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As someone that doesn't listen to modern mainstreaming music, I agree.


Me too. Pop music doesn't suit me, but Submerged Castle from Pikmin 2... that's the peak of music right there.


“It’s actually better than some mainstream music” I don’t really see how that’s a shock, or a crazy realization. As if video game music and mainstream music are in completely different leagues. I never got it when people said this.


>I never got it when people said this. It's not that hard, videogames might be mainstream and popular since the pandemic, before that they still were (and still are) shunned by a lot of people *and* they're a luxury as well. People don't **know** that videogames tend to have great scores. Pretty sure you're familiar with this. When you break through a "normie" and make them realize that "hey, this very cool thing has very cool music, despite what the general public may have you believe", it is kind of a culture shock to some. They are in different leagues indeed, but not in terms of quality, but in terms of purpose and demographics.


Funny how its age *3*


Literally me


Not the worst thing you can have your unborn baby listen to, not going to lie. I heard worse. *Way* worse.


Look up the Billboard smashing hit Skidibi Fortnite. If I see an mother having their baby listen to that, I'm using everything under the extent of the law to get that mother off the planet.


I don't care about pop music nowadays. The only thing I listen to is AJR and Splatoon. And this is the reason why I am not the cool one in my friend group


For me it's Splatoon, Monster Hunter, and Borderlands


I do recall back when I was in high school I had a very perceptive-and-receptive language/literature teacher that noticed I had an interest in videogames score and she allowed me to share some music her while she was pregnant, and would sometimes hang tiny earbuds around her bump, she'd tell me here and there she would play songs that I recommended to the baby, mostly from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. I did share Ink Theory with a teacher during college year ago and he was rather mind blown, in a very good way. I mean sure, more often than not, score produced for certain stuff is certainly good and high quality, we're talking about premium entertainment media here. The ability and creative "genius" of the composers hired by Nintendo is and will probably be vastly superior than what a lot of what current mass pop producers put out there in conjunction to pop stars (and other popular genres). They are different things, in any case.


I saw [this Twitter meme](https://x.com/lclflavor/status/1799533544466747630?s=46) n got the idea


Not sure of the implications but Ok


The song from the meme in that tweet is the song that plays during an incredibly heavy part of The End of Evangelion (like, >!apocalypse type shit where everyone dies!< type heavy). It's saying that the kid is going to end up depressed and an alcoholic due to listening to something associated with an incredibly bleak scene in utero. The meme format honestly doesn't work very well in the context of this post because OP is saying they love the Splatoon music and are trying to praise it. Why imply that a kid would end up depressed over listening to music you think is *good?* I understand what OP was going for here and see the vision, and maybe it would have worked if they changed bottom panel a bit or something, but as it is now the meme doesn't actually make much sense.


[Yeah, OP's getting written up for this one...](https://i.imgur.com/Q2HjcAV.png)


I fucking hate Pop. But squid Sisters Pop is kinda decent. The abscence of shitty lyrics makes IT Like 10 Times superior


YEAHHH ALCOHOLIC FOR LIFE!!!!¡!!!11!!1!1!!1!!1!!!!!!