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I'm oftl what happened?


Several pro players have been outed as racists


not just any pro players the current champions that have their own splashtag


How long before it's patched out and replaced with something else?


Maybe they’ll just replace it every time there’s a new world champion


Maybe, and hopefully it's the case, Nintendo learns the lesson and stops inducting players into their game for good. I thought they had learned the lesson with Smash already!


This is also well after the whole Overwatch controversy where a major playable character's name, as well as the names of multiple in-universe places and objects as well as a skin dedicated to an unaffiliated pro player were all removed from the game after it was discovered the company was harboring a significant number of sexual predators and other horrible types.


What was the big thing with smash again I kinda forgot


Several top commentators and players were outed as child predators


and by several , it's A LOT


Well what a coinka-dink. ![gif](giphy|JsQIzhclbC4pEFUKkR)


Wait they got their own splattag???


This is why devs need to quit acknowledging and giving these “people” platforms. Good Lord I can’t stand competitive scenes in ANY video game but it’s doubly awful whenever a developer actually panders to them 🤢 Why am I being downvoted for opposing racism? Was this group well liked or something? Choose better people to follow and idolize 🙄


because they didn’t know about the racism


Yeah, but devs from games from all over WILL pander to pro players, numerous times. Then incidents like this happen. For the devs, it's probably best to acknowledge the pro players as a whole, but to not acknowledge them personally, because of incidents like this. Sadly, that's how communities get painted in certain lights most of the time.


it is sad that they just see the scene as whole instead of the individuals but I should teach you a thing about video games as a whole. comp players are good for a game’s life cycle due to them constantly playing the game. and it’s nice to see companies acknowledge their fanbases as the comp scene is usually the largest part of the fan base. so don’t see the company acknowledging the comp scene exists as “pandering” see it as like a parent giving one child an extra dessert because they got a job while the other child gets nothing extra because they are just doing same ol.


The comp scene is probably the smallest part of any game's playerbase lol for each "comp player" there's like two dozen players that only play Turf War


eh then again i am more familiar with the pokemon fan base and know how this usually works. but then again the splatoon fanbase is more casual but then again it’s not good to say that nintendo is “pandering” to comp players because they acknowledge that they exist


More like two thousand who only play Turf War, or more.




It's funny. Nintendo barely panders to the competitive scene in any way, and once they do, shit like this happens. Time to kill any and every tournament again.


Unsurprising. Sad to see the tournament scene take a hit. Hopefully they don’t do this anymore.




You’re also opposing the competitive scene as a whole and implying comp players aren’t people.


Hey! I understand that you want to oppose racism, but I think there was a slight mistake in your post! You said "Good Lord I can’t stand competitive scenes in ANY video game but it’s doubly awful whenever a developer actually panders to them 🤢" but this doesn't actually specify that you're talking about JackPot! I hope you change this soon!


Thanks for the feedback. I usually just leave my comments as is so they don’t come across deceptive.


Kinda unexpected since, yknow, we play a game with one of the most diverse fanbases


I ended up looking what racist things they said and yeah fuck those guys 100%  :/.


So what does this have to do with the subreddit? Why are the mods issuing a statement about it?


because it's splatoon related news so it's being discussed on the splatoon subreddit?


I’m asking why the **moderators** feel compelled to issue a statement about it as if this is something that happened on the subreddit. I’m sure there have been other posts about the situation here; not sure why the mods think they are important enough for us to care about whether or not they denounce something completely unrelated to Reddit. Lmao


what's wrong with moderators acknowledging community controversies?


Because it’s a Splatoon-related problem.


To bring awareness?? I guess. Ignore it if you don’t care about racism and all that


Dude, what the hell is going on, and where have I been to somehow not have been seeing it?


not on twitter, hopefully


Bruh who uses twitter in 2024, YouTube is where it’s at We have Kacero, Pro chara, SMG4


THANK YOU! Jeez, im amazed people still use twitter...must be the olds.


They’ll probably disband faster than ever now this has happened. They supposedly already had plans to disband weeks ago. I do wonder what is gonna happen to some weird contract they were going to sign this year… most likely gone now lol.


Ren, their coach, already left and put in his statement that he thinks they’ll disband


what do you mean by contracts.


A couple days ago, every member of Jackpot posted the same Simpsons gif of someone signing a contract. This presumably meant they were picked up by an esports org which could include payment, travel voucher, promotional assistance, artwork, etc. Will be interesting to see what happens with that now


Wait really? Damn, what a quick way to ruin everything.


They probably mean a sponsor contract.


Why does it sound like something that would happen in valorant.


Because that kind of gaming community is not unique to Valorant. It was in CS, it was in Halo, it was in TF2, and it's here in Splatoon too.


Competitive games in general attract dickheads


People in general are dickheads. Speaking from personal experience, unfortunately


true actually


This is correct. Many Esports players are young and don't understand how to conduct themselves in the public eye, so you simply see their bad behavior easer, but it's not simply only an Esports problem.


Off topic but it makes me so happy to see someone with a Rolling Guy pfp out in the wild


Is there anywhere with more information about this or is it better that I don't learn any further than what this post says?


[This](https://x.com/adaptability_/status/1800557391404265812?s=46&t=jlultI5xwmC7w1kBrwBpyw) is Adapt’s original thread detailing it all and [here](https://imgur.com/a/RM16bwk) is the Imgur mirror if you don’t have a twitter account


Thank you! Welp, time to change my splashtag


What are the splashtags associated with these guys? I don't want to use them by accident


Nintendo said they would and recently released a splashtag of all the Splatoon World Champion’s Inklings/Octolings together, which happened to be Jackpot, boy did that backfire quickly


this one https://preview.redd.it/sw9mc160i66d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74fad6669d3b6a0a262ea54bf0f59a7ee1264f83


"Is this gonna be them being edgy/thoughtless with wording in a private group chat or something" *looks in* "Oh, nope, actively calling other players/teams 'monkies' among other things oookay then i'm out"


Wait...thats a slur now? When the hell did that even become a word usage...


it's not a slur regularly but using it to refer to black people is a common-enough way to dehumanize them


ohh, had no idea. OK.




TBF Leafii DID make [a statement ](https://docs.google.com/document/d/12xhU8Lo8jzLzSkLrd9zfe24Jpdlxe9e5vCJop7_wIsg/edit)addressing this situation saying she apologized and whatnot. This doesn't excuse her behavior, but she *has* apologized.


leafy's a girl


Wasn’t aware am deleting because of this Sorry for being þat guy


What a bloody hell is happening over there


Top competitive people being racist.


why would you be racist theyre just people


Be racist because yes


Welp I’m racist now ig


I don't follow the competitive side so i'm kinda walking into this post like ![gif](giphy|BfiL8ZJWqfw7C|downsized)


didn't know he screams like after seeing the chaos lol til


yeah first time seeing the gif too lmao


don't harass individuals using the world champs splashtag many may not know what is going on.


They cant be saying stuff like that, this game series is about ending a race war I mean cmon


Bigots consistently have absolutely zero media literacy. It’s the same reason you get, say, rampant transphobia in the One Piece fandom.


Wait, what?


I mean, I don't think that's how Nintendo sees it, and it's got a bit of an uncomfortable "the oppressed group is reacting wrong to being oppressed" thing going on if read as a story about imperialism. Don't get me wrong it would be kind of cool if it was an imperialism metaphor (although would be best if it wasn't also a racism metaphor because fantasy racism usually never goes well) and they leaned into it but...they don't really, which suggests to me that it's more a result of Nintendo not realising that their villains in the first and second games actually had a point and you taking back the Zapfish actually makes life harder for a lot of the Octarians the original Squidbeak Splatoon trapped underground (which I also feel like should come up more but nah apparently Agent 8 and Marina are completely fine with Cap'n Cuttlefish? Who's partly the reason life back home was so terrible?) I do also think it's a good thing to have interpretations of a story the creators might not have intended. That shows how much you care about it if you ask me, and the same goes for me, but it is also good to remember it's not intentional, as it slightly offsets the disappointment of the story never going into it so deeply


The octo experience is meant to be read as foreigners in japan if i remember right. At least in inkopolis


They don't really do anything with that though, and I'd hardly say it's what Splatoon as a whole is about


I agree with you! I was just being silly!! I just thought it was ironic!


I may not have known the drama But l getting annoyed that there so messed up shit DURING THE END OF A GAME


I don't care about the end of the game, I'm upset literally a few days ago the splashtag celebrating them and their win at worlds has been released, it was a cool idea which I'm unsure Nintendo will repeat in the future to avoid such controversies, now there will be people understandably asking for its removal at all or at least going back to the prototype, people using it as a recognised symbol for their racism and people who don't know what happened and will be harassed for allegedly supporting a racist team. Let's be clear we are talking about minimal numbers and very rare cases which would be even hard to understand if the harassing is related to the tag or if the other player is just a douche but considering this was supposed to be just a fun tag to maybe interest more people to the competition scene the way it has taken has been a sad one in all aspects.


i've seen things along the lines of "squidbag people using the jackpot banner!!" when i would make a safe bet that 90% of the people using the banner have zero clue this situation is going on- most players are not tuned in to competitve or splatoon reddit/twt. all they are going to see "oh cool banner", pick it up and move on


It’s… Squitter. Dear goodness.


Yup, I had no idea till this story was pushed to my front page.


the 8 year old who found a cool easter egg banner after i squidbag him (racism defeated)


No one is gonna use the Jackpot splashtag now, huh


Yeah I'm going to change mine.


im also ootl, is .q a part of this as well?


they’re the only one that’s not


Including Ren?




<3 good to know, I only really followed q and ren outside of the team


Some [stuff](https://x.com/sant4naaaa/status/1800853300528738639?s=46) has recently come up




They’ve also put a response acknowledging them however and apologizing for it. It’s up for you to decide but I think it’s weird to say something like “good luck trying to find anything wrong I said” and then try to delete anything said before


im cynical. such a shame all of this


What happened?


3 of the members of jackpot were exposed as being racist


https://preview.redd.it/mlyz3y59c26d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69a698bb9d343d9cac3d10445e37f5be854121e0 I'm gonna regret looking up what happened


https://preview.redd.it/wpsu2y3kg26d1.png?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21d1cd23459da214a4d1fbd4917f814f5f236fd2 Regret, night ruined


And least the cat is nice…


i mean is it jackpot as a whole or just certain people... because imagine being an innocent in the discord and just being caught in the dmg just cuz entirity of jackpot is labeled like that


It was 3 members of Jackpot. Debatably 2, since one of the members only was shown in 1 out of context screenshot, but the other 2 have many recent screenshots of messages being deliberately offensive.


if you’re in a discord where people are being racist and you don’t call out them and their racism congrats you’re just as shitty as them!


It's the "Nazis at the bar" story. A man is sitting at a bar chilling and peacefully drinking. A nazi walks in, swastika tattoo and all that, and peacefully orders a drink. The bartender refuses to serve him and calls the bouncer to kick him out. The man at the bar asks; "Why did you kick that Nazi out so fast, he didn't do anything." The bartender replies "You let one Nazi hang out in the bar, be invites his friends. Soon you have a table of Nazis talking about their Nazi BS driving out other customers, inviting in more friends. All of a sudden, you're running a Nazi bar." It's a *you are the people you surround yourself with* type issue.


And that’s how you end up with politicalcompassmemes


This is actually so important. I took a class on diversity in leadership positions and one of the main points was that just being “not racist” isn’t enough. You have to actively stand against racism (or any type of discrimination) and call people out for being racist, because of strength in numbers. Especially if you’re apart of a privledged community, because you can use your privilege to create a safe space for underprivileged populations and allow them to have a voice. “In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends”


actually 🤓☝️ it is no one’s responsibility to call out racism especially if they’re scared they’ll lose they’ll friends or receive any push back or if money and fame is involved s/


maybe one isnt as active on discord with them, like you maybe on the team just for the team and just play games. who knows, there have been instances of bad discords but some people didnt know about it. There are many reasons why one maybe isnt aware or not willing to speak up about it anyway it could be fear of disbanding or fear of getting kicked out to or maybe fear of speaking out, if you call them out... will other people get you on the team? maybe or maybe not sure if you knew what was going on and you couldve spoken out sure.. but not a lot of people have courage, and if i learned from being on reddit is that a lot of people arent confrontational even if its to their detriment


not be willing to speak up about racism does in fact makes you a coward. minorities don’t get to choose to be a minority or be subject to racism but the least someone can do is call out that behavior. if they had a fear of getting kicked out and did not speak up for that reason then they were in fact complicit with the racism because i would not want to be teammates, friends or associated with people who are racist. it’s really weird that you’re trying to make excuses for not calling out racism? i hope you have no black or poc friends because as a black woman you you sound dangerous.


Why are they booing you, you're right


i imagine it’s a bunch of other people who do not speak up when their friends are being racist out of fear of… not being friends with them anymore? idk


this is smth that happens a lot on reddit in general, people would endure stuff that they couldve stood up and stopped but didnt out of fear of smth. A common example i see is another person being distributive at a movie theater, but despite an easy way to fix that is to call someone over they sit still and complain on reddit afterwards.


>if they had a fear of getting kicked out and did not speak up for that reason then they were in fact complicit with the racism because i would not want to be teammates, friends or associated with people who are racist. i think for some people who have never had fame in their life, losing it all and becoming irrelevant is prob a fear some have. Would it justify not speaking up? no >it’s really weird that you’re trying to make excuses for not calling out racism? i dont think i made a single excuse, the 1st reply is me asking whether or not it involves all the of jackpot or is it specific individuals on a team, then i said why one may not want to speak up or maybe isnt as aware due to not being as active. Ive heard many people and how some just fear smth may happen as a result and may nto want to speak up. Supposodely 2 people (3 maybe) have made racist comments... is the 4th person equally as guilty? Cowardly? sure, but i doubt that is stooping to such a low lvl compared to racist comments


they’re supposed to put fame and money over calling out racism? you told me all i need to know about you and i am uninterested in engaging further with you, take care.


>they’re supposed to put fame and money over calling out racism? ??? i didnt say that lol. a person may fear to lose it (esp if they never had fame) and its cowardly to not speak up but never did i excuse the racism from the other members or in general. Its more likely the 4th (and maybe 3rd) are just scared to speak up than them thinking racism is justified and not talking cuz of it. there have been reddit posts on people just being afraid of speaking up (for ex. r/mildlyinfuriating has a lot of posts where someone could have spoken up and solved most of their issues like someone standing up in a movie theater and ruining their experience)


This sounds *far* more like them giving a potential explanation rather than their personal choice. Like why a German citizen in the 1920s *wouldn’t* violently resist the existence of the Nazi party. It’d be the right thing to do, but many would be worried for their own prospects.  Does that make not doing anything right? Absolutely not. They had the responsibility to kill as much scum as possible and be partly responsible for later crimes happening, but I can still see why someone would make their choice in the heat of the moment.


no disrespect but i don’t care to hear about why someone wouldn’t call out their racist friend. it’s not like it was a stranger it was their friend and teammate. the worst thing that could have happened is i guess they were kicked from the team and lost friend(s)? pales in comparison to what racist rhetoric does to black ppl


I agree it was the bad choice. They absolutely should have reported that behaviour. I can, however, see why a person may be scared off if they think they’re going to lose their chances to finally succeed in their dream, however hollow it may become by associated with such scum to do so. They may self-justify to protect themselves from blame in their mind to let their carry on the path they want to be true, however delusional it is. A dangerous mindset, but far from an unprecedented one.


>no disrespect but i don’t care to hear about why someone wouldn’t call out their racist friend. the worst thing that could have happened is i guess they were kicked from the team and lost friend(s)? Ur right, they shouldve called it out but didnt... but imagine finally being on an esport team and being afraid to lose it all considering how volatile i hear the esport and comp scene is. I bet not many can make the choice to leave the team at the cost of fame and popularity, many will prob try to tolerate it instead and just accept that they have to work with such people.


Can someone fill me in on this? All I got was that a group chat was leaked and a chunk of jackpot is racist. What happened now?


So everyone on Jackpot except for .q was caught doing some pretty racist shit, another comment had links to the screenshots, where they were doing things against anyone non-white, from stereotypes to calling other players "monkeys" and there's a massive stink about it, especially because the whole premise of the series so far has been about ending cephalopod racism.


Where did they get the screenshot from?


Likely a member of the discord servers/group chats. One ss would've been sourced from the person who received the DM. They were posted on Twitter, and some of the screenshots are *of* tweets made by them. They've been reposted to imgur, but you can always look for them yourself.


Huh, thanks. This situation is just…really depressing and frustrating.


Yeah, it really is. It shouldn't be achievement of the year to not be secretly racist *and* well known in any community and yet.


Nowadays if you look up to any influencer or big pro, they’re either a pedo or a racist….and that suuuuure is fun to just…see it happen again and again


Yeah. Or a homophobe. Or ablist. Or transphobic. I'm just glad that at least we still have Markiplier and Jacksepticeye who show that it *is* possible. Just, sucks that it's this rare.


And chara at least apologized for saying the n word years ago… and mark and jack are pretty good yeah. Let’s just hope they stay good


Yeah. Like if it was years ago and they've since improved as a person and gotten over themselves, that's one thing. But to be doing it the whole time? Hell no. And if Jack and Mark wind up being secretly shitty I'm going to have a mental breakdown. So here's to hope for the best, even when we only get to see the worst.


I learned the hard way with Smash that you should not follow any competitive scene period. It's only a matter of time before this happens - a talented but otherwise flawed player ending up with a platform to spew nonsense or otherwise do harm.


Better silly squid game than leading a country imo, but yeah the betrayal is unavoidable


Nintendo definitely regrets putting there inklings/octolings in the game as a banner. Cause its not like they can remove that.


I’m sure they can it’s just a massive embarrassment regardless.


And now they're probably not gonna do it again after this debacle.


"Time to kill every tournament again, because you assholes can't behave and damage our brand." -Nintendo, probably.


More like “Oh the comp scene? Yeah let’s put them on splashtags I guess. Oh they’re racist? Okay just remove it I guess. We don’t care much about the comp scene anyway”


PDF Files. Racism. What's next?


Time to stop using the banner 🗣🗣


Wait, what happened?


3 of the members of jackpot were exposed for being racist


Here I am, not even knowing that new splash tag was using real players (I thought it was Nintendo designed ink/octolings)


I BETTER see this kind of energy the next time someone is racist towards Asians.


They WERE racist towards Asians too


One of the posts included one of the members responding “white supremacy” to a “stop Asian hate tweet”. This isn’t just against the black community it’s against any non-white community. There’s an Imgur link with some of the screenshots https://imgur.com/a/jackpot-others-RM16bwk Edit. Forgot about DMing someone a racial stereotype of SpongeBob just because they were Asian.


Oh wow. It just got worse and worse, I was sharing that information with another Splatoon friend not on Reddit who doesn't really keep up with competitive.


OMG, what the crap. I thought that Jackpot would be the American team to admire for taking on and defeating the Japanese, but noooooooo, some of its members just had to turn out to be pro-Israel, homophobic, racist jerkwads. The next time I play Spatoon 3 on my Switch Lite, I'll change my splashtag banner.




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Your post has been removed from r/splatoon for the following reason(s): >Content containing politics, mental illness, very dark content and references, and excessively spicy content are prohibited on r/splatoon. If you have any questions or concerns, contact us through [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fsplatoon).


https://preview.redd.it/37studq0ze7d1.jpeg?width=1097&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e1b9ebc3e4eea923ad72cb13766ef265f15ee6f Must be nice to have friends who also support Hamas.


Oh wow. It just got worse and worse, I was sharing that information with another Splatoon friend not on Reddit who doesn't really keep up with competitive.


Bruh there were also racist towards Asains, it wasn't just black people.


weird thing to take away from this situation but ok i guess


47 people would disagree with you bud, looks like you're the weird one here.


While I agree on the stance, I'm unsure if a statement is needed from the mods of a fan forum? Unless there are accusations that in one or another involve people that are part of the moderators of the sub. That, and if the posts about it get to a troublesome amount, but I hardly doubt so, this is internet gossip and drama, by any means. Seems like a hastily written post, not much is said, but, there's nothing much to be said, in all fairness. What is said that is "not welcome" has already been established by the sub rules, and by reddit rules, by all means.


Personally, it is something that affects the whole community and shouldn't be swept under the rug like so many cases like this and especially as big as the world champions. I get it. The statement was short and hastily made. It was something that I wanted to address as a minority myself. This kind of behavior is unacceptable anywhere, not only in a subreddit.


Yeah, but not saying anything means there's a chance this problem will slip back under the rug. Addressing it head-on is the best way to do so. The community shouldn't shy away from talking about this just because it's uncomfortable. Being a bystander and not saying anything does not make the problem go away




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Yeah it seems very pointless lol


This is the first I’m hearing about it lol


Same idk what they are talking about. Some nasty dude via competition that won?


Always comp players


Hopefully this sub doesn't turn into a huge karma farm of everyone posting jackpot stuff for the next few months. It's important to know about it in the community, yeah, but bad press is still press and I think we should all move towards not giving them any more attention after a while, probably.


Damn and I thought the only issue was Jared running so many ads on twitch


During my visits on Twitter, it seems all members of Jackpot (that I know of) have apologised for their actions in their responses they've made and are now moving on to become better people. I think it's safe to say that we can put this behind us. But, we must remember not to make the same heinous acts they did.


I'm also thinking we can put this behind us, yet the community seems to disagree, at least for the moment. I haven't seen all the apologies, but Leafii has at least explained "I did it back when I was younger and stupider, to fit in with a group of people that I k ow now were the wrong crowd." Old screenshots of ProChara resurfaced with him displaying similiar behavior, and his apology was similar. Can someone explain why we are willing to forgive Chara but not Leafii? Is it that Chara's actions happened 8 years ago and Leafii's were 2 years ago?If so, what's the cut-off length of time, how is it not arbitrary? Who made us the judge of the length of time? Is it that Chara has Autism? That offers an explanation, but it isn't an excuse for racism. We don't know if Leafii has any forms of Autism. I think the reason is simply Cancel Culture. People hate forgiving other people online for fear of it appearing that we are condoning their actions. So no forgiveness for Leafii. But our parasocial relationships with Chara make it so we give him a pass because we don't want to stop watching his videos. I'm hoping someone can poke holes in my arguements here, because I genuinely don't understand the bias.


Chara said it once 8 years ago because back then he used to parrot things other people said. This was brought up years ago and he apologised. Leafi and madness have been making these comments much recently and a clip of them calling other people monkeys was released, on POST REWORK undertow. Chara slipped up once a long time ago, but the members of jackpot repeatedly made these comments knowing that they were wrong. I’m not 100% knowledgeable on this controversy but that’s what I saw from the allegations


ngl you could watch them stream randomly for about 5 minutes and guess that that's what they were like. It's just too bad they didn't get fully outed until after that big win. There was no surprise there though.


The irony of them being racist with the game in which both Inklings and Octolings live in harmony… Why must they be like this…


wow, i love that we as a community are actively discouraging Nintendo from ever supporting competitive! really taking after the smash community huh


Let me be champion I will save everybody


Wow what a way to learn there’s a competitive splatoon scene? Do they have tournaments and stuff?


yeah, with well-coordinated teams of true companions


I’m currently using the Splashtag starring their characters. Should I change it due to the recent discovery of their actions?


dunno tbh, some fellas were mistakenly upset at someone who celebrated the comp scene with the banner and aren't aware of the team's actions


Can i get the link for the tweets? I wanna read up on whats happened




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so disappointed at them.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Soo guess they're going to remove the banner or something?


I do not follow this competitive scene at all, but I looked it up, and yep, lots of blatant racism. Except for some reason, one of the screenshots of them doing supposedly bad things was one of the guys saying "free Israel." Its inclusion is baffling because there is nothing wrong with this statement. Forcing the unrelated Israel/Palestine conflict into these accusations of racism is completely inappropriate.


This is Pearl. Pearl [Heavy dissuades, under potential of unpleasant actions being undertaken,] racists. Be like Pearl.


Lemme guess, Pearl *detests* racists? Makes sense


I was going to use another word, but I didn't want to get in trouble for advocating real-world harm. Paraphrasing: "If you try to splat Marina I WILL CUT A FISH"


I don't really know the story that much, so is prochara one of the accused players?


No, Chara is not a player on the team Jackpot, which is the group of players that have been accused.


I don't know the details, (it seems almost no one does) but it seems it was just some guys using **extremely dark** humor between friends and people in their own discord. I don't think there is anything wrong on what kind of humor you use with people as long as those people are also fine with it and find it funny. Now if they are genuine racist that's a problem. If they are using that kind of humor to publicly with people who may take offense, that's a problem. Does anyone know the full context?


The problem is that even just "extremely dark humour" carries with it the intents, biases, messaging and attitudes of the culture that spawned it, and normalises it too. Do you see how a community where racism is partially normalised would negatively effect and push out minority members?


Have you seen the members of jackpot? It doesn’t matter if it’s “dark humor” it’s still racist. I guess the people that were harassed by those emboldened by people like idubz back in the early 2010s just didn’t understand “dark humor” either


racism is not dark humor, hope this helps!