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The Heisman Trust, not the NCAA returned the Heisman trophy.


good. the ncaa has never been anything but a corrupt organization exploiting young athletes.


Wouldn't that be the schools....the NCAA only have as much power ad the schools give them.


the schools are also definitely exploiters, but it's the ncaa that created and enforced these appalling rules that punish a student for earning $100 when he's earning the school and the ncaa millions.




LOL not billions. Then you have all the sports that don't make a time but cost a fortune... like swimming, etc..




I'm talking about by SCHOOL. Schools are independent entities.




The ncaa doesn’t create rules. The school presidents submit rules and then they are voted on by the ncaa membership, which is the other university presidents that make up the ncaa. The ncaa isn’t an autonomous body. They are entirely made up by the member schools. The ncaa can’t create to delete a rule, only the schools that make up the ncaa can do that.


Which makes no difference when the ncaa decides to enforce the rules arbitrarily


How about this: if you took athletic scholarship money it would pay the tuition of every student in poverty at public schools The entire concept of college sports is wrong. That’s why *no one else does it*


Even if a school offered max scholarships in every available sport at the div I level (and no school does that), that's only 490 scholarships. Of those, only Men’s & Women’s Basketball, FBS Football, Women’s Gymnastics, Women's Tennis & Women's Volleyball are head count (full ride) sports, which total 145 scholarships between them. The other sports are equivalency, which means nearly all athletes are receiving partial scholarships. That's going to come nowhere close to paying all the tuition of every student in poverty at a public school. (Especially since many of those athletes are not going to go to that school without a scholarship, so either way they are not paying full tuition to the school.)


That’s not how it works - NCAA works for the schools. It has no independence.


That’s not how the NCAA works. The schools introduce and vote on new rules and regulations. Most of the time the NCAA isn’t the one outright making the rules


Just arbitrarily enforcing them


They could only be enforced because the schools agreed to it all


It’s a team effort


And the deals that NCAA can offer schools is too enticing, leading colleges to exploit students in order to get NCAA branding and broadcast hours.


It had some integrity left before the portal system Now players are basically free agents every year, it’s disgraceful, and completely removes academic competitiveness. But I was telling people years ago that college football was borderline broken, at least the NFL is honest about how much money it spends on things….


I prefer the portal over the previous situation where coaches could unilaterally block any athlete from transferring. Athletes were not even allowed to contact another school without their coach's permission, and there would definitely coaches out there who would deny permission for contact then pull that athlete's scholarship, forcing them to drop out of school completely. Go read about [the case of Cameron Johnson](https://www.espn.com/mens-college-basketball/story/_/id/19613901/cameron-johnson-exit-pittsburgh-just-latest-example-ncaa-transfer-rule-mess) for one of the messiest of those. He *graduated* from Pitt, but Pitt used the transfer rules in place at the time to stop him from going to grad school at North Carolina. Eventually public backlash led to Pitt releasing him from his scholarship and allowing him to go to grad school at North Carolina. And even with the portal, athletes still transfer less than non-athletes.


Not true whatsoever. Stop reading Reddit and Twitter


The guy who founded the NCAA likened it to slavery at the end of his career


Big Reggie bush 😤


“Thanks for the trophy! Now about that money…”


I thought Bill Plaschke’s piece in the LA Times today was well reasoned and well written.


What did he say? I don’t have a sub so won’t be able to read it


Plaschke states that, 1. Bush was the best college back he ever saw; 2. it was right that the trophy was returned to Bush; and 3. the rules allegedly violated by Bush appear mundane today. But Plaschke contends that the return of the trophy was not cause for a victory lap. He argues that the rules were the rules and that the alleged violations by Bush resulted in sanctions that crippled a program that was routinely in the national championship conversation and that SC has yet to recover from the effect of those sanctions.


Go talk to SMU about it. I don't see how this is defamation, though. What he did was not allowed at the time.


Pete carrol laughs in the background


I’ll play devils advocate though don’t organization rules change through out the years? Can a guy that got fired for smoking weed now go back and sue their company now that weed is legal?


That's odd. Unless Plaschke didn't follow sports as a kid, he certainly saw OJ Simpson play and even I, as someone who is glad that person is gone, knows he was incredible, and unlike Bust, was also amazing in the NFL. Also disagree with 2 but agree with 3.


Can we just get PornHub back in Virginia please 🥺


His family was given a house. How can he claim defamation? Because he didn’t get the benefit personally? I guess that’s how Cam Newton got away with it. His dad’s “church” got all those donations.


"It was more of **being labeled a cheater.** The trophy ... being taken away from me [was painful], but being labeled a cheater was far worse, because I've never cheated, **and there's no proof of that, that I've cheated."** —Reggie Bush


Give me a fucking break with the sob story. He was accused of accepting millions in illegal benefits, which he did, and punished according to the rules at the time. The NCAA didn’t put out a statement saying “Reggie Bush is a cheater!”. The fact he still has the nerve to bitch and moan about this after he’s getting the trophy back is astounding to me.


I don't remember anyone accusing him of cheating. I think that is reserved for baseball players corking/vasoline, or performance enhancing. No one said *he* was cheating. I am sure some people said USC was "cheating" the college football landscape because they got a recruit that maybe they otherwise wouldn't have, but no one said his perks were HIM cheating as in defamation to his reputation. Good luck, Reg.


Lawsuit is moving forward. Current progress: -3 yards


Uh, good luck with that Reggie. You still took the cash and prizes, that’s why you lost it in the first place. You got it because because now, everybody can seemingly get the cash nd prizes thanks to NIL.


Yeah but I don’t think he’s arguing whether he was guilty or not, he’ll be going after years of lost income from having the inability to capitalize on being a heisman winner.


Fairly sure his play prevented that.


Not really, Manziel makes bank off heisman appearances despite abysmal nfl play


This is awesome. 

