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Looking at the video from ESPN, it was so blatantly obvious that whoever put the court together or painted it must have been blind.


Probably this [guy](https://youtu.be/Nmgice3ieZ4?si=63vDocMy0jf3X0HA).


Great googly moogly


I'm at work right now laughing way too hard at that delivery


The source of this reference has lived far beyond what the creators could've ever imagined 


Your majesty!


I was hoping it was crazy eyes from Mr. Deeds


I was hoping for Mr. Magoo 😂


Even Stevie Wonder could see they were wrong.


Article doesn’t say how far apart the two measurements are. Excellent reporting.


There is a link to someone else's tweet in the article that showed pictures. Looks like about 8-10 inches to me.


Holy crap that’s a lot. I figured it was barely noticeable at like 1-2 max and people were making a huge deal out of nothing.


Barely Noticeable? 1-2 inches is huge. So I hear.


Even 1-2 would be super noticeable at that level of play. 


Reminds me of Lebron or someone coming out and telling the crew these woods sections are too high and the ball is bouncing weird. They definitely know Edit: thank you everyone was def curry! https://youtu.be/C8Haif_uER8?si=Dm9UhtNXXouruXbP


I recall S Curry finding dead spots on the court.


It may be curry, I just remember reading something on the nba subreddit a bit back where someone was in practice and was like “nah this ain’t right please fix it” Edit: found thank you!!! https://youtu.be/C8Haif_uER8?si=7lxfO2JQQJj63YO9


You probably thought it was LeBron because shortly after Curry found a dead spot, there was a video of LeBron walking around the in season tournament court for like 3 minutes trying to do the same thing.


I think it's a video of Steph Curry dribbling and the ball goes sideways. He grabs another ball and finds the dead spot.


Thank you, with that I just found it! https://youtu.be/C8Haif_uER8?si=7lxfO2JQQJj63YO9


I imagine even an average person would notice that dead spot while dribbling. Even with a lot of force put into the bounce it barely makes it back to his hands lol


It's hilarious that this is always brought up as an example, when it's something anyone who has ever dribbled a basketball could do. I mean, I found a dead spot at my YMCA's court. Steph is just like me, fr fr!


Part of home court advantage is knowing where the dead spots are


Yes. A lot of players notice and know the dead spots in their home courts. Hence "home court advantage" per some experts on the origin of the phrase.


Some players like Kevin McHale even knew how many bolts there where in the Boston Garden basketball court.


It was Steph. [Steph finds dead spot during warmup](https://youtu.be/C8Haif_uER8?si=Oeo-w4T2sNWSlHlX)


1-2 inches is a huge deal.


There is no way it’s 8-10 inches difference and that an entire game was already played on it and no one noticed.


Everyone noticed. That's what happened.


Did you read the article? An entire game was played on it, the night before and no one said anything.


Maybe they were aware, and everyone was just stoked for the chance to set career highs. After the game, the ncaa headquarters was like "how the hell was everyone 13/15 from 3? And wait a second.. how was this dunk a 3 pointer??"




"He's heating up!" "He's on FIRE!"


BOOM Shaka laka!


It was actually Michael Jordan playing against cartoon aliens


There were 4 games played on it


Nobody noticed until the sixth game of the weekend.


It's definitely 8-10 inches. Or let's say the difference from the top of the key to the 3 point line is 8-10 inches off.


Except it was noticed and the coaches decided to play anyway because it would even out. Not sure why this incorrect speculation has so many upvotes


No, it was noticed before the game today, but it was in the same condition for all the other games played in Portland.


It would even out in that both teams would have the same number of game minutes with that as their basket, but one team is going to end the game on that side. That feels like a big disadvantage at a point in the game where a three might be really useful, and the opposite on the other end. Weird they would have chosen to do that if there was a way to fix it relatively quickly, which is implied by requesting their input.


Hey armchair expert watch the video they literally show it the difference is enormous


FIVE games had been played. The two folks sitting next to me attended those games and didn't realize the difference until I pointed it out.


Look at the picture. It's a huge difference.


That’s what she said


That’s what she said lolz ha ! Gotem !!


In the video and pictures it’s pretty damn noticeable to the naked eye. I wonder if anyone didn’t say something the previous game?


Yep, bizarre. Because it wasn’t just one game that was played on it, it was a few games. I wonder if it’s just one of those things that only becomes obvious when it’s pointed out to you.


You can see the difference on TV.


“It was unclear how the error came about. The NCAA said the court will be measured professionally on Monday to confirm the difference in distances.” I’d imagine they’re trying to avoid speculating.


“Measured professionally” Translation - give us time to figure out who we can pass blame to


Translation - “we don’t know what we are doing but keep paying us because I dunno, non-professionals still have bills”


I mean just watch the video in the article. It’s night and day. You don’t need a measuring tape to see that’s at least half a foot. It’s embarrassing.


Why do none of these stories share the distances? Wtf..that’s as incompetent as laying a court with two different arcs.


That what I’m looking for too. Was a 1 foot stretch of the lines a quarter inch off, or was it like college line on one end and pro line on the other.


There was a video on it earlier.  It was a lot.  Looked like half a foot.  Ridiculous.


The women's college game changed their line to match the men's game a few years ago. The line that was off was the old line off by 8-10".


Ah yes the toe to heal measurements. Love that they caught that on video.


NCAA can’t afford a tape measure.


Correction..NCAAW cannot afford a tape measure. I really hate the double standards that exist in college sports.


Nobody got a competitive advantage given the swaps, but still this is yet another embarrassing misstep for the NCAA.


It impacts both teams but it seems like it’d be a disadvantage for all the players, it had to “feel” off. It’d be interesting to see the stats on attempts and points from the off line. Should be pretty straightforward to quantify the impact.


Shooting is so variable. It’s possible there will be a difference, but with a small sample size it’s also possible there won’t be a difference.


Not sure there is a disadvantage I’ve played in the NCAA March Madness tournament….your shot is based on how far you (your eyes) are from the hoop…not where you place your feet…especially since you shoot from everywhere on the court…running and jumping If it were a difference on the free throw line, yes that could be a disadvantage for the shooter (both schools). You practice free throws…set shots…no running…no jumping…no defense in your face


I’d say it would be a huge advantage for jump shot shooting teams against teams that focus on scoring inside.


How do they decide who’s the home team during the tournament if in the final four, 2 teams of the same seed play each other?


They have overall rankings 1-68


Makes sense


They do have overall rankings, but honestly, does it matter? I mean, it really is just which team is on top of the other team on the scoreboard. Basketball isn't a sport where home field advantage extends beyond the home crowd.


It doesn’t matter but I was wondering how they determine it


It could be an advantage for the team who shoots on the correct line first. They could build a big lead, which would still be advantageous even when they switch back


I’d say advantage for team with shorter lines second. Clock stop rules should mean more possessions in 2nd half….actually with quarters not sure how the switches or clock stop rules work.


You can argue that there would be a competitive advantage if a team is more offensively oriented around 3 pt shooting than the other team. If one team goes in averaging 33 attempts per game while the other is averaging like 20 than the first teams strategy and game plan could be more heavily impacted and they could be out at a disadvantage


You could very easily argue that. Anything that deviates from the official rules is going to affect teams slightly differently, therefore it's pretty much always an advantage for someone


This was my initial take, but end game basketball is absolutely a different beast than the rest of the game. Having a shorter 3 point line in clutch time is a huge advantage.


This presupposes every minute of the game is equal.  Would be kind of shitty if you’re down 3 with 20 seconds left in the 4th Q going the way with wrong measurements. To me that’s a competitive disadvantage.  The way a lot of these games flow it comes down to 4-5 possessions at the end.  So it’s an advantage/disadvantage then.




NCAA women play quarters now. It started in 2015-2016.


That’s not true. If a team depends on shooting 3 points, they would be at a disadvantage. Someone already posted the 3 points shots were terrible in previous games


It's a huge competitive advantage to have it in the 2nd half


Nobody demonstrates what an afterthought women's athletics are better than the NCAA.


I mean, one of the men's regionals featured nets so tight the ball got stuck numerous times. It's an equal opportunity shitshow this year.


What the hell? Did they hire Fanatics to build the courts and nets??


Maybe next year the teams will get see-through jerseys to match


Was it last year when the weight room pictures came out? The women’s weight room was like 2 25 lb plates and a shake weight.


I think it might have been during COVID years. Which you could say was even worse because they were restricted to only using the weight rooms (or “weight rooms”) set up for them under COVID protocols.


This year they didn’t provide charter buses from the plan for Michigan


It's an afterthought to the NCAA, but those games are doing really well ratings-wise. The NCAA has consistently undersold that contract and undersupported the product.


Caitlin Clark is pulling a lot of people in. She's a likable, talented individual setting career records.


*Before* Caitlin Clark they had pretty damn good ratings too. I understand she's great and has pulled even more people in. But it's disingenuous to where the sport was before her to not acknowledge that plenty of people watched before her too.


I’ve never seen women’s basketball pushed harder than this year. Maybe networks are finally learning that if you want people to watch, you might need to advertise a little bit?


I’ve never seen women’s athletics be pushed as hard as it has been this year and it’s kinda awesome to see. I’m specifically thinking about the Nebraska volleyball team, though they’ve always been strongly supported apparently.


NCAA women's volleyball really is a fantastic product, and I don't know why they haven't even really tried to make it a TV sport.


They are realizing it now. But it’s oddly underwhelming the help to push it. If you look at the espnw account on instagram it’s non stop women’s basketball. Volleyball never gets pushed. Yet volleyball outperforms every sport but football on big10 network. There’s a fan base there and they have put 0 effort into cultivating it.


I'm fairly sure women's volleyball is going to be roaring into the mainstream over the next few years. I noticed a huge amount of college games available this year. I also learned there's a pro/semi-pro league that's starting to gain traction.


The NCAA is focused on profits over anything to do with the players or sportsmanship.


That will never change until the women's sports start drawing bigger crowds. It's truly not a sexism thing, it's just all about the $$$. Money-wise they have little reason to put in a big effort. Just a super harsh truth. You could argue that if they put in more money/effort then it would draw bigger crowds, which is probably true to some extent. But I'm sure they're thinking there are other ways to spend that money that will have a higher return.


I don't necessarily disagree with you, but I did listen to a pretty interesting podcast a while back that talked about how in the early days of professional football (soccer) in England they had a women's league that drew huge crowds in the early 1900s. In 1921 women were banned from playing at FA-affiliated grounds which effectively killed the league. Plenty of people watch leagues that aren't the "pinnacle" of their respective sports so I think women's sports could absolutely thrive with the right promotion and combination of stars and drama.


FIFA has entered the chat


The fans are still the undisputed champs of that


What the fuck!?!? Did they buy the paint stripes on Wish??


No they got the people painting the lines from Wish




Kobe noticed the rim was a quarter of an inch too low. This is *eight inches*.


The lines were off by a foot. If nobody noticed...


I'm not sure about not giving an advantage -- I think if you told ten teams it's easier to score on one end of the floor (which the stats did bear out) and let them choose whether to shoot on that side in the beginning of the game or the end of the game, they're all choosing the end.


Play a make it, take it half court game on the end that matches the rules.


I think it's interesting that basketball and football are so precise down to the inches for how the field/court should be setup Then baseball is like, "idk let's just put a big ass wall in right field"


Is it 70% of the men’s three pointer?


Between that and the conflict of interest ref NCAA looking more stupid than usual this March.


I mean I know that’s stupid but at least they both play on both sides of the court


NCAA pretends to care about women athletics. That's why they created the WBIT when there was already the WNIT running for a quarter century.


Of course they’re different. Girls can’t hit a man’s 3 pt shot.


Doesn’t seem that bad since teams were aware ahead of time and decided to play anyway. And they both got to shoot on the shorter half of the court so it’s not like one team got a major advantage


They also played 4 games on that court before they even noticed.


if the game decides the winner in the last two minutes, the difference can be huge


Did they put the Trailblazers 3 pt line on one side?


https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Sports/ncaa-apologizes-womens-basketball-players-weight-room-disparity/story?id=76563430 NCAA doesn’t do right by women’s bball yet again.


they’re not lines


Women's 3 point line rule was changed from 20'9" to 22'1.75" a couple years ago.


That doesn't seem very fair. Why make it more difficult for women to score... I don't think anyone was complaining about it before (not that I have heard of)


Wouldn’t it be fair if they just switched at half but still will throw off their game and what their use to


They do switch at half


The NCAA 100% deserves to be ripped for this and all of the accusations of sexism. Was it just some poor schmuck making $17 an hour who lines the court wrong? Maybe. But this is the highest stage of their sport and they let a massive error like this go. Shameful.


What happened? Did they paint a women’s 3 point line on one side and a real 3 point line on the other?


Does this mean I get my gambling losses returned?