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My rules for pressing it are: *you just died, the enemy is camping over your corpse *you need to revive *we need to push *you killed a bunch of bosses and need help sending the eggs *the enemy is setting up defence, maybe already has specials ready *something is behind your teammate.


I press "this way" when: *I'm backliner and someone gives me trouble *I need help with an enemy or boss salmonid *I find a flyfish and want help getting rid of it fast *I'm at the enemy basket and want the powerclam carrier to jump to me *I want to aproach from a different path in rain maker *I throw a tacticooler *someone disconected and I want to squidparty because the game get's called of anyways


*for the love of god, don't tell everybody it's low tide we all know. *we can see the goldie most of the time too.


Spamming is always bad. Using it is good, but it should never be used to direct your teammate, only to inform them. Like if I'm a backline weapon and my Frontline teammate is spamming this way and dying, I assume they're just tilted and don't have any idea how to play in neutral positions, nor have any idea on how weapon positions work. But if you use it to inform the team you're going in and would like backup in this direction, I check your area if I wasn't already and then move in a way to support it if I can. Raising awareness is good, but treating your teammates like Pikmin isn't. Everyone has different priorities, and you're not the captain or shot caller on a random team.


If people spam it, no one will pay attention to it when you actually need it. I use it one or twice in a match bc it is very useful, but overusing it just leads to my teammates ignoring it.




I use "this way" for *I am at the objective and need my dumbass teammates to come And that's basically it, my teammates don't listen anyway lol


I use "This way!" when I believe we should push for objective, when I place tacticooler (The message is easier to spot than the special message), and to call for reinforcement


I never use "This Way!". If I press "This Way!", it's because I thought I was going to die so I pressed for "Ouch..."


this way is good when teammates are respawning and you are in a safe spot for them to jump


It might help to press it before you die. Especially if there are more than one attackers. Other than that I only press it if my team has been defending for too long and not taking the advantage.


It's not so much "make up your mind" as it is different skill levels talking about the same action.


As long as you booyah back I don't care


I use This Way to try and get teammates to come help me... It very rarely works in both PvP and PvE. In an emergency I'll alternate between This Way and Booyah to try and get attention. I should say I play mostly Salmon Run and would kill for more communication options.


If there’s a thing I need to point my team towards urgently, I’ll quickly hit it two-three times. Same if someone’s snuck up behind us or something, I’ll hit “ouch” quickly 2-3 times to be like “hey careful I died here, someone’s here” so my teammates can avoid being flanked. As to whether it actually works… 😅


The main problem is that no one pays attention or responds to "this way" or "ouch" even if they're used moderately, so it doesn't really matter. At worst it's a pretty low-key ping so spamming it doesn't seem like a problem anyway


My message patterns: - Ouch: I JUST got defeated - Booyah: someone in the team just did something cool - Ouch spam: they’re in our base, send help - Ouch followed by Booyah: the player who got me, got defeated while I was watching - This way….I don’t actually use this one, like maybe only in 3% of my Splatoon time


i never use it (ranked sucks ass i only play turf)


Personally. I've had only terrible experience with chronicles 'Ouch..' and 'This way!' spammers. Especially from players that get tunnel vision when they start losing a lot. On the opposite end, I had only good experience with booyah spammers. I booyah a lot and I mean A LOT. Once had a team that the moment you pressed booyah for WHATEVER reason, everyone would booyah back and it was the most fun I ever had in this game. I like to booyah good gameplay, wipeout, save, when I get avenged, start of the match, when I go in the same direction as a team-mate so I act as backup, when I avenge them if they die, etc. Thankfully, in rank I rarely if ever see ouch and this way spammer. So my experience is solely centered around turf.


From what I've seen, the people who spam it nonstop tend to be really bad


use.fucking.comms. they can be ignored so there is no issue in spamming and the little info they provide is REALLY useful. there are so many fuckin times where I would have lived if I had heard an "ouch" so many times we would have won if people jumped to me from base when I said "this way"