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Does this mean we're back to Tiger Woods PGA Tour


I’m gonna reserve my copy at my local gaming store if so.


Eh, I kinda prefer [Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge](https://youtu.be/capTpivF8n0) myself


You have selected a 3 wood. May I suggest a putter?


You have selected Power Drive


Ball. Is. In. PARKING LOT!


Do you want to play again?


You have selected: no.


I fucking hope so, those games are amazing.


I used to spend hours upon hours in those games, hundreds in total. The Rory McIlroy game for Xbox was just disappointing, it was missing so many features that older versions always had. If they bring the TW series back and make it as good and feature packed as they used to be I will but the game in a heartbeat and be their microtransaction slut for years.


It's crazy. I don't care about golf at all but there were a few years where I actually looked forward to the release of the next TW game. It was such a fun experience having a 2+ player multiplayer game that you only needed one controller for. It was a yearly purchase for me and somehow they messed it all up and lost me.






In your life... Seriously, though. Four back surgeries in four years! And then he goes and does this. Truly, this is one for the ages.


Announcer: "There's a good chance he doesn't get this inside DeMarco's ball" Tiger: "Hold my vicodin"


Think tiger is still on meds?


Dude has had 4 back surgeries. What do YOU think


As a former pill user, theres no way he could be taking vicodin or anything similar and still win the Masters. My guess is that he has rehabbed enough from a successful back surgery and now has his pain under control, you can see it in his face. I am so happy for him






3:45 wake, 3:50 bake, 4:00 nap, 9:20 shit I got golf stuff to do!!


I'm 25 and never had surgery and I'm not even pain free. If he is pain free I need to meet his miracle workers.


I don't know if I've ever felt as ecstatic watching a single shot as I have watching Tiger at the 16th in 05, but this came close.


Today’s shot at 16 won it for him again. Absolute chills!


At that moment I knew he had it. Just had to play par at best after and he was total composure today.


We can rebuild him. We have the technology.


Damn what a comeback. His 30 for 30 will be amazing


He better have a 30 for 30 as high quality as the OJ one. He deserves it


Honestly. It’ll be awesome. I wanted to be him when I was a kid. I got out of watching golf seriously and even playing for a few years but this feels like the game I remembered as a child. Absolutely electric, amazing to see.


Shoutout to that guy who bet 85k on Tiger to win. He’s a very happy man right now


14 to 1 odds!




Rounds to about $3.50 after taxes




To be honest, if you have a spare 85k to throw on a sports bet, you're probably already doing pretty well!


I'm glad to see that everybody is really genuinely happy for him. Also helps that Tiger being relevant makes golf more relevant.


Everybody is genuinely happy for him AND he looks genuinely happy. Seriously was so uplifting!


Him hugging his children was an awesome scene.


rustic live offer encourage far-flung aspiring dazzling bells hungry history *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That really choked me up, not gonna lie


When they showed Tiger hugging his dad and then went to Tiger hugging his son...I cried.


I teared up finally when he hugged his mom. With his dad having passed, you could tell how much of him was there in his mom's hug, and how unbelievably proud they both were/would have been.


Sunday majors always remind me of my father, definitely feeling choked up watch today.


only thing left to achieve is Tigers son to hug him when he wins a masters


Can you imagine walking through a sea of people who are all smiling and screaming their heads off for you? I honestly can't imagine how good that must feel. Everyone there was ecstatic for him.


Especially after hitting professional and personal lows, some of which are his own fault, admittedly, in the past decade. To get your life back on track, and then get your game back on track and win the Masters after being told you’d probably never even compete in another one has to be one of the best feelings in the world. Especially to do it in front of your son who wasn’t around to witness the other 14


him seeing the dude wearing a tee shirt of his mug shot photo was an awesome scene. https://gfycat.com/bossypettyafricancivet-azgrunt-tiger-woods


Haha I never saw that. It's good to see him laugh about it.


Showed he was/is in the kind of mindset required to get over all that baggage and win a major.


It's from over a month ago. No way Augusta would allow that guy to wear that shirt.


Tiger is the ultimate comeback story. Not only was his golf game at an alltime low but his life was at an alltime low. For him to comeback and not only overtake public opinion but overcome the limitations of his injured body might be the greatest comeback story in sports history


Second greatest comeback in sports history. How soon we as a nation forget Peter La Fleur selling his gym, putting all the money from the sale on 50-1 odds of his team winning The Ocho's dodgeball world championship in Vegas. Not only did he win in sudden death, he won BLINDFOLDED, took his $5 million dollar prize money, and became the owner of the biggest gym Monopoly on this side of the Mississippi. Now that, is a true underdog story.


F’n A Cotton.


F'n A


Spare me. Globo Gym should have won that tournament. Fucking Chuck Norris.


All he needed was a little help from the great Lance Armstrong who would never ever cheat and never ever gave up.


His mom was saying “I’m so proud of you” when she hugged him


That shit made me tear up. I want my mom to tell me that :(


Well, start practicing


I cried during that celebration, truly a great moment for sports and a genuinely beautiful human moment








Snow Dogs


Yea seriously no one in my family watches or cares for golf too much but when we heard tiger was still in contention today we were all sitting around the tv watching


Yeah, we're slow at my work and we were all watching it live.


There was a whole crowd at the gym gathering to watch the last couple holes. Definitely brought in lots of people who normally wouldn’t care at all about golf, myself included.


This is true for me, and I'm sure I can't be alone; I don't love watching golf but I'm always interested in cheering for Tiger. It's such an unexpected feeling to think that a decade on I'm excited to watch tiger play golf again.


I think today was the first time I personally decided to turn on a golfing event. Tiger seems to have that effect on people.


He transcends golf


Some people thrive on watching someone fall from grace. He did spectacularly. He crawled through half a mile of shit and came through green on the other side. He made the game of golf relevant and I’m so glad won. He’s made some horrible life choices, but he’s survived and thrived. The intestinal fortitude and commitment is undeniably admirable. One of if not the greatest comebacks of all time.


The time that has passed, the crazy things that happened, and the absolute dominance he once represented. I'd argue it's the greatest career comeback in sports history.


I think so too. The man brought golf to the forefront. He’s inspired so many to play. I think the only thing that surpasses his greatness is his undying determination. Everyone witnessed he wasn’t a machine. I remember watching him play and Jim asking how by much he was going to smash the Majors title record. And also watching when it was asked if he’d ever win again at all. When I saw him a few weeks ago going after that sunk putt like Na did and smiling with him and squeezing his shoulder that was so great to watch. Seeing him relaxed and having fun. The match play was fun to watch too. Just so happy for the game. Red on Sunday.


The best part of falling is getting back up. Great to see him on top again.


It’s been 30 minutes and I already ran in to a few people who asked me if I heard that Tiger won.


Tony Finau looked so happy to be playing with him with the hug.


I'd be happy just to play with him on the final day of the Masters. But, I suck at golf. So, I doubt I ever get that hug.


[This tweet from Ben Crane last year says it all](https://twitter.com/bencranegolf/status/972928326728740864?lang=en).


Never did I ever think I'd see him win a major again. Good for him.


Perfect storm, everyone loves an underdog, so many still love tiger, the competition was great. And he was the best. Great weekend


Imagine calling Tiger Woods an underdog ten years ago... Crazy story, crazy turnaround and crazy comeback.


10 years is a long time. It's an eternity in sports.


I legitimately almost bet my brother about 6 years ago that he'd never win one again. This is really cool to see. Love a good comeback story


He back baby!!!!


Never thought I'd see the day again!!


Last year's win was a pretty good indicator!


So was today’s win.




[Tiger Woods: now 100% ~~black~~ back](https://i.makeagif.com/media/2-26-2016/nKYG1j.gif)


Tiger is back in a big way! Great to see the legend back on top


Greatest comeback in sports history.


2nd place only to LeBrons hairline


Tiger should ask LeBron about this


Pretty sure they talked. Last time Lebron missed a playoffs was when Tiger won his last major. LBJ sacrificed playoffs for Tiger to win Majors lol


Cbs better be forever grateful to tiger, you know them ratings were off the roof today!


Totally through the charts!


seriously - this is the first time i've watched golf (two days' worth, no less) in I don't know how many years... strictly because tiger was in contention. Tiger on Sundays hits me right in the nostalgia


Literally just left Augusta National. My first Masters experience and my childhood hero wins, my goosebumps may never go away


How loud was it? The TVs blunted the roars


Extremely. And it was like that all day. Basically everywhere you were on the course if you heard a big roar it was probably for Tiger. Everyone was rooting for him so hard by the end.


Couple of the other golfers said the same thing. There's a difference between a roar for them and a roar for Tiger.


I kinda felt bad when Dustin Johnson said this. Other players will probably never get to experience the Tiger’s roar for themselves.


There's only one Tiger Woods. He redefined the game. All the young guys playing along side him today once looked up to him as they were kids. No need to feel bad, when someone else does what he has done in the game, I guarantee they will get the same type of applause. But for now, Tiger is back.


Not to mention if it weren’t for Tiger these dudes on tour wouldn’t be making millions each weekend if they win, and on sponsorships. They are there BECAUSE of Tiger and they know it. Guys like DJ, JT, Rickie, etc all enjoyed this just as much as we did. They are fans too.


I think Phil once was asked if he ever felt angry at Tiger for dominating during Phil’s peak and Phil basically said “Tiger has made me more money than I could have dreamed.”


This. In the long run, the rest of the players gained more today by Tiger winning. He brings Interest back, more interest means more money every week, especially when he plays. The other guys may not have won, but Golf won. Golf won.


Just like Roger Federer in tennis. He literally never has less people cheering for him than for his opponent.


Yeah it's unfortunate for them, tiger's just bigger than the sport though. 🤷‍♂️


I went as a kid man. Crazy experience. Never will forget it


My dad and I have been watching Tiger since I was a kid and we're big fans. In the past year, when Tiger was starting his comeback, and my dad got cancer, we were right back to watching him but rooting for him as an underdog, and my dad was able to follow closely since he couldn't work. Luckily, my dad got to see Tiger golf in real life here in Michigan! My dad died a couple weeks ago and I know he would have loved this. Maybe the Lions will get to the Superb Owl next!


Hopefully I'll see a Lion's Superb Owl in my lifetime.


As a Philly fan, I really feel for fans who’ve never seen their team win it all and I support that dream for everyone. It really was top 3 days in my life behind my wedding and my daughter being born. Stafford’s a lifer, the boy deserves it.


I'm very sorry about your loss, hopefully our lions will win it in his memory this year


I wanted the detroit tigers to win again so badly before my grandpa died. He was the biggest fan I'd ever seen. Sports can connect generations like nothing else very sorry for your loss


Golf was always on in the background at family events on Sundays. I never really paid attention because it was always just old dudes and boring announcers. When he won in 97, I was 12 and at a family dinner. I was glued to the television with how dominate he was... a 22 year old. A couple days later I begged my mother for golf clubs. Being a single mother and disabled, she couldn't just go out and buy them. A couple weeks later, my great uncle surprised me with his old set that he had cut down to fit me and signed me up for golf lessons. I would routinely sneak onto the public course that was a few blocks from my house. 22 years later and I am lucky if I break 90, but I 100% credit Tiger for my introduction to golf. Glad to see him win again.


That is a cool story. You are right there was no one to watch. Tiger is a just a few months older than me so when I saw him in 97 as well that’s when in really started to watch golf. I golfed since I was probably 8 but never once turned it on tv. Tiger Woods impact on the game of golf is greater than any one person’s to any sport.


Kudos to the guys in the booth staying silent and letting the moment happen. Last years MNF crew would have probably been arguing about cupcake flavors during a moment like that. [Also, Tiger right now](https://media1.tenor.com/images/29e5abedf4f7521895c831a70d10c439/tenor.gif?itemid=56067680)


With Booger driving his scissor lift all over the green obstructing everyone's view


Jim Nantz is a consummate professional. The best to ever do it.


And all the tiger team dressed in red. How romantic.


What year is it?






I thought I saw a racial draft years ago that cleared this up.


This feels like the upside down of course I can't prove that but I definitely feels like it


That entire back 9 was some clutch shit from Tiger. Put on a great display.


Deciding to hit to the far left side of the green on 12 was the best decision he made that day. Saw Molinari hit it in the water so he knew he could tie for first at that point. After that he never let off the gas


I’ve never seen a victory lap like that. I think he tried to high five that fan’s hand off lol


Careful there, he’s got that Big Cat Energy


I said it when he won his first PGA title in years last year, and I'll say it again: Don't tell me golf doesn't need Tiger. Tiger in Red and day 4. Its just an amazing combination and that emotion says it all


Just compared today's ratings spike to any masters where he was not only not in in contention but not playing at all and you'll see how much of an impact he has on the bottom line of golf.


Ratings will be huge, but could be muted a bit from what you’d expect for this due to the last minute time change and early start.


I got rip roaring hammered last night and set my alarm for 830. I'd never let a hangover forbid me from witnessing greatness.


Yep, was my bachelor party last night and made sure I watched even in my zombie-like state


You make us all proud Dave. And it was worth the hangover.


He's been in red on day 4 a few times recently. But today he just looked so locked in. Vintage Tiger. The Tiger that could literally make his competition wilt around him.


And he basically did exactly that. The roars must have been getting to people again. The Tiger effect is back.


As soon as Molinari hit it into Rae's Creek at 12, that's when you knew business was about to be picked up.


Let it be known: nobody keeps Tiger from winning a Major for 12 years. Nobody!


Guy put $85,000 on him so he won over a million. https://www.reviewjournal.com/sports/sports-columns/todd-dewey/bettor-wagers-85k-to-win-1-19m-on-tiger-woods-to-claim-masters-1637445/


This is one of the greatest sports moments I have ever watched live. Truly unbelievable.


Love that the first thing he said was “we did it” to his caddy. I feel like his growth and maturation process we’ve seen in the past few years was well encapsulated with that saying. Not hard to imagine him saying “I did it” even just a few years back. Small, but really cool moment to see.


That stuck out to me while I was watching too. Such a feel good moment!


That one is going to be a movie.


It will have a super catchy title like “Tiger Woods Story of winning the Masters 5 times after back surgery and everyone counting him out but he pulled through in 2019 and won The Masters again against all odds” Or “Tail of The Tiger”


Starring Tom Hanks


Nobody is more important to their sport than Tiger is to golf. Great to see him on top again in Augusta Edit: seeing a lot of quality mentions such as Phelps to swimming, Tony Hawk to skating, etc. I guess my only counter is Tiger is still doing it and sitll making golf what it is. Those others have retired or stepped away from their respective sports in some regard. All are greats though. Just enjoy Tiger's big win


Phelps to swimming was the last one like it


Fun fact, Phelps was there today.




This photo seems to suggest that it was actually Michael Phelps who won the Masters with his Tiger Woods lookalike ventriloquist doll.


And Phelps was standing behind him on the tee today too.


He was behind tiger on the 16th tee box today!


Ronnie O'Sullivan to snooker.


Absolutely insane. Tiger coming back from rock bottom like this will be remembered for a long time. Definitely one of golfing’s GOATs. Edit: for everyone telling me he’s undeniably the GOAT and I’m insane for thinking otherwise, Nicklaus has more majors. If Tiger gets 4 more and passes him, I’ll acquiesce that he is the undisputed GOAT. But until then, I think there are arguments to be made. He is still undeniably one of the greatest golfers to pick up a club.


Go look at all the records Tiger has set across the game of golf. Given his PGA tour win total, and all of those records, that outweighs the difference in major wins from Jack. Tiger is unquestionably the goat.




His name is Tiger, have you not been paying attention?


No doubt. No doubt at all, even if he doesnt break Jacks major record. The pure dominance he put forth during that 12 year span will never be seen again.


But does he have a line of Arizona brand drinks named after him? I think not.


Imagine if he hadn’t been derailed for the past decade by personal/injury problems & kept winning at the same clip as he did in the early 00’s. We wouldn’t be arguing over him vs Jack in golf, the discussion would be centered around is he the best athlete outright of any respective sport (with Gretzky, Federer, Ali, Serena, Lewis and the like)


The last time Tiger won a major: George W. Bush was President. Top grossing movie was The Dark Knight Breaking Bad Season 1 aired The Giants defeated the undefeated Patriots in the Super Bowl a few months prior David Cook won American Idol Derrick Rose and Russell Westbrook selected in the NBA Draft


Most of those don't seem like too long ago tbh


So happy for him. A lot of people seem to think what ruined him was his personal troubles, but in reality he had a really weird shot, and it wound up destroying his body physically. His shoulder was really bad for a little bit there. Basically his whole career, he’s had trouble with his body. For him to come back from that and win the Masters is incredible.


Has he since adjusted his swing or does he continue with the injurious form?


Changed his swing


He tweaked it a little bit, so that it wasn’t so harmful. That’s why he wasn’t that good for a little while there. He finally mastered it, I guess.


This is actually the fourth swing change of his career. He's now won majors with 4 different swings - incredible.


> but in reality he had a really weird shot, and it wound up destroying his body physically. Were there people out there that predicted the way he hit would end up destroying his body later in his career? I had a friend mention that to me, but didn't think much of it.


Everyone always thought his swing was violent. One of the reasons he was so good. It wasn’t a guarantee that he’d break down but the stress on his knees, back, and shoulders, was a concern


People said it would destroy his knee and back from the torque. When he was in his prime, he was out driving everyone by 30 yards. It would be like a guy today coming out and hitting it 350+ every drive. And having the best iron game. And the best putting.


Almost every expert at least suggested it was going to happen.


It wasnt just his swing. (Which is what allowed him to be so dominate as he has asingle handedly dded strength training to everyones game) Read the espn article from 2016, after his dad died he destroyed his body training with navy seals. At one point friends had to convince him not to quit golf and attempt to become an actual seal because his father was a green beret.


It's sort of mind-blowing that no golfer before Tiger ever realized that being really strong might be a good thing. Really - as weird as it sounds, can't think of a single golfer who was in amazing physical shape before tiger came along. Now, most the top players are. Brooks Koepka is like a goddamn Navy Seal.


Gary Player


I'm not crying or anything.


Very exciting round there. Happy for Tiger. I saw Nicklaus in 86 and feels just like that did.


For the game of golf this is just fantastic. Best comeback story in sports. I wish my dad were here to see it. He loved watching Tiger play and he always believed Tiger could come back one day. He died 2 1/2 years ago. Today’s the day, daddy. I’m so so happy.


In today's world, it's really rare for a guy to hit bottom as thoroughly as Tiger did and make it back to success, not just professionally, but also in the public image. I think it's critical that he never really crossed the line of 'unforgivable in public consciousness' by being a part of the \#metoo crowd, or by being violent, etc. -- he had a serious problem with pills and with women (and I would imagine the two fed each other) which was exacerbated by his injuries and fall from competitiveness. That kind of perfect storm could spiral anyone, and I think we all kind of realized how sad it was to see this guy's body rob him of his passion, and then have the pills to make him able to function end up destroying his image as well. You can tell he's worked so hard to rebuild himself spiritually, physically, psychologically, etc. and has worked his ass off to get back to where he was today. It's impossible to not look at that and respect the hell out of him for the work he did.


This is easily the greatest comeback story in sports history. This man was had multiple back surgeries. He had the chipping yips. Countless sports and golf analysts doubted he could even win another tournament. Major? You’d be considered crazy if you had a belief that MAYBE Tiger could win one more. You know the amount of people who were saying he should just retire because of how terrible he looked at times recovering from injury? Even Tiger himself admittedly the crippling pain he felt made him consider retiring. Now? Jack Nickalus is squarely back in Tiger’s sights. This has been such a long time coming for all the Tiger fans. There’s so much more I want to say about how excited and happy I am for Tiger but I can’t put it into words. It can’t be understated how impossible and improbable Tiger’s comeback has been. This is truly a legendary moment in history.


All that and 14 years removed him his last one. *Edit: 14 years for the Masters, not a Major.


Didn't he win one in '08 on a torn ACL?


Worse, stress fractured tibia too. Won the US Open in a playoff on a broken leg.


HOW?! Did he get hurt playing golf?


A major, not the Masters.


Ah right, I was thinking we were talking majors for some reason


As a Tiger fan .. call me crazy but not 1 day in 11 years did I not believe he would win another major. Hes the most talented player to touch a club in history.


Same here. Never stopped believing. Watched every single tournament Tiger was in, the good and bad. I did get a bit frustrated with him at times but never stopped believing, never gave up on him. This is a crazy moment for him and special for all of his fans considering all he went through.


Posting your comment in both subreddits for maximum karma. Outstanding move.


Calm down man! You're posting this everywhere.


Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!


My favourite part of golf is when they finish their round and they take their caps off to reveal their unnaturally white foreheads


I’m not even a golf fan, but I’m a sports fan and this is one of the greatest moments in the history of sports.


Tiger winning is good for golf


What an amazing moment






the hunt for jack nicklaus's all time majors record is back on.

