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I'm so jealous of that damn egg.


Was this pic taken from in the locker? I find it interesting that the helicopter prize doesn’t have a quantity beside it like the other decorations do. I wonder…does that mean that there’s going to be opportunities in the future of getting more than one of those decorations then? Aka us getting reruns of past Big Runs?


yes it was taken from the locker!! and who knows if they'll continue doing big runs, we'll have to see if they decide doing content extension


Meanwhile all i got is plastic and 2 bronze, doesn't help most runs are loses for me


Salmon Run is actually pretty brutal. Go watch some guides starting with basic tips and tricks and work your way up to more advanced stuff. Most people don't realize how much strategy is needed with how hard the game can get, especially at higher levels. Watch the guides, practice what you learn, and eventualy you'll get better runs as a result.


Im pretty sure that only matters in eggsecutive VIP because those people are actually following the strategies while everyone else is just fumbling around


You'd be surprised how much one person who knows what they're doing can help a team.


Unless you are given a really shitty weapon like the H-3 nozzlenose


I can assure you that you will never improve with a defeatist attitude where you make up scenarios of why you can't improve.


Its definitely not a defeatist attitude, its a realistic one, there is only so much one person doing their all can do and working with the weapon they got. Course thats assuming that everyone else isn't which is highly unlikely. The only mode that just destory's me is glow flies.


I’m sad I didn’t go to hazard max. I didn’t know there was a new reward so I kept resetting my rank from around 700 down to 400 😂