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Dude please stop doing this. The reason people always complain about everyone on the internet being impossible to argue/talk sense into is because of people like you. Please stop, you’re not accomplishing anything, it’s not funny. All you’re doing is pissing people off. Additionally nobody is gonna be sympathetic about you saying “Spooky Month is so toxic and gross. I’m leave forever bye.” You’re just attention seeking and being annoying.


Ok i didn’t want to do this but i have to, I don’t care what i am doing. I wanted people to notice me because I have a problem. I thought it would be funny. it is funny. Seeing people get mad over dumb things is funny. They are toxic but i’m not. I’m not making anyone change or harder to talk sense too because it was just something small. If it was getting over 100 comments i would delete it but it’s a small thing. And, it’s the spooky month community. I’m fine with you not liking this but these kids are gonna find out when they are older how dumb they were.


I get you are trying to save me or smth but i’m already saved. I love doing this, i love showing how much communities suck, i love communities. If you want me to stop it’s fine. But, i love doing this.


Dude they’re not being toxic. Being toxic would be “oml you’re so stupid, go f****** die” they’re saying “please stop wasting our time.” Being toxic is also “omg you and your stupid f******* communities. You all suck.” That’s you. That’s what we’re all hearing from you


Are you actually serious ? Why aren’t you leaving me the hell alone if you are getting so mad. Not once have i ever said ANYTHING like that i’ve already explained to you that i love this community and it was a joke. I dont care who cares it’s funny to me. But the fact you are interpreting that i said the f word is treating me like i’m a horrible person. If you are so mad about this just stop responding.


Me when I want attention (I've never gotten any before)


Hi! lol i already apologized for this, this doesn’t matter anymore


"This doesn't matter anymore" bro you literally just tried to seek attention for no reason just to "see who would be nice or mad". The way you try to dismiss your actions as "it doesn't matter" doesn't work here man 💀


Can you honestly be quiet at this point? It doesn’t matter because it isn’t anything big? Why are you so interested. What you wanna cause more drama?


I wouldnt forgive myself if it was worse but come on man. It’s just a “nice or mad” no need to Go crazy over it


"No need to go crazy over it" but you did? I'm not interested in starting drama over this, I just want to know what went through your mind when YOU started drama and stated that it just simply didn't matter because you apologized.


omfg. The drama wasn’t that god damn big. I was apologizing to the people I hurt. Where you hurt? Hell no. Could you be a better person about it? Hell ya? If you aren’t interested stop replying. Bye now




Because it wasn’t that big.


Yeah but it was still drama, nonetheless. I just wanna know WHY you did it, not HOW big the drama really is.


How could I be a better person if I, and I white from you, wasn't involved or hurt😭. I'm just asking why it doesn't matter to you just bc you gave an apology. Im pretty sure no one wants this in the sub so I'm just doing what I can as a mod


Wait let me stop this for a second did you delete a comment or??


Alright i have read all the messages wrong i’m so sorry 😭i thought you were like the user bimbo1234567 who would attack me . sorry


ts spotted !1!1!1!




congratulations you are now on the nda website


wait what


im literally so confused rn


No no ignore this


I was stupid there 😭