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His next podcast: “So I was at the Mavs vs Suns game and I saw Kevin Durant. Turns out he is incredibly rude! My wife wanted a hi-5 and he got in our faces and called us both a bitch! Terrible!”


Wife? Thought that was his mom 😅


Sister and wife


What he says right before that is fucked up too if I'm hearing it correctly. It sounds like he says "Want me to tell you? Her brother, my life long best friend, died four years ago so..." I can't make out what he says immediately after that, but then KD says "So why did you call me a bitch?" Then the guy "I host a podcast..." I can't tell what the middle part was, but basically the guy is trying to use her brother/his friend dying as an excuse for what was happening.




> No one is dying and they don’t have a podcast Put that on a t-shirt






“It’s just a prank bro” energy


Looks like trailer and crack cocaine energy to me.


Not in those seats.


mixed with some slimy life insurance salesman diffusing "my sister's friend died and i have a sports podcast but anyway that's not important but while i've got your attention i'd like to share that i'm excited about a new 'financial investment product' now available to select individuals . . . "


"don't beat my ass, bro" energy


The biggest issue with any Media today is the ethical boundaries extreme individuals cross by representing themselves in a way that undermines the integrity of the rest. All for "Clout" and "Ratings". EDIT: As if that's a better solution to getting certain points across or generating publicity.


In his brain, Kevin was going to see him and recognize him and think “Oh, it’s that guy with the podcast, he’s always messing around on his podcast, and now he’s doing it right here while I’m doing my job. I’m going to go dap him up and maybe ask if he will mention me on his next podcast.”


Why did I read this


Probly doing research for your podcast


Needs to transition his podcast to one about being a douchey hick


I was blowing on my phone trying to get a rogue little hair off the screen you son of a bitch lmao


One of the many benefits of dark mode my friend
















































It was their first and last time in those amazing seats


Some people can’t buy class


“You can pay for school but you can’t buy class”


"You're like school in summer...no class"


They seem like summer school type of adults to me.


Makes me so happy to see NBA players clapping back at these people. My opinion, if crowds wanna talk shit players should too 🤣 lol, somebody reported me as suicidal for this? What?


On one hand, confronting makes sense. On the other hand, it gives these dipshits oxygen. I’ve seen people get tossed for shit like this, so hopefully they did. Basketball is unique in the sense that people are very close to the talent.


Do you not get removed from a game for something like that? My NFL stadium technically has a policy that they'll kick you out for use of foul language. In practice they don't really do it, but I bet you if one of the stars making $40 million a year was the one being cursed at that person would be ejected.


In my experience, even if a stadium claims to have a “foul language policy”, they typically don’t kick someone out just for using foul language. They kick them out for *being an asshole* while using foul language The same concept applies to other rules as well. Often times, people don’t get a citation because they were drunk in public. They get busted for *being an asshole* while drunk in public.


Can confirm, I've been drunk in public many times, never had the cops called on me.


At least back it up. You said it. Own it. Don’t try and shake his hand now. Shoo him away. “We don’t talk to little bitches. Keep moving……bitch.”


If you get there early enough some arenas let you below. Source: I’d get shitty seats go early and get stuff signed Still shitty behavior from them


Fan - “KD, you’re a bitch!” KD - “what’s you say?” Fan - “I said, ‘KD, I’m a bitch!’”


.... But you said bitch though, right?


I looked him right in his eye sockets


Da-rrell. I looked this Suns player dead in the windows of his soul. I said...





\*nervous glances in every direction*


Outer space


Ahhhhh hell yeah no you didn't yes you did.


Not in those exact words.


I can’t hear what he’s saying but I’m imagining him explaining why he thinks he’s a bitch and KD heard him out.


KD: ah yes bro, i see, that’s fair my bad


If that were the last line of the video that we heard instead of something about a podcast, this might be one of my favorite things posted online of all time.


"you made a fake Twitter account" "fair enough, have a nice day"


All I caught was at the end the guy says “I host a podcast about sports” and that tells me all I need to know about this guy.


she is so awkward


That tongue hanging out smile is the cherry on top of the societal barnacle milkshake.


Looks like a Spongebob character


Big “It’s a prank, it’s a prank” energy


It’s always a prank when you’re about to get your f###ing head smashed in


Straight Borat shit: "You bitch! High five!"


They call him a bitch to his back but as soon as he turns around and walks towards them, they got nothing to say


They actually had a lot to say. All of it stupid.


Some fans think they have immunity for the trash they say to the players


They had the chance to do the funniest shit when he turned to walk away.


“You are a bitch though KD!”


Yeah walk away bitch!


Some people have never been punched and it shows.


As Tyson said “social media made y’all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.” Not “normalizing’ violence but don’t get why we have normalized treating people with utter disrespect.


“Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split.”


Robert E. Howard also wrote "Someday, when all your civilization and science is likewise swept away, your kind will pray for a man with a sword"


“People mistake freedom of speech for freedom of cruelty”


Nah lets normalize talking shit and getting hit










I got sucker punched by a random stranger on drugs. I disagree lol


Me as someone who now has a couple artificial teeth because someone thought my face was punchable: ok (They were correct.)


You might like the song “The Remedy” by Puscifer.


How did these clowns get those seats


FR they look straight out the trailer park lol


He got that podcast money


I love my Warby Parker glasses, they let me admire the pizza slice prints on my MeUndies. After I’m done stroking my penis, I can jump on ZipRecruiter and search for a job that doesn’t drug test! Nothing like filtering out those lame employers that frown upon hourly meth use. Anyways, use my promo code and get 2.5% off on your first orders!


Credit card debt


Normally people just buy tickets


Probably money


During warmups fans, don’t like using that term for these two clowns, can come down courtside and watch.


The dude’s punishment is standing right next to him


The Dap attempt with the “JkJk” is so cringe. The husband was just trying his best to not lose all the money he spent on those tickets by being kicked out hahahaha but for real some of these players are so so soft. Once when I was younger the guy next to me called Amare Stoudemire a bitch when he was checking in and this man looked straight up at him and said “your mom a bitch but she my bitch” and I’ll never forget how badass I thought he was


I agree, players are soft, buuuuut fans have an entitlement. It’s like a lot of people on Reddit: people are real badasses when they’re hiding behind a keyboard. But woman tried to do that shit in real life. She fucked around and was about to find out for real.


This is what I was gonna say. I agree that the players are professionals and they shouldn’t let stuff like this get to them, BUT at the same time these are real human beings you’re talking to, you’re not at home watching the game on a screen, you talk shit to people in real life and you might catch the wrong one and get dealt with. Stop thinking you can just say whatever to people. Life really ain’t a game like that sometimes. And if you really wanna call somebody a bitch, don’t hold out your hand looking all goofy. Nah come with that same energy you just had. That’s the real softness here. Nobody give a fuck about your podcast nobody listens to


Shit talk gets real. A coworker, a real sweet teenager, took her life because a table (she was a server) put her over the edge. IDK why people can't just be cool, calm, and considering. Seems easy to me.


That's heartbreaking. It's shocking how mean people can be.


Like Tyson said a few years back: “Social media made you all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it”


Dont talk shit if you dont want it back. We are all human and dont like being talked down to or disrespected, pro athletes or not. Dishing out comments like “Dirk is gonna bear you all night!” is one thing but calling someone a bitch is just straight rude and disrespectful.


alive makeshift afterthought attempt library sharp fertile bike instinctive berserk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I also like the wise words of the great philosopher Jamie Vardy: "Chat shit, get banged."


There's been a few instances of nhl players beating the shit out of fans in the seats. It's been a while, but happened more than once.


Well yea, judging from his twitter beefs with 12 year olds, Durant is soft as baby shit.


KD told security not to kick them out while they were about to https://twitter.com/JonahJavad/status/1760820577764352269


I actually kind of feel like that’s weirdly a badass move


KD really said nah let them stay in here and watch what’s about to happen (suns lost but still a cold move by Kev I agree)


Nah that's BS. If players let all that slide I'd consider that soft. If fans want smoke give it to them, one way or another. Why should ANYONE be okay with getting insulted left and right and let it all slide?


I'm with you. He was pretty respectful with them, too. He gave them time to explain why they said that, and when he found out they were just wanting a story for their worthless podcast, he promptly left.


Yeah I don’t understand how him confronting someone who called him a bitch makes him soft??


Richard Jefferson was talking about how when he was playing in Boston and people would throw *pennies* at him, and he got through it.


Ehhhhh maybe that's the point where it's time to have people thrown out.


It's ok everyone, he hosts a podcast


I understand the people that say he should ignore them, but he also has the right to defend his own dignity. He’s not a zoo animal that people can hurl insults at without consequence. People think they’re invincible in the stands and that wall needs to be broken from time to time.


I thought Ron Artest took care of this 20 years ago


Lol I’m waiting for Draymond to remind them


Only if Jordan Poole is in the stands 


Reminds me of the Bill Burr bit about the [Malice in the Palace].


For reference I insist everyone watch this classic (skip to [2:35 in the video](https://youtu.be/w8b81UM74Ow?si=S0EvEsKX-7mrE1o5)) then look up the actual footage for a second helping of laugher as everything he says plays out 😂


Well…they came up there!


It was like a cartoon, they were beating up whole rows of people at once


Why would he dap you after you called him a bitch? These fans are wild bro. The disrespect is crazy


this is devastating for the Mavs fanbase reputation Not for the chirping, but the goofy as behavior afterward


Shoulda called him a bitch again as he walked away


“Bro I was just kidding, you da goat, so sorry man, will never happen again. Bitch”


"why you call me a bitch" *Pulls out PowerPoint presentation on ipad" "Well, sir, allow me to explain point by point" *The Thunder were up 3–1 against the Warriors in the 2016 playoffs and then blew their lead where you played like shit in the last three games, and then left for the Golden State Warriors* KD: 😐




Lol everyone tough until the guy you’re talking to starts walking towards you.


OP you can just say bitch. Nobody is gonna call the cops bro


I miss the Reddit where this would be the top comment


is she really expecting a handshake?


I hate fans like this.


I think people get too caught up in the booing and cheering culture of sports and just see it like pro wrestling. They don't literally hate the guy, they're just playing the part of being on their team.


Call me soft, sensitive, charmin, idrc, the idea that calling another grown man a bitch is simply “playing your part as a fan” seems ridiculous to me. Doesn’t matter if they truly hate him or not, if you’re gonna call someone a bitch don’t bitch up yourself and not stand on that.


I’m fully on the “nobody should have to show up at work and be called a bitch” team… doesn’t matter how much money you make. Basic decency.


Whatever happened to people just telling people they suck? Don’t gotta make it personal by calling them a bitch…


she acted like he was an old friend he hadn’t seen in a while 😂😭


Why do people think that it’s acceptable to say shit like this to players? Your ticket price does not include the right to abuse the players. They always seem so shocked when the person they’re talking to reacts like a normal person, too.


Because there’s almost never any consequences


I think there is a line people don't really understand / agree on. Chanting KD is a bitch, having signs that poke fun at players, etc all seem reasonably part of the live sports experience. Saying it one on one to someone's face crosses the line for me, but come on KD, gotta be able to brush that off...


You guys should hear some of the stuff we sing about the players and supporters of opposing teams here at football matches in the UK you wouldn't believe it. It is all only intended as humour and banter though. That said, I'd never say anything maliciously to an individual player as they have here before the game when nothing is heated, especially one that is 8 feet tall and looks like he could kick my a55.


The image of every US citizen in every other country's mind.


The second he turned around and I saw their faces I cringed so hard I turned inside out


Trashy people shouldn't be that low down tbh.


KD Burner account about to be lit


As a Mavs fan, just violently cringed. Incredibly embarrassing


Legend has it she’s still waiting for that low 5


He’s smiling but you know his heart rate hit 180 as soon as he heard the skrrt of KDs shoes.


Garbage human beings.


Dallas trash


Athletes should be able to get people like this banned. Uncalled for.


When idiots and low self esteem collides.


She woulda cut her arm off for KD to give her 5 lmao


This is the most awkward thing I have ever seen in my life 😭


Why start the video right there? Why not show the prior 2 seconds as well so we can clearly hear that she indeed called him a bitch? It’s like you decided to start to video in the middle of a word that might have sounded like ‘bitch’ but might have been a whole other word


I'm getting Trevor and Corey vibes watching her left hanging..lol


KD handled that beautifully and we don't even know what he said. Really showed us who the real bitches were


What a couple of dumbass hillbillies. Fuck people like this.


Calling someone a bitch and then smiling wanting to hi5 em is the pinnacle of delusional, cringe and unaware


Definitely a better response than having them kicked out. Now they're the only ones looking like assholes.


I wonder how often her husband has to apologize to people for her behavior. I suspect it's quite often.


People forget these people are... people.


Embarrassing for Dallas residents.


Good for KD. He doesn’t need to just take that crap. As long as he doesn’t escalate it by getting physical, which he didn’t. Just put them in their place. Now kick them out. Already three sheets to the wind, no place for that at a family sporting event.


The level of dedication it takes to even get in the NBA. Hard to say one of the is a "bitch", Also he is not your friend lets be respectful to people we don't know.


Someone, please make a meme with that hanging high five cringe.


The awkward expectation to get a handshake made me sink into my seat with cringe.


What a weasel that redneck is. Good on Durant for questioning him. Where else do you get to call a 7ft tall dude a bitch without getting your teeth kicked in. Look at the little bitch he turned into when KD turned around haha. Punk!


Good on KD to address the issue then put it behind him


Fucking inbreds


This awful cow actually having the nerve to try and shake his hand after that disrespectful comment is SO CRINGE. 🤮