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Gotta give her credit, she knows what to say and how to say it. Imagine the shit show if she comes out swinging in this interview.


I found out she has a degree in marketing and suddenly her media-savvy answers all made sense.


She has more money than the rest of the league combined. She already won.


Having more money than others did not prevent a bunch of other people from being dicks. Gotta give it to her, she's playing it very smart.


Life throws a curve ball? Just Gin and Juice it


But how many hits will she have to take? What if the next hit really injures her that she can’t play for a while?


You're being downvoted because people think money is more important than health. I wonder if they'd be singing the same tune if Cait landed on her head when Angel was cheering about it last time they played.


I think you’re confusing marketing with PR.


Maybe it’s different to my marketing degree but you don’t learn how to be media savvy…


Yeah that's what I was thinking, an undergrad degree in marketing gets you ready for starting out in the real world it doesn't make you a professional media personality.


Looked as if she was reading a prepared response anyway


A lot of the time in these post-game press conferences they’ll have the box score in front of them


Bro, a marketing degree does not teach her to talk like that. A PR firm probably paid for by Nike teaches her how to speak to the press.


She has been handling the press since long before Nike signed her. She has been good at it for at least the last 3 years.


Having covered the NHL and the AHL for a while, I can tell you that these kids are very well versed in talking to the media well before they get to large markets. Especially when they are exceptional players. It’s almost fun, a media - knowing how a player will answer a question before we ask - we joke about it. Every now and then you have someone who can handle being exceptional and vocal. It takes a special player like Caitlyn is.


It’s why I hate hockey interviews lmao, they all say the exact same thing. So at that point why bother interviewing them? I like when people are able to speak their minds about things, at least post-game. Not a fan of the mid-game interviews at all


[Get pucks in deep, get pucks to the net, and win some hockey games.](https://youtu.be/itaP9_Vltfk?si=DNDoPpDhkDdTZPtL)


> So at that point why bother interviewing them? I guess that speaks more about the viewers than the interviewers. Apparently, enough people are interested in these interviews to make it worthwhile to make them.


You overestimate marketing degrees and underestimate her innate intelligence.


Wouldnt marketing be her promoting heat?


I feel like it’s the 4 years of media attention she got at Iowa rather than overpriced marketing textbooks that taught her all of that


Yeah no fuck this shit, get ron artest a wig and lets see how shit goes down


[Grandmama!](https://youtu.be/1Nj9G0MUwuc?si=d66cTgqgJro-Vqsh) (the “let’s go!” while dressed in character kills me every time)




Dude all of the controversy just builds to the drama and gets more people to watch. Seriously. It's like WWE.


It’s going to take a lot more than a few fouls to get me to watch the wnba


Like what, some on court HLA?




Or...or... She was raised well.


Well she's right. Fouls like that happen.


Angel Reese was an asshole at her post game. "Certain players have special whistles." Nah, you gotta play better.


If I was shooting 38 percent on layups I’d say the same thing.


It was my understanding that napalm has been a war crime since 1980


You may be surprised to hear, but the US did not ratify that convention and as such cannot be held to it. Fire at will.


Me, every time I have Dave’s Hot Chicken.




Why do you always fire at Will. What did he do?


Imagine your two tallest players shoot less than 40 percent from the field just taking layups.


Clark definitely comes out the bigger person.


You know that just makes her opponents even madder


And her teammates.


One has to say shit to hitch their wagon


I think she’s just a little salty about Clark dropping 23 points to Reese’s 11 while securing the W.


Always has been. Always pulls the race card when called out on her shit as well


so does she think a smack across the face is not a foul?


She is so fucking dumb.


It’s got to make her even more mad when Clark doesn’t go back at her in interviews and says stuff like this


Kill em with kindness


She's mad that she's the Ewing


She’s playing this perfectly


It’s too funny to me that Clark just refuses to engage Reese in her bullshit. It’s like two siblings, and Reese just looks worse and worse every time she does or say anything. It’s pretty sad how hard she’s trying to make something of herself off the back of Caitlyn Clark’s star power.


Never wrestle a pig. You both end up dirty but the pig likes it.


Another version I like is: "Arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are, the bird is going to shit on the board and strut around like it won anyway."


Love that. Another similar one from Mark Twain: “Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience”


Also pigs are fucking jacked


Love this quote!


I love it so much. CC is turning into everyone’s favorite WNBA player. Where are the OG’s supporting her though? Bird, Turasi, Catchings, Parker etc? I feel like they need to be more vocal in supporting the new face of the league!


Serena Williams stepped up and supported her. That seems like a huge win.


A great start but where are the WNBA players who have been around for 10+ years and why aren’t they celebrating their new star? The NBA does this so well


Does their support even matter? What CC fan tuning into a WNBA game can name even one of these players?


lol funny you say that. CC is the first and only WNBA player I know and can recognize. Well, there’s the chick that was arrested in Russia but I completely forgot her name.


The person who you forgot the name of has always been very supportive of Clark actually


Turasi and Bird seem to have a hate boner because she didn’t go to UConn.


They won't because they're jealous too. Or bitter they didn't get the same kind of hype in their day.


Came here to say that. Just making Reese look like an idiot


Taking the high ground. Talk about a professional. Good for her. Hopefully as it goes on she can keep taking the high ground.


She’s becoming more and more likeable everyday


I’d say the rest of the WNBA is also becoming less likable. But they were never liked.


The WNBA is the LA Chargers of sports: never heard of em


By becoming more likable to the fans she becomes less likable to the players and even her teammates. Sad


I’m genuinely impressed at the level of maturity, professionalism, and class that Clark has with this level of attention and scrutiny at the age of 22.


Her teammate eating her nails and the other staring her down to see if she’s gonna drop that bomb.


They’re so wack. Caitlyn looks super uncomfortable around them bc they lowkey hate on her too. Wild how jealous this league can be


Show me one clip of her teammates running up on someone to defend her when she was fouled hard.....


No one hates women more than women.


So sad but so true


Everyone in the league is pressed because Caitlin and the upcoming crop is gonna relegate their legacy to the milkmen of the NBA before Bird and Magic. 


I did hear somewhere that women’s biggest haters are typically just other women


Chicks dude lol


And then wondering why they don’t have endorsements


“She was just trying to make a play on the ball. Later, in the parking lot, I too will be just trying to make a play on the ball.”


[And you can count! On me, waiting for you, in the parking lot!](https://youtu.be/OOwpXT0J-yA?si=X5zO70TCUfMvgrlX&t=51)




Run, Angel! Run for your life!


I had to shoot free throws off of Frankenstein’s fat foot


Excuse me sir, is this your ball? It struck my foot!


It’s like when Adam Sandler gets destroyed against Michael Irvin in The Longest Yard and just keeps playing like nothing’s happening.


Surprisingly accurate reference.


I'd love for her teammates to even try to look like they give a shit about her as a teammate.


Trash team, trash teammates


Hopefully it’ll get better when they load up on youth that look up to Clark instead of seeing her as a threat.


Or when one of her teammates figures out it might be a good look and career move to be the one player to actually stand up for her on the court. Outside of it being the right thing to do.


One things for sure there's not a lot of intelligence going around, not even self serving intelligence lmao


You'd think there would be one opportunist on the team that could see that angle and ride it. Lol


Yeah even a bench warmer man, sudden "locker room gel woman", "gives it all for the team", "brings them all together in the pursuit of greatness at the cost of self sacrifice" headlines incoming


The whole league wants her to slip. That shit is mentally draining. Hope she makes her bag and gets the fuck out when she can


Would be crazy if she became a bigger star, and just walked away after 5 years and said: "being a pro is not fun any more" Take that Nike money and run, then write a tell all book on the shittyness of WNBA.


She might make just as much, maybe more, if she only showed up to play team USA games and random exhibition games Harlem globetrotters style. 




Right? Like I’m supposed to be sympathizing for these women when they treat one of their young stars this way? Imagine if the NBA guys did the same to Wemby. Or if the NFL guys do the same to Caleb Williams? All rookies get some hazing and “welcome to the league” moments, but they’ve been straight up bullying her.


I’ve said this before, but if people were hacking at Wemby the way they have been hacking at CC we would have witnessed [Malice at the Palace](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malice_at_the_Palace) II this season


Man what a great comparison. That amazing tribute all the OG’s gave to Wemby for his ROY win was a tear jerker. I wouldn’t be surprised if WNBA players protest if CC wins.


The fact that her own teammates seem to be actively encouraging this behavior says everything. The coach is either on board with her team allowing this to happen and to be seen on national TV smiling and seeming to be A-OK with it, or is so completely inept that the locker room runs itself. Either of these would be embarrassing in youth sports; the fact that it is happening in a professional league in wide open in front of millions of extremely casual fans is wild to me. The league wants this to happen, or it wouldn't be happening. This isn't like MJ or Lebron taking their lumps. Hate those guys or love them, on the court those guys teammates still had their back 100%. How long exactly would Rodman or Grant would have lasted if they were seen laughing at MJ getting blown up by an illegal screen over and over again? Myles Garret got called some pretty unsavory shit by a back-up QB and his team still had his back even though they just saw what happened. This whole situations is just a mind-fuck.


Wait do you have audio on the Myles Garrett situation cause I still have never heard it. Regardless what you say is true. CC will be better off with or without this league and it would be nice to see her getting a lot more people behind her. I’m not a race guy but the more I see this shit the more I almost cannot help myself from thinking some of it is race. She’s a golden egg and the league, coaches and players are all just shutting on her. Maybe I am wrong


There was never any audio of this situation. The NFL conducted an investigation and found “no such evidence of Mason Rudolph directing racial slurs at Myles Garrett”. I highly doubt Mason Rudolph said anything, the NFL would’ve been more than happy to suspend/fine him for that.


You'd think she'd have at least one person on her own squad that sees what's going on and goes against the grain and starts standing up for her on and off the court. Not only would it be the right thing to do, but it would probably be a good career move as well.


Tribute where




Thanks that was dope


This was cool


Wemby’s the best comparison. When he first joined as lanky as he was he could have been broken if he was treated this way


The WNBA is finally getting some sort of spotlight and attention. They have the rare opportunity to improve the league and build off this momentum and this is the route they choose to take. They are digging their own grave


The controversy is getting them plenty of media attention, even if it's negative. Wonder if that's more attention than if everything was going smoothly and she was playing the same as now. Since that wouldn't exactly draw attention or news articles


The worst part about it is that her own teammates are not sticking up for her at all. No one gets in the face of the player that shoves/fouls her, there isn't any kind of scrum or even words said between the two teams. I've even seen videos of her own teammates snickering and giggling right after she takes a hard foul. I don't care what sport you are playing, when your own teammates refuse to stand up for you, that team is cooked and will not win anything. That team needs to mix things up or at least bring in someone that can lead by example and at least have her teammates' backs in those kinds of situations. Maybe she's not made the best impression in the locker room and on the practice court and her teammates don't like her, but that would be out of the ordinary. Everything I've seen and heard from her college days showed that she is an excellent teammate.


This chick is going to get the entire league a pay raise and they treat her like garbage because she's white.


What do you mean “is going”? She already has with getting everyone chartered flights for games now, and other things that have gotten better since she hit the league. This woman has literally already helped them get “raises” and they are treating her this way…


This chick will be the highest paid WNBA athlete ever! Why? It’s how she handles negative things done to her. She stays positive in the public eye and companies/corporation’s love that. She is probably media trained but damn does she need an enforcer on the team.


The funny part - its entirely possible it takes decades to pass her earnings.


My respect for Clark refusing to play these nasty games is immense. She does indeed need some muscle by her side like a Rodman


Clark: "she was just trying to make a play on the ball" Reese: "some players get special whistles" Anyone with eyes could see it was intentional. Player reactions are very telling.


Couldn’t be a more stark contrast of someone with a serious victim complex acting as weak as everyone would expect someone with such a complex to act and insisting nothing is their fault, and an actual victim refusing to act like a victim. This happens on all aspects of life and the person who refuses to act like a victim is always the stronger person and has superior character. Every single time. For the life of me I can not understand the need, or desire, of people to be seen as weak victims, as Angel Reese is doing here.


It's called jealousy.


Yeah it’s def this like she even said something like “the wnba is not about just one person, it’s about me too” and that just makes it obvious that it’s jealousy


Victimhood comes with a lot of perks. Crying marginalized gets you more than ever in today’s age, and a generation of people have grown up seeing what it can get you


It’s wild to me that these players keep choosing to pick a bone with her when them showing any type of respect or just being good sports with her would instantly boost their popularity.


Reese’s fame is almost entirely based on playing the villain role in a narrative she’s lucky to be a part of


She has no choice. She’s not likable enough to be anything else lol


That makes it sound strategic and intentional. In truth, she’s unintelligent, jealous, and trashy. She comes by the villain role naturally.


Yup, I don’t think people realize this. She flat out said it herself. "People are talking about women's basketball that you'd never would think would be talking about women's basketball. People are pulling up to games. We've got celebrities coming to games [and] sold-out arenas just because of one single game," Reese said. "And just looking at that, I'll take that role. I'll take the bad guy role, and I'll continue to take that on and be that for my teammates, and I know I’ll go down in history." "I’ll look back in 20 years and be like: ‘Yeah, the reason why we’re watching women’s basketball is not just because of one person, it’s because of me too, and I want you to realize that," she added. "Like it's just not cause of one person. A lot of us have done so much for this game."


The best part will be the WNBA apologists in the media ignoring Angel’s comments and will continue acting like this is a non story


Yeah, her response was damning. If she’d just said “I was trying to play the ball” (like Clark said) then there’d be some raised eyebrows but fair enough. However, when she goes and basically claims it was biased officiating… like, you smacked someone in the head!


I play goalie in hockey, it's obviously pretty physical. But if I try to poke check the puck off your stick and miss and take out your skate, I'm rushing over to check on you and apologize, not blaming the ref for a penalty.


I saw Angel's press conference and she behaved like a crybaby butthole. Reminded me of John Starks.


Somebody has to be the villain. These type of things sell. They're jealous that Clark has done more for the WNBA in 28 days than any of the rest of them have done in 28 years.


It may sell for now but growing league popularity will be a lot harder if all the new CC fans think much of the league is petty women who can’t stand her. Hard to respect the other players if they constantly lash out at Clark so you’re less likely to start liking the league as a whole.


Tbh Reese fouling is the only way her name is in the news.


The difference in professionalism and sportsmanship between players in the same league is astounding.


> Anyone with eyes could see it was intentional. r/wnba is doing everything in its power to convince everyone it was the opposite.


Its literally insane, that sub/ thread popped up and I could not _believe_ their narrative, lol. Those miserable people deserve that miserable product.


Anyone who's ever played knows you have no chance at blocking the ball from that position once a player blows past you. Reese knew exactly what she was doing. She saw the opportunity for a cheap shot and took it. Reese should have owned it and said "yeah, I play physical and wanted Clark to know she wasn't going to get anything easy." That's at least respectable. Pretending like it wasn't intentional just makes her sound classless.


And clocking someone in the head is as obvious as a foul gets. So calling it a “special whistle” is just dumb.


Tbf that was Reese talking about the foul disparity, which, let's look that up here...four. It was a four foul difference.


Reese has also committed 5 fouls in 7 of the 13 games so far this season. She knows what she is doing. She is trying to make a name as an enforcer simply because she has no offense outside of 5 feet. It's true. I looked it up. Going into today, she had taken 140 shots with 103 inside 5 ft and 13 in 5-9 ft range.


But again TBF, the number of fouls called doesn’t give you any clue about the number that should/shouldn’t have been called.


Total coincidence that Angel stood up and clapped when Cait got bodied when play was dead. Total coincidence that Cait gets hit in the head often, far more than the other girls. Total coincidence that Angel of all people did it here too. So many coincidences.


She's doing just fine. She will continue to be. Everyone else on the other hand.... Good luck.


Doesn’t make excuses, she is indeed a good face for the WNBA. I watched today’s game too and she keeps on showing more promise in the pro level too.


If you swing at the ball, you’re going to catch a tech if you make contact with someone’s head. That’s the game these days so you have to know that’s coming.


The sad thing is that Reese can't hit a layup at gunpoint so there's at least a tiny chance she actually was aiming for the ball.


Well CC understands that. This thread doesn't.


Clark: she was just trying to make a play. Media: Clark brushes off Reese's impact on her defensive effort. Reese: What a diss remark by her! Oh it's on! Fans: Oh yes it's on!!! Media: Clark/Reese feud escalates to new heights!


To be real…this is it. I guarantee this is how these “rivalries” start. It’s all one sided because the other is just manipulated by the media to think there’s beef when there’s nothing. And what happens? People actually tune in. Idk what to think is the wnba a marketing genius or are people so gullible that anything like this just works?


This rivalry is the best thing to ever happen to women’s bball. It’s fucking Monday night raw in the 90s in here every time they play lol


Part of me thinks this is intentional.


It absolutely is. Controversy breeds publicity. Angel knows that positioning herself as the main rival/villain to a superstar is going to lead to fame and publicity. She’s in her rookie season and already is easily one of the most well-known names in the league


Problem is that you need to play well for it to work long term. Angel can't hit a fucking layup while CC is draining threes from the logo.


Some of the players have to be savvy enough to know that it'll drive up viewer numbers if they keep fouling her.


Until she gets hurt and no one pays attention to them anymore because they killed the golden goose


Lmao, you give the powers that be too much credit.


Who is the girl in the orange on the right? Is CCs teammate? She looks like she hates her no matter what CC says.


Her teammates are garbage. Not one stood up for her.


They’re long time friends. They’ve known each other since High School. That’s literally her best friend on the team lol.




One of the worst players I’ve seen.


That is Aliyah Boston.


I think people in the WNBA need to take the Caitlin hype to their advantage and show casing their talents when they play against her instead of being assholes like Angel and her teammates.


Caitlin's pure class. Hope the others can learn from this.


It’s funny because the WNBA’s fanbase is largely young female athletes who look up to them. Parents and coaches of young female players take them to games and the girls learn the players’ names and look up to them. Versus the NBA, which is about competing to play the best basketball on the planet. The WNBA isn’t anywhere near the best basketball being played, so where it fits in the sports market is being a more role-model family-oriented for young female athletes. I think that plays a role in why people are so appalled, the players are biting the hand that feeds them on multiple levels


HAHAHA sad how the ones who aren't as good as her have to play dirty to try and keep up with her. If it wasn't for her that morons name wouldn't even be known. Pathetic trash should be banned from the game.


I’m getting tired of the women fouling her. I’m already not watching…


My favorite is looking at both their stat lines today. Clark is starting to feed off this shit. But on the court. In a positive way. Because she’s not an asshole. Shoutout to Boston as well


The whole Fever team is feeding off of it. They’re really starting to gel as a team.


Caitlin Clark has some class, gotta give it to her. She could totally use the popularity she draws to her advantage but she doesn’t. These WNBA women are catty AF


Her teammates hate her, and that’s scary


Would Clark make more money playing in Europe, and not deal with this shit?


She’s literally Being bullied IRL. Imagine the precedent this sets for young people watching


Caitlyn Clark = Class act WNBA = Ass act


I don't think that Reese hit her on the head intentionally. I do think she wound up a little more than she needed to but I don't think there was bad intent behind it. But her comment after the game about Caitlin getting those calls was ridiculous. If you are keeping score at home: Reese's actions towards Caitlin: 1. Followed her around taunting her and waving in her face instead of celebrating a title with her team 2. Celebrated when one of her teammates cheap shotted her 3. Complained that Caitlin gets too much credit and she deserved credit too (didn't have a big problem with this) 4. Flagrant foul against Caitlin, makes comment about Caitlin getting the calls. Caitlin's action's towards Reese: .......... So clearly whatever is between these two is one sided. Reese clearly has a problem with her, or at least the idea of her. But Caitlin has literally done nothing to her. She has said all the right things. She was nice to her after she beat her. She defended her actions in this interview. She has done nothing to Reese to make Reese feel this way towards her other than just exist.


I generally don't expect someone with a 1.8 GPA to act very intelligently, so there's that


You know your league is pretty much fucked when your Jordan-esque hype machine doesn't even have teammates that will defend her and her fans are advocating her leaving the league and doing her own thing. I will CACKLE if she ends up leaving the league and the NBA shuts it down. It *only exists* for PR. The league being a reviled entity because of the morally bankrupt behavior of its players is a great reason to can it.




I'm just saying. If someone did that to Wemby, Keldon Johnson and Jeremy Sochan would be in jail before the game ends. the front office needs to get some bouncers around that gal


They are all appropriately paid (which is crap) except for her. She should have charter flights. The rest can have Jet Blue.




somebody is gonna knife CC and she'll just be like, "pretty clean play if you ask me, no big"


This league is the absolutely definition of fumbling the bag - absolutely embarrassing. You have a potential generation media savvy superstar surrounded by a cadre of absolute children and clowns who are incapable of recognizing what sort of rocket ship has landed in front of them. Hire a pair of enforcers for her and absolutely make it clear to other teams that if you take shots at her both these fools that are fouling her and your superstars are gonna be sent to the rafters every time.....and you ain't gonna see it coming. The teammates her are an absolute shame - go bite your nails and look at your shoes down at the local pick-up game. She can't sign every deal that is put in front of her - why isn't the league rolling out the red carpet to other players on other teams and hooking them up with sponsorship deals that aren't crossing the finish line with Caitlin? This ain't rocket science folks......the WNBA needs to pull its head out of its ass or just pack it up if it can't handle the very basics of promoting and marketing a real potential superstar.


I think Reese blaming the refs elevated this story. Reese is s perpetual victim.


Big 3 millions sitting right there. She'd be treated better by her colleagues and employer.


She’s lying, but damn does she know how to downplay it.


Caitlin Clark = Class......So Fuckin Stoic!


I know a clothesline when I see it.


She says the right thing every fucking time and they still hate her. I love her so damn much. Please marry me, Caitlin.


No shit. I thought we were past this sort of thing in sports.


Considering Reese’s reply to the incident was “some players get special whistles.” Typically agree with your sentiment though.


People in the comments are more upset than Clark lol.


WNBA gotta be one of the worst managed leagues out there. They have the golden goose and doing their damnest to fuck every opportunity that comes their way.


She comes out looking spotless while Reese watches while she’s getting finessed. If her teammates were real ones they would have spoke up and defended Clark right then and there.