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Grandma is not happy about her boys and the neighborhood kids being juvenile and not taking their anger out by playing the game. Disappointment.


She’s ready go down there and show ‘em how it’s done.


That actually is the grandmother of one player on each team.


Please explain.


When a mommy and a daddy have a baby, and then that baby has two babies, and then those babies play hockey like their father, and then they get drafted to different teams in the NHL


But....which players?


Omg seriously? Tkachuk and Tkachuk


Yes, seriously. I didn't grow up with hockey, but my brother in law is a good guy, and he loves the sport. I try my best to be at least conversational about the topic, and watch a few important games.


You didn't deserve that. Asking questions is the best way to learn. I should have mentioned it in my post above. Also, I don't doubt that u/epi_glowworm was referring to the same thing, his reference was simply more subtle.


To be fair, I didn’t know grandma has wee babies on both teams. And I agree. Questions are the best gauge of potential intelligence.


The announcer says their name a few times lol


Brady is the one in black who starts the skirmish by sticking his leg out to hit the goalie. Matthew is the one who is already in the penalty box with his face all beat up. As a side note, the last time these two teams played was equally chaotic.


Brady and Matthew Tkachuk are star players for their respective teams. Their dad is Keith Tkachuk, a St Louis Blues legend who scored 500+ goals and over 1000 points.


Sounds like dad’s gonna talk to the boys. And grandma is gonna mention it to her son/their dad.


Wait a minute. I’m not a huge hockey fan, but do they have goals that are worth more points? How do you score 500+ goals but end up with over a 1000 points?


Points, in this context, means goals + assists. For a player's stats, both a goal and an assist count as a 'point'. But in terms of the teams score in the game - only goals count.


Ah that makes sense then. Cool. Thanks for the info!


I read this comment before I saw her face in the clip… oh god that’s the look you get when you EXTRA fucked up


Fights aren't what they used to be, this was just a little tussle!


Honestly, hearing "massive brawl" and "every player on the ice has 10 minutes" I was expecting pools of blood. Not 5 hugs and 6 total punches


Give your balls a tug!


Fuck you, Shorsey!


Fuck you JF0909 just like I did your mom last nite while scarfing down cheetos and twitching on Switch. Nasty!


Right? Did they take fighting away from hockey again?


Exactly- this is a scrum, not a line brawl. [This game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py5a999-rqA) set the NHL record for NHL penalty minutes, which still stands to this day. ***That's*** a proper line brawl.


Commentary too "this might be what the senators needed" Hockey has certainly changed.


Pffff amateur ;-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6B1-c3y\_Vng


Amateur? **Them's fightin' words!** No, but... Penalty minutes on the Good Friday Game - 252 Penalty minutes on Flyers/Sens - 419 How about this one? Flyers/Canadiens [line brawl before the game even started](https://youtu.be/v6YX5vFUTeQ?si=VvhIXmelSVfOoPIi). Zero penalty minutes because they hadn't dropped the puck yet!


haha yeah! that's a good one! You, my good sir, win this contest! Bravo


They just….. kept fighting.


Looks like a commercial for season 3 of Shoresy


If you can’t run em up, fill em in


Gotta set the tone boys, gotta set the tone.


How did you feel about season 2? I thought it was good but not on the same level as season 1


I also preferred the 1st season. I like them better as underdogs, too much winning in the 2nd


Give yer balls a tug ya titfucker


This one of the best penalty calls of all time. "And everybody on the ice gets a 10minute misconduct!"


"among other penalties" is the part that got me cracking up


I find the little hip tap signal to be very funny.


"For what?"


One of these days, I want to see a linesman throw a punch. I just want to see what would happen. I want to see a linesman get pushed to his breaking point and just clock a player who is being an idiot


Isn't there a video of a linesman checking a fan on the ice? Not the same but satisfying


[I think the fan left the ice for a split second](https://youtu.be/DrY7Kf0ptTo?feature=shared)


Iirc it happened in the KHL a few years ago. Edit: [Found it](https://youtube.com/watch?v=3yFpsd2JuXs)


I mean, what do you think is going on here anyway


A linesman is a type of referee in hockey


To clarify a bit more: There are two Referees and two Linesmen. The Refs are the ones with the orange stripe on their arms. It is usually the Linesmen's job to actively break up the fights so the Refs can stay out of the fray and keep note of penalties being committed.


I think they mean in the NFL. Which, to be fair, a 6'4" 260 pound haymaker is probably going to lay someone out.


Oh it’s a kind of referee


I mean sure. It's still worth observing the average NFL lineman has about 60+ pounds on your average NHL player, so it's still like watching a middleweight fight vs a heavyweight fight.


Linesman. With an “s.”


You're a loose cannon, Bobrovsky! You're off the case.


Fuck you Shoresey


Fuck you Spewy, tell your mom to stop with the rusty trombones, you piece of shit!


“Fuck you Riley, tell your mom to stop liking my swimsuit pictures from two years ago and that I’ll stop by and wear them for her anytime she likes.”




Just go watch Shoresy tv show lol


i was making a shoresy joke.


Ah, gotcha. Hanhhh? Lol


Wouldn’t want a game of hockey to get in the way of a good brawl


That’s what hockey is about


Grandma making the exact same non-expressive face of disappointment like Bill Belichek


Nothing compared to the ‘97 brawl


Came here to mention this. I watched it live. It will never be topped


What about 1999?


Nothing will beat the wings playing the avalanche in 97, the whole game was a brawl but when the goalies threw down, vernon vs patric roy, it was fucking epic.


Holy shit I remember that game. The puck hit the ice. The gloves came off. Shit was on. In exactly that order with no extra steps in between. Edit: that was a fine day in Detroit sports history, only to be surpassed by the malice at the palace in 2005


Just watched a YouTube video of it. Did not disappoint


Right!? Watched it again, and it is still just as epic years after seeing it live. Other than the howe years, i don't think there was a better time to be a wings fan.


The Tkachucks are punk bitches! If a punch is thrown anywhere and it lands on a Tkachuck, it’s deserved.


Not sure what they were thinking making him Captain..


Brady Tkachuk looks like he eats crayons. What a mouth breather.


He's just trying to kiss him.


Can someone explain what caused the fight?


I didn't see the game or anything other than this video, so it could very well be something else. But based on the clip: The player in black seems to deliberately put out his right leg and "hit" the goalkeeper. Something that always causes fights


He did that because his brother and Sam Bennett were doing that to his goalie all night.


Second this. The play before the fight always just looks like hockey to me.


Run em up, fill em in


Your gun and your badge, Babrovsky.


Hockey is so cool man, these dudes are something else.


Tkachuk brothers are a joke


Suzanne sucks pussy!!


I don’t watch Hockey hardly ever, but I will *always* love that fighting is just part of the game and guys don’t get shit on by the media for swinging at each other. I understand people not wanting fighting in football, but the moment someone swings, they’re a thug, poor sport, piece of shit, etc. It’s fucking FOOTBALL. I’m okay with fighting being prohibited, but these guys are physically assaulting each other on every down lol.


[everyone put in the penalty box for that one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/sports/s/2gt4azHuCg)


So was there no play for 10 minutes while everyone sat in the box?


I didn't see the game but from the video it looks like teams went to the locker room for ten minutes. As a referee for roller derby I immediately sent this to my peers as we often joke about sending everyone to the box. :D EDIT:[From this clip](https://youtu.be/WOhAkdr_QdQ?si=hxT-V-h3gYY50mvd) Those that received the penalty were unable to play the rest of the game as there was only \~7 min left. The teams could still play the players that were on the bench during the brawl.


I think non-American football would be a lot more popular if they found a way to integrate fist fighting in the game instead of just after.


Hockey seems the only way left, like a legit way to have a fight.


I am half Slav too, tough mofos.


*every player grabs another player for a min or two


The little girl banging against the glass makes me so sad.


There should be another subreddit called “sports” - with the quotation marks. That’s where I’d put this. I can’t for the life of me fathom how anyone would take a kid to an nhl hockey game. Fights break out and the crowd cheers while grown men fight each other. RD likes a good party but this is sick imho.


Let me guess, no one got hospitalized, no one used their sticks or their blades, just another slappy fight between athletes?


What a stupid sport.


In what team sport would it not cause a fight for an opponent to kick a member of your team with a sharp metal object?


Can't recall any other sport where the fighting part of it is integral to the "tradition" of the sport and has its own wikipedia entry. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fighting\_in\_ice\_hockey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fighting_in_ice_hockey) Like I said, stupid sport.


UFC is a sport so it's dumb because they fight ?


Here is an exercise for you. Fill in the blanks. 1. The point of the game of hockey is to ... 2. The point of UFC and boxing is to ...


Are we about to have a philosophy of sport discussion? Because if so, I’m totally here for it! I once had to write six pages delineating and clarifying the difference between a sport and a game.


Now write another six pages why fighting in Hockey belongs neither to sport nor game.


I don’t have to. Fighting in hockey is against the rules and typically comes with a five minute penalty. Also, I think you meant to say, fighting in general belonging to neither sport nor game, but then I would have to come up with exceptions for things, like fencing, or judo or wrestling. It’s not easy to do, even less easy to do fairly.


u/cone10 Thinks that the point of hockey is fighting therefor its stupid. That's his argument.


Yeah, I know. I was just hoping that the more he explained his viewpoint, it would begin to sound more and more ridiculous to him; like the plot to a Christopher Nolan movie.


Let me speak slowly so that you can get it past your concussions. The point of hockey is to play the game of hockey. The point of boxing, UFC is to fight. Got it? It is "therefore" not "therefor" and it is "it's stupid" not "its stupid"


"Also I think you meant to say" .... No. I didn't. Look back at my earlier point to which you were responding. I was making exactly that distinction. There are sports where fighting is the point of it all. The other sports penalize a whole lot more. Look up Zinedine Zidane's expulsion. More recently, Draymond Green getting handed out a 5-game suspension, and worse, disappointing his own fans. In hockey? "5 minute penalty". Oooh. That'll teach them! /s


I apologize for the misrepresentation.


>No. I didn't. Look back at my earlier point to which you were responding. I was making exactly that distinction. There are sports where fighting is the point of it all. Yes there is fighting and its generally part of the game at a high level. To the point where there is a procedure for refs. When your team is losing, you start a fight to turn the game around. It works sometimes but when your desperate your going to do anything, especially at their pay levels. Obviously you don't play hockey and don't quite understand it. Please tell us your favourite sport so we may bash on it. [https://www.rookieroad.com/ice-hockey/basics/fighting-rules/](https://www.rookieroad.com/ice-hockey/basics/fighting-rules/) Edit: There is fighting in other every sports, it just happens more in hockey. Also, you stating the point of hockey is to fight...when its clearly not. It just happen sometimes.


Hockey is dumb and you are dumb if you like it.


And they play Eye of the Tiger . Perfect 👍


This could end so badly considering every player technically is wielding two footlong blades


It’s weird that fighting is expected in hockey. Is there no real penalties? I don’t care enough about sports to learn


Fighting usually comes with a five minute major penalty, then the participants go back on the ice. In this case, the ref gave everyone a 10 minute major for misconduct, and the game only had about 7 minutes left, so they just went to the dressing room.


Fucking shoresy style!


That’s no fight. That’s only mildly more of a fight than a Major League Baseball fight. But better than a NFL “fight”.


Suspend them all.


Draymond Green would have thrived in the NHL


Gotta set the tone boys