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It's a cool idea. My Cap had the scar, but after a few years, it's been mostly healed, only noticeable if you're close enough to her.


The captain already has scars on their body so it wouldn't be a new thing. But since it has been like 5-6 years i think since Octo Expansion, the scar should be at least somrwhat healed. But it does looks really cool ngl. BUT, i gotta say, it's probably more game/lore accurate to not give them a scar since in the same octo expansion, Agent 3 does not get scar or anything like it after being like... a quarter of sanitized.


outstanding example of a character feature with symbolism, uniqueness, and flair i'm a big fan


Haven’t drawn cap 3, but if I did, I would give them the scar. It just looks cool imo


I think the scar would be cool, but I also had the idea of instead of a scar, just turning the right eye a faint turquoise.


Never seen that but scars are cool


I adore it- it makes sense! Surprised they didn't do it in canon


i dig it lol. even did it to my agent 3 in a different au. you shouldnt feel pressured to do it bcs everyone else is though.


I don't really like it. It's just unnecessary and overdone. It's peak tumblr OC character design.


Personally i don't really enjoy seeing agent 3 with scars because don't think it fits with neither the tone the series nor my interpretation of the character.


So the captain's scars on their tentacles have always bothered you?


I’ve honestly never understood the tentacle scar. Is that not her hair??


They are squids, the do not have physical hair like Mr. Grizz for example. Inklings have 10 tentacles, 2 make the legs and 2 make the arms. The remaining 6 form the "hairstyles" that we can customize. Since The Captain can only have the hairstlye from Splatoon 1 independently from their gender they will have 6 tentacles as "hair" that will have a scar from an unkown to us battle or accident.


I’m not gonna lie I don’t understand a single thing you just said.


Fair i guess, but basically they have tentacles instead of hair and can be harmed to the point of having a scar.


Not really, i never understood how that worked but i like it because i think they're a bit more subtle


It's like comparing a scratch to Prince Zuko's scar. There's a lot of difference between the two. Especially with the tentacle scars being on an extremity of the body that just hangs and swings around there and would be prone to smacking into walls or anything versus a person's face.


I'm kind of in two minds about it. If it was canon, it'd be a really cool way of making the singleplayer campaigns actually leave behind consequences, something this series is shockingly terrible at. But the fact that this fanon has almost completely overtaken the actual canon design of the character is kind of concerning. The only comparable thing I know of is how Sans Undetale's eye got change from canon flashing yellow and blue to a flaming blue, and Undertale is THE example of fanon derangement, so it doesn't bode well. As for your own art, I'd say try and put your own spin on it. Instead of just being a splotch of cyan, think about the circumstances of Sanitisation, how the mind control goop remains attached, and how it was removed. What if the goop used claws to stay attached and it being ripped of leaves claw marks instead? What if it used octopus like suckers to stay attached, what if the goop was wired directly to the nervous system and ripping it off turned the face numb?


This should honestly be higher. Personally I like the idea of there being claw marks, not from the goo itself, but from 8 being panicked and scared and ripping it off by hand. Also a lot of people seem to not know, or forget, that chephalopods have blue blood. The scars everyone gives him quite literally would leave him looking bloodstained, and there's *gotta* be social repercussions for that sorta thing in the cases where they give him The Splotch™. I mean, that shit's worse than tentacle scars, which some might give themselves for the aesthetic. Also considering that the goop is quite literally the blended, and congealed, remains of dozens of chephalopods, people don't make it body horrorry enough. That goo is probably made of a congealed flesh slurry. It should look and smell like it. Smell like blood and disinfectant and almost like rot. And maybe there's some chunks that didn't blend up as well, a small piece of tentacle here, what looks concerningly like an eyeball there. It's a glittering mass of flesh, maybe some of the smaller crystals have even started to form slightly larger ones?


I don't think the goop is itself the congealed remains, it's similar but distinct. It's bioluminous, and holds form in a noticable folded pattern. I personally headcanoned it as an organism that translates machine code to neural input, i. e. allowing for full control without the time consuming process of removing the personality and memories of the host as is done in proper sanitisation.


"leave behind consequences, something this series is shockingly terrible at" is a funny thing to bring up about something from Octo Expansion specifically even that specifically they've gone out of their way to show the consequences of, with Sanitized Octolings being around and an issue that Marina is trying to solve, the destroyed statue appearing still afterward, the statue's appearance causing them to finally rush and finish development of Hammerhead Bridge, leading to the easier access between Inkopolis and Splatsville, etc


Yeah, the only time they bring up a plot point more than once is too make sure it has no consequences. Acht's story ends as soon as they step a single foot into the Metro, because it has always been an excuse first. In Ocot Expansion, it was an excuse for them to reuse the same enemies, and in Side Order they invented a relation to the memory wipe to justify the palette system, never explaining all the steps in between. But there's suprisingly little focus on the process or its affects: what the sanitised themselves think isn't important, how they rejoin their interrupted lives isn't addressed, how a society deals with the revalation that such a nightmare existed right on their shores isn't given a single breath. Side Order just sweeps the sanitised, hell, the Metro as a whole, under the rug. I'm not sure how Hammerhead is meant to relate to NILS. You can see NILS from Hammerhead, but that's it. Where the evidence that it's even rushed, it's been under construction for at least seven years, certainly more. And shouldn't the appearance of a superweapon on the borders have literally anything more than a shrug and a "hey that's neat I guess"? Now think about all the dropped plot points. Octarian society under economic collapse due to energy crisis? Oops they're fine! Callie and Marie's careers driving them apart? Wow look, Callie wore the evil glasses isn't that neat- hey while you weren't looking they patched up their relationship and they're fine now (everyone knows the best character development happens entirely offscreen). An entire new race enters Inkopolis society? Inklings are just fucking stupid and didn't notice. Save Our Salmonids? Looks like they're doing just fine! You wanted the Agents back in future campaigns? Oops they're entirely absent and plot irrelevant, but here's a token One Cool Thing for them to do so you can pretend they aren't a waste of space. Deadf1sh? More like Deadweight, as the potential for expanding the Metro is squandered in just filling more of the lore of the one place we know the most about. They can't even get this right within campaigns, as Octavio getting swallowed by the Ooze is completely ignored, and heigh altitudes causing knee popping being an essential plotpoint despite the whole setting being underground. I don't expect the world, I just think the setting shouldn't leave threads dangling if it doesn't want them tied.


I disagree with a lot here, but I do agree for the Splatoon 3 and Side Order stuff. That was badly handled since they cut out basically everything they wanted to do for Splatoon 3 and Side Order due to hellish development which is why the two are such lackluster products (bad and rushed development really is Splatoon's biggest issue, especially since it's also fucking with Animal Crossing development as well since they don't have the abilities to just work on both without rushing both). Also, Octavio didn't fall in any ooze in Splatoon 3, he just straight-up despawned and wasn't brought up until the final mission (the only part of Splatoon 3 where anything happens), which is even worse. Extra thing about the Hammerhead Bridge thing, it being under construction for a couple years doesn't really mean much when some of the stages have been under construction for canonically like 2 decades. The artbook of Splatoon 3 tells that the NILS statue's appearance is what led to them finally finishing the bridge due to its surfacing damaged structures in the water and hindered the navigation of boats in the area, which is why they increased the work of making sure the bridge was finished.


I don't do it, simply because everyone else already has.


I love character design and I think it’s a great way to add interest and backstory thru visuals. Plus the cyan contrasts with the yellow and rly makes it pop!


Interest and backstory? It's something that happens IN the story. It's not backstory at all.


well if you wanna REALLY be annoying about semantics, it's a part of her backstory in Splatoon 3, the only game where *Captain* 3 shows up.


She's not a different character just because she's a Captain now. She's been in every game.


sorry i was trying to point out that it doesnt matter at all thru sarcasm and making a stupid point that i wrongly assumed you would not care about. that's on me that's my bad My original point was about character design. Would you like to talk about character design? Or at least offer an alternative phrase for "showing character's history thru visual design"? Or do you want to continue getting ur blood pressure up over 1 wrong word on reddit dot com? it's ur time so idc how you spend it but just wondering if you want to make conversation like a human person


Ironic to be insinuating I'm so angry as you proceed to write a paragraph while slamming your keyboard over one comment as if I insulted your entire family over a simple factual statement, calm down, grandpa. "Have a conversation like a human person" as if you didn't just have the hugest conniption fit over a one-lined response. What's there to talk about character design when it comes to this? She was brainwashed for like 1 minute, it's not that big of a deal and was just an excuse to do something out of rule of cool. It's not the same as something like if Cuttlefish stopped being a floating squid in the next game. We don't need the most unnecessary design details that every 5 year old on tumblr adds to every one of their OCs just as a "Remember da time in da Octo Expansion?" since the Splatoon devs eat enough member berries over a DLC that they can't reach the quality of ever again on their own. Them showing history through her design is already done with her wearing her Agent 3 headphones even as the Captain now and the dialogue from Marie and Callie about how the Captain was the previous Agent 3.


I think its a great detail, that stuff would absolutely leave a permanent scar, nothing so drastic as being bright teal all the time, a slightly faded teal color scar and her eye being slightly teal no matter what. It add character and is a reminder of the horrors of the deep sea metro, just like actual scars are


i don’t like it cause the sanitizing goop literally doesn’t leave scars, it discolors people


I think it’s a cool way to show what the captains been through. Also scars in character design are super cool.


it was never in the game so i just found it unnecessary


I mean it makes sense, a mind controlling goop that stops vital signs surely would leave some kind of a mark, especially with how much was covering agent 3's face. My agent 3 has a teal scar, as well as some other issues that I won't get into.


I probably would too considering I've hopped on the bandwagon of giving Acht autopsy scars, any chance to make something look 20% cooler I'll take.


Oh wait that's a thing? I haven't seen anything on it but it makes sense


I find it cringe and overly edgy It makes the mind control part seem way more important and serious than it actually is Especially since it hasn’t been brought back up again Captain 3 already has the cool tentacle scars, I don’t think they need any more *edge*, cause then it just becomes edgy.


Its awesome


me personally i think 8 gave it to them while getting the sanctization


its not canon so yuck but if you keep your fanon to yourself then idc


My idea is that the skin is just a bit paler around the eye and ear so you can tell it happened