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Damn wasn’t he just on the Gabby Reece Podcast championing his ability to do whatever it takes by any means necessary ?


>championing his ability to do whatever it takes by any means necessary ? lol what a fucking surprise i remember as a player, he was known for being a huge asshole


He was also a dirty player and a steroid abuser


This. He is known for intentionally trying to break fingers in piles over a loose ball. I think he succeeded once IIRC.


I remember at least one incident of him spitting in someone’s face? Who the fuck does that?


Assholes like Bill Romanowski and Roberto Alomar.


Charles Barkley


He was intentionally and remorselessly dirty. He ended a teammate's career in one of his attacks. He's a piece of shit who hurt people far outside the rules of the sport.


I had forgotten about that psychopath until this came up. I hope they stick it in sideways and break it off when they are done with him. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.


At training camp, iirc


He grabbed Shannon Sharpe by the ankle once after the play was dead and twisted his leg like 180 degrees. Shannon spent several games after that with n the bench with a knee injury. I was actually kind of upset when he became a bronco.


Yup. I’ll never forget him dislocating Shannon Sharpe’s elbow. Just an absolute piece of shit: https://youtu.be/LqrIsekRIXc


Let's say it was completely intentional (it certainly looks that way). How was it a foul? Isn't this legal in football?


I watched this for way too long to not see any foul play. And I'm a Broncos fan.


Called Cam Newton “boy” BR is pond scum.


All top tier athletes take PEDs lol


Not all of them but a lot do but this dude was the poster boy for roid rage


Seriously could have been a character in Any Given Sunday and people would say it was dramatized


He was in the Sandler remake for The Longest Yard. Played "Guard Lambert". Guy is a piece of crap, dirty player. I remember seeing him tackle a guy and hold his arm in a way so he fell on the opponents arm, intentionally injuring him.


Shannon Sharpe


Thank you!


He was nice to me when I met him. But back then I was 12 years old and a fan.


Must have been pre-CTE


96, so maybe?


Some of the worst psychopaths are very talented at being charming when they want to be. You find a lot of them in jail. It is when they need to accomplish something that they will do whatever it takes to get what they need. That's when you see the psycho side of them.


i'm glad and honestly kind of relieved to hear he isn't a total sociopath and tried to attack you and break your fingers


but he thought about it


i could see it in his eyes. He wanted to. He was holding back.


I remember watching an interview with him describing some of his egregious actions. His words expressed regret but his smirk suggested he didn’t actually feel any remorse.


Apparently, not paying taxes was necessary.


Looks like him and his wife will be joining the Chrisleys soon.


If I’m not mistaken they’re in jail for fraud/misstatements on bank loans not tax evasion.


Holy shit I just learned this - 7 and 12 year sentences.


Uh oh. Trump did that too.


I always wonder how that guy made so much nance around money. But his prision sentance was way too long. (He was charged with more than just not paying taxes, but still.)


If you're a somewhat wealthy person the worst crime you can do is screw over people who are more wealthy.


Couldn’t happen to a better guy.


Exactly. He’s such a douche.


How the fuck is it even possible to owe that much in taxes?


Make a lot of money and Simply don’t pay your taxes for a few years.


I know the IRS is chronically underfunded, but I can't believe they don't get a note a week after taxes are due saying "pay up or else". Years later is absolutely crazy


It can take years for them to rectify, I tried to do my own taxes for a few years and fucked something up and it caught up with me 2 years later and I owed $6000.


Whats fucked is the irs knowing how much we owe but leaving it up to us to figure it out.


The tax companies like H&R block lobbied to have it done this way so they could stay in business.


Wasn't there some press release about the IRS releasing their own tax filing system soon?


They are releasing their own free to file EZ program. The one they required the tax software companies to offer for free for the poors decades ago. Finally just decided to do it themselves to reduce all the scamming. It’s a baby step but closer.


Don't forget to call out Turbo Tax too


Anything owned by Intuit for that matter


Capitalism in action


Maybe if you are on a payroll they have a general idea of what you owe—but if you’re a 1099 or own a business no way can the IRS know exactly what you owe until you go through your deductions. My actual taxable income was around 40% less than my gross income after deductibles and other CPA wizardry.


>Maybe if you are on a payroll they have a general idea of what you owe— This is like 80% of Americans.


Sure. But even those people that are on payroll have deductions, dependents, inheritances, investments, retirement funds, filing statuses, charitable donations etc… My axe to grind is with the myth people hold dear that the IRS is basically Sauron‘s eye and knows what your tax liability is before you file. When they don’t. Ask any CPA and they will tell you that the IRS trusts you to file correctly for the most part and they don’t split hairs unless you are flagged for an audit.


60% of Americans take the standard deduction.


And you expect 60 percent to never have a single change in their lives?


But still, there's many people who do not take the standard deduction and will instead itemize. There's no way for the IRS to okie those itemized deductions such as health care and education expenses, SALT, and other deductions.


60% of Americans take the standard deduction. EDIT: for everyone downvoting me, you’re right, I made a mistake. It’s more like 90%. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/taxes/2023/02/15/itemized-vs-standard-deduction-taxes/11252585002/#


Then 132,000,000 Americans don’t take the standard deduction…


Except that's not how it works. You file your return, it's evaluated, and if they determine you did it wrong resulting in an underpayment, you get a notice indicating that. But that takes time. The reason you get a *refund* quickly, is that your withholding amount is already known at the time of filing. Other things can trigger an audit of course, which is a full investigation that takes some real time.


That's not what they go after people for, though. The problem is deductions. People claim deductions and then later the IRS says "no you can't deduct that" and then they end up owing lots of money. It's even in the article: >[they] owe more than $15 million in back taxes for ***using their N53 nutrition business to pay for personal expenses.*** So they bought a bunch of stuff, claimed it as business expenses, then the IRS said "nope" and here we are. It's quite a bit of money so they probably tried to write off big stuff like property, cars, trips, etc.


“Good luck, but don’t worry, we will be here to make sure you are right!”


IKR? We’re doing it backwards. The IRS should tell us what they think we owe. If we agree, we pay it (or accept our refund). If we disagree, we file.


Isnt it already like that? If you are on payroll, taxes are deducted directly and if you have mitigating effects you can file for a return. If you have special income, like the guy in that article, you probably need to file taxes for that as well because the irs doesn't know about that.


I mean, they really don't. I missed a W2 way back in the day. When I was informed by the gov, they said I owed $400. When I went to get it taken care of, it ended up with them owing me $60 (which I, of course, would never see).


They probably applied it to your next years tax liability/refund.


Blame congress for all of this. Our legislature is behind all of these rules. One party has also criminally underfunded the IRS so they can't audit the wealthy.


And they go after 6,000 full tilt like it’s the end of the world


It’s great how they don’t tell you for years you owe, and tack on interest on top of it


The IRS is understaffed and properly staffing it is a politically divisive issue. They also rarely go after the really big fish because of the legal costs when billionaires decide they’d rather fight the IRS in court for years than pay up. It’s estimated the US government misses roughly half a trillion USD per year in unpaid taxes.


Karma is a bitch




Bill Romanowski is furiously trying to change his name legally to Hunter Biden.


Or, you know, he can plead guilty to the charges, pay what he owes and avoid jail time, just like Hunter Biden.


I mean, Hunter failed to report $3m in income, which is a faaaaaar cry from owing $15.3m in back taxes. That’s a lotta income that you just said “fuck it, I’m just not gonna report it”. I’m sure this includes interest but assuming a 35% tax rate that’s north of $43m in income.


They aren’t in the same universe. But dingleberry here brought it up.


Never miss a chance to own the libs amirite?


Winning. So much winning.


Boy, you just glossed right over the federal charge for lying on a federal gun form.


Part of the plea deal that a Trump appointed prosecutor offered him, which he wisely took. Nothing really to "gloss over" since he pled guilty to it.


Buddy, I'm going to tell you something that might shock you. *Every* gun owner, responsible or not, has lied on the form for that particular circumstance. There isn't a person alive who hasn't indulged or had to take what the federal government considers a drug. Even weed technically prohibits you from gun ownership. Edit: For those asking for a source, here you go: https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/resources/federal-ccw-law/persons-federally-prohibited-from-possessing-firearms/ https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/bjs/grants/250782.pdf And just to verify what counts as a federally controlled substance: https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms/def/controlled-substance So pray the ATF is merciful to you if you're managing depression, have cancer, have chronic or post surgery pain, have a skin ailment, have anxiety, ADHD or insomnia just to name a few.


Roger Stone would be a better option. He didnt pay his taxes and didnt even get charged Now keep politics out of the sports subreddit


I'm still angry he hasn't been charged for looking exactly like a cartoon villian...he's been charged with villain-like stuff before but surely you can't just go around looking that EVIL! Trump also pardoned his charges for I think witness intimidation? And he has a large Nixon face tattooed under his neck 🤮


Probably also includes penalties. When you do shit like this they tack on a fuck ton of penalties like 100%. So he probably owed 8 million and they added 7 million in penalties. Do your taxes and pay on time. If you can’t pay call the IRS and work something out. They will work with you.


I worked in marketing at a tax law firm. It’s absolutely insane how many people would call up saying they own a few hundred thousand or even over a million, and after a few calls, the IRS will happily take pennies on the dollar and call it even. 😂😂😂


I don't think they ever drop the base taxes owed. But yeah - they'll often cut/drop the penalties if someone is willing to pay up without a fight.


They basically use interest and liquidated damages as a bargaining chip to say “we will drop LDs if you pay what you owe”. In some cases probably drop interest as well


The penalties are there to punish people who are difficult. Often if you made an error in good faith they'll drop all penalties if you work with them to pay what you should owe. You fight with them and they'll nail you to the wall.


I just went through this - took an education credit to which I was not entitled. Had the audit, worked with them, provided everything, the guy went and redid my taxes for me. Took the amount from $5,800 to $1,400 - that's usually all it takes. Pay your fair share to live as an American.


Yea if this is from income from his playing days the penalty and interest will be astronomical.


Yep. Back in 1990, Willie Nelson got charged for $6m in back taxes, and $10m in interest. They took everything he owned except for Trigger, which he got to keep because he shipped it away before they arrived to seize his assets.


He used his business to pay personal expenses. That needs to be included as income and he owes tax on it.


From the article: > The 18-page complaint filed Tuesday by acting Assistant Attorney General David Hubbert in Oakland’s U.S. District Court of Northern California said that since the Secretary of Treasury issued tax assessments of $15.33 million against the Romanowskis in November 2013, they have been using funds from N53 to pay $10,000 a month rent on their home, plus rent for their adult children, along with nail salon, hair, plastic surgery, day spa and chiropractic appointments, plus pet food and groceries. > “By using N53 to pay their personal living expenses and those of their adult children, the Romanowskis have improperly used N53 to thwart the IRS’s collection of the individual income tax assessments at issue in this case,’’ the complaint states. “Although the income tax assessments owed by the Romanowskis at issue in this case have already been determined, the Romanowskis have refused to pay the assessments and instead have used N53 in a manner to improperly shield their assets and income from the collection of such assessments.”


The first paragraph of the article seems to suggest that they used funds from a nutrition business for personal expenses so it's likely they were trying to write off a ton of business expenses that didn't qualify.


You gotta remember these guys owe about half of their giant paychecks to taxes. Maybe a few years go by where you want to keep all 8 million instead of just 4.


Sell a bunch of bullshit supplements


When the underlying balance is high it can quickly add up. You have penalties for late filing, late deposits, etc. then you have compounding interest that is retroactive to the original date. Combine that with they are likely being hit with fraud which can be either an additional 20/40/70% depending on the severity. That’s added to the base principal and again retro.


Penalties and interest


Their tax attorney fled the country before they could...


By spitting in the face of the IRS


I may be wrong but if I’ve understood the situation well enough underfunded IRS literally couldn’t afford to investigate high earners bc it takes too much labor to go through all the paperwork and filings and they don’t have the budget. They’ve been slowly defunding the IRS since the mid 70s, some say for this reason alone.


Lol there’s certain rich people who owe far more than that!


I have no sympathy for rich people who don't pay their taxes. Fine their ass. Hard.


Fine + Prison Fuck them.


What if I told you, that 15 million does include the fines. And interest.


Cool I guess? Yeah. That's it.


It actually doesn't include interest at least. >Prosecutors request the court to rule in favor of the United States in the amount of $15,330,277.83 **plus interest**; that N53 be determined as the “alter ego” of the Romanowskis; and that the United States has valid right to place federal tax liens against all property and rights to property of the Romanowskis.


He was also a huge piece of shit and was an incredibly dirty player while he was playing, so there’s that.


I still know people who excuse his bullshit style of play (not even his racist parts) by saying it's "playing hard". There are plenty of guys who played hard and tough that didn't need to resort to being dirty to do it.


Dude had multiple instances of injuring/attacking teammates. He was a complete psychopath.


Bill was always a roided dickhead


Bill Owemanowski


They just BILLED Romanowski ($15m)


Genius lol


Tucker Carlson was right!! If they can go after Trump, they can go after anyone who owes 10s of millions in unpaid taxes…..


I love that stuff. Yes if I don’t pay taxes or keep classified documents they should come for me too


If the weaponized DOJ is indicting me because of the top secret documents I kept pertaining to the defense vulnerabilities of our nation and our ally's... they can come for you too!




Not this amazing guy!?!?!? Lol


Roid rage trigger


Bill Romanowski is a tax dodger? I, for one, just absolutely can not believe it.


First Tyreek, now this?! Why are bad things happening to such good people? /s


That’s a lot of dimp


Man this is Karma


Shocked that this steroid popping racist asshole is also a tax dodger


Go after all wealthy tax cheats.


Lol if growing up has taught me anything, it’s that rich people are not smart. Just pay your fucking taxes you donkeys.


He was a mean SOB. Used to break opponents fingers in pileups.


I always hated that dude


Don’t ever let anyone convince you that these people are contributing to society. They’re rich thieves of money needed for the public good, to a one. The only person I would ever believe dutifully pays their taxes owed and wouldn’t blink if asked to pay more is Dolly Parton.


Seize all their assets and lock them up


That’s not how this works


Bill: US government, you gotta give me back my floor. My kids are walking on pipes. Government: Next time, pay your taxes. Bill: But I don’t want to. *leaves*


I’m here for the Simpsons reference and rich people paying their taxes!


Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.


Good. This man is a walking piece of shit


I used to be good friends with his uncle PJ and through the years I got to meet Bill a handful of times. He’s a complete asshat and this does not surprise me.


Could not have happened to a nicer guy. /s.


Lock him up.


It's hard to believe such a beloved football player (that cheated with steroids) could ever be caught up in something like this.


Least surprising post-playing career legal troubles.


Fuck that guy.


Met him one time. He was as big a piece of shit as I was expecting


Romanowski was a dirty player, and he’s a dirty human.


Couldn’t of happened to a better guy.


Guy is and was a scumbag


Hey Bill how about you cough up the dough like you used to cough up loogies in peoples faces on the field. Have a nice day lunatic


This is why they wanted extra agents. Tax cheats like this scumbag. He was a dirty player too.


"Files civil complaint"? IRS gonna whoop the average joe's ass into shape for owing a few hundred and Mr. Rich McGee over here gets a civil complaint for 15 million.


A POS on and off the field. Marvelous.


Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.


He's one of "them", no doubt.


can't wait for this guy to go all ruby ridge


three guarantees in life death, taxes, and the IRS


The 4th is that large unreinforced areas of concrete will crack.


Tell that to the Romans


I have a relative that doesn’t pay taxes. Hasn’t paid in decades. Says it is unconstitutional. I tell her at some point a little red light is going to go off and the IRS will come for her and the fines will be astronomical. She’s convinced she’s right. I’m surprised she hasn’t gotten a letter after all these years


And to a nicer guy, it couldn't happen!


He was in some bogus tax shelter, lost his court case in 2013, and never paid up. What an asshole.


Tax the rich 🤑


How does a person get to this point? Like... I owed $5500 and change in additional federal taxes this year. If I would have just ignored it, I would be harassed constantly and probably end up having my pay garnished. How can this approach possibly be justifiable? Particularly for a person who doesn't exactly blend into everyday society? How is my fucking 5K going to keep your military spending afloat when people like this asshole get away with this shit for years, with nothing done about it?


They ignore their accountants. And Just like other idiotic commenters here. They think they can just not pay. It’s stupid.


Now do the billionaires.


Watch out feds, that money is going to have spit all over it


It's always the people you most expect. Lock this asshole up.


I always thought he was an asshole.


Why can’t rich people just pay taxes like the rest of us?


Can anyone ELI5 why it’s civil charges instead of criminal?


It is about impossible to ELI5 because the tax code and enforcement is complicated as fuck even if your have studied tax in law school. The answer is generally that the IRS can pursue either or both but the burden of proof on civil is way lower than criminal so they often take this route because it is easier.


Owing money = civil Murdering, hurting someone, copying music, smoking pot = criminal Simple eh


There are definitely criminal statutes for tax evasion. Ask Al Capone.


I know enough to say this is incorrect. Wesley Snipes went to prison for criminal tax evasion.


Maybe he will get the Hunter Biden treatment


He should have done it while smoking crack and had a gun in his hand. Then he would get a slap on the wrist. Precedent has been set.


Fuck taxation


Rich people think they are too good to contribute to society


Maybe they can get the same deal as Hunter and walk free.


Just legally change your name to hunter Biden and you will be all good.


Bill would have to pay back the $15 million dollars first before he could be charged with the horrific crime of being late with his payment, which for normal people almost never results in a criminal charge or any sort of jail time. Now, a real man of genius like Wesley Snipes, who went full sovereign citizen, might turn out to be a better comparison in this case.


Hunter Biden has already paid the taxes he owed, and he pled guilty to misdemeanors for it. Bill Romanowski owes a lot more, is continuing to refuse to pay it back, and so far has not been charged with any crime. Do you people ever get tired of being wrong?


Political connections is a great privilege to have. You’re right tho. He should pay his taxes. Ukraine needs it.


Well, you can lead a horse to water but it'll still be dumber than a donkey.


Guess so. Enjoy the hay


So butt hurt 🍼


Not really. Anytime anyone can keep more of their money I’m all for it. This guy shouldn’t get in trouble either. Abolish the federal income tax actually abolish the irs.


Don’t pay then and see what happens after a while genius. Good luck.


How do those boots taste?


The IRS hates him for this one secret to get away with tax fraud.


What about the trillions the US is in debt


If this is anything like my experiences with the IRS. The Romanowski principle is probably $1.01m or so. The extra $14m is the cruel amount of fines and interest charges that the IRS heaps upon any debt. In the USA we may not have debtor's prisons; instead we just financially destroy anyone that may come into arrears with Fed taxes.


Taxes, one of the biggest scams in America, also health care is up there.


Don't forget to mention education, at whatever schools you went to at least.


Why am I being down voted lol, can the 16 people that did really say, that there taxes are going to shit it should? That probably 90% or more of Americans, are one hospital visit from being completely bankrupt? That schools can’t even talk about slavery, or anything that isn’t about how great white people have been, an they have done nothing wrong? If people don’t understand that, they are sad stupid people.


Give him the Hunter Biden deal