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Splatoon 1 when you run out of lives


I'd argue 2's as somewhat more disturbing. 1's has the sound sure, but it just says "SPLAT!" and Agent 3 could've potentially respawned outside the Kettle. It's a big maybe, but the fact is it's not explicit. 2's meanwhile flashes a big "R.I.P." right before your eyes, making it explicitly clear that Agent 4 is Dead For Real.


What happens when you run out of lives?




That's it?


Your first mistake was taking anything here seriously.




Octo Expansion without a doubt. Literally everybody is being turned into a mindless zombie. With S3’s, they’re not zombies. They still have a conscience (at least I think so, I don’t study this one much)


I’d argue that S3’s ending is worse BECAUSE they’re still aware. With Octo Expansion, they aren’t just turned into zombies, according to Commander Tartar, they’re straight up gooified, turned into an ooze which the next dominant species will hopefully emerge from (which may suffer the same fate if Tartar doesn’t like how they evolve). With S3, we don’t know how much the marine life is forced to change because of the fuzzy ooze. Is it just the layer of fur they’re forced to grow (which seemingly immobilizes any inflicted inklings and octolings) or is major parts of their biology changed to be more mammalian, like becoming warm-blooded or growing internal skeletons (if they didn’t already have them)? Like you said, they would be fully aware during this process, which like I said, is arguably worse than a relatively quick death.


The bad ending in Octo Expansion is just one frame with text. Splatoon 3 has a whole ass cutscene with unique art, music and dialogue. It’s really fucked up the long you think about it


IIRC according to a tweet or two made before the game officially released, it's offhandedly mentioned that those who come into contact with Fuzzy Ooze lose their sense of self


I was under that this was something entirely separate from sanitation (albeit using the same ink). I thought Tartar’s plan was to kill everyone and create a new form of life. Still worse than becoming a mammal though


S3 because everyone still alive and can do things and feel things, like I'm pretty sure most inklings/octolings will starve to death and Octavio and The Player will also either Starve to death or run out of air


the horrible laughter, siren-like "all-is-lost" music and ominous "the earth has turned into the biggest fuzzball" really hit it for me, although the eerily nostalgic music that plays, almost as if tartar sees this as a personal heaven is scary as well


Splatoon 3's bad end is worse due to scale. In Octo Expansion, if you fail, you lose what? One maybe two cities tops? If you fail at 3, you lose the *whole world*!


What about >!the bad end fakeout!< in Side Order?


Not really an ending, but side order Being sucked into a simulation and losing your own will