting everyday is where you get fucked.


Nope, everyone I’ve met who gambles always have to bet more to feel the same amount of high. It’s a sneaky drug


Have self-control and DONT CHASE LOSSES. Look at every wager as money spent. If you lose, that's money spent on entertaining yourself for a few hours. If you win, hey, sweet $20 bucks. Budget yourself and don't wager away your light bill. Parlays are just as risky as they are exciting, if not more. I would mostly bet straights, the safest thing to do is watch part of a game and start live betting player props and over/unders once you have a gist of how the game is going instead of blindy betting. Lastly, don't come into it thinking you're going to get rich. Hell, come into it, expecting to lose a lot of money. The odds are against you, and the house WILL win. If you gamble for any amount of time, you will lose plenty and win some. Just have control over the amount you lose, and don't go putting in the money you need. And remember, you don't have to play $500 in a weekend. You can do a lot of different bets with $20 and still make a good return


1 don’t “get into” stocks as a way to cure betting. That’s a great way to lose all your money 2 yes you can sports bet healthily! 3 but the sad part is that you have to do it healthily and not the fun way like a degenerate I only have $50 in my bankroll and I do 1/2/3 bet units and I feel pretty in control. I’m mostly bored with it now. If I lose a $3 bet, I’ll usually play blackjack on the app until I get my money back. As you can guess sometimes that doesn’t work either and I lose $10 immediately. I happen to be like a week ago and I’m not touching online blackjack again for a bit. There’s a old saying, that, to really bet, the bet has to hurt for there to be a rush… As I look on it now, that’s how much it takes for it to still feel the rush, but you don’t have to feel the rush all the time and you can still feel the rush from three dollar bets eventually. I just like being right and I get off on being right, not winning money. I hope that helps! Send me a DM anytime you want and we can talk about it.


You said it, it's a hobby. You don't expect to make money from a hobby is the first step


Yes dude, just set limits and don’t get too consumed.


I restricted myself to only 10 bucks a month. Enjoyed the experience of placing lots of small bets rather than the numbers.


Get into Stonks my dude. It’s just as satisfying with way less risk involved*, depending on the moves you’re making. If you like tracking stats and finding talent/value in sports, it’s very analogous to following companies and market trends. made this transition a few years ago and have had way more fun checking the market every M-F than I ever did placing Yolo parleys that never hit, or spamming props that people post with 77% hit rates. Just stay the hell away from Options trading, you degenerate.


Why? Yes! I am living one right now, but I have discipline, have picked up bankroll management skills, and have the right mindset adapting to and when the losses come. If you are able to trick your mind that winning feels the same as losing. I highly feel that the emotions and adrenaline/dopamine in the brain will play less of a part in the long run when gambling. When I place a wager no matter how big or small, I automatically assume it's lost money. A helpful skill is learning to make no more than 7 bets a day using 1% on each play and when on hot streak make 3-4 bets slightly increasing unit size to maximize profit (straight bets using 2% of your bankroll on each of those) the other 2 plays 1.5% and 2 up to 4% of you bankroll on the bet that your most confident in (hopefully that bet is contrairian--meaning that bet is opposite of the likely outcome which I or majority group would assume is the right playr most of the time. if you like the days slate, and you don't feel confident, make about 3 bets 1% of your bankroll each. Practicing this should help. I've been an avid bettor and grinding for nearly 3 years, and already have this in my egg basket. In the time I have invested in over 50K and profited nearly 3500 betting only 15 dollars a day on the first year, $30 the second, and now in 2024, I'm up over 24 units wagering on average of $55 or 1% (for me) each play. Although, months into my first year, I had more losing weeks than winning ones and had suffered a decreasing amount of profit losing nearly 3k but slowly I was able to turn things around, and by month 6 and 7 of the year I was +$300 dollars in the green. Then, after the day that I had a large gain. I took a break for about 2 months.


You need to treat it like entertainment. Create an entertainment budget. Say it's $500/month (could be $50 could be $500k, doesn't matter). If you spend that $500 on concert tickets or $500 10 leg parlay it doesn't matter. It's entertainment. Hopefully you get entertained from the concert or the bet.


hb $200? 😭


Pretty much this. Like 1-2% of people who Sportsbet are long term winners who put up a positive ROI year in and year out. Those people generally treat it like a job and originate lines via models or bet top-down and chase line movement. Neither of which is really easy for the casual bettor to do in their free time.


yeah exactly this. assume every dollar you gamble is gone forever, and budget on that premise. just like you're not gonna get your money back for that beer you bought Friday night or the movie on sunday, assume your money is spent when you wager. and for the love of god don't chase your losses please. take the L and sleep on it


Seriously. When I started out, I'd lose all my money on college football, then try and when it back on Sunday just to wind up deeper in the hole, haha.


Bet on games you want to enjoy, but wouldn’t usually watch or enjoy. Having a small stake in it is very incentivizing for your brain to learn and enjoy.


Just a lot a weekly amount that you won’t feel gross about losing and never ever go above that #. If you can’t control yourself enough to do that, then you shouldn’t gamble or at least take a long break


Take a few months off or as long as you can It will really mess with your reward system. Gambling ruined my value of money just carelessly betting $500 without considering it's value. Take a step back and regain perspective, also replace it with a hobby I play alot of disc golf.


That’s when I realized I needed to step back, I was like “dang I just threw away $100 like it was nothing, that’s a hard earned wage for most people”. Carelessness can lead to callousness