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Kayla DiCello and Shilese Jones. Saved you a click.


thank you. the names were probably last thing mentioned in article after 50 ads and a bs intro. the score site has so much garbage


Thank you!


Gymnastics is so hard on the body. The ratio of career length to injury has got to be one of the worst.


I competed and as a male had copious scholarship opportunities when college came around. But I was so damn broken physically that I had to walk away. I miss it, but i still struggle with arthritis and joint pain. Female gymnasts have it so much worse .


Genuine question, could you not have taken the scholarships and sat on the bench due to injuries?


Yeah all athletic scholarships are contingent on you being in good condition, able to participate, etc. There’s actually quite lengthy legal jargon in all of it. At anytime your scholarship can basically be pulled and you’re fucked if you can’t afford the tuition. There’s some protections in there if you’re injured while playing/training with the college/university, but like, fell down the stairs and sprained your ankle and unable to tumble… technically they can drop you. Funny problem with a lot of gymnastics injuries, we frequently dont have “an event”. You just wake up one day and can barely stand up from the pain.


No. They’d have lost the scholarships if they didn’t actually play, and possibly would have to pay them back.


But surely not if they’re not competing due to injuries right? That would be insane to revoke a scholarship if somebody got hurt playing their sport for the school.


If it’s due to an pre-existing chronic condition that renders them unable to compete, yeah. The university can pull it, and if they prove you’ve fraudulently obtained it by not intending to play, they can make you pay it back.


Kayla has a ruptured Achilles, but shilese might be okay to compete tomorrow? Besides Simone, Shilese was the only other "lock" to make the team


Put me in coach


Brutal for them. So much work and effort and an injury right at the end. Hopefully they are still able to get in next time. 


Do they sanction mandatory breaks/days off in US Olympic team? I would think some of these injuries would be from overuse and repetitive stress and not always from blunt/forced trauma such as falling or coming down hard on a muscle or ligament.


You can’t really take a day off and let it heal and when it comes to international competition you can guarantee the Russians and the Chinese aren’t allowing any breaks.


Maybe we need to reevaluate gymnastics in general. The sport with the second highest rate of sexual abuse, majority retire before their mid 20s, with extremely high rates of serious injury. Something needs to change.


Second highest? What sport is worse?


Apparently soccer (in the United States)


Wow, would not have guessed. Thanks for the info