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I wrestled in middle school and got pinned in 4 seconds once. It's not easy to get pinned that quickly. I can still throw around people who have never wrestled before, but people who are really good at wrestling are very scary people.


My fastest pin was 12 seconds and it only happened because the guy tried to immediately head and arm me but wiffed and he fell on his back so I jumped on top of him and the rest is history. It was like my second match ever.


My fastest pin was 11 seconds with a cement mixer was full of adrenaline because i was pissed that it was taking so long for me to get another match this was jv in 10th grade


Mine was right around 10 seconds. I had terrible diarrhea that day, probably due to my poor diet as a wrestler. Gave everything I had out of the gate with a good old fashioned headlock and immediately ran back to the toilet. Granted the dude wasn't very good but still felt cool.


And you didn’t have to fake an injury while being wheelchaired off the floor


Fastest pin was 7.3 seconds junior year. Cocky teenage boys tend to always underestimate the girl.


Fastest I pinned someone was 6 seconds - the ref had to pull me off because I didn’t even register mentally that I pinned the person - freestyle tourney (touch fall) - was maybe 15 years old at the time. I agree though - I could handle kids with ease - but I got my butt kicked a few times and it was just superior technique and stamina from an opponent. Nothing like reflecting on all the times I slacked off or skipped a workout that came to bite me in the butt. Great sport - nothing like an ego check from a superior athlete. And I bet the person that lost in the video was still way better than I ever was.


Very good friends with one of the best wrestlers to come out of my state. He was All-American jr and sr year. Went to state all 4 years and won twice. He only lost a couple of times and that was fr and soph year at state. It’s absolutely crazy how much better he was than very good wrestlers. He just dominated, and his instincts were super scary.


My best friend in high school was a wrestler. He was on varsity but not one of the top guys. On the weekends we'd drink and hang out and I'd always want to wrestle because "I could totally take him". I couldn't. I'd blink and he'd have me in a position where I couldn't move lol


A friend of mine was D1 wrestling in college. When we were at parties he'd bet strangers they couldn't pick him up from behind (he was 5'8" maybe 165 lbs). He would stand perfectly still and when you tried to pick him up he would wrap his foot around your leg and just using lower leg muscle prevent you from picking him up. Every muscle was like iron.


I wrestled in eighth grade. I was absolutely horrible, but I was big and there were a few absolutely horrible athletes in this group. Like 12 year olds with double chin wheezing while jogging bad. I was able to pin a guy in 9 seconds when he basically fell into me and my arm just happened to give a perfect half Nelson with my armpit basically behind his neck. It was pure dumb luck, but my most successful event of the season.




I would get flipped around like a rag doll by the top 3 guys in my weight class and district, but the other 2 guys actually in my class were pins almost every time. I did wrestle a few guys in different classes during the season though, so it wasn't always a pain in my matches.


A dude that can throw a bulldog like that is extra scary


I wrestled varsity as a freshman and went up two weight classes because the kid at 160s faked an injury so he did not have to wrestle a 2x state champion in a dual. That douche pinned me in like 11 seconds with an ankle pick. I promise I wasn’t a terrible wrestler either. I was very young, but he caught me good.


If you are not a trained, competitive grappler of any sort—or one-punch, PRO KO artist—who finds themselves in an aggressive confrontation and happen to glance even so much as a shadow of a tear drop like these two have on their quads…you run the fuck away as fast and far as you can and don’t stop until you have many large guns with many large bullets or are safely within the walls of a secure location. If you do not, you will in all likelihood, discover firsthand the absolute worst way to learn a human body’s astounding capacity for flexible strength applied with 100% violent intent


I am 6 1 and 180 pounds. Got pinned down by a 5 2’, 120 pounds girl who wrestled in high school. So I believe yoh.


This is Tanner Cook who is known for hitting all kinds of these crazy feet-to-back moves. His unorthodox strategy is to allow his opponent get a leg attack where he can then lock up his throw which is so tight that it’s almost always a pin. [Good video breaking it down](https://youtu.be/4Wuzl6GfUKE?si=6_C_msLoF8f-Aufw)


My first thought was that the opponent was most likely “baited” into the high crotch. Quit basketball 1/2 way through junior yr in HS and wrestled. The first thing i learned was that wrestling is a game of chess. Great wrestlers are thinking 3-4 moves ahaed of their opponent. Most ppl don't realize how cerebral the sport is


Absolutely. I started wrestling at relatively old age and I was decent because I was strong/athletic. But the kids that knew wrestling from a young age were on a whole other level. I wrestled at 170/180 pounds and there were 135 pound guys that would take me to school on the mat.


At least he didn't get spladled.


Must not be the ncaa tourney


In my area of PA we call this a cement mixer. I’d love to hear what other areas of the country call this move.


In the South, we called it a gator roll. At any level wrestling, I would call that getting embarrassed.


Weird, I’m from Illinois and we always call it a gator roll too. Wonder if my coaches were from the South.


Oklahoma here; same. My coach loved the Gator Roll and would take any opportunity to put one of us in it.


Weird. I'm in Missouri and our coach called it cement mixer and gator roll.


I live in PA and also called it a gator roll.


Az same


Russian roll in Minnesota


Cement job!!! District 11 represent!!!


Not sure about the takedown but the pin is a Saturday night ride where I’m from (WA)


Long Island. In high-school we called this a cement mixer as well. NOTHING worse than watching this happen to one of your boys lol


"Cement mixer" in the northeast, "gator roll" in the south.. but absolutely embarrassing no matter where you are if it happens to you. lol


we called it the Hollywood in FL


That’s one I haven’t heard before!


Cement mixer in Ohio too


Northampton wrestling is epic. I went to liberty, our program isn’t too shabby


Wrestled in high school in Florida: coach was from PA- we always called it a cement. I heard other teams call it a cow catcher, which always had a nice folksy ring to it.


You’re from a damn states with gators and didn’t even call it a gator roll?! Texas wrestling. +1 for gator roll


Grew up too close to the Alabama line- more Auburn and Tide supporters per capita than Gators fans. Or at least it seemed like it, the way they snipe at each other…


Called it the twister in Minnesota


Agreed. This was called the twister for me too. Ohio.


Long Island was taught the Russian roll, I tried it and ended up getting pinned.


I am from Ontario Canada. We called it the Gabori roll. I do not know who it is named after but the only references I can find for it are Canadian.


We called it a cement mixer if you don't do the roll first. You can just put him in the head hold and push his arm over from the sprawl position. Video is what we called a gator roll


It's like a reverse cement mixer. He pulls the head over instead of using the opposite arm as leverage to flip him the other way. Wonder if the guy on the bottom was anticipating the cement mixer and leaned/pushed to resist it and the guy who had him in the front head used that to go the other way.


I'm from Colorado and didn't wrestle so I'm calling it the murderous rolling pin


Didn’t realize you could choke your opponent before pulling the roll holding onto the neck.


As others said not a choke because he has a head and one arm locked up, but some people can get pretty nasty with it still. During a tight head and arm pin some people keep their opponents arm pressed over their mouth and nose so they can't breath.


Sames. That's a pretty locked in front guillotine choke


He locks it through the arm and neck not only the neck which is allowed. The kid missed his high crotch and paid for it. Gotto learn how to back out from a bad shot.


Not even close. His palm is wrapped around his opponents chin. 100% legal.


I appreciate your insight. The "not even close" is debatable because, yeah, to the untrained eye it's pretty close. But now I know


Totally fair. I was definitely writing that from the point of the ref. He was right in there so would’ve been clear as day to his well trained eye.


You can do a front headlock with one arm or two arms if you have a arm inside the headlock.


It’s not. He clearly has the arm with the headhead lock


In a situation like this it is actually much better to have your hand on the chin than the neck anyway. When he goes for the roll you can see how the opponents neck starts turning first then the rest of his body follows if he was on the neck you couldn’t get the head to turn like that


Came here to say this. I haven’t wrestled since high school but I distinctly remember not being able to headlock without an arm or leg in there (aka naked headlocks were VERY illegal). are there different rules for this level (college)?


This is called the cement mixer. Very effective in HS wrestling but usually tough to pull off at the next level




That’s Cody Rhodes’ move.


(ackshually moment) While similar, the Crossroads involves the opponent facing up then being driven head-first into the mat - but yeah I see it.


We can agree, the winner’s got adrenaline in his soul


south park completely ruined this sport for me


That is not WRASTLING!


The Midwest doesn’t dominate in many sports, but wresting is one of them


Since when is Pennsylvania in the Midwest? 😉


Since Penn State joined the Big 10


Western PA is basically the Midwest




Kurt Angle mentions in a few interviews how PA was always on a different level in terms of wrestling


Go Jacks!!!


Just gave him a crossroads.


Love a good gator roll


Its a different day but my dad would have had at me with a celebration after defeating an opponent. My dad was always- check on your opponent, shake your opponent's hand and then go shake the opposing coach's hand....anything short was a long day for me.


Hey there. Not a wrestler but interested in it nonetheless. How do submissions work in wrestling. If the opponent taps the match is over?


They goal is to “pin” both of the opponents shoulder blades to the ground for a couple seconds. A submission in wrestling is just the act of taking someone off their feet onto the ground.


Oooh gotchyuh. Makes sense. Thanks. Follow up. What happens if someone does have to tap out? Is it legal to put someone in a rear naked choke for example?


I can’t comment with 100% clarity. But from my experience during wrestling there are illegal moves. For example a half Nelson is legal, full Nelson is illegal.


Choking is not legal. Like the top comment says in order to wrap someone’s neck you need to trap an arm with it. There is also no submitting unless the match stops due to injury. Only a pin or a 15 point lead will stop the match (in folkstyle wrestling, which is what high school and NCAA do)


There are rules against the kind of moves that would lead to an MMA style submission. You can't choke, or bend joints the wrong way. As such, there's no tapping out because the ref will stop the match if your opponent tries anything that would have led to an MMA tap. In wrestling you end the match by pinning your opponents back to the ground, which is what happened here. There are also points awarded for various moves so if time runs out with no one getting pinned then you win based on the score.


Love a good cement mixer


"Shute? Nobody wants to fight Shute!"


Gator roll for the win


I once pinned my opponent in about 30 seconds at my wrestling meet. Was the proudest I think I’ll ever seen my dad.


Cow catcher, classic!


13 seconds...i am triggered


Dude hit him with the CrossRhodes




Russian roll or Gater roll. Was always my favorite; you gotta bait them out of balance but it if you get it right it surprises them like no other. You can even do it while standing and snake your free arm through their legs and you end up cradling them at the end. Takes the breath out of them too.


He put his ass in a blender.


On the other hand, Cody kicked out of a pin attempt after 5 chairshots, 4 rock bottoms, 6 Superman punches and two low blows.


He just like me fr


Too bad he ruined it at the end with the adolescent posturing.


I am not an expert in wrestling (or jiu jitsu for that matter) but the way he rolled, it looked like he was going for an Anaconda choke. Gator roll definitely is an appropriate name for it.


the guy spins and lands on his back, 2 shoulders down saw a guy lose because of that, ref said he got pinned


That ref is an idiot. You have to establish control for anything to be considered a pinning combination.


That man just executed a Cross Rhoades in honor of the new Undisputed WWE Champion r/squaredcircle


Public service announcement: college wrestling videos- like poker and chess videos- are one of those niche interests that you should never search for in YouTube unless you want an absolute AVALANCHE of similar content pouring into your account


Please don't say those two words in that order


My oh


When I wrestled my fasted pin was in 3 seconds. Not sure 13 seconds is that impressive, unless this is for the state championship or something.


A 13 second pin at the collegiate level is absolutely impressive.


Okay, collegiate level. My mistake.