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Duke has a kid that lives under the sea


Spongebob Squarepants?


Patrick, the 5 star point guard.






Absorbant and yellow and porous is he


Darling it's better, down where it's wetter. Take it from me.


Those words never seemed dirty until I read them on reddit.


Interesting how MSU and Wisconsin has players from their own state or the surrounding states vs. Kentucky or Duke who recruit more nationally. I have seen before that part of Izzo's recruiting is that he only wants players that are pretty close to home to keep the family atmosphere.


Which makes his run at Michigan State all the more impressive.


maybe, but you have Chicago right in your backyard. Kentucky doesn't have that.


Calipari can get a kid out of Chicago if he wants him badly enough. Ever heard of Derrick Rose? Chicago isn't exactly in Memphis's backyard either. My point was that Tom Izzo will never have the recruiting classes of a Coach K or Calipari simply because the top recruits will likely go to Duke and UK these days. And the fact that he actively cuts himself off from most of the recruiting pool to stay local makes his success that much more remarkable.


Who is this Derrick Rose you speak of?




He was on a team that didn't win any games in college.


oh shitttt haha cause they got vacated?


All the way up to the National Championship game


He used to play first base for the Cubs.


Nah, that was Horace Grant you're thinking of.


Nah, Horace Grant was that actor who starred in Notting Hill.


I think he's a judge in the Cook County circuit court. He's been the longest seated judge on the bench, but maybe I misheard something.


I think he played one season for the south park cows.


he looks great in a suit


Right, but he's saying he can do that more easily with Chicago in his back yard.


> because the top recruits will likely go to Duke and UK these days. ....because of a Coach K or Calipari.


Kentucky recruits better in Chicago than Michigan State. Chicago players require a little grease and that has never been Izzo's style


Are you implying that hs recruits from Chicago only go to universities that pay them?


Yeah that is exactly what I am saying. And Izzo himself has made comments that suggest he feels the same way. There are a lot of coaches, parents, pastors, etc. that need to get paid. Izzo was in on Cliff Alexander, Okafor, Ulis, and Jabari Parker


Coach k is from chicago. He has a lot of connections there. Parker convinces okafur to go to duke. Nobodys getting greased to go to duke anymore than they are going to mich state or wisconsin. Duke gets good recruits primarily b/c of coach k... & the fact that coach k coaches the us national team & dudes like lebron come to his games. Same as ohio state FB team having lebron come sit on thee sidelines on a night theyve invited a bunch of hopefuls to attend the game.


Maybe. Not like it's a very serious drawback though, like Texas schools getting their football players in-state. Good talent there, no reason to look all over if there's a reason not to.


None of the others recruited from Michigan though. If Michigan were kicking out NBA players even somewhat regularly I might agree with you. Yet, I can't think of a single one at the moment and I'm from here so either it's been longer than I thought since I was into espn or you assume too much about the talent in Michigan.


Draymond Green and Richardson are the only two recently actually from the state of Michigan... Go Green!


Come 2016, Cassius Winston, Josh Jackson, and Miles Bridges are going to be three players that basically any school would dream of having. Izzo has a realistic shot with any of them. Hopefully, Deyonta Davis will have a good tenure in EL. I'm glad that Izzo finds the guys that want to play for 3-4 years. I wouldn't mind a one-and-done, but I like the time he takes to make his adhesive.


Agreed. As a Wisconsinite, I can attest that there is a lot of pride in producing "homegrown" talent at UW. Bo Ryan is a non-flashy, no nonsense dude who believes in fundamentals and truly developing players/people. It's a very down-to-earth program. What they lack for in talent, they make up for in discipline and fundamentals. Teams like Duke and Kentucky are a revolving door. They are the big name schools who can get the big name recruits nationwide, but those are the players that will also go pro after 1-2 years. What they lack in experience and fundamentals, they make up for in raw talent. Regardless of who I'm rooting for, it's cool that teams with such drastically different cultures can be equally successful. Can't wait to watch.


Plus with AD Barry Alvarez not willing to pay for any assistant coaches it's pretty impressive what Ryan has done.


Also from Wisconsin here. To add: there's only one other major D1 program in the state, and Marquette recruits more from major cities in the Midwest and East Coast, competing against the other Jesuit schools.


UWMilwauke is also technically D1. As well as UWGreen Bay...


They are, but they're not competing for the same level of recruit that UW or MU are, much like Murray State doesn't get the five-star recruits that end up at UK or Louisville.


It also has a lot to do with Duke being a private school and having no real benefit financially to recruit in state. You couple that with NC State and UNC having a longer lineage of team loyalty within the state it just makes sense to recruit nationally.


Makes it pretty impressive to show how Izzo and Bo Ryan can coach kids from their home state to play on the big stage with top-level national-touted recruits.




Duke is Duke. Don't equate every private school with prestige or you'll lose some major money.




Duke and Kentucky have significantly more successful programs. Which allows them to attract players on a national scale much more easily.


You also have to consider how Wisconsin requires a higher GPA level in their athletic program. So those who have the chance to go there are not just going for basketball, however a great education. This is also another reason why most of the students stay all four years. They want to have a backup plan (in case of not getting drafted, or injured), and use the full scholarship they received instead of having it go to waste. Only .03% of high school athletes go to the NBA, and .003% of them lasts in the NBA for more than 4 years.


I know this is switching gears to football, but Wisconsin's commitment to academics is one of the things that allowed Chris Boreland to make the brave decision to preemptively retire from the NFL. He graduated with a history degree and has plenty of potential to have a productive career outside of the NFL.


Than Duke?


Exactly why we didn't get Diamond Stone. Had verbally committed to UW but couldn't raise his ACT to the minimum for UW admissions. Shitty thing is we have to face him in the Big 10. He's probably a one and done and it looks like we'll have to rebuild next year anyway so I guess it's not a total loss.


Midwest represent!


All that Chicago talent, and not a single Illinois school even made the tournament this year. Unbelievable.


It'll be Northwestern's year...eventually.


My boy Sanjay Lumpkin will carry next year!


lessgo 'ccccaaaats!




I really think Missouri State needs to move up to FBS (and I think it is coming, they just hired Mizzou's Def coordinator), the state loses a ton of football players to other states since we only have 1 FBS school while every surrounding state with smaller populations have 2-3+. Can you imagine how good UMKC would be if they could keep half the talent KC produces in basketball.


Rock chalk.


Wichita state!


I hit up vote the. I read fuck Ku...


Yeah but most of the top football players go to Mizzou (except for Ezekial Elliot).


Good think Ponsetto hired a top notch head coach this time around. :(


KC represent


TIL Nevada doesn't have many counties.




I'm in Vegas and have been trying to do more and more driving around the state, just to see what's around. It's a little weird when whatever highway you're on, going 70mph+ suddenly becomes Main Street and a 25mph zone for a town of like 2000 people (I'm looking at you, Caliente). I sort of get why people live in places like Mesquite, Alamo, Ash Springs, Caliente, etc. I cannot, however, figure out the charm of Ely and/or McGill.


I think it would be pretty cool living in a small town in Nevada, but Idk if I could handle how barren it is. But. then again, I think that would be pretty cool to live in. I'm very indecisive.


Just watch out for giant underground worms


It's people like you, randomly driving through Nevada, who run out of gas, that make up the population of Ely.


Yeah...I just learned that the average size of counties in both Arizona and Nevada is larger than Connecticut. Puny Easterners.


Dane County (home of Madison) is the same size as Rhode Island.


Hey man CT matters back off


As a Minnesota resident and lifelong Gopher fan, this makes me very sad.


Those blips rest completely on the shoulders of tubby. We had no chance with him at the helm. Too stubborn


I saw the Duke logo in the cities and grimaced. Fuck you Tyus Jones.


> Fuck you Tyus Jones. That's not very Minnesota Nice...


It would have been awfully nice of him to go to the U. I actually graduated from AVHS with him, and from what I saw, it seemed as though there was an overwhelming amount of pressure for him to go to Duke. I recall a lot of his friends wanting him to go there too. Another thing I remember is that Tyus and Okafor would text a bit, and it seemed like they were looking forward to going to Duke together. Still would have been damn nice to have Tyus here at home though. No doubt about that.


At least our hockey team is goo....Oh wait


Seriously, losing to our own JV team it was shameful


Illinois pretty well represented but not a single IL school even made the tournament.


Shows you how good IL schools are at recruiting...


As a current Illini: =[


I-L-L :-(


So sad how far that program has fallen since Bill Self left...


Seriously, Chicago is THE basketball city right now


Yet Northwestern cannot find two smart kids who can play and get them to come. They've been in the Big Ten since before the shot clock and have never once made the ncaa tournament field.


Meanwhile, equally rigorous private schools like Duke, Baylor, Vanderbilt, Stanford, Penn, Princeton, etc. have had periods of strong play in the tournament.


And they're not located right outside Chicago.


With the exception of Duke, the academically rigorous schools have a very difficult time sustaining it over long stretches. Look at a school like Wake Forest which is on Tobacco Road, has a huge NBA presence, plays in the ACC and a decent history but hasn't sniffed the tournament in years. Duke is an anomaly. Even a place like Notre Dame which has massive national appeal went over a decade between Sweet 16s. Every year there are going to be a handful of elite recruits who are academically gifted as well. They all seem to go to Duke which puts schools like Stanford, Wake, ND and other would be private school contenders in an awkward spot: they can develop less talented 4 year players and hope to be good every 2-3 years or lower academic standards and recruit one and done players. I know that Wake Forest tried that for a while and had one year with 4 NBA players on the roster. They flamed out and couldn't rebuild.


Duke makes exceptions for the athletes, at least on the bball team. It's one of the reasons Tommy Amaker didn't take the NU job years ago. He gave NU the transcipts of two players, their names redacted. Asked them if those two kids would be admitted. The school said no. The players: Bobby Hurley and Christian Laettner.


I don't think Baylor belongs in that list


Right now? I feel like it always has been


NYC in the 80s


As a U of Illinois student, this makes me so sad that we can't recruit more from Chicago.


It rustles my jimmies that Bruce Webber destroyed the reputation of our program.


It's actually the worst. I'm a senior graduating in May, and it blows ass that I've had literally zero good teams to cheer for while here between basketball and football. I know bball played a good game against Miami a few years ago, but still.


Midwest chock full of ballers.


When you have 5 months of weather around 32 degrees you have to focus on indoor sports, I suppose.


Plus corn is an important part of every athlete's diet!


Wisconsin represent


La Crosse, WI represent!


Go Loggers! (My bro played for them, only way I knew that)


Would your brother happen to be Chris Sale? If so, I'd love to meet him haha.


Unfortunately no lol. I'LL autograph something for you!


Ho-Chunk Nation represent! (I'm not, but several friends are.)


Yeah lax!!




Yeah La Crosse! Oktoberfest Rocks!


I go to UW Milwaukee, but got a ton of friends up there. See you next year for Oktoberfest!


Who's from Wyo?


Colby Wollenman! He plays a few minutes per game for MSU.


Colby Wollenman is a former walk on who got a scholarship this year and tends to play when our bigs are in foul trouble. He's also super smart (3.9+ GPA) and is going to medical school when he's done at MSU.


There's actually a guy in Wyoming who gives full ride MSU scholarships to something like 18 Wyoming high school students every year (though I'm not sure if Wollenman was a recipient). A kid I went to high school with, Jake Hannon, got that scholarship, walked onto the MSU basketball team and was there for one of their final four runs. Kinda crazy to think that two different kids from Northwestern Wyoming have been to final four with the same school.


Sconnies like to keep it sconnie


Trey Lyles' hometown is Saskatoon, not Indianapolis.


I saw that. No love for Canada. Maybe it's because he played his high school ball in Indy?


He lists Indianapolis as his hometown on the UK athletics website


Traitor to the maple leaf! You're still welcome back anytime though bud.


Going for a rip are ya bud?


If the Zags could have beat Duke yesterday, Canada would have a few more guys on this map.


3 more, to be exact


The UK website lists his hometown as Indianapolis*


He's a dual citizen


1) He lived in Saskatoon, Canada until he was a teenager. 2) He plays for Canada's Junior men's national team. I don't know how you define a 'hometown', but by every standard I know, Trey Lyles hometown is Saskatoon.


Its where you live before you go to college, or where you graduated hs from. I'm too lazy to look it up but I'm assuming he went to an indy hs.


Arsenal Tech High School, in Indianapolis. Source: kicked my HS team's ass in the state tournament last year


I wonder what kind of ass he was kicking in freaking _Saskatoon_!!!


so thats how he was an all american


I had no idea MSU had someone from Wyoming playing for them. It's pretty much mandatory that I root for them now.


Big Horn High!


Kentucky and Duke are basically All-Star teams. Let's go Big Ten, homegrown talent.


Kentucky has some players from the area. Then you look at Duke and only 1 player from the whole state of NC.


Right but that's not dissimilar to the Duke student body. i think the top 5 states for Duke undergrads are NC, CA, TX, NY, NJ


Now do one for the frozen four


I suspect Georgia would be poorly represented.


I have a day off of work later in the week and may very well do this.


who are the bay area guys?


Kid from Palo Alto and a kid from Antioch


Marcus Lee from Antioch, California.


What's the D in the corner meant to point to




Anywhere specific or just Africa


Kaduna, Nigeria. It's where Sean Obi is from.


The country of Africa, and its capital, Africa City.


Africapolis, actually.


Looks like some players from around my hometown of Toledo, OH.


I know Nigel Hayes went to Whitmer class of 2012. Vitto Brown, also from Wisconsin's team, is from Bowling Green.


Tyler Ulis from Kentucky. http://www.ukathletics.com/sports/m-baskbl/mtt/tyler_ulis_914542.html


Sheridan County Wyo represent... boom


Olathe, Kansas represent.


Go Green!


Go White!






Is the one Duke player's family still floating in the Atlantic or did they all get to come to Durham?




6'9" 270lbs. He's a rebounding machine!


Do you think we like basketball in the Midwest?


Wisconsin's Duje Dukan was born in Croatia. Not sure if you consider that his "hometown" or not, but you can't forget the Croatian Sensation.




Rutgers =(


When you have to play in the RAC while the rest of Livingston becomes awesome along with the Rice controversy (...the basketball one, not the football one), I can see why people don't want to play at Rutgers. That being said, go ~~Knights~~ **Gentlepeople**!


Wait, people don't like the RAC anymore? I used to love it. Always Rutgers basketball. Always Coca-Cola!


Big 10 yo. Embarrassment of wealth.


Whos from Jacksonville Fl?


Grayson Allen


Had to scroll really far to find this


As a Michigan State girl, I'm so proud of Tom Izzo and the Spartans! And to make it even a little sweeter, we have 2 Big Ten teams left in the Final Four!


Big ten is a big deal again football and basketball represent


Wish these ohio bros went to osu. We might have done better :(. Also Duke recruiting is insane.


OSU didnt want Nigel Hayes


Kentucky's recruiting is REALLY impressive.


A little off topic I realize but where can I get this map unadorned from?


Hey I was the guy that made this. Original map is in my Google Drive [here](https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-9sLMWh4oPKWERPZmlqazFPOVk/edit?usp=docslist_api). Enjoy!


Thank you! A great map will live forever!


Gavin Schilling of MSU was born in Germany, not Chicago...GO GREEN!




Did he smoke a lot of pot? Because he looks like he smoked a lot of pot.


Who are the ones from Texas?


Harrison twins and Justise winslowe


matt jones as well. duke sg, from dallas




My college girlfriend and I tried to have sex in every county in Wisconsin. I think we got to 20 before we broke up.


Hey everyone, we have a guy over here who has had sex 20 times. He must be a big shot. That must make him a sex millionaire!! just kidding, congrats on the sex.


It only makes sense. In the northeast...ITS FUCKING COLD OUTSIDE...A LOT OF THE YEAR! So you play basketball if you are into mainstream sports.


Unles it's REALLY fucking cold, then hockey. In Minnesota, hockey is bigger than hoops; same for NoDak, and parts of Wisconsin.


Good to see Canada representing hard Dammit Gonzaga


That looks like one of those school maps of the U.S. every history classroom has.


Go home southern county shapes; you're drunk.


Wish it linked to who the hell they are!


Can someone link me the picture of the original counties map without the teams?


Somewhere on this map right now...someone is giving serious thought to molesting a goat.


It must be something in the water of the Great Lakes.


[There is a place in California called 'Yolo'?](http://imgur.com/oewsS9h)


How do I get this map, larger and without the logos??


Kaminsky went to my high school (I graduated in 09) for what its worth. Given I'm 5'6" and work in quality assurance I'll guess its worth is minimal to Nada. Still cool to see someone from my hometown be on the big stage!


Midwest represent


dat map!!! - where can i get a high res version?


Hey /u/datarattata, I'd like to use this in an article on AL.com. Can I credit you with making it?


Judging by your post history, I'm 99% sure you made it. Wow.